Lahat ng Kabanata ng Reborn For Revenge. : Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 30
133 Kabanata
CHAPTER TWENTY ONEELARA"I can't wait for this stuff to be done and dusted tomorrow, " I said to Harry. I called him that now because the festival had brought us a bit close to each other, and it was more informal to address him as that. "It's been a huge stress since the day one of planning for this festival," Harry replied. I agreed with him, with a nod of the head. We had bot overheaded the whole stuff and the organising of facilities required. It was the eve of the festival, we were almost done with all we needed to do, so we decided to drink to our success. "We deserve this treat, Harry," I told him. "After all the stress, a few bottles of wine wouldn't be bad at all."Harry nodded. He picked up the fourth bottle and opened it. He turned a few contents into his cup. "Do you want some more?" He asked me. I nodded in affirmation. "Yes, please," I backed it up. Harry poured in some content from the wine into my cup. I sighed as I picked up my glass and began to drink from it. "T
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chapter twenty two
CHAPTER TWENTY TWO ELLA Once the guard left us in front of the pack's bar, I and Lisa began to wipe our hands off. "Argh!" Lisa groaned, growing her claws as her eyes turned yellow. "Calm down," I told her. "It wasn't like you did anything to help in there." She rolled her eyes and folded her arm under her breast. I gritted my teeth and tilted my head backwards as a smirk appeared on my face. I couldn't believe that thing had the effrontery to behave in that manner. She ordered me out of the bar in my pack house. "Elara would pay dearly for this," I said, in a tone that was barely above a whisper. "How dare a commoner who has no background ask the guards to lay their filthy hands on me?" Lisa nagged. "We have to think of a plan first," I said to her. "Let's get back to the room." I and Lisa walked back to my room. All my life, I had never been so disrespected. I had to do everything within my power to make sure that I didn't burst out of anger. I was
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chapter twenty three
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREEELARAI stood outside the door and decided to listen to them. I wanted to know what was going on between the two. "What is your wolf like?" She asked, her voice lifted. "I am curious to know.""If you are interested in knowing," River began in a cold tone. "Then, you shouldn't be asking so casually. It's something you would love to see. You know, they say seeing is better than explaining. What you see is better than what was told to you."I heard Lisa giggle. She sounded really excited when she spoke with him. The sound of her voice and the way she giggled at every second was evident that she was really excited. "When were you crowned the alpha of the red breeder pack?" She asked. "When I turned eighteen. I became fully in power when I became twenty.""Wow!" She exclaimed and chuckled. ""What does it feel like to be an alpha? Especially since you are not married yet," she said, pretending to be sad. There was a moment of awkward silence between the both of t
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chapter twenty four
CHAPTER TWENTY-FOURLISAI and Ella rushed into her room, panting really hard. Ella shut the door and leaned on it immediately after she got in. I heard her heave a deep sigh of relief. I also breathed heavily, for it was a narrow escape for us. "Who the fuck was that?" Ella asked me. "Well, I don't know either," I replied and wiped my face. Ella leaned off the door and walked towards me. "That was so close," I said. "Someone would have seen us. And whoever it wouldn't keep his or her mouth shut."Ella kissed her teeth and shook her head. "I only decided to run because you did. If not, I would make sure the person isn't able to say what he saw."Ella walked to the bed and sat there. I sat down beside her, and the two of us stayed there for a while, sitting quietly and staring into space. I felt awkward. I wondered if she would still want me to marry her brother, knowing I'm sleeping with someone else. I didn't like the oddness in the room, and I didn't want to leave without clea
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twenty five.
CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVEELARAI lay in my bed and closed my eyes, but I couldn't. This time around, it wasn't the moans. I faced River's bed and kept staring at it. I could feel his absence deeply. It was like I was placed alone in the open field to chase a ball, and I was playing against myself without the spectators. I kept turning around the bed until I finally fell asleep. It was almost morning when I suddenly jerked up from the bed. I had another nightmare. It was the same nightmare I'd been having, and I thought it had all gone away. The nightmare was back. I kept seeing Constance with that smirk on her face. My ex-husband, the look on his face when he dropped me in the water. All the things Constance, who was supposed to be my best friend, had said to me before they finally killed me. It was shocking that Constance wasn't just my friend but my sister, and instead of this revelation to draw us closer. It instead tore us apart. I folded my fist in a blow and began panting reall
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chapter twenty six
CHAPTER TWENTY SIXLISAWhen it was morning, I dressed in the finest and most sexy attire I had. Ella's makeup artiste soon arrived in the room to make me up. When she was done with my makeup, I quickly dialled Darren's number. I had entirely forgotten about the business we had. He kept declining my calls, and I was getting worried. When I stepped out of the room, I saw Ella walking towards my room. I walked up to her and hugged her. When we disengaged from the hug, she pulled away from me slowly and frowned her face at me. "What is the matter, Lisa?" She asked me. "Why the fuck is your face like that on a happy day like this?"I shook my head slowly and pressed my phone screen as I stared at it, to see if Darren would call or text,but there was nothing. Ella collected my phone and refreshed my apps. She opened the phone book, which was the last place I pressed."Darren?" She asked. "Who is he, and what do you want from him?"I had called Darren up to seven times only this morning
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chapter twenty seven
CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVENELARAI was still standing there, waiting for the batten to finally hit me, when I felt a hand grip me. My heart sank into my stomach at first because I thought it was the batten that hit me. I heard the thunder sound of the batten colliding with the floor. When I noticed that I was still safe after a few minutes I felt warmness around me. I also noticed that I was in someone's arms. I slowly opened my eyes and lo and behold, there was River, holding me in his arms. I blinked twice in shock. I let out a huge sigh before passing out. I soon woke up in front of the hall. A few guards were around me, and River still held me in his hands. My face was soaked in water. Must have been the effort they had put in, to revive me. I and River stared at each other awkwardly for a while before he finally let me stand on my own. I noticed that the floor was soaked in blood. I looked down at River's leg and saw that it was stained with blood."Are you injured?" I asked and
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chapter twenty eight
CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHTELARAI nodded my head, and the both of us walked out of the room together. "If we have to keep doing this, then we have to make it believable," he said to me. I understood perfectly where he was coming from. We walked back into the hall. The occasion was already booming, everywhere was lit up, and I could see food and drinks on the tables. River took my hands as we walked around the tables, bending down to greet the elders who had just arrived. The ceremony continued, and River and I finally found a spot to sit. After a while, River climbed the podium. He gave his speech, which I couldn't pay attention to because I was still in shock from what happened earlier. There were goose pimples all over my body. Harrison soon climbed the podium, and he also gave a speech. By the time he was done speaking, there was a round of applause all over the place. It was obvious that everyone liked Harrison. I noticed this a long time ago that everyone liked Harry, and whenev
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chapter twenty nine
CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE RIVER I noticed the way Elara reacted immediately when she saw my mom. She was still gazing at her without saying a word. I tapped Elara, and she jerked. She turned to me with a nervous smile while scratching her head. Whatever happened, there needed an explanation. It was as if Elara knew my parents. It was suspicious and, at the same time, shocking. Although I was curious to know what was going on, I decided to shove it aside for the time being. "Mom, Dad," I called, holding Elara's hand more tightly. "Meet my Luna. "The two smiled."Elara," I called her, turning to her with a smile. "Meet my parents. "Elara stepped forward and hugged my mom. Dad also shook her hands before letting her return back to me. "How was your trip, Mom and Dad?" I asked them."As usual," my mom replied. "Boring and stressful."Her thick voice filled the air. Sometimes, people mistook my mom's voice to be a man's voice. "I am a bit surprised that you have a mate now," my mother sudd
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chapter thirty
CHAPTER THIRTY ELARAI sat on my bed with my back resting on the head. I kept thinking about River's mother. I was sure that I had seen her somewhere before. Although right now, I couldn't recall exactly where I had seen her, I knew her face was familiar. I closed my eyes as yesterday's incident began to reflect in my head once again. I remembered how her thick voice filled the air. She was a slender old woman with so much energy. She had grey hair which was the only thing that proved that she was an old woman. She looked younger than she was. She had a great physical appearance, and her husband looked older than she looked. He was chubby with a slight pot belly, and his height made him huge. I would say River was like his mother, and Ella was like her father.I was still struggling with trying to recall exactly where I had seen her. I racked my brain as I saw flashes of her. FLASHBACK "Hello, pretty little one," Carla said to me as she stepped into the house with my mom. I hi
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