All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
306 Chapters
Chapter 21 Angel in Repose
Elias, who had been lying there still as a corpse, shifted slightly.With a gentle touch, he carefully turned Callie to face him, his arms effortlessly encircling her in a warm embrace.In that moment, his heart swelled with an unfamiliar warmth, melting away the icy barriers he had built around himself.It was a vulnerability he had rarely experienced.A soft chuckle escaped Elias’s lips as he watched Callie sleep, her peaceful expression accentuated by the moonlight filtering through the curtains.He marvelled at the stark contrast between the men he had slept beside, all muscular and imposing, and the delicate girl in his arms.‘You’re something else, aren’t you?’ Elias whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. ‘I never thought I’d find myself yearning for someone like you.’As the night enveloped them in its tender embrace, Elias’s heart danced to a different rhythm.The walls he had built to protect himself began to crumble, replaced by an overwhelming desire to protect and ch
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Chapter 22 Invincible
Elias leaned against the doorjamb, his gaze fixated on Callie’s delicate frame as she moved with grace and purpose.Her slender calves flexed as she tiptoed to reach for something in a cupboard, a mesmerizing sight that sent a thrill through his veins.Callie hummed a cheerful tune, her voice carrying a melody only she could hear.A smile played upon her lips, her eyelashes fluttering like the wings of a butterfly.She hung the washed olive military uniform with care, her small hands treating it with reverence.Outside the window, the sky painted a breathtaking scene—a canvas of blue with fluffy white clouds.The sunlight filtered through the glass, casting a golden glow upon Callie’s white shirt—his shirt, accentuating her radiant beauty.Elias’s heart skipped a beat as he witnessed the ethereal image before him.A surge of gratitude filled his chest, the thought of marrying such a lovely woman like Callie becoming an unexpected blessing.She was like an adorable bunny, captivating h
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Chapter 23 Sweet Torture
Unaware of her seductive stance, Callie focused on tending to his wounds.She applied anti-inflammatory medicine and spread it evenly with cotton balls.Her touch was gentle, trying to minimize Elias’s discomfort.The dedicated doctor was oblivious to the effect she was having on her patient.But for Elias, it was sweet torture.Her nimble fingers felt like feathers caressing his abdomen, getting dangerously close to the forbidden spot where desire simmered.Their proximity allowed them to feel each other’s breath, and as Callie met Elias’s gaze, she couldn’t ignore the flutter in her heart.It annoyed her that a handsome man like him could stir such feelings in her, even though she prided herself on being professional.Suddenly, Callie felt a change in Elias’s body, and her face flushed with realisation.As a medical student, she understood the physiological reactions all too well.Her mind raced, wondering how she could continue, given the state he was in.She abruptly sat up, putti
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Chapter 24 His Savage Side
Elias leaned in, whispering into her ear, his voice filled with determination. ‘Callie, I’ll teach you how to seek revenge. Just leave it to me. You are my woman, and anyone who dares to hurt you will pay ten thousand times over.’‘Ten thousand times? Now that’s some bold talk.’ Callie smiled despite herself.She had never experienced a man speaking to her with such tyrannical charm, but oddly enough, she found herself drawn to it.Maybe it was a case of ‘opposites attract.’Elias’s eyes sparkled as he moved closer, his gaze penetrating her soul. ‘Do you know how to make a man feel true pain, Callie? I’ve got a deeper understanding of men than you could ever imagine.’A mixture of curiosity and trepidation filled Callie’s eyes as she looked up at his dark, mysterious gaze, shining like the night sky.She couldn’t deny that Elias had a savage side.‘Teach me, then,’ Callie said. ‘How do you retaliate against a man?’A sly smile curved Elias’s lips, and he pulled out a box of cigarettes
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Chapter 25 All Dolled Up
The woman’s oval-shaped face was mostly concealed behind a pair of oversized sunglasses, leaving Callie curious about her expression.‘Um, who...who are you?’ Callie asked hesitantly.The woman let out a low chuckle. ‘Don’t bother asking me who I am, sweetheart. I’m here to check out the lucky woman Elias has chosen.’Callie’s heart skipped a beat.Elias?Was this woman Elias’s ex-lover?Anger and insecurity welled up inside her. ‘Look, lady, I don’t know what you’re talking about. And if you’re here for Elias, I’m sorry, he’s not around.’The woman removed her sunglasses with a calculated flair, revealing piercing eyes that seemed to see right through Callie’s soul.With a sly smile, she purred, ‘Oh, sweetie, don’t bother denying it. Elias made it pretty clear that you’re his wife.’Callie’s mouth dropped open in shock.‘His... his wife? No!’ She waved her hands in protest. ‘I’m not... I mean, we’re not yet...’Leona Cohen examined Callie from head to toe, her gaze lingering a moment
