All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
306 Chapters
Chapter 101 Hotheads
Realising that she was still wearing the hospital gown, Callie blushed even more, feeling a bit self-conscious. ‘I’ll get changed,’ she said, reaching for the blanket to cover herself.Elias shook his head. ‘No need to change. Someone is bringing breakfast.’‘Who?’Before Elias could answer, a soft knock came on the door.‘Come in,’ he called out.Lemuel entered the ward, carefully balancing a tray filled with a sumptuous breakfast.The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, warm croissants, and a colourful assortment of fruits wafted through the room.He set the tray down on a bedside table and, looking apologetic, said to Callie, ‘Callie, I mean, Doctor Hawthorne, I’m sorry.’The contrite tone in Lemuel’s voice puzzled Callie, and she turned her attention to him, her eyes searching his face for clues.He continued, ‘I shouldn’t have lashed out at you, taken out my frustration on you. I was wrong, and I hope you could forgive me.’Callie saw genuine remorse in his eyes and responded softly,
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Chapter 102 Naturally Gifted
‘You can just call me Angelia,’ she said with a smile. ‘After all, there are two Dr Hawthornes in the building, and I don’t want a mix-up.’Elias smiled. ‘Trust me, I’d never mix up the two of you.’Suppressing the rising tide of jealousy, Angelia mustered up the courage to suggest, ‘You’ll need to continue applying the cream for another two weeks to ensure complete recovery. I could make house calls at your quarters, to save you the trip to the health centre every time.’Elias looked at her, his expression cool and unyielding. ‘There’s no need, thank you.’Angelia’s heart sank, and she bit her lower lip, trying to hide her disappointment.She watched as Elias put on his shirt and left the ward, as if he couldn’t tolerate spending another second longer in her company.***Elias found Callie in one of the examination rooms.She had just finished tending to a patient with a dislocated shoulder and was now updating the patient’s chart, engrossed in her work.Dappled sunlight filtered thr
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Chapter 103 Last Chance
‘The military academy is 2,500 miles away, and this trip is exhausting,’ Stuart said, voicing his concerns. ‘Why would you want to send Simon there, especially when Callie is there too? I don’t understand why you’d take this risk, especially after everything you’ve done to keep them apart.’Abby’s eyes glistened with tears, but she remained resolute. ‘Simon needs to see for himself,’ she said, her voice tinged with a mixture of hope and fear.Frustration tinged Stuart’s voice as he pressed further, ‘See for what? Abby, do you still love Simon? Are you trying to save the marriage or push your husband further away?’Tears streamed down Abby’s cheeks as she tried to find the right words. ‘Please help me one last time, Dad,’ she sobbed. ‘I want Simon to see that Callie has moved on and that there’s no possible future with her. I want him to come back to reality and then come back to me.’Stuart’s heart softened as he saw his daughter’s pain.He wanted to protect her from any more heartach
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Chapter 104 Purple Lilacs
Simon took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the past lifting off his shoulders.He was leaving behind a life that wasn’t meant for him, but in doing so, he was embracing the opportunity to find his own happiness and fulfilment—with Callie.When she heard the front door shut and the sound of a car engine starting, Abby screamed and started smashing things in the bedroom.She felt a hollow emptiness inside, realising that she had pushed away the one person who had truly cared for her.Her thoughts turned to Callie, the woman she blamed for everything falling apart.Consumed by her bitterness, Abby grabbed her phone and sent a text to Angelia, hoping to hurt Callie in any way she could.Angelia, who had just finished her shift at the health centre, received Abby’s message, her eyes widening as she read the malicious words on the screen.Then a smile formed on her lips.***Callie had settled into the busy but fulfilling routine of the health centre.Her days were filled with treating
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Chapter 105 Unforgettable First Love
‘What’s the matter with all of you?’ Abby demanded, her voice sharp and filled with indignation.The nurses turned to face Abby, their faces pale and wide-eyed, suddenly aware of her presence.One of them stammered, ‘We didn’t mean to, Ms Colman. It’s just that we heard—’‘I don’t care what you heard!’ Abby interrupted. ‘It’s none of your d*mn business, and it’s certainly not something you should be gossiping about.’Another nurse tried to apologise, ‘We didn’t mean any harm, Abby. We were just talking.’Abby’s eyes narrowed.She crossed her arms. ‘Talking about my personal life is none of your concern. I expect a professional environment here, not a high school gossip session.’The nurses exchanged nervous glances, feeling the weight of Abby’s authority and status as the director’s daughter.They knew they had crossed a line, and they quickly apologised.‘We’re really sorry, Abby. It won’t happen again,’ one nurse said, her voice shaking with fear.‘The next time it does, you’ll all
