All Chapters of The Omega Mate He Despised : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
53 Chapters
A party
Chapter 31IrisA light tap on my shoulder jolted me back to reality and I spun around to find Gradel peering down at me with a questioning gaze."What's the matter? You seemed quite lost. Did anyone try to harass you?" He inquired, passing a cursory glance around the hall.I should have told him what I discovered, but when I glanced at the spot where I'd found the man, it was empty. Subconsciously, I rubbed my eyes to be sure that it wasn't a dream but he was gone with the wind.Gradel would certainly feel hurt if I told him that I'd found his bracelet and there was no way to ascertain that it belonged to him."I'm good," Relief coursed through me as my reply came out strongly.If he sensed my unease, he'd probably try to dig into the matter."Alright, then. Are you ready to check out the jewelry?" He asked softly, his tone filled with concern."Never been more ready." I tried to sound eager, entwining our arms while he led me to the jewelry section.My eyes nearly popped out of thei
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Make me your trainee
Chapter 32IrisThe next morning came with a different kind of energy, one that drove the gloominess from last night to the farthest part of my mind.I yawned loudly, silently appreciating the moon goddess for bringing me to a new day. Then I got up only to find Gradel's side empty with the rumpled bedsheet as proof that he'd left without caring about how I fared.Last night had been an eye-opener, putting it mildly, it served as a reminder that his father would never accept me, and so would Gradel. Once again, my reality slapped hard me in the face. I was alone. I shoved the depressing discovery aside and freshened up, eager to start my day. Then I left the room and turned to the guard who was continually by the door. He bowed immediately he got a whiff of my presence. "Greetings, my lady." He said plainly. I muttered a response and folded my arms. "Where can I find the prince?"His expression cracked and lines of nervousness slipped through. "I don't know where he is." He force
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Returning to friendship
Chapter 33GradelThe woman made it hard for me to stand by my decision. It was becoming difficult to avoid her when she was everywhere, her scent seemed to linger around me even when I was far away from her.Now she wanted me to train her. Why couldn't she understand that I was avoiding the proximity that would lead me to catching some stupid feelings and in turn make my annoying father feel important? Unfortunately, I still agreed to train her, a typical example of digging your grave. Though my wolf was happy with the development, especially when she convinced me to teach her some fighting skills, I didn't feel the same."The prince is here," The excited screams of the little children disrupted my thoughts as I rubbed my forehead in frustration.Before I could get a grip on what was going on, they had already gathered me, the toddlers raising their hands so I could lift them.I cocked my head to the side, pondering on how to escape them when I caught the sight of their parents sta
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First training
Chapter 34IrisMy hand stretched subconsciously to the other part of the bed and found it empty, and cold. The sleep I'd earlier enjoyed cleared from my eyes as I stretched and glanced at the window.It was still dark but the day was close to breaking and I wondered why Gradel left the bed so early.I took it as a reminder that he didn't want to be with me and I was trying my best not to care. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I headed to the bathroom and washed my face.The training session would begin this morning and if I guessed correctly, Gradel would be at the training ground waiting for me.After relieving myself in the toilet, I selected a two-piece set that would offer me some flexibility while throwing kicks and punches. A giggle erupted from my chest while imagined myself throwing a punch.Satisfied with my outfit, I raced through the hallway and ended up at the training ground, pumped and excited."Good morning, teacher," I greeted enthusiastically, gri
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A fun evening
Chapter 35IrisChoosing an outfit was a hassle since I was oblivious to the occasion, but then I opted for a pink flair dress that could pass for both a casual and formal one. I really hoped that I wasn't underdressed as I'd subconsciously become more aware of my looks. After what the Alpha told me that night, I didn't want to look like a total flop just because I came from a humble background.My lips widened with a satisfactory smile when I gazed at my reflection in the wall mirror. Today, I decided to be different, styling my red hair into a messy bun with some curly strands falling to the sides of my face. Enveloped with confidence, I smeared my lips with a lip gloss that erased the chapped state of my lips. Everything was set aside from my footwear and then the door swiveled open.His familiar woody scent hit me but I refused to spare a glance at him as I contemplated on what reaction would be the best to a man who had been away from his mate all day.His nonchalance was eatin
