All Chapters of Reborn For Revenge. : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
133 Chapters
CHAPTER ELEVENRIVERI wore a smirk on my lips as I confirmed that it was truly her. I walked around the chair she was seated for a while, and then I stopped in front of her."Why were you at the soldier's dedication?" I asked her. She was quiet. Just like I had guessed. I knew it wouldn't be easy to get the words out of her lips. She would not want to spill the words. I raised an eyebrow at one of the guards. He walked towards her and slapped her. Her face fell, and she placed both hands on her cheek. The place was secluded enough, so no matter how she'd scream, she wouldn't be heard. He lifted her head and grabbed her neck. He began to choke her, and she struggled with him. Her eyes were already turning white when I pulled his hands from her."Are you ready to talk now?" I asked. She was quiet again. I scoffed. She was proving difficult even when her life was in danger. I wondered if she was aware that I could order her death. How dare she remain quiet while I was speaking to her?T
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CHAPTER TWELVERIVERI was seated in the meeting room alongside the alpha of Black Moon Pack, Alpha Adrian, and his beta, William, as we discussed the pressing issue on the ground."The rising rate of rogue in our district is becoming alarming," I began. "If we do not take action immediately, we might end up losing all our soldiers and pack members.""And, they would begin to question our leadership," Alpha Adrian agreed with me.William, Adrian's beta, cleared his throat and began to speak. "I still do not understand the reason for this meeting," he stated. "Can you come out more clearly, so we would know what and what is involved."I stared at him in shock. I was sure I made mention of the reason for the meeting in the letter I sent inviting them over. That aside, he didn't have anything in his ear when I and his brother, the alpha of Black Moon Pack, just spoke about the issue. I cleared my throat and decided to follow him calmly."The rogue attack isn't a new thing to anyone in th
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CHAPTER THIRTEENI was walking back to my room after I had dismissed the guards and maid when I heard some commotion. I wondered what it was all about. I looked around the place, trying to figure out what was going on.I also spotted a number of guards running around in the pack house and all around the halls. I even had to shift to a corner to avoid being hit by the guards. "Hey," I called out to the guards. They were in a hurry and seemed not to notice me. They kept running, but I didn't stop until I was able to get one of the guards to stop. "Greetings to you, Luna," he bowed in front of me."What is going on?" I asked, skipping the greeting part. "Alpha River had asked that we all assemble," he informed me. I nodded and waved him off.I wondered why River had asked them to assemble. I knew that it wouldn't be for no reason, and it wouldn't be a minor case for him to call an emergency meeting as this. I turned around and decided to go see for myself. I walked to the location where
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CHAPTER FOURTEEN ELARA I stood in front of the mirror admiring the lovely dress I had on. It had been stocked into my wardrobe by one of the maids. The door to the room opened, and I turned around to see River walking into the room. He was staring all over me. His mouth was wide open as he looked at me from head to toe. He was speechless for a while. "You look awesome!" He complimented me after staring at me for a while. My cheeks flushed red when I heard the compliment, and I tried to hide my smile. "Shall we?" He asked, stretching his hands towards me. I took River's hands, and we both began walking out of the house together. When we got outside, the onlooking servants began to murmur and smile as they stared at us together. I was sure they thought what we had was real. I ignored them and walked ahead with River to his car. He opened the car door, and I got in. All I wanted to do was to focus on this date for now and forget about it later. It meant
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CHAPTER FIFTEEN ELARA Just as his lips were about to meet mine, I quickly but cautiously pulled back, suddenly opening my eyes. "I... I... I am sorry," I stuttered. "We can't do this."River nodded. I fidgeted with my fingers for a second before standing up abruptly. It would be weird for me to keep staying there with River after what had just happened. I was already feeling nervous. "I will be outside," I told River. "It's fine," he replied. He sounded as though he didn't want me to leave, but I didn't mind.I walked out of the room, feeling nervous. I wasn't sure what just happened in there, but I was glad that I was able to stop anything more from happening before it got worse. I heaved a deep sigh of relief when I was far enough. I walked down the hallway, and when I was calm again, I began to recall the incident at the old pack house. I wondered why the lake had gone berserk when I touched it. I wondered if it was just me, or it happened all the time whenever someone touched it