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Chapter 106 It’s Official
Elias simply didn’t like other men coveting her.He wanted her for himself.Callie nodded. ‘I know. I didn’t know those flowers were…you know. I’ll return them to Corporal Flores tomorrow.’‘It’s okay. You can keep them.’‘Really?’‘Really.’‘But I don’t want to send him the wrong message.’‘You won’t. Corporal Flores will understand soon enough.’‘Understand what?’‘That you’re my wife,’ Elias said firmly.‘I’m not your wife yet,’ Callie protested, though her heart fluttered at the idea.‘Yes, you are,’ Elias countered. ‘Close your eyes.’‘Why?’‘Just do it.’‘Does this have something to do with what you wanted to show me?’‘Yes.’‘Fine.’ Callie obediently closed her eyes.Elias took her elbow and guided her up the stairs to his room. ‘Okay, you can open your eyes now.’Callie did.She saw a white envelope stuck to the front door. ‘What’s this?’‘Take a look for yourself.’Callie removed the envelope and extracted a piece of paper from it. ‘Marriage Certificate, issued by the Departm
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Chapter 107 Husband and Wife
As the dawn approached, Elias held Callie close, their bodies entwined as they caught their breath.He pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his fingers gently tracing circles on her back.‘You’re everything I ever wanted, Callie,’ he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity.Callie looked up at him, her eyes shining with love and affection. ‘And you’re everything I never knew I needed,’ she replied, her heart overflowing with emotion.With a tender smile, Elias pulled her closer, enveloping her in his protective embrace.‘I promise to always cherish and love you, no matter what life throws our way,’ he vowed silently as he watched Callie close her eyes.***As the first rays of sunlight streamed through the window, Elias woke up with a renewed sense of purpose.He gently disentangled himself from Callie’s embrace, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead before slipping out of bed.As he dressed, he couldn’t help but smile, thinking about the unforgettable night they had shared.Outside
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Chapter 108 Mrs Westwood
Angelia hesitated for a moment before blurting out, ‘I think Callie is using you for personal gain. She’s manipulative, and she’s not good for you or this academy.’Elias’s jaw tensed, his eyes narrowing at the accusation. ‘What makes you say that?’‘She’s always seeking attention and trying to get ahead,’ Angelia continued, hoping to sow seeds of doubt in Elias’s mind. ‘I’ve seen her flirt with officers and use her charm to get what she wants.’Elias’s expression darkened.He knew Angelia and Callie had a strained relationship, but he never expected such a vicious attack on his new wife’s character.Emboldened by his silence, Angelia recounted the rumours she had heard from her cousin Abby about Callie’s past relationships.She mentioned Callie’s ex-boyfriend Simon and how she was still in contact with him even after he married Abby.‘I hear she’s also been involved with a lieutenant colonel before coming to the academy,’ Angelia added.‘Rumours are just rumours,’ Elias said coldly.
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Chapter 109 Deployment Order
The cadets and staff alike were stunned by this unexpected display of affection between the Major General and the soft-spoken doctor.Elias turned to face the cadets, his voice booming with authority. ‘Everyone, this is Callista Hawthorn, who is now Mrs Westwood. We are officially husband and wife.’A collective gasp swept through the room as the news sank in.The soldiers had been curious about the relationship between Elias and Callie, but no one expected such a bold and public declaration.Elias’s confident announcement left no room for doubt.He scanned the room, his gaze lingering on the young cadet who had been flirting with Callie earlier.A warning look from Elias was all it took to silence the young man, who quickly averted his eyes.Blushing under the attention, Callie couldn’t help but feel pleased by Elias’s declaration.He had taken matters into his own hands, making their marriage known in his usual decisive manner.It showed that he was proud of their relationship and h
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Chapter 110 Leaving in Eight Hours
‘Smuggling there has gotten out of control,’ Elias said. ‘And armed militias are fighting each other and the army for territory and survival.’‘Smuggling?’ Callie asked.An idea struck Elias. ‘Come. I’ll show you.’He logged onto his personal laptop and pulled up a declassified file.Callie peered over his shoulder. ‘What am I looking at?’Elias pointed to a map on the screen. ‘The southern border between Engalia and Kurtazagg. Each red dot represents an active drug trafficking operation. Yellow is for smuggling.’‘The map’s lit up like a Christmas tree!’‘Exactly.’‘I didn’t know there are so many drugs coming into the country.’‘Mostly heroin and methamphetamine. The traffickers have gotten smarter, using ingenious disguises and strategies to evade law enforcement efforts.’ He pointed to a green dot on the map. ‘And that’s the base where I’ll be deployed to.’Callie’s heart sank as she processed the gravity of the situation.She had heard about drug trafficking before, but to know t
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