All Chapters of The Omega Mate He Despised : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 Chapters
Chapter 21IrisSince I wasn't keen on getting intimate with him, I took a stool and decided to follow my heart. They could do whatever they wanted to me, but I won't go that route, at least, not without Prince Gradel's permission."Hi, Gradel. I'll call you by your first name because we are mates and I have something to ask of you," I took in a deep breath."You've never liked me. Your hatred for me has always been evident just like the sun in the sky, but today, you did something that no one has ever done for me, not even the people I expected it from. While I was away in the Red Sea pack, I thought of how I might never see your handsome face and that scared me to death. My feelings are conflicted right now so it will be unsafe to admit anything, but one thing I'm sure of is that I'll always have you in my heart." I sobbed.My eyes darted to his thumb which jerked and slowly I reached for his hands. This was the only advantage of his unconsciousness. Being able to talk to him and po
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His mother's death
Chapter 22GradelHer jaw dropped and she stared at me wide-eyed. Shock masked her beautiful face and her eyes simmered with sympathy for me.Strangely, I liked that she felt my pain, which was weird because I didn't enjoy having other people throw a pity party for my sake, but hers felt different. It felt proper."Oh my! I'm so sorry to hear that, "She gushed. "How were you able to cope?" She asked, pushing closer to me."I didn't try to cope, I just lived with it. There's nothing that can make me forget that night, sometimes the memories hide in the darkest part of my heart only to resurface whenever I think of her." My voice cracked.She sniffed and when I glanced at her, I realized that she was crying. "I'm sorry," She whispered, "I can't help the tears." She said, drying her eyes.I nodded curtly and drifted into the memory lane. "It all started one fateful evening. I'd just returned from the woods where I engaged in a running session with some of the sentinels that were assigned
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The conversation
Chapter 23IrisMy heart ached for him and I began to understand why he despised me so much from the first time he saw me. It was because I reminded him of his pain.The fact that he was telling me his story showed that his resentment for me had been assuaged, but I wasn't sure that it had gone completely so I took what he could give."According to her, the necklace should be given to my brother, and the bracelet to me. She knew that I had eyes on the bracelet, but I didn't know that I'd be getting it from her that soon." He croaked. I didn't know how to console him any more than I'd already done, but I was sure that my presence was making it easier for him to grieve. My heart bled for him when I imagined how long he had to bear the cross alone. "Do you know the worst part?" I shook my head. "He was never there in all of this. My father acted like my mother didn't matter to him and I began to wonder if she was truly his mate. It was so bad that I asked some of the elders and then
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The proposal
Chapter 24IrisI spun around, pursing my lips in surprise."You aren't allowed to leave without my permission, Iris," He said with a bossy tone that reminded me of his rank, but my mind wasn't solely fixated on it, rather, I was distracted by how my name sounded on his lips and how my body warmed up inside.Feeling flustered, I inclined my head to stop him from noticing the blush that had crept to my cheeks. "I'm sorry, Gradel. I thought we were done with the conversation.""No, we're not. My father would want my presence in the court, seeing that I've recovered quite swiftly so that he can scold me for going against his orders, and though I'm not scared of him, I don't think I have the energy to argue with him today." He confessed.Waves of disappointment hit me hard, knowing that he was just using me to escape boredom as he usually did."That's not a bad idea, but can I ask why you wanted me to stay back?" I asked politely, though I wanted to be anything but courteous.Then he requ
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Meeting Hegar
Chapter 25IrisOn hearing that, my mind drifted, pondering on how my life would be once he left the pack. I was already swooning, getting excited that he would protect me from the hatred of the pack, but then it occurred to me that I might not survive it if he left.I ran my tongue over my chapped lips and cleared my throat. I was in no position to make demands, but I'd decided that whatever happened at the Red Sea Pack wouldn't repeat itself."Agreed, but I have a request to make," I said nervously.He lowered his lashes, squinting his eyes in confusion. "Don't push your luck, you have no say in this." He replied harshly.Maybe I should have kept my lips shut that moment, but my mouth was quite faster than my brain and the words fell out before I could stop myself. "I want you to teach me how to fight."His aloof expression cracked, and then a smile broke through which slowly extended into full-blown laughter.His act of mockery should have made me embarrassed but it didn't, rather,
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Innate desires
Chapter 26GradelIt took all the self-control I had to walk away from her without tearing her dress into shreds and claiming her, but I succeeded after conquering the innate desires of my wolf to take her right there in the garden. I feared a relapse as my body was getting weaker by the minute. I didn't know whether to blame it on Iris's absence or the poison, but getting dependent on her wasn't a part of the plan so I agreed that it was the poison. Those bastards. They thought that they could get rid of me by poisoning me, what they didn't know that I had a strong immune, capable of fighting off poisons. I might have had a death scare, but heaven knows that I'd rather fight it with all my strength than give in. After all, the Red Sea pack still had to pay for what they did to me and my mate—no, Iris. As I descended into the hallway leading to my room, my eyes caught the sight of a shadow lurking around. Angst and animosity worked its way through me when I discovered who it was.
