All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
304 Chapters
Chapter 231 Speak of the Devil
Terence had no idea who was calling, as the phone remained in Logan’s pocket.The call rang for a while before finally stopping.‘Drive,’ Logan ordered, breaking the silence. ‘Back to my house.’‘Yes, boss,’ Terence responded, starting the car and pulling away.Just as they turned a corner, he spotted Veronica on the street with bags in her hands.He remembered Logan’s words and chose to remain silent.Veronica, who had returned from a grocery run, didn’t notice Logan’s car as she entered the building.Inside the apartment, she found Alessia kneeling by the door, her head buried in her arms.Startled, she closed the door and asked with concern, ‘Alessia, what’s wrong? Why are you kneeling there? Have you been back for long?’Alessia slowly raised her head to look at Veronica, her eyes gradually focusing.Without uttering a word, she blinked and tears streamed down her face.Veronica, her heart aching for her sister, couldn’t bear to see her cry.She got down on the floor and looked at
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Chapter 232 Self-pity
Alessia quickly explained, ‘So the plan is, I’ll open the door and dodge, then you’ll splash the water out. We have to pull this off together, okay?’Veronica, sporting a mischievous grin, agreed, ‘Okay. I like your righteous look now, Alessia.’Alessia gave her a pointed reminder, ‘Focus.’Veronica reassured her, ‘Don’t worry. I’ve got this.’With the basin of water filled with red beans in hand, Veronica walked towards the door and placed it on the shoe cabinet, poised for their prank.Connie’s impatience was evident in the continued knocking.Alessia, playing it cool, winked at Veronica and opened the door.Connie, standing at the door with a smug expression, gloated, ‘I knew you were home. How was it? Logan came to you just now, didn’t he? Does he know about the child?’Alessia, unflustered, responded calmly, ‘You told him.’Connie, with a mocking grin, admitted, ‘Yes, I did. I’ll get back what I lost from you.’Alessia’s reply was cold and matter-of-fact, ‘You’re out of your mind
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Chapter 233 Stained
Brayden looked at Alessia with hope in his eyes.‘Veronica is right,’ Alessia said. ‘Regardless of what happened between you and Connie, it has nothing to do with me anymore. You don’t have to tell me.’‘Okay then,’ Brayden said, his hope extinguished.He looked miserable. ‘I’ve felt like the walking dead all these years.’‘Is that so?’ Veronica chimed in. ‘Then you might as well die.’Stunned by Veronica’s harsh words, Brayden retorted, ‘Do you want me to die so badly? What about you, Alessia?’Alessia found it ludicrous and chuckled.‘Yes,’ she replied without hesitation. ‘Since you’re already the walking dead, it’s better for you to die, isn’t it? I think Veronica is right.’Brayden staggered, almost losing his balance, but he refused to leave.Standing at the door, he stared at Alessia, unable to fathom her cruelty.‘She used to be so kind and lovely,’ he thought, finding her transformation unbelievable.As Veronica resumed sweeping the floor, she glanced at Brayden and said, ‘Loo
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Chapter 234 Friendly Warning
Brayden held his ground and implored, ‘You can’t keep blocking my way to Alessia. Please, don’t shut me out this time. I just want to talk to her.’Veronica retorted sharply, ‘Don’t play games with me. I’d have knocked you out if I wasn’t worried about dirtying my hands.’Brayden’s tone softened as he tried to reason, ‘Veronica, let’s not make this a brawl. You can’t match my strength.’Veronica’s eyes grew colder as she asserted, ‘Are you really ready for a showdown? I’ll take you on till the end.’Brayden, unwavering, started moving forward, stating, ‘Step aside.’Veronica immediately stepped in his path, adamant, ‘You’re not getting in there. Do you get that?’Brayden, wearing a frown, attempted to manoeuvre around her and continue into the building, but Veronica stood her ground.In a fit of anger, Veronica leapt and aimed a kick at Brayden from behind.Yet, he swiftly evaded it, displaying restraint and choosing not to retaliate.As this high-drama scene played out, Heath’s car p
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Chapter 235 The Truth Is Out
Heath hurried towards Alessia, Veronica, and Milo, staring at them in disbelief.He looked at Alessia, then at Veronica and Milo, unable to believe what he was seeing.‘Hmm?’ Milo, in his innocent confusion, asked, ‘Aren’t you the police officer from the supermarket?’Heath stared at Alessia. ‘I…I think I know what’s going on here.’Alessia took a deep breath and faced him. ‘This is my son, Heath.’Heath’s eyes widened with disbelief. ‘Your son?’Though he had an inkling, the revelation still hit him like a ton of bricks. ‘How could it be? This is Logan’s—’Veronica, ever protective of Alessia, immediately cut him off, her tone sharp. ‘Mr Carpenter! I’ve told you not to mention that man again.’Heath was taken aback by Veronica’s stern interruption, glancing in her direction.Alessia pursed her lips and decided, ‘Veronica, take Milo inside. I have something to discuss with Mr Carpenter.’Veronica bristled, aware that the current location was hardly suitable for a heart-to-heart conver
