All Chapters of Reborn For Revenge. : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
133 Chapters
chapter 61
CHAPTER SIXTY ONERIVER I was seated in my office with my hands placed on my jaw. I was contemplating a lot of things when I heard a soft knock on the door. I lifted my head to look at the door, and it opened gently.Harrison walked into the office and greeted me. "The meeting with the council is about to start," he informed me. "The elders in the council are already gathered at the throne room.""I'll be right behind you," I told him. He began walking out of the office while I walked behind him. When we got to the throne room, it was already filled up by the elders. I took my seat as the meeting was already about to start. "Welcome, alpha Ethan, " the elders greeted me. "Greetings to you all," I responded. The meeting soon started. With the eldest among other elders leading the meeting. "Why does it seem as though no one has seen the construction of the black blood pack?" The eldest among the elders asked. "They trespassed into our property, and no one is saying anything abo
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chapter 62
CHAPTER SIXTY-TWOLISA I and Ella walk out of the room together. After we are done helping with choosing a few things for the birthday. As we strolled towards our room, Ella began to speak evil about Elara. "I've always hated her from the first time I set eyes on her. I always knew she was up to no good," she said and let out a long hiss. "You bother so much about that imp," I said and hissed. "Elara is someone that would be gone before you even blink your eyes.""I hope that you will do something about her quickly. I want her out of my life and out of my brother's life."A smirk appeared on my face as she spoke the words with so much bitterness in her voice. Even her face reeked of bitterness and hatred for Elara. It was hard to tell if Ella hated Elara more, or if I did. We continued towards the room as Ella continued to complain bitterly about Elara. "You don't have to bother yourself so much about that woman. She would be history soon," I paused and grinned to the corner of m
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chapter 63
CHAPTER SIXTY-THREEELARA"Your make-up is done ma," my make-up artist informed me. I smiled as I stood up from my chair. I faced the standing mirror with a smile on my face. The way my makeup artist styled my hair and packed it. It made me look very beautiful. I even found it difficult to believe that I was the one in front of the mirror. I looked so beautiful in my hairstyle and makeup. I was smiling broadly in front of the mirror when the door opened. I looked towards the door and saw River walking into the room. River paused by the door, staring at me with his eyes and mouth wide open. I smiled even more, feeling a bit flushed. "You look so beautiful!" He complimented. I couldn't help it. My cheeks flushed red immediately when he said the compliment. He walked towards me and stretched his arm towards me. I locked mine with him, and we proceeded out of the room. I and River walked together to the party hall, our arms still locked tightly together. Immediately when we entered
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chapter 64
CHAPTER SIXTY-FOURELARASeeing Lisa's reaction made me feel fulfilled. At least, I knew that she was mad and embarrassed.She raised her head and looked me straight in the eyes."Be careful, pretty Elara. You might not know when I would hit you hard," she said, with a smirk on her lips. Before I could react to it, she walked out on me. I stared at her for a while before letting out a wide smile. She must have thought that she was smart. I scoffed as I sat back in my chair."Was that necessary?" River asked me immediately when I sat down. I didn't reply to him. I only kept my gaze fixed on Lisa as she returned to her sitting spot. Ella was all over the place, greeting people and trying to get things done around the hall. The ceremony progressed and could see smiles on everyone's faces. They seemed to have forgotten the little drama and were all now in the mood to party hard."Elara," River called, turning to face me. I faced him with a questioning glare. He cleared his throat bef
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chapter 65
CHAPTER SIXTY FIVELISAI was excited as I watched Elara drinking the drugged juice. If only she knew what awaited her after she was done with the drink. I was sure she was smiling because of the embarrassment she caused me. If only she knew that her embarrassment would be worse than mine. It would only be a matter of time. While I was thinking about all of this. I began to feel hot under. I began to feel dizzy as well and a little itchy. I didn't know when and how I stood up from the chair where I was sitting and walked out of the hall. I found myself in a room in the pack house. I didn't know any of the men in the room. I didn't even understand my system anymore. I just knew that I badly needed to quench the fire I was feeling under. I grabbed one of the men and pushed him to the bed. I began to ride him at a fast pace. There were three men in the room, and they took turns to have sex with me. I didn't know where I was pr what I was doing. All I knew was that I was having fun an
