All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
304 Chapters
Chapter 211 The Old Man’s Wrath
Logan beckoned, ‘Get me another belt from the dressing room.’Alessia shook her head with a hint of defiance. ‘No.’With a sly smile, Logan tried a different approach. ‘Either you fetch me that belt, sweetheart, or we can pick up right where we left off, right here in this very room.’Alessia’s eyes widened in shock. ‘I’ll get it now!’She hurried upstairs to the dressing room, where she discovered an assortment of thirty belts, each from a different luxury brand.‘Is he running a belt boutique in here or what?’ she muttered to herself.Selecting one at random, she swiftly returned downstairs.As she descended, she couldn’t help but overhear Logan on the phone, his tone dripping with irritation. ‘I’ll set the dogs on her if you ever ask Sofie to come to my house again.’The voice on the other end, belonging to Logan’s grandfather, protested vehemently. ‘How dare you! Why don’t you enlighten me about the kind of woman your girlfriend is?’Logan shot back, his voice dripping with disdai
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Chapter 212 Her Refusal
The butler remained silent as the old man stormed into the house.‘Where is that woman?’ Albert asked coldly. ‘Is she a woman of questionable character?’Georg shook his head. ‘She seemed quite respectable.’‘Blast it, come out now!’ the old man shouted upon entering the house, but there was no response.Frowning, he wondered aloud, ‘Did they really leave?’The butler nodded. ‘Yes, they truly left.’‘Why didn’t I see his car on my way here?’‘I’m not sure. Perhaps they left in a different car.’The old man huffed. ‘He’ll do anything to get his way.’A bit irritably, Georg muttered, ‘Aren’t you the same?’‘What did you say?’ The old man snapped after hearing the butler’s words, turning his rage towards him, ‘I’m asking you, what did you say?’The butler clamped his mouth shut.‘Well?’ the old man pressed.Still, the butler offered no reply.‘Tell that rascal to bring that woman to me within a day,’ the old man declared, ‘or I’ll have to investigate her myself.’Georg calmly responded,
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Chapter 213 Injured
Alone in the car, Alessia’s brows knitted, an uneasy feeling creeping over her.She hated exploiting people, and she was determined not to let Logan think she was just after his riches.His earlier snide remark about her being poor but ambitious had hit a nerve, and she hadn’t expected such a strong reaction.Sitting in the car for a moment, she took a deep breath.Then, raindrops started drumming on the windshield, and anxiety seeped in.With a sigh, she decided to take action.‘Logan, it’s raining. Can you please come back?’ she called out, but Logan remained unresponsive as the rain intensified.Getting out of the car, Alessia was now soaked, her concern mounting.Unable to spot Logan, she pulled out her phone, using its flashlight to pierce through the rain.To her shock, she found him about eight meters behind the car, kneeling as if injured.Her heart clenched, and she darted towards him. ‘Logan?’The heavy rain made it challenging for her to see, water stinging her eyes.She sh
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Chapter 214 Emergency
Logan leaned back in his seat, his gaze fixed on Alessia as she drove.Thoughts of the recent events raced through his mind, and his gaze grew more profound.Meanwhile, Terence swiftly contacted the hospital, arranging for an emergency bed and an expert to stand by in the emergency centre.He was visibly anxious, his mind racing.The bodyguards and the doctor gathered at the entrance of the emergency centre.‘They’re here!’ one of the bodyguards suddenly shouted, ‘It’s the president’s car!’Amidst the pouring rain, Alessia skilfully manoeuvred the car into the emergency centre parking lot, although every space was occupied.Then, she spotted an ambulance pulling out with sirens blaring.Her eyes lit up, and she floored the accelerator, the car’s engine roaring.She swiftly approached an empty parking space and slammed on the brakes.Logan was nearly launched from his seat, and when he finally regained his composure, he looked at Alessia in amazement.She’d parked in the ambulance zone
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Chapter 215 Poisoned
‘I need to call my sister,’ Alessia sighed. ‘I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t be going home tonight.’‘Why don’t you call her after our conditions have stabilized?’ Logan suggested.‘Okay.’Alessia took out her phone and texted her sister.[Alessia]: Veronica, I don’t think I can make it home tonight. I have some stuff to do.In less than a minute, Veronica replied with a smiling emoji.[Veronica]: Sis, don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything.[Alessia]: Thanks, V. Tell Milo I’m sorry.[Veronica]: No prob. Have fun!Alessia put her phone down and felt a deep sense of relief.She wouldn’t know what to do without Veronica in her life.‘I’m going to take a nap. Wake me when it’s time for the blood draw,’ she said, her eyelids heavy.She was exhausted and just wanted to sleep.Logan nodded. ‘Rest well.’Without another word, Alessia closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep within seconds.Half an hour later, a nurse entered the room.Seeing Alessia asleep, she was surprised. ‘She’s not s
