All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
306 Chapters
Chapter 71 After-party Rendezvous
With a flirtatious smile, Angelia approached the group, knowing exactly how to catch their attention. ‘Hey there, boys. Mind if I join the party?’ she purred, her voice dripping with honey.The soldiers turned to her, some with appreciative glances and others with shy smiles.Angelia relished the attention and quickly struck up conversations with them.She learned their names, cracked jokes, and even listened to their stories about life at Valour Ridge Military Academy.In the midst of the laughter and camaraderie, she subtly brought up Elias, acting nonchalant as she asked, ‘So, what’s the deal with Major General Westwood? Is he always this distant?’The soldiers exchanged glances, some looking uneasy, but one brave soul spoke up. ‘We don’t really know much about him. He’s new, you see. But from what we do know, the major general is focused on his duties. He’s not one for small talk or socialising.’Angelia feigned disappointment. ‘Oh, really? I was hoping to get to know him better,’
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Chapter 72 Playboy Vibe
Elias didn’t want to come off as petty, but the flames of jealousy were burning within him, and he wasn’t sure how to handle it.His heart was in turmoil as he looked away, searching for a way to express his feelings without driving her away.Callie stood in Elias’s arms, her face pressed against his chest, feeling the warmth of his embrace.But his prolonged silence and tense grip puzzled and unsettled her.She looked up at him, her eyes searching his face for answers. ‘Elias, what’s wrong?’He let out a heavy sigh, his fingers gently brushing against her hair. ‘Don’t you get it, bunny?’ he said, his voice tinged with frustration. ‘You danced with another man. Smiled at him. Do you know how that—’Elias checked himself.He wanted her to be his, and his alone.He wanted to hide her away from the world, keep her all to himself.Yes, he knew it was wrong to feel this possessive, but he couldn’t help it.He’d never felt this way about anyone before.Callie could feel the tension in Elias
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Chapter 73 He’s a Gem
A rush of warmth coursed through her at his words. ‘Fine, maybe those behaviours weren’t flirting,’ Callie said. ‘But what about the way you kissed me? You were so... proficient at it.’Elias couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride at her words, feeling smug and satisfied.He leaned in, his lips close to her ear, and said in a low voice, ‘Does that mean you liked it?’Callie turned away, her face flushed. ‘I, um... well, maybe,’ she mumbled, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement.Elias couldn’t resist any longer.He drew her close and kissed her passionately, their lips melding together in a dance of desire and affection.Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, their longing finally finding expression in this tender moment.As they finally pulled apart from the electrifying kiss, Callie’s heart was pounding in her chest, and her breath came out in ragged pants.She was glad she was sitting down, as the intensity of the moment left her weak-kneed and o
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Chapter 74 Special Treatment
Callie hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. ‘No, it’s fine. I’ll stick to the first floor with the cadets,’ she said, her voice soft but resolute. ‘I don’t want any special treatment just because of my connection with you. I want to earn my place here.’Elias admired her determination.‘You know, being the principal’s wife has its perks,’ he said with a playful smirk. ‘You don’t have to work too hard.’Callie blushed. ‘I want to be treated like everyone else. It’s important to me.’Elias chuckled, walking over to her and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. ‘All right, if that’s what you want. But remember, you’re always welcome on the second floor. And you’re not just an ordinary doctor; you’re my wife.’Callie’s eyes met his. ‘I know, and I appreciate that. But I want to prove myself on my own merit.’Elias smiled warmly at her. ‘I believe you.’With an attitude like that, she’d do great at the academy.Callie took a final spoonful, savouring the rich flavours. ‘Mmm, th
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Chapter 75 Transparent Moves
Elias shrugged. ‘It’s gone. If you want a taste, go catch another one yourself.’Lemuel’s heart sank. ‘You finished the entire pheasant all by yourself? That’s not fair! We both worked hard to catch it!’‘You took a shot and missed,’ Elias corrected his aide. ‘I took a shot and killed the bird. Ergo, it belonged to me.’Lemuel huffed. ‘But I was the one who plucked the feathers and gutted the bird. Don’t I at least deserve a thigh or a wing for that?’‘You should’ve said so sooner.’ Elias climbed into the jeep. ‘All right, let’s head to the training ground.’Lemuel sighed, then mumbled something to himself before climbing into the driver’s seat.***While Elias was supervising another training session, Callie was also up and ready for the day ahead.She gently nudged Wendy. ‘Come on, you said you wanted to get up early to watch the soldiers train. It’s already six o’clock.’Wendy groaned, refusing to budge at such an early hour. ‘It’s only six o’clock!’Callie chuckled softly, knowing
