All Chapters of Forced To Be The Mafia King's Plaything: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
125 Chapters
Chapter 81 Eighty one
SAMANTHA'S POV..“No! I won't Allow it!” Damian snapped when I insisted on going to pay that man a visit at the hospital..Apparently he didn't want me anywhere near that man but me being me refused to listen to him….“Why? I'm just gonna check on his health, it's not like I'm going there to cause trouble or something..” I rolled my eyes at him as I went through my closet for something decent to wear…“I don't care whatever reason you're going there for, Samantha just let it be.. I don't want you to get hurt for all I know those people are fond of hurting other people..” He sternly said and I just flared up..I angrily threw the towel at him before I could stop myself..“Stop treating me like I'm some child that you need to take care of! It's annoying!” I snapped at him angrily and did not give in to him…“Just listen to me for once in your f*cking life!” He half yelled and I felt something snap inside of me…“You don't own me, Damian and I'm not your f*cking property! I can do whatev
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Chapter 82 I love you.
SAMANTHA'S POV..He stood up and went to get a towel when he noticed I didn't dry my hair and immediately began wiping it gently with a towel so he wouldn't wake me up.. he was shirtless and was also giving me a good view of his mouth watering abs.It always felt so good whenever he wiped my hair with a towel and I almost made a sound due to how much I was enjoying it but managed to keep up the act as he skillfully dried my hair..He kept drying my hair with the towel until he was satisfied with how dry it was and only then did he stop drying my hair and I almost made a grunting sound..He stood up and took the towel back to the bathroom before coming back to sit down at the edge of the bed with a calm expression on his face…He tucked a strand of my hair behind, tenderly brushing his fingertips against my earlobe and I almost trembled..He pulled the sheets all the way to my chin..“ I love you, Wifey…”I tried not to make a sound as he suddenly planted a kiss on my forehead and made
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Chapter 83 Eighty three
SAMANTHA'S POV…..After drying my hair, Damian tucked Me in bed, he also got in bed with me and held me in his warmth.“What do you plan to do now?” He suddenly asked and I took a deep breath and thought about what I was gonna do at the moment..“ Let me start by taking over his company..” I boldly declared and to my surprise he agreed without hesitation…“In that case you're gonna need as many shares as you could get and that's where I come in..” He smiled at me while I looked at him suspiciously…“What do you mean?”“Let's just say I own a couple of shares, that's more than enough to fight for the chairman's seat.. I'm the second largest shareholder in Eason Corp.” he grinned from ear to ear and I looked at him in surprise..How the hell did he manage to obtain so many shares from his competitor's company? I must say I'm proud to be married to such a genius and brilliant businessman…“I know what you're thinking sweetheart, you must be wondering how I managed to obtain that much wit
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Chapter 84 Ready?
SAMANTHA'S POV…..“You-”“Have a nice day, everyone..” I picked up my handbag with a proud smile on my face and headed for the door while they all stared at me obviously still in shock.Adrian and the bodyguard followed closely behind as I headed for the elevator..It felt so good to put them all in their places and of Course Alex was fuming like a crazy cat..I took out my phone and glanced at it hoping for a birthday message from Damian but so far I got nothing..I heaved a sad sigh and inwardly kept assuring myself that he's gonna remember it.The elevator opened up at the ground floor and just as I walked outta the elevator, someone suddenly grabbed my hair from behind and I hissed in pain..“Take that b*tch!” she screamed like a maniac as she pulled my hair roughly.Luckily the bodyguard was able to apprehend the intruder before things got worse and to my surprise it was Janelle…“I'm gonna kill you!” She kept struggling to free herself from the bodyguard holding onto her and I l
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Chapter 85 Eighty five
SAMANTHA'S POV…..I didn't know where she was taking me but I was more curious to see her surprise so I agreed to her blindfolding me..“You better pray I like your surprise..” I mumbled as she blindfolded me and she chuckled softly..“Trust me you're gonna love it..” she took my hands and led me outta the room carefully and also making sure I didn't bump into anything..I could tell we were already outside the mansion when I felt the cold breeze brush against my cheeks.I heard the car door open and she guided me into the car and soon I heard the car begin moving..I was really curious to know where we're going and kept a smile on my face but soon the car stopped moving.Wait! That was fast!“Are there yet?” I asked when I heard the car door open again and Catty took my head and helped me outta the car..“Almost…” she giggled and we began walking again.I couldn't see a thing as Catty made sure I wasn't able to peep through the blindfold.“We're almost there, okay?” She assured me an
