All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
306 Chapters
Chapter 91 The Culprit
‘You’re no innocent bunny,’ Lemuel seethed. ‘You’re a burden whose wilful acts drag others into danger while you remain blissfully unaware!’Callie was taken aback by the sudden onslaught of accusations. ‘I don’t understand,’ she protested, her voice shaking. ‘How am I responsible for what happened?’Lemuel’s rage surged, and he fought the urge to lash out physically at the woman before him.He took several deep breaths, trying to control his emotions.‘Both Elias and Private First Class Travis Campeau were injured because of you!’ he shouted, his voice sharp and filled with bitterness. ‘Every soldier who ventured out into that minefield this morning and risked their lives was because of you!’Callie’s mind raced, trying to make sense of Lemuel’s words. ‘I didn’t ask anyone to come looking for me,’ she defended herself. ‘I didn’t even know they were coming!’Lemuel’s frustration boiled over. ‘Drop the act!’ he snapped. ‘If you hadn’t rushed out into the minefield without protective ge
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Chapter 92 Guilt
Callie was drenched from head to toe, strands of her hair sticking to her forehead.She was still wearing the same white lab coat she had on that morning, now smudged with dirt and bits of grass, and thoroughly soaked by the rain.Concerned, Wendy hurriedly made her way outside. ‘Callie, what are you doing out here? You’ll catch a cold!’ she called out, but Callie seemed oblivious to her surroundings.Her face was ghostly pale, her eyes open but distant, as if lost in a world of her own.Ignoring the rain pouring down on her, Wendy rushed towards Callie. ‘Callie, it’s me, Wendy! Snap out of it!’ she exclaimed, grabbing Callie’s shoulders and shaking her gently.But Callie’s eyes remained glazed over, and she didn’t respond.With growing worry, Wendy noticed a cut on the sole of Callie’s right foot, but she seemed completely unaffected by the pain.Barefoot and disoriented, Callie continued to wander aimlessly in the rain.‘Callie, please, come back to us,’ Wendy pleaded, her voice tin
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Chapter 93 The Right Doctor Hawthorne
The two women exchanged glances, and Angelia couldn’t help but smirk.‘Good morning, Callie,’ Angelia said mockingly. ‘What are you doing here?’Callie, dressed in her white lab coat, held her head high. ‘I work here,’ she replied evenly.Angelia raised an eyebrow. ‘You look like hell,’ she taunted.Callie’s jaw tightened, but she didn’t let Angelia’s words get to her. ‘Thanks for your concern,’ she said coldly, ‘but the health centre is short-staffed, and I want to help.’With that, Callie walked past Angelia, who couldn’t resist adding another jab. ‘Do you want to see Major General Westwood?’ she asked, a wicked gleam in her eyes.Callie stopped in her tracks, her heart pounding.Her nails dug into her thigh as she fought to maintain her composure. ‘I don’t need to see him,’ she managed to say, her voice strained. ‘You are Elias’s attending physician. It’s your responsibility to watch over him, just make sure he’s... he’s doing well.’Angelia smirked triumphantly. ‘Captain Santana g
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Chapter 94 Awake
In his heart, Lemuel understood that it was the duty of the soldiers to keep civilians safe, not the other way around.Callie was a civilian, and she couldn’t have known about the minefield.Still, the image of Elias and Travis injured haunted him, and he couldn’t bring himself to absolve Callie entirely.With Elias unconscious and his condition uncertain, Lemuel’s emotions ran high.He was torn between worrying about Elias’s recovery and grappling with his own conflicted feelings.He knew he needed to apologise to Callie once Elias woke up, but deep down, he feared he might never forgive her if anything happened to Elias.***Lemuel washed his face in the men’s room and made his way up to the break room on the third floor, desperately in need of a cup of coffee to keep himself awake.The stress and worry of the past few days had taken a toll on him, and his nerves were jittery from the countless cups of coffee he’d consumed.As he walked back to Elias’s room, he was almost too afraid
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Chapter 95 Not a Mere Fling
Lemuel scrunched up his nose as if smelling something foul.‘You mean Callista Hawthorne? She’s not here,’ he replied dismissively.Elias’s eyes narrowed, picking up on the disdain in Lemuel’s voice. ‘I know she’s not here, I’m asking you why.’‘She’s taking care of the other patients,’ Lemuel replied, trying to brush off the question.Elias could sense that something was off.Callie’s absence didn’t sit right with him.He knew her well enough to understand that she wouldn’t abandon him while he was injured.‘Why would Callie tend to other patients but not me?’ Elias thought to himself, his mind working overtime.It was hard to believe she would prioritise others over him.The more he pondered, the more suspicious he became.He couldn’t shake the feeling that something must have happened while he was unconscious.Maybe Lemuel or Angelia had something to do with it.‘I need to speak with Callie,’ Elias declared.Angelia’s smile wavered slightly, and she exchanged a quick glance with Le
