All Chapters of LOVE: Revenge in Disguise: Chapter 41 - Chapter 49
49 Chapters
Chapt 41: Wanna Take You Home
This time, it was Abigail's turn to be surprised. No, she wasn't. This was not what she wanted. Not only did she not want to involve Ashton, but she also couldn't tell him the truth. She was not in the mood to bargain with anyone. "No, Ash. I have to do it myself, not with you around." "Why? Who knows if I can help you get it done faster." Abigail shook her head hard, rejecting whatever Ashton offered to be allowed to participate. However, neither Abigail nor Ashton wanted to relent and give in to their desires. "Ash, please... don't make me upset." "Then, tell me what you're going to do. If you tell me everything, I promise not to interfere with your plans." Abigail finally gave in. In the business world, she might be a lioness; anyone would lose if they negotiated with her. However, not when it came to Ashton. She would always lose. "Alright, I'll tell you everything. But promise me you won't ruin this plan by stalking
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Chapt 42: On Another Planet
One shot hit its target, but not the one he was initially aiming for—Gin, but Abigail who desperately lunged for the bullet to avoid hitting her little brother. At the same time, Alice took out the gun that had been sitting safely behind her back immediately firing several bullets that struck the brute in the chest. "ABBY!" Alice screamed and immediately rushed towards Abby, who was in Gin's arms. Alice slowly examined the location of Abby's wound, then turned to the young man who had been mute, not saying a single word. "The bullet hit her waist; if we hurry and get her taken care of, then everything will be fine. You help pick up your sister and follow me to the car. Do you hear me?" Gin nodded. However, Alice could catch the panic and worry in his eyes. "Hey, listen to me; she'll be fine. Let's go!" Alice half-ran but remained alert, moving towards the car she parked in the basement, followed by Gin, who carried Abigail's weak body. They moved wordlessly in each other's
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Chapt 43: Fell Sorry
Ashton flew early to Saint Orleans when he heard about Abigail's condition. Alice decided to contact Ashton first before contacting Alex and Alona. She was still considering Gin's presence there. It could be that the young man didn't want to meet any other family besides Abigail. So, that was what she did. There was no need to ask how Ashton felt upon hearing the news. His body suddenly collapsed like he had no bones. All he could think about was Abigail's condition. He was hoping that she would be able to survive under any circumstances. Even though Ashton knew Abigail well as a tough girl, he couldn't shake off the fear and anxiety. He couldn't imagine what if there was no more Abigail, how life would be without her. She didn't know. One thing was for sure: things wouldn't be the same without Abby. She was the only one who could make Ashton so loving, the only purpose of life. So, it would never have been possible if he was without Abigail.
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Chapt 44: Welcome Home, Gin!
Gin entered Abigail's room with hesitant steps. He realized the mistake of taking a stance that would seem spoiled and troublesome to his sister. However, everything has happened. He only hoped to learn a lesson from it all. What he experienced hurt him. Of course, seeing his sister having to suffer, there was no way he could forgive himself. Abigail, still talking with Ashton, finally noticed Gin's arrival. Alice deliberately let the young man enter alone while she stood guard outside. Abigail smiled warmly to welcome her brother, although her face still looked pale. Gin, meanwhile, didn't know what to do because, as a result of his mistake, Abigail now had to lie in the hospital with a gunshot wound that could have taken her life. Abby signaled Ashton to give her a chance to let go of her longing with her only brother, whom she hadn't seen in a dozen years. Ashton nodded, then stepped out of Abigail's room as his gaze didn't move from the man with haz
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Chapt 45: We're Not A Lover
