All Chapters of The Omega Mate He Despised : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
53 Chapters
A discussion with the Alpha
Chapter 41GradelIt was for the best. Ending things between us like that was better than a public rejection. She didn't deserve to be treated in such a manner ever again."You have to understand me, Iris. You can't be with a man who has so much baggage. A man who doesn't even know how to love a woman. Do you enjoy suffering?" I asked her.She sniffed, fighting hard to keep her tears from falling and it broke my heart because I didn't want her to cry because of me. I wished I could make it easier for her."So you are rejecting me just like your brother did?" She hiccuped.I tilted her face upward and held her hands. "I'm not rejecting you. I know the pain that comes with being rejected and I can't put you through that. This decision should make you happy. Think of all the benefits that come with living your life the way you want."She shook her head vehemently and snatched her hands from mine. "Are you listening to yourself? I'm wearing your scent like a second skin and you think that
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A startling discovery
Chapter 42IrisHe sipped slowly from his teacup and then dropped it on the stool beside him. "I'm sure you are surprised that I asked you to come here. Have you ever been to my chamber before?" He questioned. "No I haven't, Your Highness. There has been no reason for me to come here," I replied tersely. "Alright," He leaned on the backrest of his armchair. "I'll be brief. I want you to leave my son,"I almost roared with laughter but I watered it down to an inaudible giggle. I'd heard of scenarios where the parents of a man or woman ask his or her partner to leave their children, but I never imagined that it would happen to me someday. "And why should I do that?" I replied, stoically. Well, his son had already left me and he didn't know about it. It would only bring more disgrace to me. "Because I'm your king and you have no choice but to listen to me. Gradel is my son and I plan to make him the next Alpha of this pack because he deserves it. You are not worthy of being with hi
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A lengthy story
Chapter 43IrisTwo days later, I still felt like life had been snuffed out of me and even Gradel couldn't cheer me up no matter how he tried. I'd pushed him away because I feared that he might find out the truth.I would tell him everything, I just needed to find the right time.Still sprawled on the bed, he came inside with a tray in his hands, his face thick with concern."You shouldn't have bothered," I sighed and turned to the side, evading his piercing gaze.If he probed too deeply, he might discover my darkest secrets."You are my friend, why shouldn't I care for you?" He sank onto the bed and dropped the tray on my thighs.The word 'friend' caused my heart to plummet. If he discovered the truth, he wouldn't even consider me an enemy. I should have stayed away from him before things got this complicated."And friends know when to give each other some privacy. How many times do you want me to tell you that I need privacy?" I quickly sprang up from the bed, forgetting that there
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An eye-opening scene
Chapter 44Author's POVIn the middle of a thick forest, that no one knew existed, roars rang so loud that the tall trees around them shook and anyone who was three miles close could hear them. Unfortunately, no one could.A young man, whose black robe were torn in different places stood with his head inclined, and his subordinates bowed before him on their knees.They had just witnessed the rarest thing ever; a man shifting from his human form to a mountain lion that they were ignorant of its existence.The young man himself who didn't know that he could change into such a form was in awe of his strength which caused him to roar in excitement. "You don't need to be afraid of me, everyone. I won't do anything to you. Please, get up," He said to the men who shivered visibly. They did as he asked for the fear of being torn into pieces. He could be merciful sometimes, but knowing the strength he possessed, no one wanted to be used as a scapegoat."It is time to claim what belongs to me
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At the club
Chapter 45IrisSongs blared from the speaker as Hazel and I made our way into the club. If someone had told me that I'd be here tonight, I would have accused the person of lying, but here I was, ready to party and get drunk.After witnessing such a heart-wrenching scene, I rushed down to Hazel's house. Thankfully, her parents weren't home so I informed her that I'd changed my mind.Just like I hoped, she didn't ask any questions even though she kept throwing interrogative glances at me at intervals. We were almost the same size, so it wasn't hard to fit into the slutty body-con dress she'd laid out for me to wear.I tucked my hair underneath a blonde wig and she helped conceal my face with a smoky makeover. It wasn't enough to hide my identity, but no one would realize I was the one at a glance.We navigated through the sweaty bodies and stopped at the counter. I took a cursory glance around, surprised at how jammed the club was during this time."Have you ever been here before?" I y
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What happened?
