All Chapters of Reborn For Revenge. : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
133 Chapters
chapter 51
CHAPTER FIFTY ONEELARAWhen I woke up and didn't see River in the room. I wasn't surprised. I was already used to waking up to an empty room and sleeping off while waiting for River. It was getting boring, but I decided not to bother my head about it. After dressing up for the day, I heard a knock on the door. When I went to open the door, I saw a maid standing behind the door. "Your nurse is here to check up on you," she informed me. I winced. I had completely forgotten about the fact that I still needed a nurse to feel better. It was frustrating. "Let her come in," I said to the maid. The nurse walked into the room and bowed in front of me in greeting. "I guess I'm stuck with this routine for days," I said. She laughed as we proceeded into the room for her to begin her check-up. She made me sit on the bed. She opened both my eyes, checked it, and nodded. Then, she used the stethoscope to check my heartbeat.The maids brought in my food, and after I finished eating, they supe
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chapter 52
CHAPTER FIFTY-TWORIVERWhen Elara stood up and said she still had errands to run for my mom, I quickly frowned feinging sadness. I watched as she ran off and shut the door behind her. It was a funny sight to behold. I couldn't help it. I found myself laughing at her. I walked back to my chair to sit. The image of how Elara looked when she ran out flashed in my head again, causing me to smile. The door to my office opened, and I immediately wiped the smile off my face. I lifted my head to see Carla walking into my office. She closed the door behind her and sat on the chair in front of me."Greetings, Mom," I greeted her immediately when she settled on the seat. "How are you doing, son?" She asked me. I only nodded my head."You are aware of your father's golden jubilee, right?" She asked me. I furrowed my brow in confusion. I didn't quite get what she was talking about at first and needed clarification. She read my thoughts and cleared her throat, as she decided to explain furth
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chapter 53
CHAPTER FIFTY-THREEELLAI paced around my room with my hands on my waist. I was bored. My room had become too big for me. I remembered the box that I collected from the delivery man. A smile appeared on my face immediately when I remembered the box. I walked to my wardrobe and opened the last drawer in it. I brought out the clothes that I placed in the box. Then, I brought the box out of the drawer and packed the clothes back in. "Here you go, baby!" I said, to the box as I carried it. I walked towards my bed and placed it on the bed, and then I sat beside it. I began to unseal the box. A smile appeared on my face when I opened the box and saw the vibrator lying in there. It was the exact purple color I ordered. The perfect 8.6 inches. Just the way I loved it. I grabbed the bottom of my top and was about to take it off when I heard a knock on the door. My heart skipped, and I immediately used my blanket to cover the vibrator. I cleared my throat, took in a deep breath, and walke
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chapter 54
CHAPTER FIFTY-FOURELARAI heard a knock on my door and stood up abruptly as I began walking towards the door. I knew who was by the door. The only person I was expecting to see. When I opened the door, I let out a relieved sigh. I was right after all. The maid was standing by the door with a packet in her hand. I took the packet from her hand with a smile on my face. "Thank you so much," I said to her. She bowed and left the room while I closed the door and returned to my bed. I sat on the bed and unwrapped the packet to reveal a small sim lying in there. A smile curved out on my lips as I stared at the sim. I picked up the sim and placed it in the small phone I had purchased for this purpose. "Are you enjoying your life without your ex-wife? I hope her ghost hunts you for life."I read the text aloud as I typed it. I let out a giggle as I sent the text and received a confirmation SMS that it had been successfully sent. I could memorize Edwin's number even in my sleep. Up until
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chapter 55
CHAPTER FIFTY-FIVEELARAI saw River standing by the door and staring at me. I am speechless, and the first thing I thought of was to. hide the box, since he hadn't seen it yet. I was placed in front of me, and I knelt backing the door. But, on another thought. I decided that I would only know what was inside if I opened the box. The easiest way to open the box is by giving it to the owner to do it. River walked into the room with a neutral expression, closing the door behind him."Elara, you..." he began but went quiet immediately when he noticed the box on the floor beside me.I notice his expression transform from a normal expression into a soured expression. He quickly lowered himself and quickly grabbed the box from the floor. "How did you get this?" He asked Mr.I stood up and raised suspicious eyes at him. I glared at me for a while, then I placed my hand on my waist. I was suspicious of the way River grabbed the box. Even the transformations of his expression, when he saw t
