All Chapters of Forced To Be The Mafia King's Plaything: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
125 Chapters
Chapter 101 Choice
SAMANTHA'S POV..“I'm so sorry I slept off..” Damian immediately carried me to the bathroom and turned around..“I didn't wanna wake you up and decided to go to the bathroom myself..” I mumbled as I eased myself and after which he carried me back to the room..“Are you okay? Do you feel any discomfort?” Damian asked with a worried expression as he checked me all over..“I'm fine… You don't have to worry..” I told him off and he heaved a sigh.“Do you need anything?” Damian asked and tucked a strand of my greasy hair behind gently so he doesn't ruin the bandage around my head..“Would you get me a ice cream if I asked?” I quietly asked and he shook his head with a complicated expression plastered on his face..“You know I can't do that but I promise to get you whatever flavour you wanted once you get better..” he'd no option but to make a promise..“okay.” I simply said and leaned against the headboard slowly.. Damian looked at him with a complicated expression and no idea what to say
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Chapter 102 Ramon
Ramon had been busy and working immensely on the acquisition of Eason corporation and hadn't really had time for himself…With Alexander outta the scene and the shareholders also losing their faith in Chairman Delian it was easier to sway the hearts of the shareholders into handing most of their shares to Mrs Rodriguez..Ramon had just finished a meeting with the investors from China and decided to head home because he was so exhausted..He wanted to go to the hospital at first but decided against it seeing how late it was so he decided to head back to his apartment.He drove back to sky city and parked his car at the underground parking lot before taking the elevator to the Tenth floor..He glanced at his palm which had a tight bandage around it and I couldn't help but wonder if Cathy was still at the hospital or had returned to his apartment..He shrugged and walked outta the elevator unhurriedly.Ramon took out his key card and unlocked the door before walking inside only to find h
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Chapter 103 Hundred and three
“Alright fine..” left with no choice. Ramon agreed to her silly request and followed her to the living room..She made him sit and after which she sat down beside him with a smug smile plastered on her.“So what are we watching? I do hope it's not some boring soap opera?” Ramon asked even though deep down he wanted to be anywhere but right there with her.He leaned leisurely against the couch while Watching her scroll through her watchlist.“Do you like the horror genre?” She asked and he looked at her with a frown.“Why that? Can't you watch something else?” Ramon asked but she shook her head while trying to hide her smile..“I want something thrilling and I'm sure you're gonna love it too.” She shrugged and finally found a horror movie she'd been wanting to watch but Ramon wasn't comfortable with watching a horror movie so late at night but didn't dare say a word and stayed there with a calm expression.Cathy was dying of laughter deep down but kept a straight face and would occasio
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Chapter 104 Hundred and four
SAMANTHA'S POV.“ Are you tired of your job, Adrian?” I asked with a glare and he gulped down nervously..Earlier I'd asked him to get me outta this hellhole but he simply refused saying it's the boss's order.Hell yeah I'm your boss..“I'm so sorry Ma'am I couldn't do anything without ta-”“Nah I don't wanna hear it… Let's go home, Baby..” I mumbled and Damian, who was just staring at me and his secretary with amusement, finally led the way while he wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked outta the ward. His bodyguards also followed us to the elevator which took us down the lobby…There were so many eyes on us as we walked towards the car waiting outside the lobby.“Watch your step, Love.” Damian mumbled under his breath as he opened the car door for her and helped her get in. Only when she was comfortable did he also enter the car and Sebastian stepped on the gas immediately.I placed my head on his thigh and closed my eyes while he stroked my hair tenderly..I was feeling slee
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Chapter 105 Hundred and five
SAMANTHA'S POV.I unconsciously clenched the fork in my hand tightly as I thought of what that family had cost me.It is funny how one's flesh and blood could easily turn on them at the sight of Wealth.At some point I really wanted to look past the conflict and get to know them but they just had to take away my father and my unborn baby.There was absolutely no way I'm gonna forgive them for everything they'd put me through.I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize Damian had returned to the table and had been talking to me..I jerked slightly when he placed his cold hands on mine..“Are you okay, Love?” He asked with a concerned expression and when I looked at the rest they were all looking at me with the same expression..“it's okay, I'm fine just thinking about something… Can we eat now?” I chuckled softly and they all heaved a sigh of relief…“So Ramon, my wife wants to know if you and Cathy have already made it Official seeing how you two live in the same apartment.” D