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Chapter 236 Losing It
Veronica responded quickly, growling, ‘No, he’s not.’It was clear she wasn’t telling the whole truth.Heath frowned, his piercing gaze on Veronica. ‘Then why are you so agitated?’Veronica was caught off guard, unable to come up with a convincing argument.Heath, perceptive as ever, pointed out, ‘Veronica, this is between Alessia and Logan. Milo is their child. I understand you care about Alessia and Milo, but is it appropriate for you to make this decision?’Heath’s words were logical and fair, making Veronica pause to reconsider her stance.Veronica, however, was resolute, and her frustration spilt out. ‘I don’t care. I thought Logan was a very upright man, but it turned out I was so wrong. He is a jerk for hurting my sister six years ago and leaving her with Milo. Do you have any idea how Alessia had been holding up for all these years?’Heath nodded, acknowledging the difficulties Alessia had faced as a single mother.But Veronica’s anger ran deep. ‘You couldn’t possibly understa
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Chapter 237 Bruised Ego
Heath couldn’t help but tease his friend. ‘You can’t even sit up straight now?’Logan lifted his gaze, but he remained immobile, as if the world had crushed him.He muttered, ‘Eh.’Heath walked over and took a seat across from Logan. ‘What happened?’Logan didn’t respond immediately.Instead, he rubbed his brows wearily with slender fingers and croaked, ‘I don’t want to talk.’Heath was undeterred. ‘I know something happened between you and Alessia.’Logan’s response was instant and intense. ‘Don’t bring up that name!’Heath couldn’t resist a wry smile. ‘Are you so naive to think that not mentioning her will make you forget?’Logan snapped back, ‘I’ve told you not to mention it.’‘If I were you, I’d go to Alessia right now and sort things out face to face. I hate seeing you suffer like this.’Heath knew that if Logan went to Alessia’s house, he’d meet Milo, and the truth would come to light.Veronica made him promise not to tell Logan, but there was no law forbidding Logan from discov
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Chapter 238 A Deal’s A Deal
Alessia shrugged. ‘Doesn’t matter now. I have made up my mind. By the way, about the meeting, it’s better that you don’t bring me up. I think he may not want to hear anything about me.’Wilda nodded in agreement.***Half past ten in the morning, in Wilde Enterprises, Terence was nervously standing in the president’s office.The air was thick with tension, and the scent of tobacco hung in the air.Terence informed Logan, ‘Boss, Miss Hicks is here to see you.’Logan, leaning lazily on the sofa, replied with a poker face, ‘Let her in.’Wilda entered the room.She put on a thin smile. ‘Mr Wilde, I’m here to discuss the investment deal with you, as per our previous agreement.’Logan nodded with indifference. ‘You can confirm the details with Terence.’Terence was confused as the task was usually handled directly by Logan himself.He couldn’t understand why the boss was passing it on to him.Logan turned to him. ‘There’s a file on the desk. Sort out the details with Miss Hicks.’Terence pi
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Chapter 239 Out of Line
‘Your dad has quite a temper, was he born with it?’ Milo said with a sneer.Arlie pouted. ‘Milo, why are you venting your anger on my dad? Your misfortune is not caused by him.’‘I know. If it’s your dad who caused it, do you think I’d be talking nonsense here with you?’ Milo shrugged and looked up at the sky again. ‘But you’re right. I’m indeed a little mad at your dad. Forget about it, it has nothing to do with you.’‘Why are you so angry?’‘You won’t understand even if I tell you. I’m in a really bad mood now.’‘Do you know who your father is?’ Arlie asked again.‘Of course.’‘Then why don’t you go to him?’‘I’m not in a hurry. I’m plotting something to catch him by surprise.’ Milo gnashed his teeth.‘Milo, why are you holding a grudge against your father? What did he do?’‘Nothing. And that’s the problem.’Arlie fell silent, contemplating his friend’s words.***Alessia had just sat down and had a sip of tea when her phone rang.She glanced at the screen and immediately picked it
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Chapter 240 Anonymous Sender
Alessia knocked on the door of Logan’s office and pushed it open.Logan sat behind the imposing desk, staring at her impassively.She took out the cheque from her bag and set it down on the desk. ‘This is the cheque you asked Heath to give it to me yesterday. I’m giving it back to you now.’Logan’s expression changed.His gaze was still tightly locked on Alessia, with his eyebrows tightly knitted.She looked beautiful as always.It seemed like she was not affected by the breakup at all.On the contrary, he was a mess.Logan had an unsettling feeling in his heart, and just stared at her.Alessia took a deep breath. ‘You humiliated me by giving me the cheque. But I’ve committed my share of mistakes, too. I should have told you that I have a son, and I apologise for that.’‘Ha!’ Logan sneered. ‘Are you admitting that you lied to me so I’d be tricked into accepting your son?’‘Yes.’ Alessia nodded. ‘I hoped that after you’ve developed feelings for me and accepted me into your life, then y
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