All Chapters of LOVE: Revenge in Disguise: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
49 Chapters
Chapt 31: Pleasure Part of A Negotiation
After the failed mission to find Gin, Alice made another plan, of course, for the same purpose. She hoped that this umpteenth tactic would pay off. However, before executing the plan, there was something she wanted to do. Just like Abby, she was curious about Doctor Gregory. How did the man know Abby's true identity? She even remembered that he didn't bring him up at all other than asking about Gin, who was very young then.Foolishly, she did not suspect the doctor. Therefore, today, she decided to return to the rehabilitation center and meet with Dr. Gregory. She could no longer resist, especially since Abigail felt threatened when she learned that the doctor seemed to know a lot about the Anderson family. Alice was already prepared, dressed in her best clothes, still the same as the last time she visited. An appearance that didn't look like manipulation. For the sake of Abby and her family, Alice would disguise herself as anything. She took steady ste
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Chapt 32: A Chance
Abby was left alone, thinking about what Alice had said about her brother. How difficult was it to find that young man? Should she step in and search? Honestly, she was being severely beaten by an unrelenting test. He was strong, still the same as before. Only being strong was not enough to get through everything. She needed a friend she could rely on to share with. Alice, of course. However, Abby couldn't always expect Alice to come to see her. The girl had to go on a mission that was no joke, searching for Gin's whereabouts, which was emotionally draining. He was slippery and hard to catch. Then, what about Ashton? He was her best friend and lover in the past, coming back and giving her new hope. However, she never told him about her life.Ashton only knew the outside of her life, not the inside. Therefore, she hesitates to tell him everything for now—maybe later. Deep in thought and reverie, Abby's cell phone suddenly rang, making her startle
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Chapt 33: Never Let Go
Zac was ready because their father, mother, and sister were coming for dinner. And Sidney, too. It was not a big celebration, just talking about his and Abby's partnership and a little father-son conversation—as usual, answering his father's curiosity about how he came to have a business relationship with Abby's company. What Garry knew was that Abby was very difficult to compromise with. Not a few of the company owners had to return empty-handed when negotiating with the female boss of one of the multinational companies. Zac was proud of his career success and achievements but empty because, increasingly, the goal of approaching Abigail was no longer a matter of business but love. And he had swallowed the disappointment of that. "I'm so proud of you, Zac. It's only right that I put the Emers Group under your leadership." A proud smile spread across the face of the mustachioed man who seemed to have aged. It was obvious that his body had shrunk to be thinner th
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Chapt 34: Desire and Rejection
Abigail and Ashton set foot in Zachary's apartment. The man and his girlfriend greeted them warmly. Especially Sidney. For her, this was a good opportunity to get close to Ashton while making Zac jealous. But unfortunately, Ashton did not let go of Abigail's hand even for a moment. What Ashton did, of course, made Sidney upset, as well as surprised. Why was Ashton, even Zachary, so enamored of Abigail, who looked ordinary in her eyes? She didn't. She admitted that Abby did have an extraordinary charm. Something she could not possibly have even if she spent more money on body care than Abigail. However, Abby had something that Sidney could not have. Zachary invited his two guests to sit, asking the waiter to pour red wine into their glasses, entertaining them graciously. Abigail clasped Ashton's arm tightly, then leaned closer to whisper something into her lover's ear. "Isn't Christmas still a long time away... why did they go to all this trouble to serve us?" asked Abigai
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Chapt 35: Preparation
After Zachary's dinner, Abigail was left scratching her head about her life. Including her love life. Why was she unable to resist Zac at that time? Was this part of the plan, too? Or had something taken over the control that had been in her hands? Thinking about it, she really couldn't keep her eyes closed tonight. Even thoughts of Ashton were intruding and disturbing her day. Ashton was a pretty stubborn guy. He would never stop until he got what he wanted. Although he had said that he had one month to persuade Abby to accept his proposal, if in the end she refused, he was sure Ashton could have extended the time limit to several months or even years until she said 'yes'. Of course, that was what she feared the most. If asked how she feels about Ashton, her uncle knew she liked him back then, and she still feels the same way today. It might even be love. However, that was not the problem that made Abby confused, but because Ashton's pr
