All Chapters of Reborn For Revenge. : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
133 Chapters
chapter 41
CHAPTER FORTY ONELISARiver grabbed my hand and pulled it away from his thigh. He hadn't said a word since and had been giving me attitude. It was getting frustrating. Why could he not see the effort I was putting into making us a thing? Why was he pretending to be blind to everything I was doing? I gritted my teeth and tried to control the anger that was already rising in me. I forced a smile as I lifted my face so I could look him in the eyes. I placed both hands on his jaw and stared deeply into his eyes, making a seductive look. "We can do this together, " I said to him. The door banged open, and I quickly jumped out of where I sat beside River. It was Harrison. He walked into the room. River stood up when he saw Harrison and took two steps forward to meet up with Harrison. I stood by the corner and folded my arms under my breast. "We couldn't find the culprit who is responsible," Harrison said. He shook his head and placed his phone, which he held in his hand, inside his
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chapter 42
CHAPTER FOURTY TWOLISAMy right hand began to shiver as I grabbed the oxygen mask. I shut my eyes tightly and took in a deep breath. Just as I was about to take off the mask, the door opened. I quickly took my hands off the mask and turned around with a smile. A nurse walked into the room. I clapsed my hands behind my back and took a few steps from the bed. The nurse stared at me as though she was suspicious of me. She took in a deep breath after staring at me for a while. "You are here with the patient, " she said to me. "I can see that."I nodded, and she went ahead to check on Elara. I watched her for a while as she lifted Elara's hand up first. My fist was folded in a blow and I was breathing fast. I thought of strangling the nurse for a second. All fingers would point at me, else I would have ended her life together with Elara's. What was the point in staying here? The nurse had ruined everything for me. I hissed inwardly and walked away from the room, folding my fist into
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chapter 43
CHAPTER FORTY THREERIVER I sat on the armchair opposite the doctor in his office. He cleared his throat and began to speak. "Elara is in a very critical condition, " the doctor informed me. "Is there anything I can do to improve her recovery?" I asked the doctor. "She is responding to treatment, though. But it would still take a while for her to wake up." I was hopeful. I didn't care about the fact that the doctor said it would take a while for Elara to wake up. I was more concerned about the fact that she was already responding to treatment. And, the fact that she was going to wake up after all. "Thank you so much, doctor," I said, shaking the doctor's hand.He nodded with a smile on his lips. "Please, make sure you do everything within your power to bring her back to life. I would assist in whichever way you need me. Contact me if you ever need anything, and I will provide it right away.""We will do our best," the doctor replied. I thanked him, shook his hand, and walked o
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chapter 44
CHAPTER FORTY FOURRIVER My whole system went sour immediately when I heard the news of the rogue attack. First, it was Elara, now the rogue attack. What have I done to deserve all these pains? I was weak. How was I going to fight and win? I jerked up from my seat and felt a strange energy hit me. I was enraged with anger. I folded my fist into a blow, and the veins in my neck began to throb. I walked out of the hospital with Harrison. He drove me to the borders where the rogues were trying to attack and steal goods from us.Harrison and I climbed down from the car. I saw the soldiers already fighting and trying to keep the rogues out. Blood splashed all over the place. I could hear the clanging of swords, groans, and cries. I walked into the battlefield. I became more enraged when I saw my soldiers lying dead on the floor. A few of my soldiers were already dead, including some rogues. Two of the rogues attacked me at the same time. I spread both arms and grew my claws. Immedia
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chapter 45
CHAPTER FORTY FIVE ELARA I opened my eyes slowly, and the first thing I saw was the white ceiling, making my heart skip. I didn't want to go to heaven just yet until I had exacted my revenge. I hoped that I wasn't in heaven. I turned around to take in the sight of my environment. I saw the door, the windows and curtains, the white paint on the wall, the small stool by the bedside, and a table close to the wall.It was then that I began to perceive the smell of drugs and antiseptics that were used to clean the hospital. I sighed deeply when I noticed that I was in the hospital and not in heaven. It would be a shame if I died the second time without taking my revenge. I decided to sit up first. As I tried to lift myself, and at the same time wondering why I was all alone. The door dashed open, and I darted my eyes towards the door in anticipation. The excitement in my eyes slowly vanished when I saw Carla walking into the room. I saw the way Carla opened her eyes and mouth wide i
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chapter 46
CHAPTER FORTY SIXELARA The hug was so tight that I winced out in pain. River quickly pulled away from me. He was hurting me by hugging me so tightly, and it was hurting me. "Are you okay?" He asked after pulling away from the hug. "I am very well," I replied with a nod of the head. River smiled and took my hand. He squeezed my finger gently. Carla was staring at us with a smile on her face. River's face was beaming as well. He looked lean and toned. He also looked tattered. He hadn't had a haircut for a while, and his beards were also tattered. The dark circles around his eyes had grown even darker. "What happened to you?" I asked him. He looked sick. "He has been worried about you and has refused to eat anything since. He doesn't even stay at home. Always frequenting the hospital. If not that Harrison had to force him to attend the meeting today. "I stared at him with an angry look."Why are you doing this to yourself?" I asked him. He looked away from me and faced Carla.
