All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
306 Chapters
Chapter 41 Brush-off
Abby watched with satisfaction as the original form transformed into countless fragments.Her gloomy expression dissolved, and she settled back into the plush leather chair, a contented smile gracing her lips.When Stuart returned to his office, he found his beloved daughter occupying his seat, looking rather pleased with herself. ‘Abby.’‘Dad.’ Abby rose from the chair, greeting him with a smile. ‘Mom said you wanted to talk to me.’Stuart closed the door. ‘Your mother told me about the argument you had with Simon.’‘Oh.’ Abby’s smile faltered. ‘I thought this was about work.’Stuart’s tone carried earnest concern. ‘You two are married now, so you can’t act the way you did before. I don’t know who or what started the argument, but I’ve seen how Simon treated you. I’m inclined to think he’s not to blame in this case. You are going to have to stop picking fights with him.’‘Dad, I know what I’m doing,’ Abby replied nonchalantly. ‘Just because we’re married doesn’t mean he gets a free p
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Chapter 42 Big Mistake
As he pondered this, Elias wondered what it would take for Callie to be jealous, or if she was even capable of such an emotion.‘Elias!’ Callie snapped her fingers when she sensed his distraction.‘What?’‘Hurry back to your room,’ Callie said. ‘What if you rip your stitches again? Even if I’m the world’s best surgeon, that’s not going to be of much use if you keep undoing my hard work!’Elias smiled. ‘Bunny, this is the first time a doctor has ever nagged at me and tried to boss me around.’‘So?’ Callie put her hands on her hips. ‘This is Rosedale Hospital, not your military camp. Pulling rank doesn’t work here. Actually, maybe it does—I’m the doctor, you are the patient. Therefore, I outrank you. You have to listen to me.’‘I’m kind of tired after my walk. Can you lend me a hand?’ he asked, raising an eyebrow.‘Fine.’ Callie gave an exasperated sigh, then extended her hand towards him. ‘I’ll help you.’But instead of leaning on her, Elias grasped Callie’s soft hand with his left.De
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Chapter 43 Wedding Night Rehearsal
For the next three days, Callie juggled between work and caring for Elias, who reluctantly agreed to stay in the ward at her insistence.Her meticulous attention helped speed up his recovery.‘Time for a check-up.’ Callie entered the room, snapping on her gloves and reaching for the buttons on his hospital gown.Her touch sent a shiver down Elias’s spine.As her gloved fingers brushed against his warm body, his temperature rose even higher.Elias’s eyes fixated on Callie, whose head was bent close to his chest. ‘Callie.’‘What?’‘Do you always undress your patients like this? Even men?’ Elias’s question had a dangerous edge to it.‘No.’ Callie didn’t see the look on his face. ‘I don’t usually check on my patients this way. My work is in the operating theatre. Post-operative care is mostly done by the nurses.’That answer elicited a sigh of relief from Elias.‘But sometimes it’s unavoidable,’ Callie continued. ‘When I make my morning and afternoon rounds, I’d occasionally need to undre
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Chapter 44 A Worthy Candidate
‘Enough chitchat,’ Elias said. ‘What are you doing here?’‘Well, I heard you got shot.’ Marlon tilted his chin towards the fruit basket and lily bouquet. ‘So I came to see how you are doing. But now it seems you are doing more than just fine.’He had been seriously concerned when he received word of Elias’s hospitalisation.Given what he knew of his buddy, Elias would not go anywhere near a hospital unless he was in a coma or almost dead.So Marlon had dropped everything and rushed over, only to discover his friend alive and well, and enjoying a hot makeout session with a cute-looking doctor.Marlon ran his eyes over Elias’s hospital gown. ‘So? Where are you shot? Let me take a look.’Elias pointed towards the door. ‘Get out.’‘What?’‘As you can see, I’m doing fine. I don’t need you here. So, scram.’Whatever gratitude he felt for Marlon’s concern was offset by his annoyance at the man’s untimely intrusion.If Marlon hadn’t barged in, Elias might have made it to second base with his
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Chapter 45 Home Together
‘Twenty-five?’ Marlon studied Callie intently once again. ‘I thought you were right out of college! At most twenty-one, twenty-two.’‘I’ll take that as a compliment.’ Callie smiled. ‘I’ve been out of college for a long while now. This is already my last year of medical residency.’‘Elias, you sly dog,’ Marlon muttered under his breath. ‘Marrying someone almost a decade younger than you...’Callie noticed the strange look in Marlon’s eyes as he scrutinised her. ‘What’s wrong?’‘Nothing.’ Marlon shook his head. ‘I’m just…happy for my friend. You two make a good match.’‘Um, thank you.’ Callie lowered her eyes bashfully.Marlon wanted to find out more about this intriguing woman, who would soon be part of his social circle. ‘I don’t know when you guys got engaged. You know how tight-lipped Elias can be. But I think we need to celebrate. How about this? After he’s discharged from the hospital, we’ll go for—’Before Marlon could finish his sentence, his phone rang, cutting him off.As he a