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Chapt 36: Abby' Turn
Abby decided to take a few days off. She chose to go back to the Eastern Shore to see her uncle and aunt and spend time with them. She felt she had to start doing that, just in case she didn't have long to live; at least she had given her adoptive parents some good memories—a time of togetherness. She drove the car herself, even though several drivers and assistants offered to pick her up and drop her off. It was nothing; she just wanted to enjoy the trip by herself. It had been a long time since she felt this peaceful solitude. The presence of Zachary, followed by Alice, then Sidney, and finally Ashton, had animated a life previously only her. Introverts seem to feel often annoyed and tired if they have to interact with many people. Now, it was time to feel some real peace. Abigail decided to stop at a convenience store at the intersection of Mount Avery and Eastern Shore, where she and Zac had accidentally met. She paused for a moment,
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Chapt 37: A Couple of Disturbia
"What are you two doing here?" Sidney asked, glaring at the two lovebirds who had scrambled to their feet at her arrival. Sidney suspected them, but from what she could see, nothing was going on between them. "Hey... you're here, how did you sleep?" Abby answered Sidney's question with another question calmly, as if nothing had happened between her and Zac a few minutes ago. Abby didn't want to be rude to her. For her, anyway, Sidney was one of the obstacles to all her Zac-related plans. Hearing Abigail's question, Sidney rolled her eyes, then glared at her boyfriends. "Did you guys leave me on purpose?" she asked, to which Abigail only replied with a snort of laughter. "I didn't have the heart to wake you up; you looked so tired you fell asleep," Zac replied, not looking at Abby. He didn't want Sidney to get suspicious and then attack Abby with cynical accusations. Zac had made enough trouble that could cause Abigail to stay away from him. The
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Chapt 38: Silhouette
There were many things Alex asked and discussed with Zachary when he and Sidney returned from the beach as if he wanted to get to know the man better as a future son-in-law. He was just in case because his instincts as a father surrogate for Abby all this time made him uneasy. If what he thought didn't happen, he could be happy, but what if it did? That's why he decided to pry a lot of things from Zac. Although, as Abby said, Sidney didn't seem to like how Alex approached her boyfriend, he didn't care. "Um, Mr. Genovhia, it looks like Zac and I are a bit tired, so can you continue our conversation tomorrow? I don't want my lover to get sick or tired. I hope you don't take offense," the girl excused herself, which forced Alex and Zac to pause their budding conversation. Zac felt bad when Sidney interrupted what Alex was saying to him. He was glad to be among Abigail's family. A businessman who didn't talk about business at all. What Alex did talk about was more about Abby's chil
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Chapt 39: Mistress
Zac sneaked back to his room. Luckily, Sidney was still asleep. Still, with cautious steps, he got under the covers and sank back into dreamland. This time, he wanted to really sleep because his body was really tired. Unfortunately, his hopes were not realized because Abby's shadow came and disturbed him every time he tried to close his eyes. Zac flipped his body right and left, trying to get rid of the memories of the night he and Abby had just spent together. "Let me sleep, Abby!" he moaned softly, not wanting to wake Sidney. However, contrary to his expectations, Sidney was wide awake. She just wanted to confirm his whereabouts. And now she didn't need to ask anymore because she already knew the answer. *** Abby sat with Alex and Alona in the living room; an argument was going on between them—a debate about many things, about the various problems that happened and still accompany their life. This time, the problems they discussed were more complex. About Gin, who was s
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Chapt 40: I'm With You
Abby packed up her things. She had spent enough time with her family. Although it was a little chaotic because of the presence of Sidney and Zachary, at least the two lovebirds also felt the same way: excitement. She decided to meet Alice, as well as Ashton. To Ashton, Abby would not tell her plans and purpose of finding Gin; she just wanted to spend time with him. As she had planned from the beginning, she would make the most of the time she had left. Sounds sad and terrible indeed. Considering the many things she hadn't been able to realize, he talked about death instead. It felt like buying an eternal life slot for her to use until her revenge was paid off. But how could such a thing happen? Abby didn't want to focus too much on the dangers that lurked, making her flinch and possibly cancel everything. Right now, the most important thing for her was to bring Gin back. Just about to head downstairs with a large suitcase in hand, a tall, strapping body confronted her, alrea
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