All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
306 Chapters
Chapter 51 Cornered
In the hospital break room, Callie immersed herself in the latest medical journal, hoping to find solace in the pages and forget the ache in her heart caused by Elias’s absence.However, her peace was disrupted when Wendy hurried in, an urgent expression on her face. ‘Callie, we’ve been summoned to Director Colman’s office.’Callie looked up. ‘Do you have any idea what it’s about?’Wendy shook her head. ‘I have no clue. But we better not keep him waiting.’They made their way to Director Colman’s office, both puzzled by the sudden summons.Callie couldn’t help but be wary, knowing that Stuart Colman, Abby’s father, had never paid much attention to her before.As they entered the office, Stuart greeted them with a friendly smile, gesturing for them to take a seat.Callie’s guard went up; this was all too strange.Director Colman engaged in small talk, asking about their work and well-being.Callie and Wendy exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of where this conversation was heading.Final
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Chapter 52 Incommunicado
‘Hello, miss, my name is Mark and I’m calling from Real Estate Investments. I wanted to share an exciting opportunity with you. We have a remarkable property available—a beautiful manor villa with street-side shops nearby. It’s located in a prime area, with great potential for growth and value appreciation…’Callie’s heart sank, her excitement dashed at the telemarketer’s voice.Frustration overwhelmed her, and she snapped at the caller before abruptly hanging up.Callie sank into the sofa, clutching a panda plush pillow, feeling lost and conflicted.She had always been independent, self-reliant, and unafraid of facing life’s challenges head-on.Yet, now she found herself deeply missing someone she had only known for a few weeks.She reflected on her upbringing in the orphanage, working tirelessly to support herself and the other children.It was this determination that had brought her to where she was now, a skilled surgeon with a bright future.But amidst all her achievements, she c
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Chapter 53 Desert Night
Callie explained with a grin, ‘Zack Mayo is the Aviation Officer Candidate from the movie “An Officer and a Gentleman” from the eighties. Played by Richard Gere, who’s so swoon-worthy!’Wendy gave her a blank look. ‘“An Officer and a Gentleman?” Seriously, Callie, you need to update your movie list. Watch something from this century.’Callie said a little defensively, ‘Hey, I love the old movies, the classics, the vintage charm.’Wendy gave her a teasing bump on the shoulder. ‘Is that why you fell for Lieutenant Colonel Westwood, who’s, what, ten years older than you?’Callie corrected her, ‘Eight years, thank you very much. And age doesn’t matter when it comes to, ahem, love.’Wendy laughed. ‘Oh, come on. Admit it, you have a thing for older men.’‘Maybe a little,’ Callie admitted. ‘But who knows, maybe you’ll find your own charming officer at the academy and finally settle down.’Wendy rolled her eyes. ‘Now you sound like my mom, and my dad, and the rest of my family.’Their friendl
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Chapter 54 Another Hawthorne
Callie smiled kindly, feeling relieved that their travel arrangements were in capable hands.‘No worries at all. We’re just glad you’re here now,’ she said.Jonas nodded and gestured towards the vehicle. ‘May I help you with your luggage?’Callie and Wendy exchanged glances before nodding in agreement.‘That would be wonderful,’ Callie replied.Jonas swiftly took their luggage and stowed it in the back of the military vehicle.Wendy nudged Callie playfully and whispered, ‘Hey, can I ride shotgun this time?’Callie raised an amused eyebrow. ‘What’s the urgency? Are you that interested in our soldier friend, Jonas?’Wendy blushed slightly, but her eyes sparkled mischievously. ‘Maybe,’ she replied in a hushed tone. ‘He’s cute, and there’s nothing wrong with admiring from afar, right?’Callie chuckled. ‘You’ve got a point. But Jonas looks like he’s barely twenty. He’s practically a baby.’Wendy shrugged, undeterred. ‘Hey, age is just a number. If you can have a thing for older men, can’t
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Chapter 55 New Home
Angelia then turned her gaze to Jonas, her eyes wide and innocent. ‘Jonas, would you mind helping me with my bags?’ she asked, her voice soft and alluring.The young soldier blushed, flustered by Angelia’s request. ‘Of course not,’ he stammered, eager to assist her.Angelia’s smile deepened, revealing a pair of charming dimples.She then turned to Wendy and Callie. ‘Thank you both for helping. I really appreciate it.’Wendy sighed, taking in Angelia’s slender and almost frail build. ‘Fine, I suppose.’As the three women settled into their shared dormitory, they were informed by Jonas about the logistics of living at Valour Ridge Military Academy.They each received an expense card with a monthly credit of $500 to purchase provisions from the minimart on campus.Cash and credit cards were of no use within the academy.Jonas explained, ‘The minimart is your primary source for supplies. You can find its location on the map provided to each of you. If you can’t find what you need there, y
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Chapter 56 Wrong Turn
