All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
304 Chapters
Chapter 221 Not the Right Time
Alessia pouted and said, ‘I mean, who knows? You might really have a child out there and have no idea about it.’‘What’s wrong with you?’ Logan chuckled and asked. ‘Don’t take it seriously; I was just fooling around. Heath spotted a child who looked like me, and I just thought of asking you the question. That’s it.’‘Heath saw a child who looked like you?’ Alessia’s heart raced again.Could it be Milo?‘Where?’ She pressed for more information.‘I don’t know. He’s always cruising around town in that car of his,’ Logan replied. ‘Well, this has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with you either. Okay?’Alessia bit her lip, her thoughts whirling with possibilities.If Milo had been seen by Heath, it could mean that their secret was at risk.Glancing at Alessia’s perplexed look, Logan frowned and asked, ‘What are you thinking about?’She snapped out of her thoughts and shook her head, ‘Nothing. I was just thinking what if...’‘What if what?’‘What if you really have a child?’‘Th
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Chapter 222 Karma
Logan watched Alessia, a storm of emotions brewing beneath his composed exterior.He remembered a night from years ago, vividly, and a part of him wanted to confess it all.But he knew it was too late, and some truths were better left unspoken.However, Alessia felt conflicted.She believed she had asked clearly enough, but he was not owning up to it.Continuing to press the issue would be humiliating for both of them.In her heart, Alessia felt an unspeakable bitterness, and her mind was a tangle of emotions.She stayed silent, wrestling with her thoughts.Frustration ultimately got the better of Logan, and he left the bed, walking out of the room without a word.Alessia sat up, contemplated for a moment, and then picked up her phone to call her sister, Veronica.The phone connected quickly. ‘Alessia?’‘Hey, Veronica,’ Alessia whispered, ‘Are you home now?’‘Yeah, we’re home. Don’t worry. I won’t go anywhere. I’ll just stay with Milo.’‘I’m not worried one bit.’ Alessia knew her sist
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Chapter 223 Connie’s Accusation
Brayden, in a low voice, implored, ‘Alessia, please stop. Make him stop.’But Alessia hadn’t provoked the situation.It was Connie who continued to taunt her.So she looked at Brayden with confusion, leaning gently against the wheelchair, and stated, ‘Why should I stop? I haven’t said a word. I don’t understand why you’re confronting me over this. It’s ridiculous.’Brayden stood rigid, unable to look away from Alessia’s piercing gaze.He finally spoke without hesitation, ‘Connie is already very upset about losing her child. Even if she vents her frustration on you, as her sister, you should understand.’Alessia saw through his excuse.She countered, ‘I didn’t say a word. Brayden, it’s not my fault that your wife can’t control her tongue. Don’t blame me for it.’Her eyes bore into him, and Brayden was momentarily speechless.Alessia reiterated, ‘Let me warn you once more. Stay away from me, or face the consequences.’Connie, angered by the unexpected shove screamed, ‘You’re a mistress
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Chapter 224 Diagnosis
Brayden interrupted Connie, his voice unyielding, ‘You caused your own miscarriage and blamed it on Alessia. That’s why you’re so nervous. You’re afraid of being cursed.’‘Brayden, I didn’t—’ Connie continued to deny.Brayden’s voice remained cold and resolute. ‘It doesn’t matter whether you admit it or not. You’re the one who got hurt, and you’re the one who’d feel it the most. That was your own child. And you used it as a tool to hurt others.’Connie paused again, feeling cornered.Brayden continued pushing her into the examination room, his steps heavy.‘Brayden,’ Connie tried once more.‘Stop talking,’ Brayden said coldly. ‘I don’t want to talk to you right now.’Feeling abashed and desperate, Connie fell silent.While the doctor examined her, Brayden waited outside, his mind filled with a tumultuous mix of emotions.He overheard the doctor’s words to Connie. ‘Mrs Scott, your bleeding has stopped, and we can remove the gauze. However, the bleeding has caused thinning of your uteru
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Chapter 225 Belated Apology
Alex recounted their encounter, detailing Connie’s insults.As Logan listened, his anger grew, and his brow furrowed in displeasure. ‘Connie has finally dropped her façade. She’s been pretending to be a good wife and mother, but she couldn’t keep up the act any longer.’‘I’ll keep a close eye on her,’ Alex assured him.At that moment, the bodyguard by the door whispered something to Alex.After receiving the information, he returned to Logan and reported, ‘Our contact at the hospital provided Connie’s test results. It seems she’s likely to be infertile for the rest of her life.’Logan raised an eyebrow, surprised. ‘Karma came swiftly, didn’t it?’‘She fully deserves it for attempting to frame Miss Jansen,’ Alex remarked.Logan’s gaze grew more intense, and just as he was about to respond, Alessia, who had overheard their conversation, joined in. ‘Alex, is it true about Connie?’Alex turned towards her and nodded, confirming, ‘Yes, Miss Jansen, it’s true.’A trace of regret crossed Ale
