All Chapters of LOVE: Revenge in Disguise: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 Chapters
Chapt 21: A Great Rival
Abby was ready with everything she needed for today's meeting. Not only did she discuss the draft cooperation between JA Corps and Zacamers, but she also decided to merge a few percent of the shares between the two companies. If she thought about it, she realized this was quite a risky move because Zac could cheat and commit uncivilized acts like his father did. However, Abby would keep a close eye on things and not just trust him or his employees with everything. She would take care of everything herself, from start to finish. Abby had just arrived at the office when Tamara hurriedly approached her. "Ms. Genovhia, everything is ready in the conference room; it's just..." Tamara paused her words while Abby, who couldn't wait for her assistant to finish her sentence, hurriedly stepped into the meeting room, where the others were waiting.The sound of heels clashing with the floor rang out into the meeting room, making all those who had gathered stutter a
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Chapt 22: Accepting and Rejecting
Abby enjoyed her breakfast with her mind and heart in turmoil. What happened in the meeting room yesterday was very unexpected. However, she quickly managed to neutralize the mood that suddenly changed when she saw Sidney's presence, endlessly clinging to Zac's arm. She was annoyed at the intimate scene, which to her seemed excessive and disgusting. The reason was, in that room, there were not only the three of them—if Sidney intended to make her jealous, but there were several others who, in the end, were forced to become spectators. The feeling did not arise because she was jealous. In Abby's eyes, nothing interesting about Zac made her crazy.Although true, Zac was too handsome for any woman to resist—cropped copper-colored hair, sharp yet warm dark gray eyes, and a baritone voice that would probably make girls hold their breath if they heard it. However, none of that mattered to her. She only recognized Zac's good looks but never considered him to be her ty
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Chapt 23: Judges
Abby was in the office with Alice when Mr. Thompson arrived. He had found out who owned shares in James Anderson's company. The man placed a brown envelope on the desk before Abby. "The envelope contains files regarding Mr. Anderson's shareholding in one of the subsidiaries he built, which EmerCorps has now acquired. However, I couldn't find any legal data on that action," Mr. Thompson said. Abby grinned. Hearing Mr. Thompson's explanation had opened her eyes. It was clear how cunning Garry Emerson, as well as his family and associates, were to go to such lengths to get what they wanted. "Of course, they didn't have strong data to take the rights to James' company, so they resorted to any means. I was hoping you could investigate the others involved in this illegal act. We can make it count with all of them. Without exception." Abby clenched her fists, furious at what she was hearing. She could have given up her fat
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Chapt 24: A Longing
Zac and Sidney, still on the same topic, argued with each other. Neither of them would budge or agree with the other's wishes. Abby could understand that. If she were Sidney, she would have done the same thing, protecting her boyfriend from other women. It was easy to deduce the purpose of Sidney's stubbornness. She still insisted on investing her shares. Zac, on the other hand, was the opposite. Abby listened to the increasingly complicated argument. She wanted to stop their actions, which were certainly disturbing her peace but was also curious as to how their quarrel would end. After letting her two guests argue, she finally had to make a decision. "Stop it! That's enough. Do you know you're acting like little kids fighting over candy? Shall I give you candy to stop this uproar?" Abby scolded, finally managing to stop the two. Zac looked sharply at her. Determining whose wish she was going to gra
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Chapt 25: Someone From Another Past
Abby was stunned to hear Doctor Gregory's words. Her eyes widened, not expecting the doctor who treated Selena to recognize her. Who exactly was this doctor? Why did he know so many things? "Are you surprised and wondering why I know who you are?" Doctor Gregory smiled, turning his body towards her. "You may be able to wear a thousand masks to hide from them—whoever they may be. However, you cannot hide from me. I'm a psychiatric doctor, Abby. I can read that something is wrong. And it's happening in your subconscious." "You can't just say things without proof," Abby argued. Doctor Gregory just flashed a faint smile. "You're right. I don't have proof, but DNA can be evidence. However, I won't do that because I know my analysis is correct. Go see her, Abby." Abby pursed her lips, her teeth chattering as she held back the emotions that were boiling up as if she wanted to explode right then and there. However, even though the doctor knew about her, she cou
