All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
306 Chapters
Chapter 291 Take Him Out
Harriet’s gaze was fixed on the young president.She couldn’t help but sigh with mixed feelings.This man was really amazing.Dwight, who was just about to leave, caught a glimpse of Harriet and couldn’t help but pause his footsteps as he asked, ‘You must be Harriet Daniels, aka Lieutenant Colonel Daniels, am I right? You’re the niece of General McCullough, aren’t you?’Honoured that the president knew her name, Harriet nodded profusely and saluted. ‘Yes, Mr President.’The smile on her face spread even wider.‘General McCullough speaks highly of you,’ Dwight said, before turning his gaze to Dylan. ‘General Sheppard, it’s good to see you again.’Dylan smiled and grabbed Dwight’s hand to shake it, but secretly added some force to his grip. ‘Mr. President.’Dwight could feel the force in his grip.He glanced at Dylan, then glanced over at Harriet who stood beside him, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a smirk.Meanwhile, Wendy and Callie stood at the back of the crowd, trying
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Chapter 292 Destroy the Tiger
Dwight emerged from his room, accepting the black coat Carey, his bodyguard, handed him.He draped it over his shoulders and walked out.Dust danced in the air, mixed with the scents of petrol and gunpowder.Dwight nodded at passing soldiers who saluted him.The camp was similar to many others he’d visited, with one crucial difference.In this place lurked a ‘tiger’ with no morals, a man who forgot about citizens’ welfare, colluding with the enemy and secretly trafficking drugs and weapons.Dwight had observed this tiger for a long time.The problem?This tiger was strong, tough to eliminate.So, he instructed Dylan to work undercover with Carl, setting the stage to destroy the tiger completely.‘Mr President, dinner at the canteen now. National affairs after half an hour,’ Carey notified him.‘Alright.’As they walked, they passed the detention centre that held Elias.The setting sun painted the roof a majestic orange-red.Dwight cast a glance, a gloomy light flashing in his eyes bef
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Chapter 293 Assassination Plot
The unexpected visitors tried to be stealthy, but their boots clicking against the hard ground gave them away.‘Carey, go take care of them,’ Dwight ordered.‘Yes, Mr President.’Carey handed the umbrella to Dwight and swiftly moved toward the approaching group, all of whom were masked.Their fierce auras clashed with Carey’s stoic demeanour.Silence hung in the air until Carey engaged the enemy.His moves weren’t typical; punches aimed at temples, not chests.Facing six opponents, Carey showed no sign of disadvantage.A backflip and a head clash left two assailants writhing on the ground.Like a wolf on the hunt, his moves were aggressive and accurate.Meanwhile, Dwight, separated from the rain and the brawl, observed calmly.His umbrella shielded him as he watched Carey effortlessly handle the would-be assailants.Skilled as they were, compared to Carey, they were far inferior.Anyone trained by Dwight’s grandfather was extraordinary, and Carey was no exception.At the same time, Ca
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Chapter 294 Dying
In Dwight’s arms, Callie muttered, ‘Save Elias...Elias...’Dwight held her close, desperately urging her to stay awake.Callie, fading, continued to murmur, ‘Save...Elias...’‘Young lady, hang in there. I’ll take you to the infirmary right now!’As they moved, blood painted Callie’s white coat a vivid red, a tragic contrast in the dark night.Dwight issued another order. ‘Carey, go after the sniper!’Carey remained where he was. ‘No, Mr President. Your grandfather says I must be by your side at all times.’Dwight growled, ‘Carey, you take orders from me, not the old man. I’m ordering you to go after the sniper!’Reluctantly, Carey took off towards the two-storey building.Dwight ran through the rain, heading for the infirmary.Callie’s warm blood mixed with the cold rain, leaving a poignant trail behind.***At the same time the gunshot rang out, Elias’s heart skipped a beat without warning.Locked in that cold, dark room, he had grown accustomed to the surroundings, but never to the
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Chapter 295 Golden Blood
Dwight, confused, wondered if the young woman was dead. ‘I thought abdominal gunshot wounds weren’t usually fatal…’Jamison tightened his grip, yelling, ‘She’s not dead! But she’s not far from it! I can’t remove the bullet because she’ll bleed out! And there’s no blood in the bank for her!’No blood for transfusion?‘How could this be?’ Dwight asked.Jamison couldn’t control his emotions. ‘You did this to her!’Carey, having failed to catch Scarecrow, rushed to the infirmary just in time to see a man about to attack the president.A powerful jab from him forced Jamison to release Dwight’s collar.Jamison staggered back, slumped against the wall.Blood trickled from his mouth.He paid it no attention, consumed by despair.Dwight blamed himself.Callie wasn’t obligated to save him, but she did.And now her blood was on his hands.Harriet arrived, seeing Dwight covered in blood but unharmed.She breathed out a huge sigh of relief.Then a thought hit her: if it was not Dwight’s blood on t
