All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
306 Chapters
Chapter 281 Treason
Harriet paced in her office, anxious and shocked.Elias had been taken away for investigation, charged with treason and colluding with foreign organisations for illegal arms dealing.She knew this was the general’s doing.Harriet hadn’t anticipated Carl’s ruthless approach.Once declared guilty, Elias’s life would be ruined.But what could she do?Carl Conway outranked her and she had no legal standing to challenge the investigation.Harriet crumpled a paper into a ball and hurled it into the trash can, frustrated.As she pondered how to save Elias, Dylan’s face flashed in her mind, but she dismissed the idea.‘He’s probably too busy courting Carl’s daughter right now.’ Harriet’s smile was bitter. ‘Why would he help me?’Her gaze turned towards the phone on her desk.Should she call Uncle Hershel?Elias was his adoptive son and protégé, after all.But she remembered how furious Uncle Hershel was when he discovered Elias had gone against his wish and married Callie.Hershel and Elias h
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Chapter 282 Better Him than Her
‘Callie, calm down,’ Wendy said. ‘I’m sure he only wants what’s best for—’‘He is a b*stard!’ Callie cried out breathlessly. ‘Did he think that keeping me in the dark is best for me?’Wendy handed her a tissue. ‘I don’t like it, either, but I can understand where he’s coming from.’‘Where is the evidence?’ Callie wiped her eyes. ‘What evidence does General Conway have to prove Elias is guilty of treason?’‘I don’t have all the details, but Lemuel said they found weapons at one of Shadowfire’s hideouts. Weapons made by Engalia.’‘That doesn’t prove Elias was the one who sold the weapons to them.’‘I know, but there’s something else, something more…d*mning.’‘What is it?’Wendy lowered her eyes. ‘A confession.’‘What?’‘General Conway has a confession, signed by Elias. It stated that he admitted to having colluded with Inga from Shadowfire and that he had done harm against the country.’‘How’s that possible?’ Callie was incredulous.Elias would never have signed something so ridiculous.
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Chapter 283 Delirious
‘Dad.’ Mindy clung to Carl’s arm. ‘Once we are done here, I want to marry Dylan. I don’t want to wait until the presidential election is over, okay?’Carl scowled. ‘You are still so young. Why are you in such a hurry? Do you really like Dylan that much?’‘Yes!’ Mindy nodded. ‘I really like him.’‘Alright, alright.’ Carl sighed. ‘I can never say no to you. Fine. Do what you like.’‘Thanks, Dad, you are the best!’***The winter drizzle cast a gloom over Callie, the cold wind biting into her slim frame.Instinctively, she shuddered as her long black hair veiled her petite face.Though she had an umbrella, the rain, coupled with the biting wind, still clung to her clothes.Ignoring the discomfort, Callie stood resolute at the door, raindrops splashing on her head, face, body, and heart—each drop igniting pain within her.She yearned to see Elias, just once, yet circumstances held her back.Not far away, Jamison’s heart ached witnessing Callie braving wind and rain.His jealousy had waned
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Chapter 284 Potential Scandal
Callie and Elias had been through so much— from their impromptu marriage to the shared military journey at Valour Ridge Military Academy.Happiness was intertwined with tough times, turning every moment into the most dazzling one in Callie’s life.Throughout this journey, her love for Elias deepened, making it impossible for her to detach.Love, as always, had a way of consuming and losing oneself in its depths.Jamison’s face turned pale at the unexpected confession, and he loosened his grip on Callie’s hand.‘Elias,’ Callie called out, but there was no response.Anxious, she groped around for the man’s hand.‘Callie, I...I’m not Elias.’ Jamison withdrew his hand. ‘Look at me. I’m not him.’Callie struggled to open her eyes, only to find Elias had vanished.Jamison sat on the edge of her bed, looking pained.She shrank back. ‘Where’s Elias?’The fog in her brain finally cleared as memories flooded back.‘I remember now,’ she muttered. ‘He traded his freedom for mine. That’s why he ca
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Chapter 285 Compromising Evidence
Mindy hesitated but agreed.She didn’t care where they spent the night, as long as she was with Dylan.Dylan, disgusted by the lustful gleam in her eyes, closed his door, and they headed towards her dormitory, Mindy still clinging to his arm.Mindy’s room, originally having the same Spartan layout as everyone else’s, now sported luxury in the form of ornaments and trinkets.‘This is my room,’ Mindy proudly presented it to Dylan.He surveyed it. ‘It’s nice.’Mindy pulled out a bottle of wine from the mini-fridge. ‘Let’s have a drink.’‘You know we are not supposed to drink on base,’ he reminded her.‘But who’s going to know? You are not going to tell on me, are you?’ She playfully swatted his arm.‘No, of course not.’‘Besides, doesn’t it feel like something’s missing without a drink?’Slowly, she unbuttoned her coat, revealing her leopard print lingerie.‘Not again,’ Dylan thought.‘Alright,’ he picked up the bottle, pouring wine for both.They clinked glasses, finishing the content i
