All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
306 Chapters
Chapter 271 Force His Hand
Jamison’s words struck Elias’s heart.He knew what Jamison meant, but he couldn’t save Callie, not in the way Jamison wanted.He couldn’t march into the holding cell and demand Callie’s release, as doing so would only endanger her further.However, he couldn’t tell Jamison these things.Not yet.‘Jamison, don’t take out your frustration on me. If you believe she’s innocent, go ahead and save her.’ Elias released Jamison. ‘As for me, I won’t go against military protocol and risk my career for a woman. General Conway is handling the case. I suggest you steer clear of it.’‘Elias, you coward!’‘You are asking for it.’ Elias clenched his fist tightly and punched Jamison in the face.Jamison staggered backwards.He wiped a drop of blood from the corner of his mouth, a mocking smile on his face. ‘You know how to fight, but you won’t stand up for your wife. Elias, you are a b*stard.’Jamison left the ward.If Elias refused to help Callie, he’d have to find someone else who would.***Carl sa
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Chapter 272 Infiltrator
Carl saw how scheming Angelia was, and a glimmer of light flashed through his eyes. ‘That’s not a bad idea. But how do you propose we make her sick?’‘General Conway, don’t you forget, I am a doctor. I have a way to make her suffer from an acute illness. She’ll start showing symptoms within hours. However, I’ll have to trouble you to inject her with something.’‘Of course, that’s fine.’Slowly, Angelia picked herself up from the floor. ‘I just need to make a trip back to the pharmacy.’‘Go. Come find me when you’ve got what you need.’‘Yes, General.’Angelia left Carl’s office, still trembling.The pain in her neck reminded her that she barely escaped the grasp of death.She shuffled out of the headquarters and the feeling of emptiness in her body consumed her again.Now, she could no longer use the drugs as she pleased, as the ones she had on hand were almost finished.Angelia gasped and the blue veins on her forehead were bulging.Her face was extremely ashen.***In the ward, Elias
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Chapter 273 Infected
In the darkness, Callie examined the needle hole on her arm.In a desperate attempt, she squeezed her arm, allowing more blood to flow, staining her sleeve in the process.She continued squeezing and tried to rid as much of the substance from her body as possible.Minutes passed, then hours.Callie lay sprawled on the cot, her body wracked with pain.Hot and cold sensations alternated, and beads of cold sweat formed on her forehead.Gradually, she passed out.***In Carl’s office, a soldier reported the serum’s effects on Callie. ‘She’s running a high fever, but hasn’t asked the guards for help.’‘Stubborn,’ Carl remarked with a cold smile. ‘Let’s spread the news. If Elias truly cares about that girl, he’ll take action.’The soldier acknowledged the order and left.Carl contemplated the unfolding drama.Callie’s feelings for Elias, Dylan’s loyalty—everything hinged on the impending events.With Elias’s demise, Carl envisioned a victorious return to the capital, where his lifelong ambi
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Chapter 274 Her Last Chance
Elias stared at Angelia coldly. ‘Don’t make what happened to you seem like it’s all Callie’s fault. You are responsible for your own life. You made a choice. You chose to frame Callie. You chose to work with Carl Conway. And now that you are no longer useful to him, be prepared to face the consequences.’Angelia bit her lip and turned away. ‘What consequences?’‘That’s for you to find out.’ Elias shook his head. ‘It’s a pity. If you had come clean yesterday, I would have helped you get away from Conway. But now you’ve dug your own grave.’He turned around to leave.Panicking, Angelia grabbed his arm. ‘Could you…could you help me, please? I swear I’ll tell you everything.’‘Too late.’ Elias removed her hand. ‘I gave you a chance. You wasted it.’***Elias left the infirmary, heading to the command division.Instead of returning to his office, he headed directly to Carl’s.He knocked and pushed the door open, finding Carl seated behind his big desk.‘General Conway.’ Elias saluted.‘Gen
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Chapter 275 Freed
‘Elias, didn’t...didn’t you hear what I said?’ Callie panted, her chest heaving. ‘I told you not to kiss me.’‘I can’t help it.’His answer was so direct that it gave her pause. ‘Still, you shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know what I got. What if it transmits through saliva? What if you get sick too?’‘Then we’ll just share a hospital room,’ Elias said softly.His eyes were filled with indescribable tenderness.With his thumb, he gently wiped away the tears on her cheeks. ‘I swear I will never leave you alone again.’‘You should go.’ Callie shot a nervous glance towards the door. ‘What if they decide to lock you up, too?’‘Silly girl.’ Elias chuckled. ‘I came to bring you home. You are released.’‘Really?’ Callie was sceptical.‘Why would I lie to you? They’ve just arrested Angelia as the murderer. All charges against you are dropped.’‘Angelia? Why would she—’‘Shh. There’s plenty of time for us to talk later. But right now, let’s get you out of here.’Elias took off his coat and d
