Semua Bab Forced To Be The Mafia King's Plaything: Bab 91 - Bab 100
125 Bab
Chapter 91 Ninety one
SAMANTHA'S POV.Damian looked at me in anticipation when I took his little brother from its prison and gave it a gentle stroke..“Remember you're not allowed to touch me..” I reminded him and he nodded in understanding and only then did I bring it to my lips and trailed my tongue on the tip making him moan softly.I kept my eyes on his as I took all of him in my mouth and began sucking him and believe me when I say Damian was about to go crazyThe fact that he couldn't touch me drove him crazy as he held onto the glass door for support as I skillfully sucked him and he wouldn't stop moaning my name..“God… Samantha..” he moaned out my name as I grabbed his balls and gave it a gentle squeeze…He kept growing inside of my mouth and I wondered if my mouth would be able to fit …I kept sucking him until he suddenly Snapped and before I could say a word he suddenly pulled me off the ground and pinned me against the wall while I wrapped my legs around his torso instinctively..“F*CK those r
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Chapter 92 Teasing
SAMANTHA'S POV.“ Why don't I make love to you to confirm if I'm real or not?” Damian said and only then did I snap my eyes open and found him smirking at me..“What are you doing here?” It was a stupid question but I was outta words to say..“I came to get my wife back..” he simply said and held onto me tightly so I wouldn't run away from him.I tapped his chest in an attempt to push him away even though deep down I was happy he came but He wouldn't Burge and his hands around my waist tightened up…“Stop moving.” He warned and I instantly stopped moving like someone who was possessed.He heaved a sigh and he laid down with his back against the bed while he stared at the ceiling…“Can you forgive me? God I just hate it when we fight.” he mumbled and the sadness in his voice broke my heart.I didn't know if it was pregnancy hormones or what it was but I would always flare up over little things and it's really getting outta hand…“Me too..” I finally admitted and only then did he turn t
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Chapter 93 Father
“Pervert!” Catty glared at him and badly wanna smack his first..“I've been meaning to ask you a question and I want you to be honest with me.” Ramon said with a serious expression and Catty became nervous. Was he gonna ask her about the things Adrian had said?“What lo-”“I never had a crush on Adrian!” Catty blurted out and this time Ramon couldn't stop himself from laughing.“ What? No.. I mean what lotion do you use?” Catty almost coughed out blood when she heard and looked at him to be sure she heard well.“What?” Catty asked, unsure of what she'd just heard..“Your hands are really soft..” he muttered with a serious expression and Catty became red..She was blushing and needed to cool down else she was gonna make a fool of herself in front of this pervert…“I….I…I. don't know what you're talking about..” Catty shuttered foolishly and dash towards the bathroom before she could explode..Once she was inside the bathroom she splashed water on her red and tried to calm down.She too
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Chapter 94 Evidence
Alex sprung to his feet when the doors to the emergency ward slid open and the doctor walked out..“How's she doing, doc?” Alex asked with a desperate tune..“Fortunately we were able to flush out the drugs from her system.. She's stable now and will be up soon.” The doctor assured him and only then did he heave a sigh of relief.The doctor walked away once his job was done leaving both father and son alone.“That was a close one..” Chairman Delian heaved a sigh of relief. He glanced at his son who was still staring at the frost glass doors of the emergency ward…Alex decided to go back to his seat and wait for her to be transferred to a ward to show that she was completely outta Danger.“ I don't think Elly might wanna see you. I think you should leave..” Alex was practically chasing him away but of course he wasn't gonna leave until he'd made sure his daughter was okay…Soon Janelle was wheeled outta the emergency ward and was taken to a VIP ward immediately..Alex followed them all
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Chapter 95 I’ll find you
SAMANTHA'S POV…I picked up a tissue and wiped off the sweat on my forehead and tried to focus more on the road but still didn't help with my discomfort.“Are you okay? “ She heard Damian's worried voice.“I'm fine, just a little dizzy.” I responded truthfully and tried to keep my eyes on the road when suddenly it began raining..“Don't tell me you're driving?” I knew I was in big trouble right now and not to mention it had already started raining and I could barely see anything..“Yes I'm..” I heaved a sigh.“Pull over right now, Samantha! I thought I made it clear you're not allowed to go around on your own?” He snapped at me but I could barely hear him at the moment and the buzzing sound in my head only made things worse..At this point I couldn't control the car anymore. I clenched my stomach with my free hand when I felt a gut clenching pain in there..What's happening?Fear gripped my entire being when I couldn't control the car and my entire body and turned numb..I tried to st