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Chapter 286 Dylan’s Plan
‘I’d love to marry Mindy soon,’ Dylan said. ‘But there are matters to settle here.’He lowered his voice. ‘Inga is dead, but Elias is still around. General, I’d like to take over his case.’Carl frowned. ‘Why?’He’d already entrusted Mindy to cook up more evidence to build the case against Elias.‘Because I want to be the one to take him down,’ Dylan said earnestly. ‘I’ve despised him for so long. We were enemies all the way back at Valour Ridge, and he always thinks he’s better than me. Now that he’s going down, I’d like the opportunity to knock him down a peg or two. I owe it to the scars he gave me.’Mindy, unaware of their past conflict, listened in surprise at the revelation of Dylan’s deep-seated animosity towards Elias.The mere thought of Dylan being bullied by Elias made her mad. ‘Elias hit you?’‘It was a fight. I lost.’‘But you are so much stronger than him!’Dylan lied, ‘He’s General McCullough’s protégé. Plenty of folks at the academy were willing to help him.’‘Dad, Eli
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Chapter 287 Drinking Session
Grabbing Elias’s collar, Dylan delivered another punch, then hit him a few more times, stopping only when he saw Elias bleed.In a loud voice, he continued, ‘Elias, I hadn’t expected you to end up here. Who’d have thought? The once mighty Elias Westwood, a prisoner.’Elias curled up, coughing in pain, spitting out a mouthful of blood.Eventually, the noise drew attention.A guard approached. ‘Um, General Sheppard, we are not supposed to torture the prisoner.’Dylan glared at him. ‘Did you see me torture him?’‘Um, no, Sir.’Dylan clapped his hands, brushing dust off his shoulder. ‘Lock him up! And forget about treating his injuries. Just let him be.‘Yes, Sir.’ The guard nodded and quickly locked the door, leaving Elias bleeding on the floor.***Back in his dorm, Dylan was going over some files when he heard a knock on his door.Irritated by the interruption, he opened the door to find Mindy standing there.‘Surprise!’ Mindy beamed sweetly.‘Mindy, what are you doing here?’‘Aren’t y
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Chapter 288 Natural Enemies
In the morning, Harriet visited Callie.After making sure there was no one else in the ward, Harriet whispered, ‘News from Elias.’Callie’s eyes brightened. ‘You saw him?’‘Not me. Dylan. Then he told me what he and Elias talked about.’Callie gripped Harriet’s hand. ‘What did he say? How is he? Is he okay?’‘He’s holding up. Lost some weight, but still in good spirits.’Callie’s eyes turned red. ‘That’s good.‘Hey, don’t cry.’ Harriet wiped away Callie’s tears with her fingers. ‘Elias wouldn’t want you to worry about him.’‘I can’t help it.’ Callie shook her head.Harriet then passed Elias’s message to her.Callie nodded, hugging her. ‘Thank you, Harriet. Thank you so much.’‘Hey, you don’t have to thank me. Elias is my friend, too. Almost like a brother. I want to get him out of there as much as you do.’‘Please tell Dylan I owe him.’‘I will.’As they talked, Harriet wondered where Dylan was, and what he was doing.He said he had a plan to infiltrate Conway’s office, but how?***A
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Chapter 289 Untouchable
It was the first time Callie met such an unreasonable patient.‘Alright.’ Callie didn’t bother arguing with her. ‘I’ll prescribe some painkillers for you, but please don’t take more than the recommended dose. If you feel the pain getting worse after taking the meds, please consult a doctor immediately.’Callie was about to write out a prescription when Mindy grabbed her hand. ‘Wait!’‘What is it now?’‘I don’t want painkillers.’Callie was exasperated.Mindy said, ‘I don’t want any of that over-the-counter stuff. The painkiller’s effect is too slow. I want an injection.’‘Miss, I can assure you—’‘And I can do it myself. Just give me some needles.’‘I’m afraid I can’t do that.’ Callie firmly refused. ‘Any intravenous drip requires a doctor’s prescription and must be administered by a registered nurse.’Callie had had enough of this woman.Maybe she was faking a stomachache.‘I’ll prescribe some pills for you.’‘Hey, is there something wrong with your ears? Why can’t you understand me?
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Chapter 290 The President’s Visit
Though she enjoyed having fun with different men, Mindy had always been careful, and nothing serious had ever happened.Except for that one time with that guy in the airport bar.A little carelessness led to her being impregnated, and now she had to suffer.Mindy glanced at the paper bag from the infirmary containing painkillers, syringes, needles, and cotton pads.She tossed away the painkillers and picked up the injection kit.She planned to extract the serum loaded with the new virus and inject it into Harriet, as soon as she found a chance to do it.With no antidote, Harriet would age rapidly and die of organ failure within a year.By then, Mindy would be long gone and no one could connect her to Harriet’s death.***‘Achoo!’Harriet sneezed at her desk.Was someone bad-mouthing her? she wondered.Probably Mindy.A soldier knocked on her door and walked in briskly. ‘Lieutenant Colonel Daniels.’‘Yes?’ She turned her gaze from the documents to the soldier.‘We’ve just received a cl
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