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Chapter 216 Recovery
Logan’s concern was immediate, and he sat upright, scanning her from head to toe. ‘How are you feeling? Short of breath?’Alessia, her breath still shaky, replied, ‘Yes, I’m breathless, and it’s like I’m in a panic mode. Thanks to you.’Alessia thought her breathlessness was a result of his passionate kiss.‘Doctor!’ Logan’s voice rang out, and there was instant commotion at the door.Terence’s voice followed, ‘Sir, I’ve called for the doctor.’Logan had wasted no time, summoning a doctor while in the middle of their passionate moment.‘Logan, why do I feel like I can’t breathe?’ Alessia’s heart raced on, and there was no relief.Hearing her words, Logan grew even more anxious.‘Why hasn’t the doctor arrived yet?’ he demanded.‘He’s here.’ Terence held the door open.The doctor entered the room, and Logan instructed him firmly, ‘Hurry, take a look at her.’‘Good, you are awake,’ The doctor addressed Alessia. ‘How are you feeling?’Alessia admitted, ‘My heart’s racing, and it’s getting
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Chapter 217 Hospitalised
Alessia shook her head, her expression tender. ‘There’s no need for that. I’m feeling much better now. What happened earlier was just a minor scare.’‘You fell asleep, and no one could wake you up,’ Logan’s voice was tinged with the fear he felt, a fear he couldn’t express in words.Alessia offered reassurance. ‘No, it’s just that I was too sleepy. The doctor said I’m fine now. Don’t worry. I truly feel much better.’Logan’s gaze held gratitude, but he remained cautious. ‘You do look better, but that doesn’t mean you’re fully recovered and safe.’Alessia countered, ‘But I think the best way to conserve energy now is to sleep.’Still, Logan hesitated, his protective nature refusing to wane.Alessia patted the space beside her, her smile warm. ‘Come on, if you’re still concerned, let’s lie down and sleep together.’Logan’s eyes lit up at the suggestion. ‘You’re right.’He removed his shoes and settled beside Alessia.She grinned, feeling the warmth of their closeness. ‘That’s better.’A
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Chapter 218 Worth It
Heath, impeccably dressed, offered her a ride.Veronica accepted without hesitation, and they made their way to the hospital.Tension hung in the air as they entered the hospital ward.Veronica led, Heath followed, and they reached the ward’s entrance.The bodyguards were unfamiliar with Veronica.Now it was Alex guarding the door.He halted Veronica, addressing Heath, ‘Mr Carpenter, what brings you here?’Heath asked, ‘Where’s your boss?’‘He’s inside.’Veronica, in a stern voice, declared, ‘I want to go in.’With politeness, Alex asked, ‘May I ask who you are?’Heath explained, ‘This is Miss Jansen’s sister. Can we go in?’Alex maintained professionalism. ‘I’ll check with the boss. Please wait.’A knock on the door elicited a response from inside, ‘Come in.’Logan, sitting at the edge of Alessia’s bed, frowned as Veronica rushed in.She didn’t hesitate to voice her irritation, giving him a pointed look before turning to Alessia. ‘Sis!’Veronica’s gaze landed on Alessia in the hospit
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Chapter 219 Uncanny Resemblance
Deep down, Veronica knew Alessia had done all this just because Logan was Milo’s biological father.She wouldn’t stand by and watch Logan lose his life before Milo had a chance to get to know him.Of course, there was always the possibility that Alessia had already fallen in love with Logan.Alessia straightened her shoulders.‘This was my choice,’ she said firmly.Veronica could not say anything more at this moment.She could only hold Alessia in her arms and burst into tears.This situation surprised Logan and Heath.Something was amiss, and it seemed like there were deeper meanings to what they’d just heard.Alessia wiped her sister’s tears away, looked at her watch, and said, ‘Veronica, it’s past four o’clock now. I’m fine, but I can’t go back today. You’ll have to go home.’Veronica understood what Alessia didn’t say—go home and take care of Milo.She nodded.***‘Aunt Veronica, you don’t look very well. What happened?’ Milo asked as they walked out of the kindergarten, holding h
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Chapter 220 Hypothetical
The little fellow had a sharp mind and wasn’t one to give away information easily.He regarded Heath with suspicion and questioned, ‘Why are you asking me this? You’re wearing a fake uniform, aren’t you? Are you a real policeman, or are you a fraud?’Heath found himself amused by the child’s inquisitiveness and replied, ‘Kid, you should answer my question first.’Milo remained cautious and said, ‘My mommy is with my father. I’m here with my aunt. Does that answer your question?’Heath chuckled. ‘Alright.’Milo, not one to let him off the hook, urged, ‘It’s your turn, then. I asked you a question, but you haven’t answered.’Heath relented, ‘I’m a real policeman. This police uniform is real. I’m not a fraud, okay?’Milo, with a mischievous glint in his eye, probed further, ‘Why are you wearing your police uniform? Are you on duty?’Heath explained patiently, ‘Off duty. I didn’t have time to change out of it. I had a meeting today.’But Milo wasn’t easily convinced and brought up a recen
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