All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
304 Chapters
Chapter 241 Poke the Bear
Inside his room, Milo was staring at his computer screen.His face was twisted into a scowl.‘Juvenile?’ he snorted. ‘You are the stupid big bear who is juvenile.’He was about to reply when a knock came from the door.‘Milo, can I come in?’ Alessia asked.Milo immediately turned off the display. ‘Yes, Mommy.’Alessia entered the room and saw that Milo was sitting in front of his desk, with his computer screen turned off.Feeling strange, she walked to him.‘What are you doing?’ Alessia asked while sitting down on the bed.She took a glance at the computer.Milo tapped on a few keys and the screen lit up.It was showing his favourite game.‘I was playing,’ Milo answered. ‘Mommy, why are you looking at me like that?’He was indeed sharp.Alessia said with a smile, ‘I realise that you’ve been very busy lately. What are you up to? Just playing games?’‘Yes.’ he nodded seriously. ‘I’ve recently discovered a new game. It’s about beating up a silly big bear.’‘A silly big bear?’ Alessia ask
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Chapter 242 Old Friend
Sharp jawline, dazzling eyes, dashing eyebrows, firm nose, and a thin mouth.Vince Norman looked perfect, good enough to be on the cover of magazines.And he seemed to be very close to Alessia.Which made Logan feel extremely uncomfortable.Logan’s constant glances at the adjoining room had attracted Vince’s attention.He had been watching Logan for a long time.An enigmatic smile appeared on Vince’s face. ‘Mr Wilde, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Please take a seat.’Logan gave him a smile.But the smile did not reach his eyes. ‘Pleased to meet you, too. I’ve heard a lot about you.’‘I hope those are good things you’ve heard.’ Vince chuckled.They sat down across each other.Vince glanced at Logan. ‘Hold on, Mr Wilde. Let me ask my…good friend to make us some coffee.’Then, he stood up and headed to the staff lounge.Logan stared at Vince as the man went into the adjoining room.Good friend?He didn’t even know that Alessia knew Vince.Logan’s eyes became cold again.Vince pull
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Chapter 243 All in the Past
Alessia knew that Vince was not insane.She felt that he was probably going through a difficult phase in his life.She had never asked Vince about it out of courtesy.Over time, Vince became a sort of adopted member of the family.It had been a long time since they last met.Alessia was curious to find out what Vince had been up to, but she never anticipated running into Logan at Vince’s office.After returning to the lounge, Alessia sat down and took a deep breath, feeling lost.Should she leave?***‘Please have a try on the coffee, Mr Wilde,’ Vince said.Logan’s eyes fell on the cup of coffee and he stared at it without blinking.Without needing to taste it, Logan could tell that the coffee was well brewed just by smelling it.He had never known about Alessia’s barista skills.In fact, he hadn’t really known Alessia that well when they were still together.Logan then took a sip of the coffee.At first, he could taste the bitterness of it, then the fragrance of the coffee lingered i
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Chapter 244 Good Luck
Vince took a deep breath. ‘You mean he doesn’t know that you have a son?’‘He knows I have a son, but doesn’t know he’s Milo’s father,’ Alessia said. ‘It was a one-night stand, a mistake. He had totally forgotten about everything.’‘But his reaction during the meeting doesn’t seem like a man who’s kept in the dark.’‘That’s because we dated for a while not long ago, and it didn’t end well.’ Alessia sighed. ‘Anyway, stop sticking your nose into it, okay?’Vince remained silent.Alessia picked up her bag. ‘Let’s go. I’m starving.’Vince walked behind Alessia.Soon, they were out of the building.Vince looked out and spotted a car parked on the other side of the street.He squinted his eyes and said to Alessia in a low voice, ‘Looks like he hasn’t left yet.’‘Who?’‘You know who.’Alessia glanced ahead and a familiar black Bentley came into sight.She turned to Vince. ‘So what if he hasn’t left yet? You can talk to him if you need to. If not, let’s get out of here.’‘Why would I need to
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Chapter 245 Cold Water
After parking the car, Vince and Alessia made their way out of the parking lot.Vince pointed to the crowd. ‘Look at those people who are smiling. They must be the family because they are genuinely happy for the newlyweds.’Alessia shifted her gaze to the crowd.There were some who were indeed smiling brightly.‘I bet those who have their faces screwed up into a frown are the ones who’re feeling sorry for their wallets,’ Vince said while pointing to a smaller part of the crowd. ‘Most of them are forced to be here because they’ve got the invitation and couldn’t figure out a polite way to turn it down.’Alessia’s eyes widened, and her mouth gaped open.She looked at Vince in astonishment. ‘Vince, I’ve only just discovered that you have such a nasty habit.’‘A nasty habit of saying the truth?’ Vince lifted an eyebrow and looked at her.With the sun beaming down on him, his handsome face looked even more attractive.‘No, the nasty habit of pouring cold water on some strangers’ wedding day
