All Chapters of Forced To Be The Mafia King's Plaything: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
125 Chapters
Chapter 111 Cathy
Cathy tossed and turned but strangely she felt something wrapped around her waist securely..She didn't wanna get outta bed yet and proceeded to keep her eyes shut but the ray of sunshine that was peeking through the curtains made it impossible for her to go back to sleep..A groan she opened her eyes and looked around the room when her eyes suddenly fell on the sleeping man beside her.She almost screamed out in shock but was quick to cover her lips to hold back her scream.Cathy took a deep breath to calm racing heart before gently raising the sheets with Shakily and just as she'd suspected she was naked.She almost screamed once again but covered her mouth to avoid alerting the sleeping Ramon..Cathy gently took his hand away from her body and quietly snuck outta the bed and quickly wore her clothes before hurrying outta the room..Cathy ran outta his apartment and went straight to the lobby without hesitation and flagged down a taxi which took her back to her apartment…Cathy ran
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Chapter 112 Best alternative
Ramon smirked as he went through the information of his supposed client..Of course he already knew what he was gonna be dealing with once he walked through the double doors but his lips curled upwards as he walked towards the entrance..The security at the door bowed respectfully and held the door for Ramon and the secretary…“ Good day, Mr Ramon.. The boss is waiting by the poolside.” A man who appears to be the manager spoke respectfully and ushered them to the poolside where a woman is presumed to be in her thirties was..The manager bowed slightly and scrawled away immediately while they stood there watching the lady who was swimming leisurely around the pool…Ramon stood there with his shoved into his pocket as he stared down at the swimming figure with an expressionless face.“ You must be Ramon..” the woman spoke as she stepped outta the pool unhurriedly and wore a robe over her body..“Hello Miss Costello.” Ramon calmly said and she flashed him the most blinding smile..“ I w
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Chapter 113 Love making
“Deal ?” Ramon whispered against her bare skin, making her wonder when he got so close..Cathy gulped down nervously as her eyes fell on his lips..Yes deal…” she mindlessly said as she inched closer to him till their lips were just inches apart..Just when she thought he was gonna kiss her on the lips, he simply planted a kiss on her cheeks and moved away with a chuckle..“ You can move back into my condo if you want but I can't guarantee that I will be able to hold myself.” He smirked proudly while she rolled her eyes at him..“I think I'm gonna be fine , Here… You don't have to worry about me.” She huffed but he suddenly yanked her closer making her gasp in shock..“Are you sure?” He whispered just loud enough for her to hear but she could only stare at his Adam apple Which moved up and down in a sexy ass way.She couldn't help but wonder how someone could be so handsome and sexy at the same time.She was fascinated with everything about this man and that gave her the creep..“W…wh
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Chapter 114 Jealousy
SAMANTHA'S POV….“ Good morning, Sunshine..” Damian pulled the sheets off my body and I was forced to open my eyes..“What do you want?” I groaned softly and tried to pull the sheets over my body once again but he made sure I wasn't able to pull it over my body..“Breakfast is ready plus you're gonna be late for work if you don't get your lazy ass outta bed.” He chuckled softly and began tickling me Making me laugh out loud..“Okay stop! I'm up! I'm up! Geez..” I jumped outta the bed like someone being chased by a stray cat..“Go take a shower now..” Damian pointed at the bathroom like an annoying father…“Stop acting like my father.. geez!!” I ran towards the bathroom before he could get his hands on me and we both ended giggling..Damian was all dressed up for work when I stepped outta the bathroom and he'd just brought breakfast for me.I instinctively picked up his tie and gently helped him with it while he stared at me quietly.“ stop staring at me like that.” I glared playfully
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Chapter 115 Threat
SAMANTHA'S POV….“Get in the car, Samantha..” Damian sounded so angry, my feet felt glue to the ground but after a brief moment I walked towards the car quietly.I got into the passenger side while he took the wheels and drove towards the highway like a maniac..“Slow down please..” I mumbled as I instinctively grabbed hold of something but he simply accelerated and drove at an insane speed…“I'm sorry, can you please slow down?” I was getting nervous as he drove but he wouldn't say a word or spare me a glance as he drove really fast..I covered my eyes while trying to hold back my fear as he drove at high speed…The screeching sounds of the tires made me gasps in fear but slowly took my hand away from my eyes when I noticed we were at Eason Corp already..“ I-” Damian got outta the Maybach before I could say anything and got into his car which had just pulled up in front of mine and he was gone..I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart before stepping outta the car and straighte
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Chapter 116 Always him
SAMANTHA'S POV….“ What do you mean by that?” Cathy asked with a confused expression even though I could see something else..“ A woman is trying to take him away but unfortunately for her Ramon isn't one to go after different women… You should make up your mind Caitlin and stop being a coward..” Samantha calmly said and this earned a playful glare from her..“ Okay fine.. I get your point and I'm gonna give it some thought..” Cathy mumbled as she looked down on her fingers..“ Good girl…. Do you wanna eat anything? Oh wait! You have to accompany me shopping.” Samantha suddenly remembered she'd to go get a birthday gift for Grandma Vanessa.“ Of course!” Cathy shouted with glee and I chuckled softly..“ Alright, Alright let's go before I have a change of heart..” I threatened as I stood up after picking my bag and we both headed for the door..I'd just opened the door and we almost bumped into Ramon who looked like he was about to knock..He froze a moment as he kept staring at Cathy.
