All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
306 Chapters
Chapter 221 Self-reproach
Elias’s heart constricted, and he rushed to Callie’s side, gently lifting her face from her hands and pulling her close against his strong, muscular chest. ‘Callie, don’t be afraid. It’s going to be okay.’Her face buried in his chest, Callie wept silently, her tears soaking his clothes.Callie’s silent tears had touched Elias deeply.She had sought solitude, not wanting anyone else to witness her vulnerability.Elias, understanding her need for privacy, whispered, ‘Callie...’She looked up, her eyes filled with distress.She had believed she could withstand the harsh realities of their world, but when danger struck, she had felt powerless.People could be laughing one moment and then crumble before her eyes.As a doctor, she had imagined herself capable, but now she felt ineffectual.Elias took her hand and led her outside the infirmary.The cool breeze gave her a slight chill.With tearful eyes, she confessed, ‘I know why you didn’t want me to come to the border. I understand why yo
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Chapter 222 Traitor
Callie’s cheeks flamed even brighter, and she silently wished Elias would wrap up the ointment application.But Elias seemed more intrigued by her bashfulness.Just when Callie thought the ointment was done, he leaned in for an unexpected kiss.It wasn’t an overly passionate kiss; instead, it carried depth and tenderness.Bewildered, Callie murmured, ‘Elias, why the sudden kiss?’Elias remained tight-lipped.‘My face is so swollen. Is this the right time for a kiss?’ Callie gestured to her puffed-up cheek, her concern evident.Elias ruffled her hair and reassured her, ‘You’re not ugly, Callie. If I say you’re not, you’re not. Now, lean on my shoulder and take a breather. We’ve got plenty ahead of us.’‘Alright,’ Callie responded with a coy smile.***Elias remained preoccupied with military duties, while Callie tirelessly worked in the infirmary.Jamison lay in a coma, his injuries severe, leaving Ramiro in charge.Callie, in her relentless commitment to aiding the wounded, barely had
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Chapter 223 Bug
‘Speak! Quit pretending to be pitiful. You, traitor, if not for you, that woman would have been caught long ago, and our boss would still be alive.’ Gunter’s words were filled with raw anger, as though he wanted to tear every strand of hair from her scalp.If not for this woman who had shot down Tovar with a gun, their situation would not have deteriorated to this extent.‘I... I’m not...’ Angelia tried to protest.‘You’re not?’ Gunter slammed Angelia’s head against the car door, his eyes blazing red.Angelia felt a searing pain at the back of her head, tears streaming uncontrollably.She loathed herself, regretting why she had turned to help Jamison.She couldn’t bear to see him, wounded and bloodied, and yet, what about Jamison?He had witnessed her being taken away by these brutes while he was helpless and injured.He had still shielded Callie even in his weakened state, which was the reason she was suffering now.If only she had chosen to escape, perhaps it would be Callie being t
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Chapter 224 A Fate Worse than Death
Elias kept the orange-flavoured candy in his mouth, his eyes gleaming playfully as he teased, ‘Still craving it, huh? The sweetness of orange can’t hold a candle to yours.’Callie, unable to resist his allure, pulled a mock frown and quipped back, ‘Yeah, I want it. It’s my candy.’Elias leaned in, his voice husky and seductive, ‘Well, if you still want it...’Their lips met again in a passionate kiss, leaving Callie feeling slightly dizzy.She touched her slightly swollen lips and muttered, ‘You said candy’s for kids. Why are you so keen on it now? I... I don’t feel like talking to you.’Her heart was racing, and she couldn’t bring herself to meet Elias’s intense gaze.She felt a bit out of her depth, faced with his expertise in love and passion.But Elias had no intention of letting her escape.He pressed her against the cold door, his sturdy chest pinning her in place, and Callie found herself caught between the door and Elias.Elias leaned in, their eyes locking, and he confessed w
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Chapter 225 Aerial Assault
Wendy, understanding the tense situation they faced, tried to reassure Callie. ‘It’s okay. Nothing is going to happen. We’ve got this.’With Wendy’s comforting words, Callie started to believe that maybe she was just overthinking things.‘Callie, perhaps you’ve been pushing yourself too hard,’ Wendy remarked, examining the wound on her finger. ‘Look at this, it’s a bit deeper than it should be. You’ve been quite careless.’Callie nodded, not taking it too seriously. ‘You might be right. I haven’t had much sleep lately. Most of my time has been spent tending to the wounded, and when I do get a moment to rest, I find myself visiting Jamison.’Wendy voiced her concern. ‘Callie, you need a break. If you wear yourself out, you might end up losing more than you gain. I’ve got the sutures here covered; leave it to me.’Agreeing, Callie left the infirmary, but she didn’t head for the lounge.Instead, she went to the intensive care unit.Jamison had been unconscious for the past few days, stil
