All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
306 Chapters
Chapter 251 Fools in Love
At dawn, the sound of gunfire echoed at the border, plunging the entire area into a state of emergency combat.An illegal organization was locked in a fierce battle with the Kurtazagg government, and the impact was felt in the villages along the Engalia border.The villages descended into chaos, filled with the anguished cries of people and the lowing of cattle.Inside the headquarters, Carl stood with his hands clasped behind his back, his gaze fixed on Dylan and Elias.He spoke in a hushed tone, his brows knitted in concern, ‘Elias, dispatch a team immediately to support Merton Village. Take the medical unit with you and do everything in your power to aid the injured civilians. I’ll accompany you. Dylan, you and Harriet will remain here and await further orders.’‘Understood,’ both Dylan and Elias replied in unison before setting off to execute their orders.In a hurry, Elias contacted the infirmary, assembling a medical team to accompany his soldiers to Merton Village.Thanks to th
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Chapter 252 The Price for Peace
‘What is it?’ Elias asked.Callie pointed towards the rubble and said anxiously, ‘Elias, help me lift that beam. I heard a sound earlier.’Without hesitation, Elias lifted the heavy beam, and Callie joined him.Together, they cleared the rubble until Callie spotted a tiny kitten nestled among the stones.It was meowing weakly.‘Oh, I thought it was a baby.’ Callie breathed out a sigh of relief.Carefully, she picked up the injured kitten, noticing a wound on its right paw that was bleeding. ‘It’s hurt.’The kitten, a fragile newborn, was clearly in distress.Callie gently treated its wound, wrapping a bandage around it.The kitten seemed grateful and stuck out its tiny tongue to lick the back of Callie’s hand.‘It tickles,’ Callie chuckled as she looked at the kitten, gently placing it on the ground.The tiny creature struggled to stand properly.‘It’s too young,’ Callie mused, concern in her eyes.She decided to tuck the kitten into her medical bag, leaving its head out.The kitten p
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Chapter 253 Ladies’ Man
Callie breathed a sigh of relief.She had been so preoccupied with her work that she had forgotten about the kitten.Seeing its ravenous appetite, it was evident that the little one was genuinely hungry.‘Where did this kitty come from? Did you adopt it?’ Dylan asked.‘No, I found it in Merton Village and brought it back,’ Callie replied, but as the words left her mouth, she regretted revealing so much.Dylan was neither an enemy nor a friend, and his true motives remained unclear.‘I brought you food.’‘You don’t have to—’‘Otherwise, you would’ve starved to death,’ Dylan remarked, glancing at the lunchbox nearby. ‘This is the life of a military camp. It’s tough. You have to sacrifice everything for the army.’Dylan hugged the kitten with one hand and opened the lunchbox with the other.The faint aroma of food wafted out, and it wasn’t the tastiness of the meal that caught Callie’s attention.She had gone without food for an extended period, and the scent of freshly cooked food made
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Chapter 254 Last Mission
‘What am I supposed to find out?’Harriet wanted to press for more information, but suddenly, Dylan leaned in closer.Their proximity dwindled to a mere sliver, and though Dylan might have looked charming and seductive, there was a seriousness in his eyes that had an almost hypnotic effect.Harriet’s eyes widened, her heart pounding in her chest.She instinctively took a step back, but her nerves got the better of her, and she stumbled.Cursing herself internally for her lack of composure, she, a seasoned soldier who’d faced countless battles, found herself faltering before Dylan, who had ventured too close for comfort.In that moment, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, providing support as she regained her balance.Harriet was surprised by the strength of the arm and instinctively grasped it.But before she could say anything, the arm retreated.Harriet’s cheeks tinted with a faint blush, embarrassed by her overreaction to the brief physical contact.In truth, she’d encountered m
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Chapter 255 Wake-up Call
Callie was no longer the inexperienced, wide-eyed doctor when it came to military matters, but this alarm was still new to her.The urgent alarm set the atmosphere on edge.Jamison cast a quick glance at Callie. ‘It means an urgent mission, Callie. The army needs to be battle-ready in just five minutes.’Callie’s heart tightened with worry.Was Elias about to step onto the battlefield once more?This mission felt especially pressing and out of the ordinary.‘Callie,’ Jamison noticed her sudden change in expression, ‘Are you okay?’Callie placed her pen down and rose from her seat. ‘I’m sorry, Jamison, but I need to step out for a moment.’Before Jamison could respond, Callie had already dashed out of the room, her thoughts racing.‘Callie!’ Jamison wanted to convey that Elias might have already left by the time they heard the alarm, but Callie left abruptly, not giving him a chance to speak.He lowered his gaze, his smile tinged with bitterness.Though he didn’t want to accept it, Eli