Chapter 46GradelShe snatched her hand away from mine as the surprise that was earlier on her face disappeared. She scowled at me, retreating into the darkness while I followed."What do you think you are doing?" She fumed.I scoffed in disbelief, plunging my teeth into my lower lip to keep myself from punching the man who had dared to touch her.In fact, I was going to find him and hit him. Her eyes were squinted in confusion as I veered past her and dragged the man up, throwing an aggressive punch to his jaw.I rode through the waves of satisfaction when I heard a crack and then he began to plead."I'm so sorry, Prince Gradel. I didn't know she was yours," He begged, falling onto his knees.His pleas further infuriated me and I glanced at Iris who glared at me disapprovingly. Her short dress rode to her upper thighs and her massive curves which had always been hidden by the flowy dresses were visible.My length began to harden as my eyes stopped at her chest which rose and fell in
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Clearing his name
Chapter 47GradelMy head went blank immediately as confusion seared through me. I racked my brain, trying hard to remember when I spoke to another woman or even going further to bring her home but nothing came to my mind.Instinctively, I checked her pulse to be sure she was running a temperature and immediately she swatted my hand away, maintaining her death scowl."So now you think I'm making things up, huh? You think I'm sick?" She gritted and I shrugged, unsure of what to say.Nothing made sense to me. Iris might have betrayed my trust before but being with her for some time made me realize that she wasn't a liar.If she said I slept with someone, then it meant that something happened while I was away and I wasn't aware of it. Come to think of it, there was only one person who had access to my room and could impersonate me if he tried.Devin.It was no one else but him. But what could be his motive?"I can explain, Iris. Just listen to me," I persisted, my voice soft and shaky.A
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A night of lessons
Chapter 48IrisI shut my eyes while I let the cool evening breeze cascade down my skin. I was feeling cold already, but being with Gradel once again topped the cold.I nearly slapped myself for overreacting. My act of foolishness glared right in my face and if it were possible, I'd disappear but with how Gradel kept throwing glances at me, I knew he wouldn't let me out of his sight. "Look, I know that you have a lot to say about how I reacted, but I want you to know that I'm truly sorry. These past few days have been tough on me and when I saw that..." A pause, "It was the last straw that broke the camel's back. I just had to let it all out," I explained in a rush.His silence was unnerving but I couldn't complain because I deserved any punishment he decided to give me."You don't have to apologize. I'd have done the same if I were in your shoes," He confessed after a long moment of silence.My curiosity spiked. "Why will you do the same?"My heart thumped hard against my chest as I
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The first lesson
Chapter 49IrisMy heart plummeted, but it wasn't out of fear, instead, I was thrilled to learn the lessons he had to teach."What kind of lessons do you offer?" I gulped and sunk my teeth into my lower lip when he led me to the wooden chair by the pond and made me sit.He hovered over me, his warm spicy scent creating a fog in my brain that left me dazed. He hadn't even touched me yet and I was already jittery.I recalled the times we were intimate and realized that we hadn't done anything serious asides from kissing, and the blowjob I gave to him when I wanted him to heal faster.But that was all.His hands landed on my thighs which he caressed softly, locking my gaze against his. "Many of them, but tonight, I'm going to show you what my mouth does aside from talking. You're going to feel the pleasure that comes from having my finger inside of you, stroking you till your mind becomes numb and the only thing you'll yearn for is a release that you wouldn't get except I command it." He
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Leaving the pack
Chapter 50Iris"Goodness, Iris. Your beauty is blinding." Hazel gushed over me when she stepped into the room.It was our Alpha's birthday party and Gradel had asked that I look the part. I decided to surprise him by wearing a black velvet dress with meshed sleeves that stopped at my wrists.The length of the dress covered my legs with a slit by the side. It had a low neckline that showed a generous amount of my boobs.I didn't care if it would spark up some gossip around the pack, what mattered was how good I looked in it. Before Gradel left to take care of some errands, he had presented a diamond jewelry set to me, pleading that I wear it to the party."Thank you, my dear friend, and you don't look so bad at all." I smiled at her.She patted my hair to keep it in place and I muttered a word of appreciation to her. She was always there to cheer me up and look out for me and one day I hoped to pay her back."I try my best," She replied modestly. "Now, I want to know why you haven't m
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