All Chapters of Reborn For Revenge. : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
133 Chapters
chapter 31
CHAPTER THIRTY ONERIVER When Elara opened the door for me, there was this look in her eyes. "Oh," she said. "It's you.""You are already asleep?" I asked her. She nodded slowly turned around, and walked back to the bed. I closed the door and decided to settle in bed. There were a few things I wanted to discuss with her, but when I saw the way, she walked back to bed and squeezed herself in. I decided to let it go until it was morning. I walked to my table and opened the lid of my computer. I sat in front of it and began to check the records of the goods coming in and going out of the pack. Harrison complained that a huge sum had gone missing. We needed to know what was going on and where all the money had disappeared.I scrolled through the record from the previous months to the month we were in. I couldn't trace where the money had disappeared. In fact, I couldn't find any loopholes. Whoever did this must have been an expert to have cleared all evidence. The worst part was tha
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chapter 32
CHAPTER THIRTY-TWOELARAI watched as River left and closed the door. I swallowed hard and shut my eyes tightly. I wasn't happy about the way he was overworking himself for no reason. He'd slept off on the couch. That simply meant that he didn't have enough sleep. Did he even get to sleep?I heard a knock on the door, and one of the servants walked into the room. "Ma'am," she called out. "Breakfast is ready."I didn't need the information. I hadn't even had my bath yet, and I was still thinking of how I was going to eat when River wasn't even around. "Bring my breakfast here," I told her. She nodded while she stared at me in surprise. I'd bet my ass that she wanted to ask me why I refused to eat, but she didn't have the guts to. She walked out of the room while I went to the bathroom to freshen up. When I came back, my food was already on the table beside River's laptop. I was pissed a bit. Didn't she see the laptop before placing the food there?"I was about to pick up the food w
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chapter 33
CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE~Black Blood Pack~EDWINMy big screen displayed a few figures on it. The figures weren't rhyming, and it was getting alarming since I'd have to do a lot of explaining to the elders and other packs who trusted their goods with us. I had been the one supervising the finance and everything going in and out of the account went through me.I wiped my face over and over again, but the figures were still the same. A knock was heard on the door. I quickly closed the screen of the laptop. I should be able to hide this from everyone until I am able to fix the problem. "Come in," I said, trying my best possible to sound okay. Clinton, my beta, walked into my office. He had a brown envelope in his hands as he walked into the office."Greetings," he greeted me. "What do you want?" I fired at him. "The spy has something for you," he said. At the mention of the spy, I jerked up from my seat. My heart skipped a beat. I was expectant. "What does she have?" I asked.Clinto
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chapter 34
CHAPTER THIRTY-FOURELARA "You needed to see how mad he was when I showed the letter to him," the spy said and giggled. A smirk curled out to the corner of my lips. The feeling of how unsettled Edwin would be made me jiggy. I was super happy about the news. I didn't know about anything else that would make me happier, aside from when I finally exact my revenge. "This is just the start," I said to her. She giggled even more. "Just keep an eye on him for me," I said to her. She agreed, and we talked for a while before I finally hung up. The news gave me butterflies in my belly. I didn't know yet how to start with my revenge plans. But this was a good start. Knowing that they are unhappy and uncomfortable made me happy. I would be going to the orphanage the following day. I had already made up my mind to do that. I stood up to go fix a few things for the orphanage. I walked out of my room and went to the maid's quarter. I saw two maids seated outside the compound playing cards.
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chapter 35
CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE ELARA I jumped up, only to realize that I had only heard the knock in my dream. I was about to lie again when I heard a real knock this time, but it was soft. I didn't know why my hands and feet were shivering. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw one of the guards standing behind the door. "Ma'am Carla said I should ask if you are ready yet," he informed me. "Just a little while," I replied and forced a smile. "Gather the maids and guards. I'll be downstairs with you all shortly." He nodded and left. I let out a deep sigh when he left and lowered myself to the floor until my butt touched the floor. I didn't want to go out today, especially not the orphanage. I had it in my gut that someone might try to hurt me again. What if they were successful this time? I wouldn't let it happen. Never! Why would I let them kill me the second time? They were fighting an unknown force. They didn't know I was alive, just like I didn't know I had an enemy.