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Chapter 256 Brink of Death
Callie asked Lemuel, her voice faint, ‘Can you donate blood?’‘I can,’ Lemuel nodded resolutely. ‘I can give 400 cc.’Callie shook her head. ‘No, 200 cc will do. Find two more soldiers with blood type O and take 200 cc from each.’Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she whispered to Elias, who couldn’t respond, ‘Elias, don’t leave me...’Elias didn’t answer.Neither did she need one.For Callie, the choice was clear.She was an orphan with no one but Elias.In the worst-case scenario, if she couldn’t save him, she would rather share his fate.Callie had the medical team wheel Elias into the operating room.Once inside, she donned a surgical gown and a mask.After meticulously going through the sterilization procedure, she approached Elias’s side.The bright green surgical light cast an intense glow over Elias’s body.Callie’s mind was a whirlwind, but she couldn’t afford to lose focus.With gloved hands, she carefully used scissors to cut away Elias’s camouflage clothing to ensure
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Chapter 257 Dead or Alive
‘Lieutenant Colonel Daniels, I hope you make a speedy recovery and get back to the army soon,’ Dylan said before adjusting his military cap and heading out.Dylan made his way to the entrance of Elias’s operating room.Elias’s surgery was more critical than Harriet’s, so it was expected to take a longer time.Inside the operating room, the constant decline in Elias’s vital signs set off alarms from various medical instruments.Panic welled up in Callie.‘Callie, Elias is—’ Wendy began.‘No, it can’t be!’ Callie interrupted, her voice quivering.She shook her head, attempting to regain her composure as she took deep breaths. ‘Wendy, get me a high-frequency electric knife. Bring another bag of blood.’She refused to let him die.She was determined to save the man she loved.Callie’s hands trembled, and tears threatened to fall.She couldn’t bear the thought of being so helpless and unable to save him.But she couldn’t afford to lose her cool now.Callie inhaled deeply, attempting to ste
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Chapter 258 Dead Men Tell No Tales
Callie’s eyes glimmered, and her heart raced.There were so many things she wanted to say, but when she opened her lips, no words came out.In the end, her thousands of words transformed into a warm smile.Elias gazed at Callie, his eyes holding a serene expression despite the pain in his heart.The two of them remained silent as Carl entered.‘Elias, how are you feeling?’ Carl asked with a faint smile, attempting to portray genuine concern.Elias, leaning on the bed, replied, ‘Doing better now, General. Thank you for coming.’‘Of course,’ Carl responded promptly, ‘Engalia needs young talents like you. Our nation’s future is in your hands.’In truth, Carl had wished for Elias’s death during the mission, but his words were carefully chosen, leaving no room for suspicion.Elias’s lips twitched as he said, ‘General Conway, thank you for your compliment.’Carl turned to Callie. ‘Elias, don’t thank me, you should thank Dr Hawthorne. If it wasn’t for her, I’m afraid your operation wouldn’t
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Chapter 259 Stolen Moment
Clenching her fists, Angelia staggered towards the pharmacy.Her entire being seemed to cry out, desperate to fill the emptiness inside.Once in the pharmacy, Angelia’s hands trembled as she unlocked the cabinet.She retrieved a medicine bottle and injected its contents into her arm.The numerous pinpricks and bruises covered her arms, painting a harrowing picture of her descent into addiction.She couldn’t turn back now, but before she met her end, she was determined to take Callie down with her.She swore never to let Callie escape her clutches, even in death.***Callie had a hectic day.She yearned to visit Elias, but feared it would complicate their situation, potentially exposing their ruse.She couldn’t believe she’d grown so fond of a man that she felt utterly helpless.But that man truly deserved her affection.‘Stop thinking about Elias,’ Callie chided herself as she headed out of the infirmary, hanging her white coat on a chair.On her way back to the dormitory, she looked
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Chapter 260 Stolen Kiss
The soldier searched the records and informed Harriet, ‘The second volume was signed out by General Sheppard two days ago. If you need it urgently, you can ask him directly.’Harriet clenched her jaw.Frustration welled up within her.Dylan had become her nemesis, and their encounters were invariably troublesome.Harriet considered whether to request the documents from him.In the grand scheme of things, her personal grudge against Dylan mattered less than the bigger military issues Elias and his comrades were dealing with.Steeling herself, Harriet decided to visit Dylan’s office.She knocked on the door.‘Come in.’As Harriet entered, she couldn’t help but notice Dylan’s calm, almost beguiling demeanour.His eyes were as serene as a tranquil lake, and the mole beneath his right eye added to his captivating appearance.He exuded an air of danger and allure, like a devil of the night.His angular face had an enticing charm, and his eyes seemed to penetrate hers.The slight lift at the
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