All Chapters of Mated To The Big Bad Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 Chapters
Dinner With The Big Bad Alpha
“Hi, I'm Jericho,” she heard his voice echoing in her head. His smile was broad, and nice. Olive was forced to smile in return.“Hi, Jeri,” she said blankly and he chuckled at the nickname.“Remember me?”“You... you were part of those me who mocked me,” she responded. He bit his lower lip, looked down and began to scratch the back of his head.“I... well—” he looked up at her.“I apologize for that. But, you already had your revenge. You beat me, broke my nose, slashed my face and knocked me out. Bravo,” be said with a genuine smile.“Why do you... seem proud of me when you should be angry that I did that?”“You proved us wrong. You're not 'fragile, weak and unworthy of him'.”Olive stared hard, trying to descern what he was up to. But, she couldn't find anything amiss. He seemed... real.“Thanks, I guess,”
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Dinner Gone Wrong
“You're scary,” Olive muttered and bit her lower lip. Wayne's heart stopped beating as he stared at her lips. She pouted them and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.“Whatever you do, let me live. Please,” she pleaded.“You would. Don't worry,” he replied dryly. She nodded nervously and looked down at her plate. She needed to eat. She was starving. So, she ate as much as she could. It was a silent meal, with her not even looking up at him once. That however, gave him enough opportunity to stare at her face. He just couldn't help it. She was calling unto him and he wanted to answer that call. He wanted to hug her tight and just rest in her arms. But she was too scared of him, and he wasn't even helping matters. He was trying to show he was cold towards her. That he didn't really care. But he didn't know how much he could last with that façade.He finished his meal and got on his feet after gulping down from his wine gl
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The Valor House
“Alpha, we've arrived,” the driver announced after he noticed that Alpha Knight wasn't aware that the car had stopped.“Hmm,” Wayne grunted him an answer and opened his eyes. The door was already open and the second bodyguard was standing by it with his hands clasped in front of him. Alpha Knight stepped out and walked straight through the glass doors with his men trotting by him.The Valor House, a nightclub slash guest house, was his, but commercialized for public use. He had his special room upstairs and that was where he was headed. The workers, as was tradition, bowed to the Alpha as he walked to the stairs. He got to the door upstairs and swiped his card against it and it opened to reveal a big room. Dark red carpet was smoothened from wall to wall and the white and gold cushion sofas took most of the space. The chandelier gave the room a golden-yellow glow and the appliances and other furniture sparkled under it.Alpha Wayne steppe
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To Earn Her Forgiveness
Olive's lips curved into a smile as she looked up at him. He had hurt her, which she hated. But the sight of him looking down at her made her heart lighter. Her wolf purred just by staring at him. She lifted her hand and ran her fingers through his soft, messy curls as slow as she could.He felt tingles in form of electrical energy from his hair through his whole body. Her touch was magical. It soothed him and he suddenly felt at peace. He closed his eyes and exhaled.“I'm sorry,” he muttered as he leaned into her palm, with his eyes still closed. Olive blinked slowly as she stared at his face. Wayne Knight, the Big Bad Alpha was her mate. No matter how she tried to force herself to say he wasn't, she knew he was. He could protect her, and care for her. She would finally feel what it was like to have a mate, made for you only.“My mate, why are you sorry?” she mumbled. Her throat hurt. He opened his eyes and stared into her beautiful gree
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When Olive returned few minutes later from the bathroom, she found hot towels in a flask and two shopping bags on the bed. She immediately took the hot towel and placed it around her neck. She winced at first but it was later soothing so she let it stay there. She checked the contents of the bags and found out they were new clothes.“Why does he keep buying new clothes? How about the ones he bought for me the other day? Where are they even?” she asked no one in particular.Olive found a short black dress and loved it immediately. She straightened it on the bed and decided to wear it. She did and it looked splendid on her. It had a round neck, and was printed from the waist to her knees. Little shiny stones were studded around the chest area and they glittered as she moved her body. She walked to the mirror and finger-combed her hair. There was nothing to use to style it, so she just let it fall beautifully on her. Besides, she had a silky, not too stubborn