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Chapter 96 Third Wheel
Wendy’s eyes flickered towards Callie, who was seated with her back to Elias, seemingly lost in her own world.Lemuel had arrived outside the break room by then, observing the tense atmosphere between Elias and Callie.He still couldn’t believe Elias was engaged to this woman.Before he could utter a word, Wendy raised a finger to her lips, signalling him to stay quiet, and then gestured for him to follow her outside.Lemuel hesitated, but Wendy’s stern gaze left him no choice.He followed her out of the break room, and as she gently closed the door, her voice carried a hint of warning. ‘Don’t be a third wheel, Lemuel.’The break room was a small, cosy space with a few worn-out armchairs and a coffee table stacked with medical journals and newspapers.The sunlight filtered through the half-open blinds, casting stripes of light across the room.Callie’s coughing echoed in the room, and she had tears in her eyes, but she couldn’t tell if they were from the coughing itself or from Elias’
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Chapter 97 Wounded Pride
Elias rose from his seat, lifting Callie into his arms effortlessly.Callie yelped in surprise, her cheeks flushing even more. ‘What are you doing?’ she protested, but Elias wasn’t swayed.‘You’re right—a patient needs to rest, and you’re a patient now,’ Elias stated firmly. ‘You need to rest.’Callie continued to protest, insisting that she was fine, but Elias refused to let her down.Carrying her one-armed, he reached for the door handle with his free hand.As he pulled open the door of the break room, two figures stumbled into the room.Lemuel was quick to recover and beat a hasty retreat, claiming he had some urgent tasks to attend to.Wendy, on the other hand, picked herself up from the floor, her cheeks tinged with embarrassment for being caught eavesdropping.Elias didn’t let the awkward moment deter him.He turned to Wendy, his tone authoritative. ‘Callie’s sick. Get her a ward.’Then, as an afterthought, he added, ‘If there’s no empty ward, add a bed in my room.’Wendy nodded
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Chapter 98 Divorce
Elias acknowledged Angelia’s concern with an aloof tone. ‘Thanks for taking care of me, Dr Hawthorne,’ he replied, his eyes appraising her.He couldn’t help but notice the blush that crept up Angelia’s cheeks.‘I’m just doing my job,’ Angelia replied, attempting to hide her momentary lapse in composure.She couldn’t let Elias see how much and how easily his words affected her.She had to remain professional and maintain her poise.Elias’s eyes narrowed slightly. ‘Why didn’t you use silver sulfadiazine cream to treat my burn wounds?’ he asked, challenging her with his gaze.For a moment, Angelia was taken aback by the directness of the question, but she quickly regained her composure and replied confidently, ‘Because it has severe side effects like rash, redness, swelling, burning, itching, stinging, or pain at the area of use. It may also require frequent blood tests and kidney function tests to monitor for systemic absorption and assess kidney function.’She left out the fact that pa
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Chapter 99 Plan to Expose Her True Colours
Angelia couldn’t help but feel a sense of bitterness creeping into her heart.She was tired of hearing about Callie, tired of feeling overshadowed by her presence.As she listened to Abby’s rant, an idea began to form in her mind.She had an opportunity to take down Callie a notch and prove to Elias that she wasn’t as perfect as he believed.‘Abby, let me handle this,’ she said resolutely, her mind already devising a plan.‘What do you mean?’ Abby asked.Angelia’s eyes glinted with determination. ‘I mean, I’ll find out if Callie is still in touch with Simon and expose her for the manipulative woman she is. If she’s trying to seduce a Lieutenant Colonel, who knows how many other men she’s tried to charm in the past. Simon needs to see her true colours.’And so did Elias.‘You’d do that for me?’‘Of course,’ Angelia said. ‘You are my cousin.’And it would be a nice payback for all the times Callie had caused trouble in her life too.‘Thank you, Angelia. I really hope this works.’Angeli
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Chapter 100 Punishment
Before leaving the ward, Wendy handed Callie two pills and a glass of water. ‘You should take these,’ she said, her playful tone replaced with a more serious one. ‘It’ll help with the healing process.’Callie nodded and took the medication as Wendy made her way out.Once alone, Callie darted into the bathroom.She stood before the mirror, inspecting the hickey marks Elias had left on her skin.She couldn’t believe he had taken advantage of her while she was sleeping.With a sigh of frustration, she was about to take a shower when she heard a knock on the door.Callie hurriedly pulled up her hospital gown before dashing back to bed and covering herself with the blanket.Elias entered the room, his eyes fixed on Callie lying in bed.He knew she was pretending to be asleep, but he played along and sat down on the edge of the bed.Leaning closer, he kissed her lips, and just as Callie’s eyes shot open, he chuckled.‘Pervert,’ Callie scolded, throwing a pillow at him.Elias grinned, undete
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