All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
306 Chapters
Chapter 231 Elias’s Struggle
In Wendy’s eyes, Elias wasn’t in the same league as that scoundrel Simon.Callie and Elias had displayed their affection for each other openly.How could he so easily claim he didn’t love her?She couldn’t believe Elias didn’t care about Callie.Elias remained silent but clenched his lips even harder.‘Callie’s running a slight fever, but she’s still working. No matter how hard I tried to convince her...’ Wendy sighed, ‘I wanted to tell you to talk to her, to ask her to take better care of herself, but it seems unnecessary now.’Wendy concluded her words and walked away, not looking back.She knew she had partially fabricated that story, but if Elias truly cared about Callie, he would definitely make some inquiries about her.As Wendy left, Elias stood rooted in place, clenching his fists.He had wanted to keep their distance, to ensure Callie’s safety, and prevent her from being caught up in the Shadowfire matter.He was determined to stay away from her.Each time he encountered Call
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Chapter 232 The Weight of Remorse
Callie hugged herself tightly and buried her face between her knees.Determined not to cry aloud, she bit her hand to stifle the sound.Her teeth sank into her skin so fiercely that the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.Yet, even that couldn’t distract her from the pain inside.Callie had once thought that being abandoned by Simon was the worst thing she could experience.But now, she realised that Elias’s indifference was enough to break her down.Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably.He wanted her to stay away from him?How could she possibly do that?***In Elias’s office, Harriet knocked on the door, holding a yellow file in her hand.‘Come in.’Harriet handed the file to Elias. ‘This is a document from the Northern Theater. Please give it a read.’‘Alright.’ Elias accepted the file and began to review its contents.His face remained as cold and decisive as ever, a thin layer of ice seemingly covering his every expression.Harriet observed him carefully, concern etc
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Chapter 233 Callie’s Suffering
In the infirmary, Callie sat in an armchair with an IV drip in the back of her hand.A series of coughs racked her body, her face flushed with fever.Wendy helped Callie hang the IV bag, silently berating herself for what she’d said earlier.Callie had been perfectly fine, but Wendy had instigated this situation by falsely claiming Callie’s temperature was on the rise.Now, the lie had become a harsh reality, and Callie was truly unwell.Callie’s head throbbed, and dizziness washed over her.Her sore throat felt like it had been sliced by a knife, causing her immense pain.She had no desire to speak, so she leaned her head back against the chair, tears slipping from the corners of her eyes.Watching Callie’s silent suffering, Wendy’s self-blame transformed into deep concern.She immediately knelt beside Callie and asked, ‘Callie, what’s wrong? Are you in pain?’It hurt—her head ached, her throat throbbed, but nothing compared to the pain in her heart.In the past, she’d never been one
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Chapter 234 Jamison’s Confrontation
Elias’s eyes and demeanour exuded indifference, like the cold of winter.He descended the stairs with the two guards beside him saluting.When he noticed Jamison, there was a fleeting change in his narrow eyes, quickly concealed.Jamison reached Elias’s side, his pace deliberate, and spoke firmly, ‘Elias, I have something to tell you.’Elias raised an eyebrow, ‘Private matters or official business?’His coldness was almost suffocating.‘Private matters,’ Jamison replied.‘Do you think I’m free to discuss private matters with just anyone?’ Elias’s voice was low. ‘If it’s not official, please excuse me.’He turned to leave, but Jamison’s voice stopped him. ‘You love Callie. Why did you hurt her?’The mention of Callie seemed to anchor Elias’s feet to the ground, despite his efforts to move away. ‘Whether I love her or whether I hurt her is none of your concern, Jamison.’Jamison, unflinching, walked back toward Elias and looked into his eyes. ‘You once called her your wife and asked me
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Chapter 235 Angelia’s Vengeance
Wendy was concerned that Callie was putting on a brave face to mask the inner turmoil.‘I’m truly fine,’ Callie assured her.She adjusted her blanket, adding, ‘Even though my fever is gone, I’m still a bit dizzy. I want to sleep for a while. Wendy, you can go. No need to worry about me.’Wendy nodded and said, ‘Okay.’As Wendy left, Callie descended into a deep sleep.This time, she didn’t dream of Elias.***Callie’s recovery was swift, and she returned to work, but her interaction with Elias had dwindled.Initially, Wendy worried about Callie’s emotional state, but she soon noticed that Callie was handling things quite normally.However, just as the days were passing uneventfully, they received shocking news.Angelia was rescued by the army.Her body was battered, covered in bruises and bleeding wounds, and she was swathed in a dark green military coat.Callie sprang into action, ready to provide immediate care upon her return.Angelia lay on a hospital bed, her once beautiful and s