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Chapter 76 Good Colleague, Bad Friend
‘Looks like a pretty bad tear,’ Callie said, as she handed Angelia a pair of forceps.‘Yeah, it’s going to take some work,’ Angelia replied, as she used the forceps to gently pull the torn ligament into place.She then used a needle and thread to carefully stitch the ligament back together, taking care to ensure that the stitches were tight and secure.Callie assisted her, handing her the surgical instruments she needed and helping to hold the ligament in place as she worked.As the surgery progressed, the two surgeons worked in perfect harmony, their movements synchronised as they focused on the task at hand.‘Scissors,’ Angelia said, as she prepared to trim the excess thread from the stitches.Callie handed her the scissors, and Angelia carefully snipped away the extra thread, taking care not to disturb the delicate repair she had made.‘Okay, that looks good,’ Angelia said, as she stepped back to admire her work. ‘Let’s close him up.’Callie handed her the sutures, and Angelia care
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Chapter 77 Birthday
Elias couldn’t concentrate on his work either, his mind preoccupied with the lovely woman on his lap.Unable to resist any longer, Elias wrapped his arms around Callie, pulling her close to him.She gasped in surprise, but the warmth of his embrace soon eased her nerves.In that tender moment, Elias’s voice softened. ‘Callie, my birthday is coming up.’Callie’s eyes lit up, and she smiled warmly. ‘Really? That’s wonderful! We should celebrate. When is it?’Elias grinned. ‘I was hoping you’d say that. The party’s tomorrow. Well, not so much a party as a small gathering. I’d love for you to be there.’‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world,’ Callie replied, her heart swelling with affection.‘Good,’ Elias said.Then Callie’s face fell. ‘But I don’t even have a gift prepared.’‘Don’t worry about it. You being there is more than enough for me.’Callie’s face reddened again. ‘But... I still want to give you something special.’‘Well, you could always wrap yourself up as a present,’ Elias sugges
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Chapter 78 The Lurking Enemy
The night was calm and quiet.Most of the cadets were fast asleep, including Wendy, who shared the dorm with Angelia.Seizing this opportunity, Angelia decided to carry out her sneaky plan to catch Callie with another man.She slipped out of the dormitory with her phone in hand, her heart pounding with excitement and anticipation.She had grown tired of Callie, the soft-spoken and seemingly perfect doctor, always stealing the spotlight and attention.This was her chance to expose Callie’s true colours and put an end to the admiration and adoration she received from everyone.With cat-like stealth, Angelia made her way towards a secluded spot near the dormitories, where the bushes offered ample cover.She hid among the foliage, her phone ready to capture any incriminating evidence.If Callie dared to have a secret affair with another man, Angelia would make sure the whole academy knew about it.Time seemed to pass slowly as Angelia waited, her anticipation growing with each minute.Fin
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Chapter 79 False Camaraderie
Callie smiled warmly. ‘That’s all anyone can ask for, Angelia. We’re here to serve. And I’d love for us to get along.’With the tension eased, the three roommates decided to have breakfast together.They chatted and laughed like old times, and it felt like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders.However, while Wendy and Callie enjoyed their meal, Angelia was only pretending to do so.It had been difficult to hide her resentment towards Callie and apologising to her was a bitter pill to swallow.But Angelia had done what she felt was necessary to regain the woman’s trust before she could plot the next step.Her grudge against Callie for stealing Elias’s heart had only grown stronger with time.While Callie was deep in thought about what to give Elias for his birthday, Angelia was scheming in her mind.She couldn’t let Callie win Elias without a fight, even if she had to pretend to be friendly on the surface.Callie, meanwhile, wasn’t as naïve as Angelia believed.Having grown up
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Chapter 80 What the General Needs
Callie’s eyes softened as she listened to the soldiers’ heartfelt conversations.She was glad that her words had made an impact on them.As a doctor, her primary goal was to heal and protect lives, and she felt immense pride in being able to contribute to the soldiers’ well-being.Eventually, she ventured to ask, trying to sound casual, ‘Tell me more about General Westwood. What’s he like?’The soldiers exchanged knowing glances before Jake, one of Elias’s most ardent admirers, stepped forward to answer. ‘General Westwood is a legend in the military academy. He’s not just a high-ranking officer, but also a remarkable leader and mentor. Everyone respects and admires him for his skills and dedication to the military.’Callie nodded. ‘I see.’But the information Jade gave was kind of vague.Mike chimed in, ‘He’s a Major General, one of the youngest to achieve that rank. He’s always been ambitious and driven to succeed.’Callie’s eyes widened in astonishment as the young soldiers continue
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