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chapter 56
CHAPTER FIFTY-SIX ELARA"I don't want to do this with you now, Elara," River said and walked back to his wardrobe. My eyes went wherever he went. I watched him take off his jacket and hang it on the wardrobe door. He walked back to me and pecked my forehead. Even though I tilted my head backward to avoid getting pecked by him, he still succeeded."I will see you some other time," he said and walked away. For a second, I regretted bugging him. Maybe he wouldn't have left me all alone in this room again.I rebuked the thought immediately. River was the one who was wrong and not me. I rolled my eyes and sank in my bed. The rest of the day was a complete waste. I refused my dinner and decided to go to bed on an empty stomach. I had just covered myself with the sheet and was about to go into my dream world when River walked in. I pretended that I didn't see him. He didn't say a word to me either. He just went straight to bed. The next morning, when I woke up, he was already getting d
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chapter 57
CHAPTER FIFTY-SEVENRIVERI let out a deep sigh immediately when Elara walked out of the room. Harrison turned to me with a questioning glance. He must have noticed what went on between Elara and me. "What was all that for?" He asked me. "She has been asking too many questions lately. Questions that I can not give answers to."Harrison shook his head in confusion. "What kind of questions do you not have answers to?" He asked, with a furrowed brow."She found the box and became agitated. He has been asking me since then what is inside the box," I explained to Harrison. "What? How did she find the box?" He asked me. I was already feeling overwhelmed. I sighed deeply and rested both hands on my waist. Harrison was staring at me expectantly. "I do not have an idea either, " I told him. I wasn't sure how Elara got to lay hand on the box. I didn't know what made her decide to go through my things either. I knew that I had placed the box at the bottom of my wardrobe. I never expected
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chapter 58
CHAPTER FIFTY-EIGHT ELARAI was in a daze as I stared at River without saying a word. I never knew that River had a mate. He never mentioned it to anyone. I thought it was the right time to talk to him about financial records. But on a second thought, I decided against it. We should take it one thing after another. I kept staring at River without saying a word to him. He smiled and patted my shoulder. "Don't get yourself worked up, dear," he told me. "I still have you."I narrowed my eyes at him and furrowed my brow. What did he mean by he still had me? The statement was amazing. I wondered what he meant by that. I was about to ask what he meant by that, but he stood up, patted my shoulder, and walked out of the room. I sat there for a while, completely lost in my thoughts. I was still trying to process everything. It was just too hard to believe. I shook my head and decided to shove everything aside. I still had too many things to do. My revenge plans and finding the culprit.
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chapter 59
CHAPTER FIFTY NINELISAI stood at the spot staring at Elara's retreating figure with a scow on my face. She's such an idiot. I would make sure that I deal mercilessly with her. I gritted my teeth as I watched her leaving. She soon disappeared into the mansion. I hissed loudly and turned around to leave. When I got outside the mansion, I saw Darren's car parked by the other end of the road. I crossed over and went to meet him. He opened the door for me to get in. I climbed into the car and he closed the door. "I am so glad you agreed to meet me," he said with a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and looked away from him. "I thought that you would be...""What do you want, Darren?" I snapped at him. "Why did you call me here?""Calm down, okay?" He said. I adjusted on my seat and kept my gaze fixed outside the car. The glasses were tinted, but I still needed to be careful. "I want us to go out on a date," Darren said.I turned to him and scoffed. He was still wearing a smile on
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chapter 60
CHAPTER SIXTY ~BLACK_BLOOD PACK~EDWINI was going through some documents in my office. A few things seemed to be going wrong, but I couldn't place a finger on what it was. Alpha Adrian of the Black Moon pack had sent in a few goods the previous week, but I couldn't find the record on my system. I had personally recorded the goods, so someone must have tampered with my record and deleted them.I picked up my phone and made a call to Alpha Adrian. He didn't pick up until the call disconnected. I sighed and tried again. His line was busy when I called again. "Damn it!!" I cursed as I dropped the phone on the table. Immediately I dropped the phone, it beeped. I picked it up anxiously, expecting a message from Alpha Adrian. I picked up my phone and unlocked it to see a message from an unknown number. I quickly dropped the phone when I saw the message. I widened my eyes and dropped my phone. I wiped my eyes and stared at the message again. I wondered who was messing with me this way.
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