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Chapter 236 Stranger on the Base
Angelia, lying on the bed, feigned sleep, not wanting to confront the tormenting memories that haunted her every time she closed her eyes.Jamison approached her, his guilt evident when he saw the wounds on her face.He couldn’t help but feel responsible for what had happened to her.Angelia slowly opened her eyes, surprised that he had finally come to visit her.Jamison was taken aback by her wakefulness and muttered, ‘Angelia, I’m sorry...’Inside, Angelia sneered.Another apology.What did it change for her?All she saw in his eyes was pity and sympathy.‘Why didn’t you save me?’ Angelia asked in a soft voice, her tone tinged with bitterness. ‘Why did you choose to save her and not me?’Jamison had no ready answer.‘I’m sorry...’ He apologised again, his voice filled with regret.There was a cynical smile on Angelia’s lips.Was this apology born of genuine remorse, or was it simply a way for him to absolve himself of guilt?She was convinced that if faced with a similar choice agai
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Chapter 237 Another Major General
Callie chose to stay silent, not entirely sure what to make of this enigmatic figure.She wasn’t in the mood for a conversation with this man, so she offered a polite excuse, ‘I’ve still got work to finish. Excuse me...’However, the man didn’t seem too pleased with her dismissal.He stepped in her path and insisted, ‘Dr Hawthorne, I’ve come to see a doctor. Would you please spare a moment to take a look at me?’Callie side-eyed him, noting his jovial demeanour that didn’t quite match someone in need of medical attention.Nevertheless, she cautiously examined his body.But when he removed his uniform, revealing well-defined muscles, Callie’s eyes widened as she noticed a bullet wound. ‘The wound appears to have been treated but has torn open again. I think it needs stitches.’‘I’m all yours.’ Despite the obvious seriousness of the injury, the man spoke as if it were a minor inconvenience and showed no signs of discomfort.This left Callie perplexed.As Callie carefully tended to the m
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Chapter 238 Player
‘General Sheppard, could you please let go of my leg.’ Harriet sighed in resignation.She admitted defeat.Aside from Dylan’s higher military rank, her strength couldn’t hold a candle to his.If Dylan chose to fight, she had no chance of escape.Dylan’s gaze swept over Harriet’s visage.She dared not voice her irritation.It was the first time he had witnessed Harriet so visibly agitated due to his flirtations with another woman.Who was this woman to Harriet?Dylan’s mind raced as he slowly released his hold on Harriet’s calf.‘I’m still waiting,’ he said, his words measured.Harriet seethed with anger, her breath heavy.Dylan had done this intentionally.He seemed determined to watch her frustration bubble over.Well, if that’s what amused him, so be it.‘Good morning, Major General Sheppard,’ Harriet said through gritted teeth, offering a stiff salute.‘Barely a pass, but I’ll give you that,’ Dylan responded with a hint of amusement in his voice.Harriet rolled her eyes.Callie, wh
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Chapter 239 Harriet’s Warning
Harriet, taken aback by Elias’s furious tone, stared at him in surprise.‘Harriet, tell me,’ Elias continued, his voice filled with impatience. ‘What did Dylan do to Callie?’Harriet had intended to tell him that Dylan had been flirting with Callie, but she hesitated.She didn’t want to provoke Elias’s anger further.While Dylan held a similar rank to Elias, Harriet feared that if she mentioned the word ‘flirting,’ Elias might take it as a challenge and confront Dylan, possibly resulting in violence.Nervously, Harriet stammered, ‘Dylan was just fooling around. You know what he’s like. He wasn’t flirting with Callie. Absolutely not.’Harriet had entered the military straight after high school, so her combat skills were exceptional, but her social skills were lacking.Her current situation was a prime example.She thought her words would have placated Elias, but he clearly interpreted her statement differently.He was so furious that it triggered another fit of violent coughing.Elias’
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Chapter 240 Harriet’s Rival
Dylan’s words were direct, and Harriet seethed with anger.If she had the authority, she might have done away with Dylan a long time ago.Growing up, Elias had been her role model.She aspired to be like him, admiring his talent and the effort he invested.But Dylan was a different story.This man was simply talented.They had undergone the same gruelling training, and she had pushed herself to the brink of exhaustion while Dylan seemed carefree.Nevertheless, whether in written exams or combat, he outperformed her by a long shot.As Dylan confidently strolled into the meeting room, Harriet’s face flushed with anger.This man was so infuriating!***The meeting room soon filled with five high-ranking officers.Lemuel, Harriet, Elias, and Dylan were all present.Carl Conway occupied the front seat.Carl, in his fifties, sported a face adorned with wrinkles, but unlike Hershel, he constantly wore a faint smile.Hershel had always been the stoic one, while Carl seemed perpetually cheerfu
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