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Chapter 226 Breaking Point
In the darkness, Logan watched Alessia’s slim figure move toward the bathroom.He sensed that she was intentionally avoiding him after their earlier conversation.He felt an emotional chasm between them, even though she was right beside him.Alessia lingered in the bathroom, taking her time to freshen up.She washed her face and brushed her teeth at a leisurely pace, allowing twenty minutes to pass.Finally, she was ready to leave the bathroom.But the moment she opened the door, Logan stood before her, blocking her path.Without uttering a word, he gripped Alessia’s waist and pulled her into his arms before extinguishing the lights.The room plunged into total darkness.Alessia sensed his handsome face descending and then felt his lips on hers.‘Hey!’ she began, her voice filled with agitation, finding his unannounced kiss a display of dominance.Her heart raced, and she remembered her doctor’s advice not to let herself become overly distressed.Rapid heartbeats could trigger arrhyth
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Chapter 227 Anger Management
Throughout Alessia’s stay at the hospital, Logan’s bodyguards had been attentive to her needs.They guarded her door and provided carefully planned, nutritious meals from Logan’s residence.However, the hospital was beginning to drive her crazy due to the monotony.After a final check-up, the doctor approved her discharge.Overjoyed by the news, Alessia quickly packed her things, ready to leave the hospital.‘We’ll escort you home, Miss Jansen,’ Terence offered as she was finishing her packing.Alessia shook her head, declining the offer. ‘Oh, it’s alright. I can manage on my own. I’ll just call a cab.’Terence hesitated, and then explained, ‘But Miss Jansen, it’s the boss’s orders that we must accompany you.’Alessia’s frustration flared. ‘He’s your boss, not mine. Who gave him the right to interfere with my freedom?’Terence found himself at a loss for words.He had noticed that Logan had been absent since that night.The tension between the couple had escalated, and it was clear th
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Chapter 228 Doctor’s Orders
The magnetic pull between them was powerful, and Logan didn’t want to lose control and do something he’d regret.Seeing Logan in a less domineering state, Alessia poked him in the chest and challenged, ‘Are you even a man?’He responded calmly, ‘You’ve experienced first-hand whether I’m a man or not, haven’t you?’Alessia blushed at his response and continued, ‘What kind of man walks away from a fight and disappears for two days, hmm?’Logan remained silent, acknowledging the truth in her words.She probed further, ‘How can a man be so irresponsible, especially to the woman who hasn’t betrayed him in any way? Why were you so angry?’But it ran deeper than that, and Logan knew it.Alessia wasn’t just his girlfriend; she was the woman who had saved his life.He gazed at her with deep tenderness.She pressed on, ‘You walked away. Do you think that was right?’Logan, still in a daze, replied, ‘No.’She huffed lightly, ‘No matter how upset you were, how could you just abandon me like that?
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Chapter 229 Alessia’s Secret
While their eyes lingered on each other, Logan softened, a hint of reluctance in his voice. ‘Let’s forget about it for now. It seems we’ll have to save it for next time—for our own good.’Alessia nodded, her smile bright. ‘I’m getting off now. Get back to work.’As they both exited the car, Logan couldn’t resist pulling her closer into his arms.She inhaled deeply and whispered, ‘I really need to go now. I need a shower.’Logan leaned in, his eyes locked on hers. ‘I don’t mind.’After a long moment, he finally let her go.Alessia began to walk away.But just before she left, she paused and turned back. ‘Logan, I know we’ve talked about it before, but I want to confirm again. Have you ever been with anyone else besides your ex-girlfriend?’Logan’s eyes met hers, his tone sincere. ‘That’s not exactly true.’Alessia’s heart raced, her voice tinged with apprehension. ‘Who?’Logan’s answer surprised her. ‘You.’She probed further, her tone wavering. ‘Anyone else besides me?’He thought of
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Chapter 230 Breakup
‘Taking advantage?’ Alessia muttered, feeling the weight of his repeated accusations.He had labelled her this way more than once, and Alessia felt a deep sense of desolation.‘Yes, I’m obviously out of your league,’ Logan said, betraying his sense of feeling used, ‘You risked your life to save me so that I’d accept you and your kid. I’d been wondering why you would put yourself in such danger. Now I know.’‘And now you’ve successfully made me feel I owe you all my life. You’re unbelievable, Alessia,’ he added coldly. ‘You wanted me to be a stepfather to your kid. You said you weren’t dating me because of my money. That was only half true. You didn’t need my money for yourself. You needed it for your kid, didn’t you?’Alessia felt his words stab at her heart. ‘I’m not as vile as you’ve said.’Logan, fuelled by anger and a sense of betrayal, continued his harsh words, ‘Yes, you are. You’re just unscrupulous. You thought that just because you’ve saved my life, I would owe you for the re
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