All Chapters of Mated To The Big Bad Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
37 Chapters
The River
Olive's mouth fell open as she heard those words from him. He had looked and sounded serious. He even promised!“Alpha, you do realize this is your first promise to me. Don't you?” she asked. She honestly wanted him to take back his words. A promise was not easily broken by their kind, and she didn't want him to be burdened by it. The fight against The Vrek Cult and everyone who hurt her was her battle alone. She didn't want anyone to be involved blindly.“I know. And it's a promise I intend to keep,” Wayne replied firmly. She opened her mouth to say something again, but his face was too firm. She couldn't say anything more.“They ruined your childhood. I won't let them go free,” he spat.“But why? This isn't your fight. It's mine. I'm the one seeking revenge against them. Why did you have to promise?” Olive asked desperately.Wayne smirked sarcastically and it faded few seconds later.“Because I hate it when people toy with what's mine. Let alone ruin it completely. You're mine. My m
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Swimming With His Mate
Alpha Knight was waiting patiently for her, his arms still crossed. She bit her lower lip and crouched down again to fully remove her socks. She laid them gently on the jacket she had tossed to the ground earlier. Then she straightened up and held her t-shirt to pull it off.“Turn around,” she told him.He cocked his head sideways and raised his brow at her.“Why?” he asked.Well, she was his mate. But still, she didn't want to undress in front of him already. It was just a few days she knew who he was to her. She wasn't that cheap!Her wolf literally rolled her eyes. Olive who used to sleep with strange men for The Vrek Cult?Alpha Knight chuckled as he saw her hesitation. He turned around and she hurriedly removed her shirt, exposing her black lacy bra cupping her womanly moulds.“Don't turn until I'm in the water,” she ordered.“Aye aye, mate,” the amused Wayne replied. Yes, he was amused. A minute ago she was lusting over his body and now she was extremely shy of him. Women would
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Call Me Wayne
“What? No, I shouldn't. You're the Alpha here. I can't disrespect you like that,” Olive counteracted and looked away.“Does Dolly call me Alpha?” Wayne asked.“She's your sister. And also an Alpha female in this pack. What am I?” she asked casually and shrugged.“My mate. And future Luna,” he answered her casual question.She froze and stared at him.“Future…Luna?” she asked unbelievably.“What? Don't tell me you didn't know you were going to be my Luna.”“I…I didn't think you'd…you'd accept me. I tried to kill you, remember?”“And I tried to kill you too, remember?”How could she not remember? The whips from Cynthia, the mockery from his men. The fear when he was approaching her. That was one of the worst fears of her life.“Besides, do you think I would have met my mate if she didn't try to assassinate me?” he asked and Olive gulped.That was quite meaningful. She had fought against the order that she would be the one to kill him. She had regretted going on the mission even after sh
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The Inner Circle
Jake thought Alpha Wayne would be back already so he went into his quarters to fetch him for an urgent news. But since he wasn't back yet, he was heading back out. However, he stopped when he heard the elevator coming up.The elevator door opened and his eyes almost widened at how his friend and Alpha was holding unto Olive affectionately. They both looked roughened up with their tousled hair.“Alpha,” Jake acknowledged him and bowed. They stopped walking.“Beta, what is it?” Alpha Knight asked with a stern face. He wasn't expecting anyone in his quarters at the moment.“I…Well, we wanted to discuss something with you. The Inner Circle,” Jake answered, his gaze moving from Olive to Wayne.“I thought I made it clear that I wanted this week to be free, Jake?”“I know, but…it's about Lord Lina,” Jake stated and Wayne froze. He stared at his Beta for a few seconds then relaxed a little.“Any good news?”“It's good and bad news, Alpha.”Wayne heaved a sigh and looked at Olive who was looki
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Dolly's Visit and Dinner With The Big Bad Alpha
Olive had undressed and worn sweatpants with a strap shirt. She let her damp hair fall all over her to dry naturally. She was walking around the large room and just looking at stuff when the door to the bedroom opened. Wayne must be back!She turned around excited and almost growled out her displeasure. Because it was Dolly.“Hey, girl!” Dolly said excitedly and began to walk straight to the dining table. She was carrying two white bags and Olive inhaled something delicious.“Hi, Dolly,” she said and hurried to the table too.“What is it?” she asked as Dolly began to bring out small plastic containers.“Noodles!” she exclaimed and Olive almost laughed. Just noodles?“Hey, these are straight from Korea. Cup Ramen. I got loads of them for you because you might need instant food. Just microwave and eat. Or add boiling water. Check this out,” Dolly lifted a small one that reminded Olive of ice cream and opened it. Steam wafted out and a delicious smell reached Olive's nose.“Wow, smells s