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CHAPTER SIXTEENELARA We soon moved from the car park to the dining room. Alpha River, the beta, Harrison, Rochella, and I. The guards were still busy packing Rochella's stuff to her room. A banquet had been served at the dining room for all four of us. It didn't take long before our spoons began to make sounds as they hit against the plate. While we ate, Rochella began to talk. "I'm finally glad to be here again with you all," he said. "It hadn't been easy sharing the same world with mere mortals."I could guess that Rochella had been with humans. The way she spoke, it sounded like she didn't have a very good experience with them. Nevertheless, I kept still as she continued talking. "I wasn't sure at first how to fit in. I needed to hide my powers and stop myself from growing whenever I was angry. There were a lot of habits I had to drop because they seemed weird to the humans. Although, I dealt with those who bullied me at night because they wouldn't be able to tell what happened
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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ELLA I lay in my bed, recounting my encounter with Elara. I hated her at first sight. I didn't want to believe that my brother would be mated to a lowlife, she-wolf, who didn't have any strong political or wealthy background. I made up my mind the instant I met her, that I was going to force their mate bond to break. While I thought about it. I remembered my friend. It would be easier to use her since she always had a crush on River. All along, I wanted to introduce her to my brother, but he was always busy with one thing or another. It was finally time for the long-awaited introduction. I picked up my phone from the table and immediately dialed Lisa's number. Just like I thought, she picked up just when her phone began to ring. "Like you were expecting my calls," I teased her. "I always have my phone in my palm," she responded. I chuckled lightly. I knew her too well. "Well, how are you?" I asked her. "I am not fine, Ella, " she res
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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ELARAI and River jumped out of bed at the same pace. I knew that his sister was up to something, but I didn't know exactly what. My eyes quickly darted to Lisa, and the frown on my face deepened when I saw how she was ogling River. I moved close to River and held his arms. I knew that I wasn't being protective because I was falling for River. But because I didn't want the whole stay to end with things like, 'The new Luna got rejected just after a few weeks, she was made one.'It would be a very big slap on my face. "What is going on, Ella?" River asked his sister. "Uhm_" she scratched her head. "My friend didn't have where to sleep."Her response was amazing. River and I exchanged glances. And, before we could react to what she had just said, she continued speaking. "The other rooms already have some guests in them, and my room is too small to be shared. You know how much I hate sharing my bed."The excuse was so silly that I almost let out a scoff. So, what was she
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CHAPTER NINETEEN ELARAI walked at a fast pace to where River stood. Luckily, he hadn't noticed Lisa yet. I stood by his side and held his hand, blocking the place Lisa was coming from intentionally. "You just disappeared?" I asked River in a low tone. The guard who was with him bowed and walked away. I and River was about to turn around and walk in the opposite direction when we heard someone call River. I rolled my eyes because it was Lisa. "Alpha River..."She walked up to us, shaking her boobs intentionally from the dress that exposed so much cleavage. I stared at the bouncing boobs as she approached us. She was doing all of it intentionally to get River's attention. I swallowed hard as I watched her. "You look really good today," she complimented. "And you are also doing a very good job as an alpha. "River smiled at Lisa. "Thank you so much," he replied.I held his hands even more tightly as we both turned around and began walking along the hallway. I was glad that River didn't
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chapter twenty
CHAPTER TWENTY ELARAIt's been a week since Harrison had told me about the great alpha. And, since then, it seemed as though I have been the one preparing for it the most. I also learnt from Harrison that a few activities like Pack Run, Pack feast, stage performance, and a few others would be done during the ceremony. As the Luna, I took it upon myself to train dancers for the upcoming event. We had been training seriously, and I wasn't joking with any of the preparations. I was seated on a bench in the training ground. Harrison was seated by my side. After he gave me lectures about the event, we became quite close. River was always so busy, but Harrison was always available to keep me company, so I didn't usually feel all alone. I was grateful for his presence and his support. At least, I had someone by my side while River was away. We watched the dancers as they replayed what I had displayed for them earlier. Plus, there was a large projector in front of them. It also helped us wi
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