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Chapter 226 Insecurity
Harriet had always excelled on the ground, but her true passion lay in the sky, a love instilled by her parents’ careers in the Air Force.She had progressed from a humble pilot to her current role as the air force commander.‘Yes, Sir!’ Harriet saluted Elias again, her determination shining through.‘Elias, you’ve undergone quite a transformation,’ Harriet remarked, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. ‘You were different in the past.’Elias, intrigued, asked, ‘How so?’Harriet delved into the memories. ‘You might have grounded me in the old days.’Elias contemplated her words. ‘Perhaps I would have.’Harriet continued, ‘You’ve evolved into a more compassionate and considerate leader. Back then, you commanded respect and struck fear into our hearts because of your tough reputation. But now, I believe people are starting to not just respect you but also admire you. You’ve shown us that, as a soldier, you can be human, with genuine emotions and empathy. I guess it took someone like C
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Chapter 227 Regret
The success of this mission had dealt a significant blow to Shadowfire’s momentum, leaving them with little choice but to break the balance with Engalia.In response, Engalia’s army was prepared to confront and annihilate the enemy.The victory ignited the soldiers’ morale, and the atmosphere was filled with optimism.Even the medical staff, despite not being directly involved in the battle, were touched by the victorious atmosphere.As Callie tended to Jamison, she hummed cheerfully.Hearing Callie’s soft voice, Jamison raised an eyebrow and grinned, ‘What’s got you in such a good mood?’Callie realized that Jamison hadn’t heard the news of Harriet’s victory while he was recuperating in the ward.She happily shared, ‘Harriet successfully completed her mission and emerged victorious.’Her joy for Harriet’s accomplishment intertwined with her happiness for Elias and the army’s victory.In her heart, Callie had already accepted her role as an army wife.‘Well, that’s definitely somethin
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Chapter 228 Wendy’s Dilemma
Lemuel quickly intervened, holding Wendy back from behind.He lowered his voice and urged, ‘Wendy, what are you doing? Calm down!’‘Calm down?’ Wendy gritted her teeth. ‘How can I calm down in this situation? How can I, when they’re behaving like that?’Lemuel furrowed his brow. ‘Don’t act impulsively. It could be a misunderstanding.’‘Misunderstanding?’ Wendy’s eyes reddened. ‘What misunderstanding? I heard what they said. General Westwood? Ugh! He’s regretting marrying Callie and pining for Harriet again? What is Callie to him? How can he say such a thing?’Wendy had spent plenty of time with Callie, especially since they’d been transferred to Valour Ridge Military Academy from Rosedale Hospital.She’d witnessed how Callie had fallen in love with Elias.And now, Elias was regretting it and seemingly wanted to be with Harriet once more.What would happen to Callie?Lemuel clenched his teeth, hearing Elias’s words, and couldn’t help feeling a trace of anger.As a soldier, he deeply ad
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Chapter 229 Wendy’s Confession
Stepping back, Wendy hesitated, afraid that her words would shatter Callie’s heart into pieces.‘Wendy, what’s wrong?’ Callie asked, puzzled. ‘It seems like you’re hiding something from me.’‘That’s not true!’ Wendy denied, almost instinctively. ‘Why would I hide anything from you? I just had trouble sleeping last night, so I’m tired. You’re overthinking things. What could I possibly hide from you?’Callie didn’t press further, and seeing Wendy return to her usual carefree self, she let the matter go.Wendy continued eating her toast, taking bites as if she were trying to devour the very essence of Elias, the traitor.Callie, on the other hand, had lost her appetite, merely pushing her food around on her plate.As the saying goes, one’s fears have a way of becoming reality.Wendy’s greatest fear was that Callie and Elias would meet face to face.And just as they were finishing their meal, Elias and Lemuel entered the canteen for breakfast.On the base, it was common knowledge that the
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Chapter 230 Callie’s Tears
Callie had seen Elias and Harriet standing together, laughing and talking as if they were a perfect match.It was as if they were advertising a picture-perfect couple in their military uniforms.However, when Callie appeared, Elias barely acknowledged her.If she hadn’t wished him goodnight before leaving, he might not have responded at all.She now realized that Elias and Harriet’s interaction wasn’t just about official business.And worse, he regretted marrying her.Callie was torn apart, unable to find the right words to express her pain.Though her marriage to Elias had been hasty, she had never regretted it.She believed she had found the right person, and their time together had brought her happiness.But now, her happiness seemed to have vanished overnight.Her heartache was palpable as she sat in silence, tears streaming down her face.Wendy hugged her friend, trying to offer some comfort.Callie cried for a long time until she was exhausted, wiping away her tears.‘Callie, do
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