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Poison In Her Neck
Their eyes met and he didn't look away. He didn't want to.“Why did you bring her out?” he asked while looking at her.“She was on her way out already when I met her.”“And where did you meet her?” his eyes moved to Jericho's.“Your lobby.”“And what took you to his quarters?” Jake asked from the bar. Jericho scratched the back of his head.“I was going to check up on her,” he answered.Wayne looked enraged.“You left here to go check up on her without my permission? Who even asked you to check up on her?!”Olive's two arms wrapped around Jericho's arm in fear and she closed her eyes tight. Dolly frowned and stood in between them and Wayne who had surprisingly walked closer.“Hey, young man! Lower your tone or I'll cut that tongue of yours. You're scaring your mate. No wonder she tried to escape. You're finally given a perfec
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In Dolly's Room
“Who wants to see me? Olive?” he asked, his eyes still red.“Yes, Olive. She's in Dolly's room,” Jake answered. Wayne exhaled and ran his fingers through his hair again.“She... She hates me, ” he muttered and began to walk in circles, with his fists balled tight.“No, she doesn't. You're her f\*cking mate, Wayne! She's attracted to you so just return that attraction. What's stopping you?”“I don't know, Jake! It's just hard.”Jake sighed and telepathically informed Dolly that he was bringing Wayne to see Olive. Dolly approved.“Come on, let's go see your mate,” Jake said and began to walk away with Crusoe.“Wait, I'll go alone,” Wayne objected and walked into the elevator alone. It closed and few minutes later, he walked into the hallway which contained his sisters' rooms. He knocked lightly on Dolly's.“Come in,” Dolly's voice answ
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Passed Out
“I need new clothes, Alpha. Things suitable for strolling outside,” Olive's voice reverberated in his head.“Jackets, I suppose. Boots and Jean pants. I had lots of them back at the cult,” she added while staring into space with a weird smile on her face.“What's with the awkward smile?”“It feels like a dream. That I can wake up in another house not belonging to The Vrek Cult, and not worry about going back,” she answered and looked at her cold pizza.She smiled, lifted it up to her lips again and took a very big bite. She munched happily and nodded her head rhythmically as if she had earphones plugged in.Wayne watched her in amusement. How could she be carefree and innocent looking one moment, and the next she turns into a guilty faced and nervous female then back to looking carefree.He placed another pizza slice on her plate from the box and got on his feet.“Sleep now since w
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Getting Ready For The Outing
“You look good,” she breathed out. His tensed up cheek muscles flicked and a smirk appeared on his face.“Is there a time I look awful?” he teased her.“Thanks for the compliment though,” he added as he continued to smirk at her.She gulped and turned around to walk towards the bathroom. She successfully made it to the door, but something told her he was still staring at her. She wanted to look back so badly, but she managed to open the door and enter. She heaved a deep sigh, expecting to feel relief that she was no longer under his gaze.But instead, her nostrils inhaled his rainy smell and it messed with her senses. She suddenly wanted to turn back, run to him and sniff his hair. She balled her fists in an attempt to refrain herself from moving. Thankfully, it worked. She stripped, entered under the shower that reeked of him and manage to shower with closed eyes. When she was done, she wore a bathrobe and stepped out
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Going Into The Woods
Olive knew by the look of Gia, that she was no ordinary lady. She was dressed formally, with her designer suit that was instead a short gown. The ladies behind her were fierce, wearing red leather jackets and pants. They looked like her bodyguards.She knew Balendin was a state on its own, so they were many officials. She must be one of them.“That lady. Who was she?” Olive asked as they approached a black Rolls Royce Phantom. She looked at Wayne's stern face and waited for an answer. He didn't seem to want to answer.Olive tugged on his jacket because she suspected there was something fishy. The way Gia looked at him, and at her. There were two very different looks. And the look she had got was scrutinizing.“Alpha,” Olive called and stood still in front of the car. He walked past her and opened the door.“Get in,” he said curtly.She puffed and walked to his front, entered the car without sparing him a g
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