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Chapter 96 Dangerous
After eleven long hours of the Emergency lights being on, it was finally turned off which only means the surgery was over..Damian stood up immediately and stood in front of the double doors waiting for the doctor to come out..The glass doors opened up shortly and Samantha was wheeled out by a few nurses..Damian felt like his heart was being clenched by an unknown force seeing how pale and vulnerable his wife looked…He could tell she was in so much pain..“How's she doing?” Damian asked without taking his eyes away from her..“The surgery was a success. We'll be put under surveillance for a few days after which she will be moved to a VIP ward..” The doctor explained but of course Damian wasn't paying any attention to whatever he was saying..There was an oxygen mask over her nose which only means she was having a hard time breathing on her own…Damian finally stepped away from her and she was immediately wheeled away by the nurses while he watched till she was outta sight…“You sho
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Chapter 97 Caring
Damian left the classroom and headed straight to the hospital..Ramon and Catty were still outside the ICU when he arrived and Catty looked like a zombie from crying too much..Damian momentarily slowed down when his eyes fell on his grandparents..Who the hell invited them?Damian could only think of the only person who could have informed them. Adrian..He took a deep breath and began walking towards them but when he got closer, his grandma suddenly pulled him into a tight hug and he just let her hug him tightly..“I'm so sorry, Dear..” she mumbled without letting go but he simply stood there with a cold expression..The old lady finally let go of him and his eyes fell on his grandfather.“Why are you here?” Damian asked without holding back but of course they'd gotten used to his cold attitude and also knew his words were the exact opposite of what he was feeling inside..“We flew over as soon as we heard the news, Son. How's she doing? Is she gonna be okay?” His grandfather asked
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Chapter 98 Patient
“Do you wanna catch a cold or something?” Ramon walked towards her with a frown and kept the food tray he was carrying aside and picked up a towel but she was still spacing out so he just quietly sat down beside her and began wiping her hair dry..He gently massaged her scalp as he skillfully wiped her dry and In no time he'd finished drying up her hair..Once he finished drying her hair, he kept the towel aside and spoke calmly.“I made you something.. it's gonna help you relax.” He mentioned and wanted to leave when she suddenly caught hold of his wrist stopping him from leaving..Ramon looked down at her and she was looking at him with those cute puppy eyes once again..“Please stay.” She pleaded and of course Ramon didn't have the heart to leave her all alone so he decided to stay and brought the food tray and placed it in the space between them..Cathy picked up the spoon and began eating but something was wrong and he was quick to realize that so he immediately took the spoon fr
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Chapter 99 Ninety nine
Alex had just stepped outta the company when a bag was suddenly placed over his head Making it hard for him to see who or what it was..“What do you think you are doing? Get off me you morons!” Alex struggled as he yelled but no one paid any attention to him and he was immediately thrown into the trunk of the car before he knew what was going on..After being kept in a trunk and taken to good knows where, the car finally stopped moving..Alex didn't know what's going on and could only wait to see the one who dared to kidnap him..He already had a hunch about who the kidnapper could be but decided to wait till he'd been taken outta the car.He heard footsteps and the trunk was slowly opened and he was dragged outta the trunk.Alex tried to attack whoever was holding him but ended up getting zapped and he fell on his knees immediately…“Don't even think of acting smart.” He heard an unfamiliar voice and thanks to the little stunt he pulled, his hands got tied up and his legs too..Alex
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Chapter 100 Something extra
“ Does it hurt?” Caitlyn asked as she tended to the slit on Ramon's palm but he simply stared at her without saying a word.Seeing that he wasn't in the mood she Decided not to ask him any more questions and went on applying first aid to the injury and after which she covered it with a bandage..“There you go..” Caitlyn said when she finished treating his wound..She stood up and walked towards the sink and washed her hands properly before turning to him with a smile..“Do you realize where you're?” Ramon asked with a raised eyebrow as he leaned against the door with his hands folded against each other..“Is that a way of thanking me for tending to your wound?” Caitlyn glared at him and his stupid ego..She couldn't believe he would ask her that Without a proper ‘thank you’“I don't hear you thanking me either.” He smirked and Caitlyn almost coughed out blood..Ramon was not only petty but unbelievable.She couldn't believe the fact that she got saved by this petty man and now he's de
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