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chapter 36
CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX LISA "How was the festival?" Darren asked, with a smirk on his face. "Snap out of it!" I scolded him. "Everything went well and successfully for everyone who attended the festival. All to the glory of God." "What do you mean?" He asked, immediately replacing the smirk with a worried look. "What were you expecting when you couldn't do a simple job?" I demanded. I was mad at Darren, and I didn't come all the way here to pretend like he did a good job back there. He couldn't do a simple job and allowed Elara to escape death at the festival. That was one of the best ways to get rid of her without any traces. I wanted him to see how angry I was. So, he would make sure not to miss it again. "Everything you did was futile," I informed him and kissed my teeth. "Elara didn't get hurt. Not even a scratch on her skin." "I am sorry about that," he apologized, bowing his head in front of me. I knew that if I let Darren, he would keep saying apologies until the next m
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CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN ELARA I wondered what Lisa was doing outside the pack house with the stranger by that time of the day. It was too early for her to see someone in secret. I didn't feel good about the guy, but I decided to let it go. When the car drove out of sight. I rested my back on the chair and tried to steady my mind. I was thinking about too many things at the same time. I was too busy thinking and I didn't even notice that we had reached the orphanage. The drivers killed the car engine, and we all began to alight from the car. The elderly woman who was in charge of the orphanage and two other young people. A young man and a young woman walked out to welcome us. "You are welcome, my daughter," the old woman said as she approached me. "Greetings," I greeted her with a smile. "No one told me you were going to come," she said. I could see in her eyes that she wasn't exactly excited when I came around. Maybe she just felt bad that I didn't tell her, or I was just
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chapter 38
CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHTRIVER "I would prepare the financial record myself, " I said to Harrison. I wasn't paying attention to him. I was still going through some files in front of me."I do not know why the goods are taking so long to arrive. It is unusual," I paused and began to cough. I placed my right hand on my chest. It wasn't like it would reduce the pain I felt there. I had left the room very early in the morning even though I was feeling uneasy. I wouldn't leave the house on a norm if I felt that way. But, not today. Not when everything was falling apart right before my eyes, and I was the one in charge of the pack.I began to feel pain in my chest since I got here, and I had been trying so hard to push it aside. I acted as though I was completely okay, whereas I was dying inside. "Do you think you deserve this kind of stress?" Harrison asked, staring at me with so much pity. "You have dark circles around your eyes already. "Harrison paused for a while and sighed deeply.
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chapter 39
CHAPTER THIRTY-NINELISA"This is beautiful!" I exclaimed.Even though I was alone in my room, thinking aloud at this point wasn't new to me. I was seated in bed, and my head rested on the edge of the bed as I scrolled through the marketing online app. "This would be the last, I promise," I said to myself even when I knew for a fact that it was a lie. I ordered the bag and continued scrolling through. I saw a prettier one and paused. I was staring at it for thirty seconds before I finally ordered it. "Last time."By the time I was done, I had ordered more than my budget. I began going through the list so I could reduce my order, but I didn't see anything I wanted to cut. I was still trying to decide when my door badged open. She was sweating profusely and panting like she had done a marathon. "Lisa!" She called me. Her voice shook while she spoke, and her whole body was vibrating in fear. "What is the matter?" I asked her. "Elara and her driver were involved in a terrible acci
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chapter forty
CHAPTER FORTY ELARAI opened my eyes slowly, and when my eyes were fully opened, I still couldn't see anything. I began to wipe my eyes. I opened my eyes again, and I still saw complete darkness. I tried to ascertain what was going on. Why was I in the dark? What happened to me?I forced myself up and began pacing around the place. I felt as though I was in a room. I couldn't see anything. I tried to activate my supernatural eyes, but no matter what I did, nothing changed. I tried to grow my claws, as well but nothing was working. I looked around the place. All I saw was complete darkness. Thick darkness and nothing else. "Help!" I screamed at the top of my voice. My voice echoed all through the room. I felt as though I was in a hole. I tried to move around but I couldn't. There were walls all around me. I screamed out again, and my voice echoed. No one was coming to help me. "What is going on?" I asked myself. I hoped this wasn't the case. I hoped that I hadn't died."I can n
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