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Chapter 276 Perfect Time to Celebrate
Elias’s knuckles turned white at the disturbing revelation.If what they said was true, someone must have injected the bacteria into Callie’s body.And if there was a culprit, it had to be Carl.He must have grown impatient to resort to such extremes.Elias nodded. ‘I understand. Thank you. I’ll go and keep her company.’Wendy positioned herself in front of Elias, blocking his path. ‘General Westwood, I assume you’re very busy. I will take care of her. You should go catch up on your work.’Elias raised an eyebrow. ‘Who are you to stop me?’Wendy, feeling the need to assert herself, tiptoed, making herself appear more imposing. ‘General Westwood, I’m her best friend.’‘And I’m her husband,’ Elias declared, leaving Wendy momentarily speechless.He was right; no matter the circumstances, they were still legally bound as a couple.Jamison intervened. ‘Wendy, let him in.’Elias entered Callie’s ward.She was in a deep sleep.Elias sat on the side of the bed, holding Callie’s hand.He light
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Chapter 277 Hefty Price
‘Because of the way he’s been acting!’ Wendy looked serious. ‘Did you know I begged him to find a way to save you after you were taken away? I went to him. Lemuel went to him. We both begged him, but Elias refused every time. He didn’t seem to care about you at all. But now that you are out, he seems to have reverted to the role of a loving husband. So I am a little confused. What the hell is going on?’‘Um.’ Callie had not told Wendy about them putting on a show, mainly because she didn’t want her friend to get mixed up in trouble.But now that the crisis was partly over, she told Wendy everything.‘Wow.’ Wendy took a tissue from the box and wiped her tears dramatically. ‘So I was right about him. He never stopped loving you. Poor guy. I’m sure he suffered just as much as I did. Maybe more, since he had to put on a charade.’Callie nodded.It had been a difficult time, but she was glad they pulled through.***Elias met Harriet on the way to the canteen.She had a grave face.Harriet
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Chapter 278 Protégé
‘I don’t have romantic feelings for you, but I care about you as a friend,’ Jamison said sincerely. ‘You are a good doctor. You treat your patients well. You risked your own life to save others. I don’t understand how you’ve—’‘I regret it.’‘Regret what?’‘Regret risking my life to save Callie.’ Angelia stared into space. ‘Life would have been much easier if she died back then.’Jamison was struck dumb by what he heard.After a long while of silence, he finally managed to say, ‘I’ll come visit you when I have time. If there’s anything you need, let me know.’Angelia shook her head. ‘You don’t have to come see me. I don’t want to see you.’***The wind raged, and sand and dust flew everywhere.Dylan swiftly leapt down from the armed vehicle, his black military boots caked in mud. ‘Stay put and wait for me.’‘Sure thing, General Sheppard.’Dylan waved at the driver and eyed the tile-roofed house nearby.With a forceful kick, he sent the fragile wooden door crashing to the ground, then
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Chapter 279 Mindy
‘Yes, General?’ Dylan turned around.‘Let me ask you, do you really like that doctor Callie?’Dylan tensed. ‘Sir, may I know why?’‘You’ll know soon enough anyway,’ Carl said. ‘She got back together with Elias.’‘Oh.’ Dylan’s heart sank.This meant Callie and Elias’s facade had already been exposed.What happened after he left the camp?Carefully, he kept his voice even. ‘So that’s what it is. Sir, are you worried that I’ll get hurt because of love?’‘Won’t you?’‘Sir, I remember telling you that I was just playing with Callie,’ Dylan said nonchalantly. ‘I was just curious about the kind of woman Elias would fall in love with. I’ve never taken that girl seriously anyway.’‘Well, it’s a good thing you are not affected.’ Carl seemed satisfied with his answer.He had high hopes for Dylan, partly because he would soon become his son-in-law, but mostly because he’d chosen Dylan to be his successor.As Dylan left the general’s office, he did have a woman on his mind.But it wasn’t Callie.*
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Chapter 280 The Next President
Reluctantly, Mindy said goodbye to Dylan and accompanied Carl back to the command division office.In Dylan’s presence, she seemed like a young woman, but alone with Carl, her demeanour shifted.‘Dad, the money from the arms deal has been transferred to our account.’‘Has it been laundered?’She gave him a look. ‘Dad, you underestimate me. I guarantee the money is safe. Even the best detectives couldn’t find out!’‘Good.’‘Dad, about Inga...’‘Dylan has dealt with her.’‘Then we’re not far from success.’Earlier, Mindy had arranged for soldiers to move boxes to Carl’s office.Now, her heels clicked as she approached one box, breaking the seal to reveal a bottle of wine.She pulled the cap with a pop, and the sweet fragrance filled the office instantly.Two expensive crystal glasses emerged from the box.She poured the wine, one for herself, and handed the other to her father.Military discipline frowned upon drinking in the army, but Carl took the wine without hesitation.‘Dad, with y
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