Inside the Spartan military communal shower room, the steam filled the air, creating an almost suffocating atmosphere.The lack of proper ventilation made the room feel like a sweltering sauna.Callie took a moment to appreciate the stark difference from the shower rooms she was used to back in college.Following the signs, she made her way to the locker room and put her belongings into an empty locker.The sound of running water coming from the shower stalls caught her attention, indicating that someone else was present.Then the water was shut off, followed by the sound of a door creaking open.Curiosity got the better of her, and Callie glanced around, expecting to see her first female officer cadet.However, her eyes widened in surprise when she saw a man’s bare chest before her.His body was marred with scars, but his physique was perfectly sculpted, and water droplets slowly cascaded down his chest, disappearing behind a loosely wrapped towel around his waist.Caught off guard,
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Chapter 57 A Man in Uniform
Feeling the intensity of desire coursing through him, Elias looked away, trying to regain his composure.He shifted into work mode. ‘What are you doing here?’Her presence here was a surprise to him, though a pleasant one, and he couldn’t fathom how fate had brought them together once more.Callie, still a little out of breath, explained that she was sent here for a six-month rotation as a surgeon by Rosedale Hospital. ‘But what about you? What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in the army.’Elias noticed the slightly wet uniform clinging to Callie’s curves, and he found himself getting excited again, his desire reigniting.He quickly pointed her towards the shower stalls. ‘You should go ahead and take a shower.’Callie was persistent. ‘But Elias, I want to know why you’re at the academy. Why aren’t you with the army?’Elias shifted his body. ‘Callie, it’s not important right now. Just go and take your shower first, and we can talk afterwards.’Callie, oblivious to
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Chapter 58 Return the Favour
As Elias went on the hunt for the med kit, Callie couldn’t help but tease him. ‘It’s so much more spacious than my dorm. No wonder everyone wants to climb up the ranks, Lieutenant Colonel.’‘It’s Major General now,’ Elias corrected her.‘What?’ Callie was slack-jawed with wonder. ‘Major General, huh? You’re moving up in the world.’He looked back at her with a faint smile. ‘It’s just the way things worked out,’ he replied nonchalantly. ‘I never sought promotions, but I guess sometimes life has its plans.’Callie raised an eyebrow, genuinely impressed. ‘You’re still so young for a major general. It must be quite an achievement.’Elias shrugged. ‘Maybe. But rank and achievements aren’t what matter most to me.’It was about serving his country, protecting its people, and fighting for what was right.It wasn’t what drew him to the military in the first place, but it was what made him stay.Callie, though not a mind-reader, could see the fire in his eyes, the dedication that fuelled him to
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Chapter 59 Thwarted
Callie grinned, her playful spirit returning. ‘Well, I’m ready for whatever comes my way.’Then she added jokingly, ‘With you as the principal, I have the best protection.’On an impulse, she leaned in and pecked Elias on the cheek before rushing upstairs to her dorm.Elias stood there, slightly stunned by her bold gesture.He touched the spot where she had kissed him, chuckled to himself, before jogging away.In her dormitory, Callie lay in bed, a sense of elation coursing through her veins.Being reunited with Elias felt like a dream come true, and the prospect of seeing him daily for the next six months filled her heart with joy.Eventually, the fatigue of travel finally caught up with her, and she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.Angelia returned from lunch, her mind preoccupied with mischief.She had deliberately given Callie wrong directions earlier, expecting her to wander around the campus, lost and frustrated.However, when she entered the dorm, she was surprised to find
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Chapter 60 Combat Training
The army reveille sounded throughout the campus at six am, signalling the beginning of a new day.In the dorm room, Wendy groaned in protest at the blaring sound.The deafening noise interrupted her much-needed sleep, and she grumbled about wanting to go back to dreamland.Angelia, who had tossed and turned all night, was just as irritated as her roommate.She rolled around to face the wall, attempting to block out the annoying sound, and buried her face in the pillow.Callie, on the other hand, was already awake, sitting up at the reveille.She climbed down from her top bunk, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.Despite her grogginess, she decided to get up and start her day.Yawning, she washed up and brushed her teeth, preparing for the morning ahead.Remembering Elias’s words from the previous day, Callie hesitated for a moment before opting for her white lab coat instead of the military uniform.She quickly combed her hair and tied it into a neat top bun.The reveille, a blaring loud
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31 Protection Status