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A new house
Chapter 36Gradel"Thank you," I muttered after we left Mr Hanlow's house.Staying there for more than two hours while dining and conversing like we were a family further uplifted my already buoyant mood. The warmness that their house exuded made me want to stay back, but then I couldn't run away from my responsibility, and neither could I disown my father even if I wanted to."Hmm?" Iris replied like she had been caught unaware and then she tilted her head to the side, her face a mask of confusion. "Why are you thanking me?" She asked innocently."I've been thinking a lot and I realized that my life has been moving in circles. It seems like I've made some progress, but deep down I'm a complete mess," I admitted.Her hand came upon my back and then she turned around to face me so we could stop walking."I don't think your life is a mess, though I can agree that it used to be when you arrested me for stealing your bracelet." She blurted with her lashes lowered so she wouldn't notice my
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Swim with me
Chapter 37Iris"Let's go on a race," He said.My eyes lit up in surprise. "Huh?""Are you interested in joining me on a race or not?" He threw the question casually but when our eyes met, I saw his silent plea to agree.So I shrugged off the surprise while an annoying blush gradually crept to my cheeks. "I'm interested, it's just that I don't have a wolf as you know so how do we go about it?" I explained gibberishly like he wasn't aware of that fact."We'll do it like the other time, just watch me shift and then you hop onto my back. Make sure you hang on tightly, I don't want you falling over and breaking your neck.""Let's do this then," I clapped like a child in excitement.Today had been filled with several twists and turns that left me breathlessly happy. Strangely, I'd been able to get Gradel out of his shell and now he had gifted me a house that I wasn't looking forward to moving into even though I liked it.I preferred lying down on his bed every night to waking up with the k
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A visit to the garden
Chapter 38Iris.Waking up with beautiful memories of a magical intimate moment with the man your heart yearns for, to having aromas from different dishes wafting into my nose felt divine.My body warmed up when I remembered the intensity of last night's kiss and then a strange feeling of nudity struck me. I quickly lifted the duvet and gasped.Simultaneously the door opened and Gradel appeared. He was without a smile but he looked content and fulfilled."Good morning, pretend mate." He greeted warmly.Still tongue-tied from the discovery, I nodded in response and glanced at my naked body. I cleared my throat after collecting myself."Did you... Did anything happen from last night?" I stammered, feeling slightly embarrassed.I didn't want to believe that I was so high from the passionate kiss we shared that I couldn't remember what happened afterward. It wasn't a good tale to tell at all.He sank onto the bed, wearing a bemused expression. "Were you expecting anything to happen?"I gu
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His uncertainty
Chapter 39IrisI could swear that I saw him shiver slightly, but he collected himself immediately and took a step backward."Tell this bitch to be careful of how she runs her—"A punch landed on his lips, causing him to stumble over the chair and then he landed on the ground with a loud thud. I quickly ran to Gradel and stood in front of him.No matter how much I despised his younger brother, I wouldn't watch him get beaten up badly and get accused of causing a fight between two brothers."Please, Grade. Ignore him," I said softly.I lifted my hand to touch his chest but stopped midway since I didn't know what his reaction would be, but seeing how his chest rose and fell in anger I took the risk and began to draw circles around it.He took a deep breath with his eyes closed, and by the time he opened them, the anger had receded."Get out!" He ordered with a tone of finality and his brother scampered away, muttering curses at us.His eyes returned to my face which he palmed tenderly.
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End of contract
Chapter 40IrisI gulped and watched Giga's eyes water while he clenched his teeth in pain and embarrassment.Seeing him one more time skidded me back to memory lane when he was so brutal and didn't care about my survival. All he wanted was my body.He even framed me for what I didn't do, thankfully he helped me to meet the man that my heart beat for. My mate."Are you sure he has something to say?" I asked, doubtful.A silent nod was what I got as an answer."Start talking now!" Gradel barked out an order that no one in his right senses could refuse.Giga crawled towards me, his eyes brimming with remorse which I didn't care about. Seeing him again was like reopening old wounds and the only reason I hadn't left was because of Gradel.He stopped at my feet, his body oozing horribly. I nearly puked."I'm so sorry, Iris. I shouldn't have framed you," He whispered.Gradel kicked him immediately and he slumped, his back hitting the ground which made me wonder how long he had been beaten t
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