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Chapter 106 Hundred and six
Alex groaned in pain as he gently moved his hand and brought it to his forehead and found a thick gauge wrapped around his forehead..What the f*CK happened to him?He felt so much pain like he'd been runned over by a huge truck..Alex tried to open his eyes but his eyelids felt so heavy he was having a difficult time opening his eyes.After much struggle he fluttered his eyes open but unfortunately his vision was blurred and had to blink severally but his vision was still blurred and that scared him greatly..Did he just lose his vision?“W…where am I? What's happening?”“Thank goodness you're awake.. I was so scared..” Alex Heard a familiar voice beside him and she hugged him immediately.It was his little sister.“Elly? Is that you?” His voice was hoarse as he spoke as his eyes wandered around the place but unfortunately he couldn't see anything.“Are you okay? I thought I lost you son..” Alex Heard his father's voice but didn't know where he was..“What's going on Dad? Why are the
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Chapter 107 I love you too
SAMANTHA'S POV..I found him fast asleep on his chair in an uncomfortable position..Slowly I walked towards him and stood in front of him.He looked exhausted which was a gentle reminder that he'd been busy taking care of me lately..I slowly reached out my hand to touch his hair but he suddenly caught my hand mid air in a defensive mode and opened his eyes..“Wifey?” He immediately let go of my hand and looked at me with a worried expression.“Why are you sleeping here? Are you still mad at me?” I mumbled with a sullen look on my face and he took my hand and made me sit on his thigh ..“Of course not, babe.. I can never get mad at you, okay?” He cupped my face so I could stare at him but I wasn't convinced.“I just had to finish a few paperwork before my meeting tomorrow..” He added with a smile but I simply looked down on my fingers nervously ..“ I'm sorry… I didn't mean-” Damian suddenly pressed a kiss on my lips before I could say a word and I happily accepted his kiss..Damian
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Chapter 108 Truth or dare
“ I guess you all already know why I called for this meeting?” Damian started and they all looked at each other but not daring to say a word to the man in front of them..“As of this moment I'm the new chairman of Eason corp and also Ramon is the new CEO.. let's not forget my wife would be joining us soon and I expect you all to get used to the changes..” Damian calmly said and they all began murmuring once again..“Do you understand?” Damian barked at them and they all nodded fearfully…“I wanted a detailed report on the company's financial statement on my desk as soon as possible and whoever isn’t happy with the changes should get out now..” They were all shivering with fear and didn't dare meet his eyes..Of course they all knew who Damian was and how fierce he could be but this was the very first time they'd an encounter with him and to think this man was gonna be their new boss frightened them even more..“Welcome to Eason corp, Lord Damian!” they simultaneously greeted him with
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Chapter 109 Off guard
“Truth or dare, Cathy?” Ramon calmly asked and she decided to be bold.“Dare..”“ I dare you to sing a song based on your emotions.” Ramon said and she narrowed her eyes at him wondering what his endgame was.“Challenge accepted but don't you dare complain about my singing.” Cathy stood up immediately and took the mic..Cathy took a deep breath Wondering what song could really portray her emotions.But soon got an idea.‘ Shameless by Camilla Cabello.’ she thought.“Don't speak, no, don't tryIt's been a secret for the longest timeDon't run (oh), no, don't hideBeen running from it for the longest timeSo many mornings, I woke up confusedIn my dreams, I do anything I want to youMy emotions are naked, they're taking me out of my mindRight now, I'm shamelessScreaming' my lungs out for yaNot afraid to face itI need you more than I want toNeed you more than I want toShow me you're shamelessWrite it on my neck, why don't ya?And I won't erase itI need you more than I want toI
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Chapter 110 Want more
Ramon froze for a brief moment but soon found himself kissing her back with the same hunger and need..He dug his fingers through her hair as he deepened the kiss which she pulled him even closer..Ramon kissed her until she was outta breath and only then did he pull away..He placed his forehead against hers as they both tried to catch their breaths..“Do you realize what you're doing?” Ramon's voice was rather husky and this made her dripping wet..She has always wanted him and this time there was no stop..Instead of a reply, she leaned in and pressed her lips against his.“Shut up and take me..” she whispered and kept planting kisses all over his face.“Are you sure?” Ramon was still hanging over a bit of rationality but she said next totally shattered everything..“Don't you want me anymore?” That was the last straw for Ramon as he suddenly began kissing her rather fiercely and passionately..She was like a drug and he found himself getting sucked in.Cathy leaned backwards, gran
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