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Alpha Knight Controls Temperature
“Did you just realize?” Wayne asked with amusement written all over his face. His mate's expression was really amusing.“I…I noticed but I…I didn't know it was this distinct,” she stuttered again. She picked the cup and brought it to her lips. She took a sip and grinned.“Perfect temperature,” she stated. She took a gulp, then two gulps. Wayne was just staring at her. She lowered the cup and peered at him.“So you warmed up the river, huh?”“It was ice cold,” he chuckled softly.“Thanks,” she said and dropped the cup on the table. Wayne frowned.“What for?”“Warming the water for me.”“You are saying thank you for that?”“For accepting me also,” she added. He gazed deep into her eyes and she reddened. She looked away and her finger began to play with her hair.“You didn't reje
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Gia's Abrupt Presence In The Circular Cabinet
Alpha Knight heaved a deep sigh and rubbed his index and middle finger on his forehead.“Nothing happened, Jake,” he repeated and crossed his arms, staring into space.“What do you mean nothing happened?” Jake asked, still not believing him.“It was like a normal river. Nothing was weird. Except of course, it's ice cold nature. Olive actually took a long swim with me and she was fine. She's still fine, sleeping peacefully in my bed,” Wayne explained. Jake was not satisfied but he decided to calm down.“All right. We would have to ask Mufasa though. On why it didn't affect her.”Right then, Dolly won and everyone shouted out and jumped.“Oh shit!” Terry cussed as he banged his head on the table and others laughed.“I guess I've got a messenger for the next four days!” Dolly squealed with her hands in the air. Terry glared at her and the others laughed. Jake was smi
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Gia Wants To Flirt With The Big Bad Alpha
“Dinner. Tomorrow night,” Alpha Knight repeated casually and looked back at the screen of his phone.“Yes. I already told my father about it and he said he would be there. We also want to talk about a new project to you. A good development for the pack,” she said in that flirty voice of hers.“I can't,” he stated and her stomach fell.“W-what? But why?” she stuttered.“I already made plans.”“Oh…how about in two days then?”“This week is occupied, Lady Gia,” he said curtly and brought his phone to his ear to make a call.She wanted to ask him to just fix the time for dinner into his tight schedule this week when he got on his feet and walked away from the bar while answering the call.She was very disappointed and angry. How was she going to actualize her plans now? She just had to be the Luna, sooner or later. Gosh! Why didn't she do som
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Lady Gia Confronts Olive
Gia took slow steps towards the bed. But before she could walk halfway across the room, Olive's eyes flung open and she sat up immediately. Her eyes met with Gia's and they widened. Who was the lady and why was she staring at her like that?“Who are you?” Olive asked cautiously as she slowly moved the blanket from her body. Gia's face turned into a frown.“I should be asking you who you are. And what in the world are you doing in my Wayne's bed?”Olive was surprised. Her Wayne? She couldn't see the lady's face clearly, because she was in the darker part of the room. Only the light beside the bed was turned on. And it was a low amber.“Your Wayne?” Olive asked, disbelief laid in her voice.“Oh!” Gia's voice lit up.“You must be the latest he added to his harem! That Wayne…he says he loves me but he keeps sleeping with other women. But I'm disappointed. He said I'm the only one worth
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Wayne's Disappeared
It was morning when Olive's eyes fluttered open. She was alone in bed. Wayne had left the room that night and didn't return. He must have gone back to find Gia, so she thought.She saddened immediately and sat up in bed. She sighed at how unfortunate she was. She thought she had found her loving mate, but he was just deceiving her. Olive stood on her feet and walked to the bathroom. She showered, wore a bathrobe and came out. She got startled and fell back when she saw Dolly in the room. She wasn't expecting anyone at all.“Oh my! I'm so sorry!” Dolly hastily apologized. She ran to Olive and helped her stand straight.“You scared me, Dolly,” Olive breathed.“I'm sorry. I should have announced my presence,” Dolly chuckled and scratched her head.“It's fine. Why are you here?”“Well, I thought I'd get you ready for breakfast,” Dolly answered. Olive's brows furrowed.“Why do I have to get ready for breakfast?”“Our meals here are usually formal and solem. We even do makeup for meals,” Do
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