Zac's powerful punch knocked down Gin. Meanwhile, Abigail, who was unable to move, could only scream, begging him to stop his madness and let go of Gin, who was now almost battered. "Zac! Are you out of your mind?! Let go of my brother; you can't touch him one bit!" Not a single sentence could stop Zachary's current rampage. A tantrum, for Abby, was utterly unwarranted. "Zac!!! I swear you, if you don't stop, I'll call security or even the police!" Abby almost jumped out of bed but still couldn't stop his madness. "If you still don't pay attention to what I say, I swear I will never appear in front of you ever again!" The sentence miraculously made Zac freeze and automatically stop the hand swing, initially hovering over Gin with a vengeance. Zachary's body slumped to the floor in a kneeling position, gasping for air, trying to regain the strength he'd expended to teach the young man who was now lying on the floor with a battered face a lesson. "What ar
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Chapt 46: A Family
Abigail insisted on going home immediately. She was looking forward to doing so many things once Gin returned. House tours, welcome parties, and even dropped him off at school. Imagining it all, Abby felt like her health was miraculously restored. However, in the end, she had to argue with three people—Gin, Ashton, and Alice—who insisted she stay in the hospital until she was fully recovered. However, Abby never loses on anything, not even an argument. When they were finally aboard her private helicopter, she flashed a triumphant smile while the others were silent in their inner turmoil, wondering about her stubbornness. They arrived at the house and were immediately greeted by Alex and Alona, who Alice had previously informed. They had prepared everything for Abby, as well as Gin. "Uncle, Auntie, this is Gin, my brother. Your other nephew," Abby said, her eyes dewy with emotion. Alona, who had been looking forward to Abigail and Gin's arrival, immediat
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Chapt 47: Crazy
Abby's heart almost skipped a beat when she heard the statement that seemed to point at her. She didn't expect Gin to be able to read everything. Was it too obvious what she did to Zac? "Y-you—how did you know everything?" Abigail asked, stammering. "I told you, didn't I, that I'm better than Ms. Denver? Are you now willing to hire me as your bodyguard?" Gin asked humorously. He didn't want to continue talking about revenge or anything else. This was the first day he set foot in Abby's house; he didn't want his relationship with his sister to heat up initially. Hearing Gin's joke, Abigail laughed for a moment. "Oh, God, thank you for bringing me together with this brat. I've forgotten the last time I laughed like this," Abigail said, still with a lingering laugh. Gin couldn't help but join in the laughter. Seeing his sister's laughter, his heart warmed. Wasn't this what he had been dreaming of all along? "Gin, you really should know that I—"
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Chapt 48: A Bait
"I want your heart, Abby. I want a place there, where no one can touch it, and only me." Zachary repeated his sentence, which, of course, made Abigail silent now. What was she supposed to say if he was asking for was difficult for her to grant? That was great. She won. She had succeeded in making Zachary crave for her and wanted her so much that he would do anything for her. Just like he said, right? Then what else? Wasn't it time to tear Zac to pieces to destroy Emerson's family? No, it wasn't. For Abby, this was not the time yet. Making Zac so crazy wasn't the end of it. The grudge made her even crazier. She wanted more. She tried to make another, wider gaping wound in Zac's heart, to make him crazy, broken, helpless so that she would be more satisfied. This vengeance drove Abby crazy. It made her addicted when everything went into her heart. She made sure not to finish so quickly. Wait, Zac... hold on for more exciting games!
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Chapt 49: The Hole She Dug
"So that's it? You forgot about me and didn't invite me?" asked a girl whose noticeable arrival instantly soured Abigail's mood.Why would she come if she wasn't invited? Of course, to catch up with her boyfriend. Abby stopped what she was doing. "What are you doing here, Sidney? You weren't invited." She turned around to face the woman who had been behind her back. "Then why did you invite Zac? Don't forget that he's my boyfriend. After all, isn't he your business rival? Or... maybe you guys are related behind my back." "Why do your thoughts never change? Do you have any proof of what you've accused me of?" Abby replied calmly. However, if she weren't organizing another tactic, she would now agree to Sidney's accusation.Didn't she and Zac have a special relationship? Even a forbidden, it was still called a 'relationship'. Or was there another word that could describe it adequately? Because the two weren't even friends. "I'll prove it, Abigail; I'll ma
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