All Chapters of Mated To The Big Bad Alpha: Chapter 31 - Chapter 37
37 Chapters
Future In-laws
“Oh my God!” both Vanessa and Olive screamed at the same time. The next second, they had already hugged each other, leaving Shem and Dolly to watch in surprise.“What are you doing here, Vanessa?” Olive asked as her eyes sparkled with joy.“I live here,” Vanessa replied and Shem snorted loudly behind them. Vanessa turned her head to glare at him.“You live here yet you haven't spent more up to five nights since the beginning of this year. Iconic lie of the year,” he said and rolled his eyes.Vanessa almost threw him a fork but Olive laughed and grabbed her hand.“Haha, don't mind him,” she chuckled.“Olive, is it true? You're Wayne's mate?” Vanessa asked with teary eyes. Olive wanted to nod but remembered what Gia told her so she just faked a smile instead.”Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you,” she hugged Olive again. Shem rolled his eyes and continued to eat. Dolly gently sat on a chair and was arranging her napkin on her thighs.“You're finally free from those assholes! Phew!” The two
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The Alpha's Sisters
“So pretty mate of Alpha Knight, where are you from?” Shem asked as he stared at her with flirting eyes.“We already talked about that before you came. If you missed it, you've missed it,” Vanessa replied.“What am I going to do with you?” Shem sighed.“Enough of the conversations. Let's just focus on our meals first. We have enough time to talk,” Dolly ordered and they all fell silent. Somehow, Olive guessed that Dolly had a few years between her and their step siblings. But Wayne had said he lost both his parents when he was ten. How then did he get step siblings who he was quite older than?After breakfast was over, which fortunately was just them to the end, Dolly and Vanessa took Olive to the garden which was behind the castle. They laid on the grass and were making flower crowns. It was a bright, cloudless day and the air was nice. Olive decided to start asking her questions already.“Gia&
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Boxing With Jericho
Olive woke up at noon. She was feeling refreshed and strengthened. It was a long while back that she had taken leisure naps like this and she enjoyed every minute of it.She took a shower and wore shorts and a baggy shirt that belonged to Wayne. It smelled just like him, and she kept inhaling deeply as she walked around the room. She decided to go to the terrace so she walked out there.Olive smiled at the view.She could see the whole premises of the castle and the roads that led out of it. She could also see the forests outside. One of which could be Lochill Woods that Wayne had taken her to.She remembered that river and wanted to go back there and dive in, with Wayne by her side of course. Oh, how she was missing Wayne!She took a look around the terrace. The wall surrounding it was just waist-length. It had a smooth concrete floor and a barbecue grill was standing by a corner. This place would be excellent for dinner outside.When the w
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The Carefree Attitude In The Circular Cabinet
Shem had thought Olive was a fragile, pretty model who knew nothing about fighting. He wasn't in the dining hall earlier when Vanessa had explained that Olive kicked asses for her.“Are you hurt? If you are then Wayne would have his head,” Shem added and Jericho chuckled.“I told ya,” he said to Olive.“I…I don't think he would be that protective of me. I can take care of myself and he knows that,” Olive defended and pulled off the gloves.“Well, I haven't seen him being protective of you yet because I haven't even seen both of you together. But trust me, I know my brother. You're his f\*cking mate, Olive! Males could kill for their mates. Talk more of Alpha males,” Shem argued on.“Talk more of the Big Bad Alpha,” Jericho chimed in. Olive gulped. She suddenly felt the implication of it. She would be more than safe now that she was with Wayne. The realization made her smile.
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Gia Disrupts The Fun In The Circular Cabinet
Gia striped her eyes away from Olive whom she was beginning to despise more than she imagined. She had come to see if the Alpha was in the Circular Cabinet with his men and sisters, but she couldn't smell him at all. She rolled her eyes and walked in fully with elegance and poise.She had come to the office and just couldn't concentrate. She wanted to see her Alpha q. The Alpha that she would soon become his Luna. Of course, only she could match his magnanimous position. She was the most presentable woman he could ever desire to stand by him. Not this…“Olive, right?” she directed at Olive who was holding a pizza in her hand.“Yes. Do I know you?” Olive innocently asked but the eyes Gia saw were of pretense. She scoffed and rolled her eyes dramatically.“I doubt someone like you would know me,” she insulted and Olive bit her lower lip.“If you're here to bully her, you might as well leave,” tha
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Missing Her Mate
Back in the Circular Cabinet. “Hey, are you all right?” Jericho asked and Olive looked up at him.“Yeah, of course.” She cleared her throat and went to sit on the couch, resting her back and closing her eyes.“Don't let her words get to you. She's always like that to everybody,” Terry said nicely. She didn't even realizing he had been sitting on that couch before she sat there. She opened her eyes and smiled sweetly at him.“Trust me, I've dealt with far worse people than her. She's not even half of what Cynthia is,” Olive chuckled softly.“Cynthia really hated you,” Jericho said from behind them. All three of them, that is, Terry, Crusoe and Jericho vividly began to remember how Cynthia whipped her mercilessly. While they looked on and laughed at her. Jericho felt very guilty. He had come to like Olive already, but that image of him being happy at her torture made him guilty.“Who's
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The Big Bad Alpha Returns
The silence in the Circular Cabinet was becoming too deep and eerie for Olive to continue standing sane. All eyes were on her and the way the Alpha stared at her. Had she said something wrong? Did she look too desperate? Was it obvious that she had missed him crazily? Her wolf was killing her and begging to see her mate. She too couldn't help feeling desperate to see him.“Missed me, mate?” his deep baritone voice resounded in her head. She gulped at how sexy his voice was. And that stare…he could as well melt her soul with it as he was melting her body. Dolly chuckled softly and nudged Vanessa who was looking at her with that knowing look girls give girls after their crush enters the room.“I…I didn't…” she trailed off.“Of course she missed you, Wayne. She hid it well but trust me to find out. Your portrait in the Alpha Hall almost faded because she wouldn't stop staring everyday and running her fingers across
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