All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 301 - Chapter 306
306 Chapters
Chapter 301 Defeated
‘I planned everything single-handedly. This has nothing to do with my daughter Mindy,’ Carl pleaded. ‘I only had her run a few errands for me. She didn’t know what she was doing.’‘Do you think your excuse is convincing?’ Dwight retorted. ‘Mindy isn’t seven years old. She’s twenty-seven, an adult fully responsible for her own actions.’Dylan, acting on Dwight’s orders, directed his subordinates to arrest Mindy and release Elias.Carl, comprehending the depth of his miscalculations, lashed out at Dylan.He felt betrayed by the very person he trusted.‘Dylan, you ungrateful scoundrel! I trusted you so much, yet you did this to me! You even took advantage of my daughter. You are going to hell for this!’ Carl screamed, blaming Dylan for their downfall.Dylan was unfazed.Nothing Carl said mattered, not any more.Dylan exchanged a look with Dwight; there would be time to celebrate later.However, their joy was short-lived.About twenty minutes later, a soldier returned, reporting that they
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Chapter 302 Mastermind
The puzzle of Mindy’s escape persisted, leaving Dylan in the dark, grappling with the mystery that allowed her to slip away undetected.A knock came on the door.‘Come in.’Dwight entered, settling gracefully into a chair opposite Dylan.He produced a pack of cigarettes, extending it toward Dylan.Dylan accepted it, extracting a cigarette, igniting it with a flick of his lighter, and indulging in the smoke that soon enveloped the room.Dwight, sensing Dylan’s foul mood, asked, ‘General Sheppard, not in the best spirits today?’Dylan retorted, ‘Aren’t you in the same boat?’A subtle smile played on Dwight’s lips as he selected a cigarette from the pack.His slender fingers expertly lit it, the room filling with the fragrance of tobacco and a haze of smoke.‘Any updates on Mindy?’‘Not yet,’ Dylan replied after a brief pause. ‘Which is a problem for you. That woman is more cunning than her father. I think she’s the one behind your assassination plot, not Carl. By the way, when do you pl
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Chapter 303 Fear of Abandonment
Elias’s eyes snapped open the moment he heard someone coughing.He sat bolt upright in the chair and turned towards Callie.Her eyes were open.‘Callie! You are awake!’In a haze, Callie recognised Elias’s voice.Struggling, she forced her eyes open, greeted by the familiar sight of a white ceiling—a hospital room.Elias’s hand held hers, his calloused palm brushing against her skin.‘Elias,’ she whispered weakly, her eyes glistening with tears.Her voice, frail, held a hint of disbelief. ‘Am I still dreaming?’The last she knew, Elias was in custody.The Elias before her now felt like a dream, and she doubted her reality.Elias, red-eyed and exhausted, held her hands tightly, reassuring her, ‘Bunny, what are you talking about? Of course I’m real.’Callie sighed. ‘Good…’Relieved, she closed her eyes, slipping back into sleep.‘Callie!’ Elias’s heart skipped a beat, fear gnawing at him.He rushed outside, calling for Jamison and the medical team. ‘Quick, take a look at her. She woke u
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Chapter 304 Forgiven
Callie drifted in and out of a dream-laden slumber, the ebb and flow of consciousness gently pulling her into the waking world.The enticing fragrance of chicken soup teased her senses, coaxing her from the depths of sleep.Elias had returned, a culinary saviour armed with a thermos of steaming chicken soup. ‘I used the mess hall kitchen to make this for you,’ he announced with a quiet pride.Drawing in a deep breath, Callie’s stomach couldn’t contain its eagerness, emitting a low growl that echoed through the room.‘Callie, tell me, what’s that sound?’ His question, though not a direct accusation, draped her in a blanket of embarrassment.‘Ahem!’ Callie, determined to maintain her composure, responded with a feigned nonchalance.‘I didn’t hear any sound,’ she declared, though the rumblings from her stomach suggested otherwise.She fought to suppress the impending growl, hoping Elias wouldn’t witness this audible betrayal.‘No sound?’ Elias’s raised brow and assertive tone exposed her
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Chapter 305 Avenged
Callie felt herself falling into his trap, struggling to maintain a hardened heart as his doting gaze softened her resolve.‘Callie, you’re my wife. We are supposed to share a bed,’ his voice, deep and intoxicating, whispered in her ear.He embraced her tightly, a possessive need evident in his hold.‘Callie, I want you to love me like before. I lied to protect you. But now I realise I was wrong. I promise, no more lies. Please, at least don’t ignore me. It breaks me...’ His eyes, full of affection, revealed vulnerability.Elias, usually so strong, trembled in his plea.His voice carried a hint of regret. ‘I messed up, and damn it, I know it. Are you willing to forgive me?’Callie sighed. ‘Elias, just promise not to pull something like this again.’‘I won’t hurt you with lies anymore,’ he vowed.‘No more lies, Elias. Not even one,’ she declared.‘I swear.’ To seal his promise, he planted kisses on her forehead, eyes, and nose, soothing her turmoil.Dylan’s knock shattered Elias’s plan
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Chapter 306 Together
Callie, weakened but resilient, looked up as Elias entered the ward.A soft smile played on her lips despite the pain that lingered in her eyes. ‘I was wondering where you disappeared off to.’Elias took a moment to absorb the sight of her, the woman he loved, fighting her way back to health.The bandages on her abdomen marked the physical toll of the recent events, but the warmth in her eyes brought a sense of calm to Elias’s troubled soul.‘Hey, Bunny,’ Elias greeted, his smile genuine as he approached her bedside.He gently took her hand, mindful of her injuries. ‘How are you feeling?’Callie’s eyes sparkled with gratitude. ‘Getting there. The doctors say I’ll make a full recovery with time.’Elias nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of recent events. ‘There’s something I need to tell you.’As Elias shared the shocking truth about General Conway’s betrayal and the revelation about his parents’ deaths, Callie’s expression shifted from concern to disbelief and, ultimately, sorrow
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