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Chapter 46 The Man Who Had It All
Elias’s heart swelled with adoration as he watched Callie’s every move.His eyes, a mixture of desire and admiration, never left her form.As Callie plated the dish, her hands moved with a grace that mirrored her skills in the operating theatre.She garnished it with fresh herbs, adding a touch of colour and elegance.With each deliberate movement, she poured her love into the meal, a silent declaration of her feelings.Finally, Callie turned and walked towards the living room, her eyes locked with Elias’s.She placed the plate before him, the steam rising from the dish, tantalisingly teasing his senses. ‘Give it a try.’Elias reached out, his fingers gently grazing hers as he took the plate.As Elias took the first bite, the flavours burst on his palate, a testament to Callie’s culinary prowess and her affectionate touch.Each mouthful was a sensual journey.As a soldier, he had most of his meals in the army mess hall.Since his parents’ passing, no one had cooked for him.Although t
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Chapter 47 His Dessert
‘No, I wasn’t...’ Callie’s cheeks took on a faint pink hue, whether from the hot bath or her shyness, she couldn’t tell.Elias’s dark eyes narrowed, a fire burning within them. ‘Are you sure? Hmm?’As he spoke, his breath caressed her skin, and with a gentle tug, Callie’s body was drawn closer to him.No matter how she struggled, she found herself inching nearer and nearer to him.Soldiers...Weren’t they meant to be stoic, honourable men?This commanding, oddly irresistible Elias standing before her differed so greatly from the kind and principled soldier she had once envisioned.Before Callie could defend herself, Elias declared, ‘I think I’m ready for dessert now.’‘What?’ Callie barely had time to speak before Elias captured her lips in a heated and passionate kiss.The intensity of his kiss left Callie blushing, unable to resist his compelling presence.As he continued to ravish her with his lips, she surrendered, her body melting against his strong, powerful arms.Elias felt a p
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Chapter 48 War Machine
Thirty minutes later, the vehicle came to a halt at a military camp nestled among the mountains.The guards at the gate recognised the vehicle and granted them passage.Finally, the SUV pulled up outside a magnificent courtyard.Elias opened the door and leapt out.Escorted by two soldiers, Elias arrived at General Hershel’s office.The door was ajar.Still, Elias knocked and waited to be granted entry.Hershel’s eyes shifted from the document in his hand to Elias at the door.His stern countenance softened. ‘Come in.’Elias entered, removed his hat and saluted Hershel. ‘General McCullough, Lieutenant Colonel Elias Westwood reporting for duty. Operation Shadowstrike was completed and all high-ranking members of the drug cartel were eliminated.’‘Very good.’ Hershel nodded, rising from his chair with hands clasped behind his back.‘I read the report.’ He approached Elias. ‘You did well. The mission was an unqualified success.’‘I just did what I was supposed to do, General,’ Elias said
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Chapter 49 Lifelong Commitment
Elias shot back, his voice cold and unwavering, ‘I don’t need someone who understands the military; I need someone who understands me. Callie does.’The tension in the room escalated as the two men faced off, neither willing to back down.Hershel’s displeasure grew as he saw the defiance in Elias’s eyes.‘Don’t be so hasty in your decision,’ Hershel warned. ‘Being a military wife is not an easy life. I’ve seen first-hand the toll it takes on families.’Elias’s resolve wavered for a moment, his mind racing with doubts.He hadn’t yet discussed the realities of military life with Callie, and the weight of Hershel’s words bore heavily on him.‘I know it’s not easy,’ Elias admitted, ‘but I believe in her, and I’m willing to face whatever challenges come our way. I won’t let fear dictate my choices.’Hershel’s frustration mounted, and he crossed his arms over his chest, trying to find a way to reach Elias. ‘I just want to protect you, Elias. I don’t want to see you make a decision you’ll re
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Chapter 50 Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Abby huffed indignantly. ‘You’re not worth my time anyway. Enjoy your little fantasies while they last.’Callie muttered under her breath, ‘Oh, I’m sure I’ll enjoy them more than your reality.’Abby narrowed her eyes. ‘What did you say?’Callie met Abby’s gaze defiantly. ‘You heard me. Now, if you’re done trying to pick a fight, I suggest you go back to your own life and stop meddling in mine.’Abby gritted her teeth. ‘Fine. But don’t think the lieutenant colonel will ever give you a second glance. You’re just a distraction, and he’s got bigger things to worry about.’‘We’ll see about that, won’t we?’ Callie waved a hand dismissively. ‘Now, please, go away and let me do my work in peace.’Abby stomped off in a huff. ‘Whatever. You’ll see I’m right sooner or later.’Abby’s face flushed with rage, but she managed to hold herself back, reminding herself of the transfer order that was surely on its way.Callie and Wendy were mere obstacles in her path, and with their departure, she would
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