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chapter 47
CHAPTER FORTY SEVEN LISAI heard the car honk as it drove into the parking lot. The activities in the pack house since morning have been making me feel somewhat uncomfortable. The guards and made had been going around. And it wasn't up to ten minutes ago that I began to perceive the aroma of delicious food cooking in the kitchen.The car that drove in soon began to gather crowd around it. I could hear the voices from downstairs. I walked towards my window to peep. I didn't want to stand up from my bed earlier because I was feeling lazy and tired. In fact, I was about to sleep when I heard the car honk. I peeped through the window, and it seemed as though I was late. I only saw Carla and two shadows in front of her. My heart sank into my stomach when I thought of who the owner of the shadow may be. Was it really Elara?I rushed out of my room and stood by the stairs leading downstairs as I stared downstairs eagerly. My heart was beating really fast. Just as I placed my hand on my
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chapter 48
CHAPTER FORTY EIGHTELARARiver helped me sit on the bed while he returned to close the door. He returned and dragged the small stool into the room. He placed it opposite me and sat on it. River was staring at me while I buried my jaw in my palm."You are finally back home," he said, with a smile, while he was still staring at me. I only smiled at him. I was deep in thought. I was still contemplating on the thought that Lisa had something to do with the accidents. It was highly possible that she was responsible. But then, it was also not possible. If she happened to be the one, then I wouldn't sit back and watch. I knew that since Lisa had failed twice, she may decide to slow her pace. Maybe, take a break, and she may get even more mad, frustrated, and desperate to try again. I knew that I needed to show Lisa who the real boss was. She would learn the hard way, those she was supposed to mess with, and those she wasn't supposed to even get close to.I mistakenly looked towards Rive
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chapter 49
CHAPTER FORTY NINERIVER I walked out of my room, heading straight to the office. I had high hopes that I would be able to get back home on time, as I promised Elara. When I got to my office, I met Harrison standing outside my office. He turned around to face me "You texted me that you wanted to see me?" I asked him. "I am sorry for calling you out like this," he started with an apology. "It's because of a construction that intruded into our land."I scoffed. "What construction?" I demanded. "The black blood pack is constructing a building close to our space. They crossed their border, thereby taking part of our pack's space," he informed me. "What did you just say?" I shouted at him. Harrison was about to respond, but I cut in immediately. "Take me to the place."He should pray to the moon goddess that it wasn't true that they trespassed into my pack. It would be bloody. Damn bloody, cause I wouldn't take it lightly with them at all. How dare they. We both began towards the
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chapter 50
CHAPTER FIFTY EDWINI sat in the dining with Constance seated at the other end and facing me. We were both devouring our breakfast quietly when Clinton walked into the dining room."Good morning, alpha Edwin, " he bowed in front of me. I lifted my head from my breakfast to glare at him. What was so important was that he wanted to tell me that it couldn't wait until after breakfast. I waited eagerly to hear what he had to say to me. "What do you want?" I demanded in a harsh tone. "There is a letter for you from the red breeder pack," he said and handed a brown envelope to me. I wouldn't take the letter, nor even try to open it during breakfast if it was from someone else. But since I heard red breeder pack, then it must be from River. A smirk appeared on my face, as I took the letter from Clinton's hand. He was lucky that his coming to interrupt my breakfast was worth it. I opened the letter and read it. I scoffed after reading and handed the letter back to Clinton. He read thro
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