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Chapter 296 Sabotaged
Carl’s face reddened with anger. ‘Didn’t you assure me everything would go smoothly?’‘I have no idea what went wrong,’ Mindy said defensively.The failed assassination bewildered her. ‘I had everything planned perfectly. There shouldn’t have been any issues.’‘Forget it.’ Carl shook his head. ‘I’m not blaming you. Later, I’ll visit Dwight with Dylan, and you clean up the mess. We can’t let Dwight trace this back to us.’‘I understand, Dad. I’ll handle it right away.’‘Remember, no traces, Mindy,’ he emphasised.A hint of dismay crossed her face.Who had sabotaged her flawless assassination plan?***Inside the operating room, Callie’s condition looked dire.Despite Dwight acting as her blood donor, providing a transfusion whenever needed, complications persisted during the surgery.The bullet lodged near her uterus caused fresh bleeding once removed, creating tension in the otherwise quiet operating room.Surgical instructions and the hum of machinery were the only sounds.Fortunatel
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Chapter 297 A Lover’s Gift
The elite doctors from Engalia, now feeling the weight of the president’s orders, tensed up.Who was this woman, and why was the president so concerned?Questions lingered as they filed into the ward.Wendy, Harriet, and Jamison were bewildered by their sudden entrance.Dwight came in. ‘These are doctors from the medical team that usually serves the members of the cabinet.’Jamison, shocked by the medical team’s background, realised the extent of Dwight’s influence.Wendy and Harriet, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, nodded and exited the ward, leaving the medical experts to their work.While Wendy was in the dark about governmental dynamics, Harriet, well-versed in political relationships, understood the magnitude of Dwight’s actions.Summoning a whole team of top-notch medical experts wasn’t a simple task, and it went against the rules.Dwight’s sincerity and determination were the driving forces behind this unprecedented move.‘Mr President, I’d like to thank you on beha
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Chapter 298 A Deal’s a Deal
But Dylan’s eyes remained ice-cold as he swiftly secured the earrings onto her earlobes. ‘Done.’Standing on her tiptoes, Mindy gave him a quick kiss on the lips. ‘Thank you.’Dylan didn’t reciprocate the kiss.He just looked at her with a smile, concealing the disgust he felt.Duty called, and Dylan left the dorm shortly after.Usually, Mindy would have been disappointed.But tonight, she had other plans—meeting the leader of Kurtazagg’s largest militant group and collecting the evidence framing Elias.Once the trial was over, Elias’s fate would be sealed, and her father would be one step closer to the presidency.Mindy shed her luxurious coat for a sleek black suit and donned a plain black mask.She examined her reflection in the mirror and noticed that the pink pearl earrings seemed a bit conspicuous.About to take them off, she remembered Dylan’s words and kept them on.These were Dylan’s gifts, and she’d wear them always.Ready, she stepped out of the dorm and found two men in bl
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Chapter 299 The Trial
Carl waited in his office, too worked up to sit still.A knock on the door, and then Mindy entered. ‘Dad, it’s done. We have the witness and evidence. Everything will unfold just as you want.’Joy sparkled in Carl’s eyes, grateful for his daughter’s assistance. ‘Good, Mindy. Get Dylan here immediately. I want Elias’s trial to begin ASAP.’Mindy nodded, a wicked smile on her face, and left to find Dylan.She brought Natee along, with the woman’s face veiled to conceal her identity.Meeting Dylan, Mindy relayed Carl’s instructions.Dylan’s eyes lingered on her earlobes, adorned with the pink pearl earrings. ‘You did an excellent job. Your dad is right to be proud of you. I am, too.’Mindy shrugged. ‘It was easy.’Dylan shifted his focus to Natee. ‘Mindy, go get changed. I’ll handle your witness. We’ll gather everyone in half an hour.’‘Alright!’ Mindy nodded.***The Kurtazagg border weather was frigid, and the air threatened to freeze.Dwight, draped in a wool coat, moved towards the m
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Chapter 300 The Witness
Inga was supposed to be dead, but Dylan assured him that he’d killed her, even brought back her charred corpse.And the witness secured by Mindy couldn’t be Inga.Dylan must have made the switch.Carl was right to suspect him; his protégé had betrayed him.Carl glared resentfully at Dylan, at the culprit who crushed his dream of presidency.Dylan leaned against the wall, hands in pockets, unfazed.‘Dylan!’ Carl bellowed.The general seemed to have aged in a matter of minutes.Dylan gave him a mischievous smile. ‘Did I do something wrong, General Conway?’‘You—’ Carl yelled, ready to tear into Dylan for the betrayal.But glancing around the room, he halted.Others were present—Harriet, Dwight, and the three cabinet ministers.To reprimand Dylan would be akin to admitting to his own crimes.Fury painted his face as he contemplated his next move.Dwight glanced at Carl.The situation resembled a chess game, with Carl in the inferior position.He should sense his disadvantage, understandi
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