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Chapter 117 Soft moan
SAMANTHA'S POV….Damian got under the sheets and pulled me into his arms without saying a word as he provided me with warmth..I wanted to say something but decided against it and quietly stayed in his arms but of course the tension in the air was killing me..“ Babe?” I called out to him while biting down on my bottom lip nervously..“ Go to sleep.. we'll talk about it in the morning..” he mumbled, not giving me a chance to say something and I immediately felt bad..I knew I was wrong for going to see Alex without informing him about it but Damian not giving me a chance to explain hurts so much..He stroked my hair gently while I tried to keep my eyes open even though my eyelids felt so heavy..I glanced over at his face but to my surprise his eyes were closed like he'd fallen asleep but his fingers were still buried in my hair..I took a deep breath and hugged him tightly and snuggled more into his embrace..“ I love you.” I mumbled even though I knew I wasn't gonna get a response a
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Chapter 118 Fear
It's been a month since Ramon and Cathy started their secret relationship which turned out to be a bad idea especially when all the ladies are out to get him.Not to mention the clingy business partner who was all over him..Ramon was currently in a business meeting withA few executives miss Elvis Costello and her team over the new construction in the heart of the city Which could take a lot of planning of course funds and that's where Miss Costello comes in.Ramon adjusted his tie as he tried to focus on the presentation that was going on but underneath the table Miss Elvis actually placed her feet on his thigh…“ Are you okay, sir?” One of the executives asked when he noticed how Ramon was adjusting his tie continuously..Ramon doesn't feel anything aside from disgust and uneasiness..He wasn't used to any of that but of course he couldn't call her out for that…“ it's fine you can continue..” Ramon insisted and they continued the presentation immediately..Throughout the entire Me
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Chapter 119 Found them
SAMANTHA'S POV.A groan escaped my lips and I fluttered my eyes open..What the hell happened?My body hurts like hell, it felt like he'd been run over by a truck..With a groan I moved to a sitting position and that's when I heard a familiar voice..“ Hello, sister.. ” I snapped my head to the direction of the voice and found Janelle standing by the door with a hoodie over her head..“ I see you're awake.” She smirked without bothering to step outta the dark.“ What's the meaning of this?” I glared at her but she simply Chuckled softly..“ You might wanna check on your friend.. she took a big hit..” she nonchalantly spoke and that was when I caught sight of Cathy laying down on the cold..I crawled towards her direction immediately and my hands trembled when my hand came in contact with her blood..“ What have you done?” I yelled In rage as I suddenly stood up and walked towards her but a gun suddenly pointed at me by one his minions..“ One more step and your friend gets it..” He th
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Chapter 120 Raped
“ I'll drive…” Ramon suggested as he quickly got into the driver's side while Damian got in the passenger side and Ramon immediately turned on the ignition and drove towards the highway..They were both tensed up at the moment as Ramon drove as fast as he could to the location..“ Step on it… The signal is getting weak..” Damian informed him and Ramon immediately did as he was told and stepped on the gas…Damian felt like his heart was about to leave his chest as Ramon drove as fast as he could breaking all speed limits and in no time arrived at an abandoned mansion..They both got outta the car without bothering to park and hurried inside the building..Damian had already sent the location to his men so they should be in the building any time soon..They both hurried inside the building without hesitation and kicked the door open but the ground floor was empty so they decided to check upstairs..Damian almost had a heart attack when he heard his wife's voice..He dashed towards the d
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