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Chapt 26: Ashton is Join The Game
Abby froze at the sound of a voice that was certainly familiar to her. It had been a long day of tears, and now there seemed to be more. "What do you want?" she asked with a hoarse voice and a sad face. It wasn't a look of anger on her face but rather emotion, and there was a hint of annoyance. She wiped away the tears with her fingers. "Abby... are you crying? Hey, you should be happy to hear my voice, not sad." Abby quickly hid her sobs. "I'm not willing to cry over a cowardly man like you." Both of them were silent for a moment, stringing together the longing and memories that had been unraveled and scattered. Now, all the memories of their brief togetherness seemed to come back one by one. Piece by piece. "Did I hurt you?" asked the man on the other side. Abby wanted to nod, but her heart prevented her from giving any reaction. Of course, she was angry and upset. Also hurt. The man had left when she was most in love. "Abby,"
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Chapt 27: The Choice
Abby remembered the meeting with Ashton, then the unexpected incident where Zac suddenly showed up at her residence, and how he expressed his feelings and the confusion of being in a relationship with Sidney, making her feel crazy. Was Zac feeling frantic? Or was it just a pretense to give him a chance? But weren't the words of a drunk person the deepest expression of the heart? Maybe yes, maybe no. One sure thing was that Abby would not give her heart to just any man. Although Zac was also not a random man, what his father had done would indeed never be forgiven. Then what about Ashton? Should she give him a chance? What if, after getting a chance, the man just left again? Abby took a breath and then let it out all at once, releasing the burden plaguing her mind for some time. She intended to go outside for fresh air and a cup of coffee. However, before she could get up, she was surprised by the arrival of a man she did not expect at th
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Chapt 28: Erratic Feeling
Abby felt like she was out of her mind. She never used to blush so much at any man's attention, but with Ashton, it felt completely different. She could be a different person when she was with him than when alone or with anyone else, except for her family, of course. And Ashton had already earned the same privileges Abby gave her uncles and aunts. Like today, Abby sat across from Ashton, enjoying a romantic dinner at her favorite restaurant. The faces of both of them never stop smiling, as she occasionally threw longing gazes, as did Ashton. Both of them looked drunk with romance. "So ... when can I meet your uncle and aunt?" asked Ashton, almost choking Abby. She did not expect him to discuss the same problem. Even though he had tried to divert the topic so that he would forget, however, he still remembered and asked the question in the end. "for what?" asked Abby, stammering. Luckily, Ashton did not notice the change in his face, which
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Chapt 29: Game and Negotiation
"Why are you suddenly so nice to me in front of them?" asked Ashton, as he and Abby were already in the car, leaving L'Restaurante to go somewhere else. Ashton insisted on taking her somewhere else, although she was very reluctant. The conversation with him made her mood change suddenly. "I was just doing what I was supposed to. That girl always suspects I have a special relationship with her boyfriend, while that guy—" Abby did not continue her sentence. She was reluctant to talk about Zac because every time she spoke to Ashton, she would not be able to control how many sentences would come out. She didn't want Ashton to know her ultimate goal for Zac. "What's up with that guy? Did he approach you? Is he in love with you?" Ashton shot, remaining calm. That's what Abby didn't like, Ashton rarely showed jealousy towards her. If he was angry, he was just silent, although he was not an introverted and shy man. He was a loud man, even very loud. How
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Chapt 30: Trick or Treat!
Alice came to Abby's office after a long absence. She had read the news about the arrival of a young businessman who became Abigail's lover, Ashton. "I didn't realize you already had a boyfriend," Alice commented, which made Abby blush. "Remember, Alice, everything a businessman does is back for business," she said as she poured Alice some coffee. "How have you been after disappearing for so long?" "Oh... you should be able to see for yourself. I just went on a mission. It wasn't easy to find your brother. Whenever I got information on his whereabouts, he disappeared as soon as I arrived. It's bizarre, considering no one recognized him." Abigail was stunned to hear Alice's story. Her hand pouring coffee stayed in place, causing coffee to spill everywhere. "Hey, Abby, your coffee!" Abigail flinched at Alice's warning; as a result, the pot of hot, pitch-black liquid fell to the floor, its contents scattering across the room's carpet.
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