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A surprise visit
Chapter 27IrisWe arrived at his house and my eyes ran over the brick walls that formed a bungalow. It was simple and beautiful, just like other houses that belonged to the elite and middle-class members of our pack.Hazel went ahead of me, claiming to be my escort. Though she was scared, I was happy that she didn't turn her back on me. I would face Gradel later, but seeing that Hegar was in good shape was of utmost priority to me.I slanted a stare at my sides and found people inclining their heads in my direction, throwing me into confusion. Then I remembered that Gradel's scent was still on me even though we hadn't gotten intimate recently.Just like he promised, the protection and prestige he offered were already materializing as no one dared speak rudely to me for fear of Gradel's wrath against them."Are you ready to see him?""Sure. Let's do this," I encouraged her and then she knocked.A young girl opened the door slightly, thrusting her head forward and she stared at us with
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The only way
Chapter 28IrisWe had walked away a long distance from Hegar's house when he halted his steps with his arms behind him. "Rule number one," He spoke in a surly tone. "Don't go anywhere without my knowledge. I know that we haven't done the mating rites because we aren't going to do it, but have it at the back of your mind that you are still under my protection." He dished out.A very rude reply danced at the tip of my tongue, but I swallowed it, letting off a sigh. "I'm sorry for not telling you. You left abruptly and I wanted to know how Hegar was faring. He helped you to protect me, don't you think it's proper for me to show my appreciation to him?"He grunted and fixed a stare, reeking of undeniable jealousy. "No, it's improper. Hegar works for me and he won't appreciate what you did because he was trained to give his life for me. It's not like I don't appreciate it, but you should know your place." He stated with a very stern voice that caused my eyes to sting with tears. I coul
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Let's go shopping
Chapter 29 Gradel Without warning, her small lips closed around my painfully stimulated phallus, with my body jerking in pleasure. A loud hiss jumped out of my mouth as I thrust my hips forward. I gripped the bedsheets tightly while her mouth sent me to another realm where nothing but pleasure existed. My breaths came out erratically and my vision was blurry. Her teeth grazed my skin and her tongue did a twirl on my sensitive tip. She removed her mouth, her lips quite swollen and red with saliva dripping from both sides and then she fixed her eyes on mine. "I'm sorry, I might be doing it wrongly because I've never done it before," She croaked nervously and I nodded. "Well, it's good that no man has ever felt your lips on them because I will tear them apart. You belong to me and me alone. Do you get it?" My wolf growled, overshadowing my desire to be rational. I couldn't deny that I enjoyed what she did, but my wolf loved it more. Ever since we became mates, he had been pining
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A coincidence
Chapter 30IrisI held my heart in my hands, reliving his promise to get me some new clothes. My excitement might have taken him by surprise but I was the only one who understood why I went overboard."Are you ready?" He asked, placing his hairbrush on the dresser."Yes," I beamed at him, straightening the collar of the oversized shirt he'd given me.In his words, he said that he wouldn't watch me wear a piece of rag out of his room no matter what. So he quickly produced a white shirt with an extra large size and a pair of shorts then asked me to wear it.The size didn't matter, what I cared about was the motive.As soon as we stepped out of the room, he stretched his hand and nudged me to take it. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets and I was forced to ask him if he was sure of his actions."Don't overthink it, we are acting remember?" He intruded on my thoughts while I flashed a fake smile at him.Trust him to spoil the moment."How will I forget?" I replied sarcastically, sq
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