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chapter 66
CHAPTER SIXTY-SIXELARA I walked back to my room with a victorious smile on my face. Now we know who later took the juice that was the drug. Remembering how Lisa left the hall while scratching her body. I saw the uneasiness on her face. The look in her eyes when she saw River. It must have been so much for her to take. The disgrace must have been unbearable. Immediately when I opened the door and walked into the room. I saw River pacing the room angrily. I stepped into the room and locked the door. When River heard the door close, he turned around with anger in his eyes. "You are finally here," he said, his voice a little raised. I narrowed my eyes in confusion. What did he mean by I was finally here? Where would I be? Would I remain outside forever?"What is the matter?" I asked him in a calm tone. "Why did you do that to Lisa?" He demanded in a harsh tone. "Do what to Lisa?" I asked. I could tell that he was talking about what happened back there. But I was shocked that he
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chapter 67
CHAPTER SIXTY-SEVEN LISAI lay helplessly on my bed, feeling completely drained. I had cried so much, yet the tears wouldn't stop falling out freely from my eyes. I still couldn't believe what happened. It was draining. Everyone who saw me there must think I was a whore. River, too was there. He would think I was some cheap prostitute. He'd think I intentionally slept with the men. He didn't even believe that Elara did it. The thought of the whole issue tore me in shreds. It made my heart break every single time I think about it. "Lisa, you have to calm down," Ella said, tapping my chin. "You can't continue like this."I shook my head and continued crying. Ella had been sitting by my side the whole time, trying to console me. All her efforts proved abortive. I didn't think it would take just that to get over everything."Just let me be," I said blatantly. "You can't continue crying. You may fall sick. ""I don't care."I kept crying and wishing Elara all the evil in this life. I
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chapter 69
CHAPTER SIXTY-NINERIVER I walked into the room. I was still worried about what Elara told me before she fell asleep. When I entered the room, I met Elara lying in bed. I walked to her bed and sat beside her. She was already deep into sleep.I haven't been there for Elara, and I felt bad because of that. I placed my hand on her head and gently caressed her hair. I was worried about Elara. I knew that going to the black blood pack was risky. But it seemed like her mind was already made up, and I wouldn't be able to convince her. I was so afraid that Elara might get hurt. I promised myself that I was going to protect Elara. I watched Elara for a while before retiring to bed. I had to leave the room early the next morning. Elara was still fast asleep, and I didn't bother to wake her up. I walked to my office and met Harrison already fixing a few documents there. "Greetings, River," he greeted me when I walked in. He didn't turn around to look at me. He stood still by the drawer and
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chapter 70
CHAPTER SEVENTY LISAI decided to stay back in my room until I recovered from the shame. It would be better to stay indoors than going out and getting insulted. Ella hadn't come to check up on me since then. No other person did either. I received and ate all my meals in my room. I received a text from Darren very early in the morning. He texted that he wanted to see me. I didn't want to go anywhere. I was still sulking. But after thinking about it for a while, I decided to go and find out the reason why he wanted to see me. It was better than staying in all day, crying and sulking. I got dressed and left my room. The fresh scent of breakfast cooking in the kitchen filled my nose immediately when I stepped out of my room. Not so much has changed since I decided to stay indoors. I walked through the hallways. I saw River walking towards the door. I hastened my footsteps so I could meet up with him. I quickly arranged my hair and shirt. I walked up to him. He was about to step out
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chapter 71
CHAPTER SEVENTY ONEELARAMy moans and Edwin's groans filled the room as he kissed me softly and squeezed my boobs and my ass at the same time. I ran my hands around his head and all over his body. Edwin gradually pulled his lips away from mine and placed it on my boobs. He began sucking on my boobs greedily, causing me to moan out more loudly. The sound was more intense this time since I didn't have to moan into his mouth. He dipped his hand into my skirt and caressed the top of my pants gently. He soon shifted my pants to a corner and dipped a finger into my hole."Ahh!" I let out a louder moan. I grabbed his head even more tightly. "Go harder," I begged him. He continued to finger me as his moans mixed with my groans. We heard a loud knock on the door, and Clinton badged into the room.We both turned around, and Edwin slowly pushed me from where I sat on his lap to the bed. "What is the matter?" Edwin demanded harshly. "The construction of our building at have been brought d
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