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Chapter 86 Sweetheart
Damian was still at the Karaoke but after a few minutes Samantha was still a no show and that was when he got suspicious..“Remind me where my wife was going again?” Damian asked Ramon with a frown..“The bathroom..” Ramon answered as he stared at the drunk people with a conflicted expression..“Take care of them..” Damian stood up without hesitation and headed towards the bathroom and sure enough she wasn't in the bathroom but found the fire exit open..Damian ran his fingers through his hair in frustration because it was raining heavily outside and he couldn't help but wonder why she would actually get in the rain..He looked around the place hoping to catch a glimpse of her but nothing so he hurried to his car and through towards the highway even though it was difficult to see anything in the heavy rain pour but of course Damian wasn't gonna let his wife freeze In the cold…Damian drove around the place and went further into the rain and kept an eye out for her when his eyes sudden
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Chapter 87 Eighty seven
“How could you be stupid to show up like that? Do you realize the mess we're in right now?” Alex was angry and frustrated as he lashed out at his sister…Their father was at the hospital busy faking his health condition while he is left with all the company's problems only for Janelle to make things even worse…“I'm sorry, I just couldn't take it seeing her walking around the place acting All high and mighty..” Janelle bit her fingernails nervously and looked like she was about to cry and this frustrated the hell outta Alex because he couldn't stand seeing her in tears…“I'm under so much pressure and I wouldn't want you to get into any more trouble.” Alex placed his hands on her shoulder as his voice softened…Janelle hugged him tightly as her shoulder began trembling..“I'm scared, Alex… “ She mumbled while holding onto him tightly…“It's okay to be scared… We all get scared when things ain't going our way but do my best to make sure Dad’s company doesn't fall in the wrong hands..”
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Chapter 88 Crazy
SAMANTHA'S POV..I was restless and I couldn't sleep even though I felt sleepy because I wanted to really talk to him and make him understand that I wasn't gonna get rid of my baby…My heart felt like it was about to burst outta my chest as he began walking back to the room and as he drew closer I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and it was beating really fast. I was having a hard time breathing…He got closer to my bed and sat down on the edge with an expressionless face..“ you need-” he had yet to finish his statement when I burst out whatever I was thinking..“I'm not gonna get rid of my baby if that's what you're going to say!” I blurted out as hot tears came falling“Wait wha-”“I understand the fact that you ain't ready to be a father but there's absolutely no way I'm gonna-” Damian covered my lips preventing me from speaking further and heaved a sigh..“You said anything about getting rid of the child? That's my baby you're carrying, Samantha.. I was only gonna ask you if yo
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Chapter 89 Eighty nine
SAMANTHA'S POV..“Do you think I'm grumpy too?” Damian raised an eyebrow and I chuckled softly..“sometimes..” I smirked and he smiled without saying a word.“But I love you just the way you're.” I added and his smile widened..“I love you too baby..” he pecked me again before closing his eyes again while holding me closer..I parted his hair and planted a kiss on his hair and let him sleep…I went on with the apple and found it really nice. His grandparents are actually sweet people but of course wouldn't stop being cold to them..Even though he was cold to them on the outside I could tell he actually loved them alot and just didn't know how to show them his love..A smile made its way to my face as I ate all the apple pieces and also decided to catch some sleep because I felt dizzy from the drugs..I placed my palm on his forehead and felt his temperature and gently unbuttoned the first three buttons on his shirt..I also ended up falling asleep before I knew it and slept with a big
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Chapter 90 Ecstasy
Chairman Delian was sitting leisurely on the hospital bed eating some passion fruit with a smile on his face when someone walked inside his ward unhurriedly..He raised his head to find her standing right infront of him and everything about her screamed power.He was stunned for a moment but soon regained his composure and glared at her..“What are you doing here?” He asked angrily and the woman chuckled softly..“Is that a way to talk to your own flesh and blood?” She smirked at him, infuriating him more and all the man wanted to do at the moment was choke her to death..“Who let you in here, bitch?” The chairman didn't wanna breathe the air with the woman any more but she couldn't care less.“ Sign this and I'll save your company from every single problem in 24 hours.” She offered but he wouldn't burge…“ Did you actually Think I'll entrust my company to someone like you? Tsk! Did you come here to make a mockery of me?” He glared at her and didn't take the documents from her..“Well
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