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Chapter 26 Upstaged
As an orphan, Callie felt touched that someone cared enough to go to such lengths for her.Gratitude washed over her, evident in the smile that graced her lips.Leona, sensing Callie’s thoughts, couldn’t help but tease her. ‘Oh, Mrs Westwood, that smile on your face tells me you’re thinking about Elias again.’Blushing furiously, Callie struggled to find the right words. ‘I... well, it’s not what you think...’Leona chuckled, deciding not to embarrass Callie further. ‘Now, let’s head back to the apartment. Grab your purse and whatever else you need, and I’ll take you straight to the wedding venue. Elias should be there by now, if his schedule permits.’Callie nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation as they returned to the apartment to collect her purse and the wedding invitation.The next stop was Club Solara, where the grand wedding was in full swing.As Callie stepped out of the car, her eyes widened in awe.The clubhouse was a luxurious outdoor sanctuary nestled amidst lush gr
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Chapter 27 Guardian Angel
Simon’s frown deepened, his tone laced with sneering mockery. ‘So now you’re acting all innocent after purposely seducing me? Coming here, dressed like that, smiling at me? Callie, you’ve changed! Who was the man you were fooling around with when I came to see you the other night?’Callie’s eyes flashed with indignation as she defended herself. ‘It’s none of your d*mn business! And I wasn’t trying to seduce you! Get over yourself!’Simon’s mouth twisted into a menacing smirk. ‘I thought you were just being shy when you refused to sleep with me. But it seems you’re nothing more than a deceitful b*tch pretending to be virtuous. What? You claim I treated you poorly? Well, now I understand, it’s you who should be begging for forgiveness! I bet you’d already shamelessly spread your legs to seduce another man! Tell me, who is he?’Callie’s eyes narrowed, her anger bubbling just beneath the surface.How dare he?He was the one who betrayed her, the one who cheated on her.Yet he had the auda
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Chapter 28 Pale in Comparison
Simon muttered through gritted teeth, ‘I won’t forget this!’Elias paid no attention to Simon’s words, dismissing them with a wave of his hand.The power, wealth, status, and even fighting skills Elias possessed far surpassed anything Simon could ever hope to achieve.Callie understood this disparity all too well.Still reeling from the chaos, Callie found herself being swept away by Elias, their hands entwined.She managed to utter his name, but before she could continue, Elias fixed her with a stern gaze.‘Callista Hawthorne, are you drunk, or are you just being stupid?’ Elias’s voice dripped with frustration.Confused, Callie asked, ‘What do you mean?’Elias’s frustration only deepened. ‘When that man was about to strike you, were you planning to just stand there and take it?’His intense gaze bore into her almond-shaped eyes.Callie stared back at him innocently, still trying to process his words.‘If I hadn’t arrived in time, your face would have been a bloody mess.’ His tone was
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Chapter 29 Whirlwind Romance
Stuart didn’t offer an explanation, but wore a wide smile as he approached Elias.Raising his glass, he greeted him with flattery. ‘Lieutenant Colonel Westwood, I’m so glad to see you here! When I sent you the invitation, I thought your busy schedule might prevent you from attending. I’m so honoured you’d find the time to come.’Stuart’s words dripped with adulation, attempting to win Elias’s favour.Elias, however, took another casual sip of his wine, seemingly unimpressed by the praise.His response was nonchalant. ‘I happened to have some free time.’Had it not been for Callie’s sake, he would have tossed the wedding invitation in the trash.Elias’s stand-offish attitude did nothing to dampen Stuart’s enthusiasm.If anything, it spurred him on.He nudged Abby forward. ‘Colonel Westwood, allow me to introduce my daughter, Abby Colman. She also works at Rosedale Hospital and was part of the team that treated your wounded soldiers.’Elias acknowledged Stuart’s introduction with a curt
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Chapter 30 Kiss-ass
Elias continued as if he was oblivious. ‘By the way, I’m here today purely because of her. She wanted to witness the joy of a newlywed couple, so I decided to come with her.’His words hit like a shockwave, leaving the three of them stunned.Abby, in particular, was dumbfounded.She had never considered Callie a real threat.To her, defeating Callie was child’s play, whether it meant stealing her boyfriend or sabotaging her research paper by bribing the editors.She had assumed that Callie wouldn’t dare to attend the wedding.And if she did, she would be a pitiful sight, crushed under Abby’s triumph.But she had never imagined that Callie would show up with Elias by her side.Hadn’t Callie been abandoned by Simon?And why on earth would a remarkable man like Lieutenant Colonel Westwood fall in love with her?Among the three, Stuart was the first to regain his composure.He snapped back to reality and forced a smile. ‘Callie, how in the world did you manage to keep your relationship wi
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31 Protection Status