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Chapter 246 Can’t Get Over Her
Logan saw the message.He didn’t bat an eyelid and proceeded to delete the message.Then, he handed the phone back to Terence and said, ‘I’ll be back in a short while.’‘Yes, boss.’Logan’s gaze swept across the area.Judging from the direction the photo was taken, it had to be that way across the corridor.In no time, he walked along the corridor and found Alex.Logan reached out his hand and gave him a pat.Alex was startled. ‘Sir?’‘Where is the restroom?’ Logan asked.Still feeling shocked, Alex immediately pointed in the direction of the restroom. ‘Miss Jansen had gone to that restroom just a moment ago.’Logan didn’t say a word and headed straight for the restroom.Watching his back slowly disappear from view, Alex was in a daze.Logan arrived at the door of the restroom.He looked at the ladies' signs on the door and hesitated for a moment.His face looked grim.Alessia happened to open the door after using the facilities.Before she could step out of the door, a dark shadow pr
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Chapter 247 Played by Her
Alessia scowled.She knew that Logan had gotten the wrong idea.But it did not matter to her as she had no intention to explain herself.‘That’s my business,’ she said firmly. ‘Let me go.’Seeing her so sickened by him and resisting him, Logan felt a jolt of anger.His lips twisted in a mirthless smile with a hint of bitterness.Alessia looked at his face in bewilderment, clearly not knowing what was on his mind.He was the one who wanted to part ways with her.Why was he acting like the jilted party?‘Let go of me!’ she pushed him fiercely.‘No.’In a fury, Alessia wrestled with all her strength using both her hands and legs.In the scuffle, she hit her back on the door handle.It hurt so much that she gasped in pain.She broke out in a cold sweat.Logan then grabbed her and trapped her between the stall door and himself. ‘You’re not allowed to fall in love with another man.’Alessia stopped struggling.She could feel his chest heaving with his heavy breathing.Her heart ached for so
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Chapter 248 Abstract Concept
Alessia pushed the door open and left without looking back.Still in a daze, Logan was frozen to the spot.‘Did you fall asleep in there?’ Vince teased Alessia as soon as he saw her coming out of the restroom.‘Let’s get out of here,’ she said calmly, giving away no emotion in her voice.Vince’s eyes fell on her face.Her lips were swollen. Her upper lip was cut and there was a trace of blood.The sight took him by surprise. He turned to look in the direction of the restroom with a sharp gaze.At the same time, a tall figure walked out.Vince instantly recognised Logan, but he didn’t acknowledge him. Instead, he put his arm around Alessia’s shoulder. ‘The dishes have been served. You’ve been away for so long and I was getting anxious.’‘I’m fine,’ Alessia said.Her mind was all over the place, and she did not notice Vince’s hand on her shoulder.Logan stared at their backs coldly as they left.Alessia had clearly moved on from him. He did not know what to do.‘Boss.’ Alex walked over
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Chapter 249 Boyfriend Material
‘But women love to hear it.’ Heath rolled his eyes. ‘Don’t tell me you never said those three little words to Alessia.’Logan frowned. ‘Love is proven through action, not words.’‘But women care about stuff like that. Emotions and feelings. Why else do you think she chose to be with you?’Logan said nothing, but Heath read his mind. ‘Did you think she stayed with you for your money?’Logan shrugged. ‘You can’t deny that I’m rich.’Heath scoffed. ‘Oh, you’ve really underestimated her. Her father, Mitch Jansen, used to own one of the largest companies in Veridian. She had a pampered life until she left the Jansen family. If she really cares about money and power, why would she leave?’Logan stared at the floor and said nothing.Heath continued, ‘You pushed her away with your own hands. You didn’t like the fact that she has a son, but Vince doesn’t mind. One of my guys told me he heard laughter coming out of the apartment all evening. As you’re wallowing in self-pity, Vince has already m
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Chapter 250 Family Unit
Alessia sighed.She stared at the ceiling. ‘I have to get Milo’s relationship with Logan out in the open, but I haven’t found a suitable time. Sooner or later, I will have to talk to Logan.’No matter what, she couldn’t let the child remain fatherless.***The next morning, Vince drove Alessia to BuzzBeat.After stopping at the office entrance, Vince got out of the car and took out a big box out of the trunk.Alessia asked in confusion, ‘What’s this?’‘Chocolates.’ Vince said, ‘It’s for your colleagues.’‘When did you prepare this?’‘I bought it for a client, but it turned out that he had diabetes, so he couldn’t have them. I didn’t want the entire box to go to waste.’‘Oh. I thought you bought it for me.’ Alessia heaved out a sigh, relieved.Vince smiled. ‘Well, it’s yours now.’‘Well then, I’ll take it inside and share it with my colleagues. Thank you.’‘Go ahead.’ Vince gave the box to her. ‘Don’t tell Milo, though. I didn’t take it out yesterday because I was afraid that the kid w
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