All Chapters of Soldier, Billionaire, and Contract Husband: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
306 Chapters
Chapter 61 Stickler for Rules
Wendy raised an eyebrow. ‘Lost? Seriously? Well, I guess it happens. Anyway, I’ve got to say, you look great in that white lab coat. But you know what would look even better on you? The military uniform! You should wear it more often.’Callie smiled. ‘Thanks, Wendy. I appreciate the compliment, but I actually prefer the lab coat. It’s more comfortable for me.’‘Come on, don’t be shy. I bet you’d rock the uniform too. Why don’t you wear it?’‘Because Elias told me not to,’ Callie thought.‘Well, let’s not make a big deal out of it.’ She quickly changed the subject. ‘So, anyway, I went to the training ground earlier, and it was intense! The soldiers were doing combat training, and it was quite impressive.’Wendy’s eyes lit up. ‘Combat training, huh? Any shirtless hunks among them?’Callie laughed. ‘Sorry to disappoint you, but they were fully dressed. Still, it was quite a sight to see.’‘Aw, man! I was hoping for some eye candy. Guess I’ll have to wake up early next time to catch them
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Chapter 62 Meagre Meal
Amidst the banter, Wendy noticed a soldier pushing through the crowd, heading upstairs.Wendy’s heart skipped a beat, and a blush crept up her cheeks.‘Callie, look!’ Wendy whispered excitedly. ‘To your right, going upstairs.’Callie followed her gaze and nodded, impressed by the sight. ‘He does look rather dashing.’Angelia glanced at the man indifferently. ‘He’s all right, I guess.’The man’s insignia and army service uniform identified him as a captain.Wendy couldn’t understand how Angelia could be so blasé about such an attractive officer.But before she could dwell on it, she noticed the captain glancing their way.Their eyes locked for a moment, and Wendy felt her cheeks burn brighter.‘Uh-oh, he’s looking this way,’ Wendy whispered, feeling flustered.‘Don’t make eye contact!’ Callie warned, her cheeks also tinted with a blush.Angelia scoffed. ‘If he’s interested, let him come to me. I don’t waste my time on admirers.’Just as the tension seemed to escalate, a loud voice boom
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Chapter 63 Teasing Contest
Elias packed the muffin along with some berries into two separate containers.Then he left the officers’ mess hall and went downstairs, where a throng of soldiers lingered after their breakfast, trying to engage the three women in conversation.His presence commanded respect, and the soldiers quickly straightened up, saluting him as he passed by.‘As you were,’ he said, acknowledging their salute.Among the trio, Wendy was the first to notice Elias approaching, and she couldn’t contain her excitement.‘Hey, look! It’s your lieutenant colonel!’ Wendy nudged Callie.Callie looked up, a smile spreading across her face as she saw Elias making his way towards them. ‘Yup, that’s him.’Angelia, ever composed, noticed Elias too.Her eyes trailed over his tall and imposing figure, taking in the insignia that marked him as a Major General—a gold star surrounded by a wreath of laurel leaves, with two red stripes on a red background, worn on the collar of his olive green uniform.She pegged the m
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Chapter 64 First Day at Work
Callie nodded. ‘Absolutely! I’m excited to get started and make a difference here.’Elias’s expression softened as he looked at her. ‘Just a heads up, it could get tough. The cadets here go through rigorous training, and you might be dealing with all sorts of injuries.’Callie chuckled, her eyes twinkling with confidence. ‘I’m a trained general surgeon, Elias. I can handle a few scrapes, cuts, and bruises.’‘Just be careful, okay? Take care of yourself while you’re at it.’Callie felt a rush of gratitude as she gazed at Elias.His familiar presence eased some of the anxiety she had about starting in a new environment.He had a way of grounding her, making her feel at home even in unfamiliar surroundings.‘I will, don’t worry,’ Callie assured him, her eyes locked with his.‘Shoot! I’m going to be late!’ Callie checked the time on her watch. ‘I have to get going.’Elias nodded reluctantly. ‘All right, take care.’‘See you later,’ Callie said, offering a brief smile before she dashed off
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Chapter 65 The Blueberry Fight
As the clock struck eleven, the health centre seemed to momentarily slow down.Callie finally caught a break from attending to the steady stream of cadets seeking her attention, medical or otherwise.She made her way to the triage desk, where Wendy was busy with paperwork.‘Hey, Wendy. How’s it going?’ Callie greeted, a hint of relief in her voice.Wendy looked up, her face lighting up at the sight of her friend. ‘Hey, Callie! It’s been a wild ride, but we’re managing,’ she replied, her voice filled with admiration for the soldiers they had been treating.Callie leaned against the desk, sharing a knowing look with Wendy. ‘I know what you mean. These soldiers are tough as nails. I’ve treated everything from broken arms to twisted ankles, and they handle it like champs,’ she said, genuinely impressed.Wendy nodded enthusiastically. ‘Oh, let me tell you about this one young soldier, just nineteen years old. He had some serious injuries from hand-to-hand combat training and rock climbing,
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Chapter 66 Welcome Party
‘Can you believe her, Callie? She acts like she’s the queen of this place just because she comes from a wealthy background. The way she looks down on everyone is infuriating,’ Wendy grumbled, rolling her eyes.Then she let out a sigh. ‘She and you may share the same last name, but the two of you couldn’t be more different.’Callie was busy battling with a piece of roast beef, too preoccupied to reply.The beef was overcooked, with no hint of pink in the centre, and lacked the juicy tenderness characteristic of a well-cooked roast beef.The meat was dry and tough, with a leathery texture that made it difficult to chew.Callie had often prided herself on her ability to survive in any environment, but as she struggled to swallow, she was starting to look forward to a weekend trip to Sandsville, where she could at least enjoy some normal food.Wendy was frowning, still concerned about the next six months they would have to work alongside Angelia. ‘I don’t know how I’m going to handle her.
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Chapter 67 Serenaded
Wendy couldn’t contain her indignation any longer. ‘I can’t believe I helped her lug those suitcases,’ she spat, feeling used and deceived.Callie placed a comforting hand on Wendy’s shoulder. ‘We didn’t know what kind of person she was when we offered to help. Now we do. Let’s just focus on having a good time tonight at the party,’ she said, trying to lift Wendy’s spirits.Outside, the sun had set, and the night was alive with excitement and anticipation.The training ground had been transformed into a festive gathering, with soldiers and cadets mingling, laughing, and dancing around a bonfire, whose crackling flames cast a warm glow over the crowd.Callie and Wendy arrived right on time, ready to embrace the night’s festivities.As they approached, a group of soldiers offered them non-alcoholic drinks, a gesture of hospitality.Wendy nudged Callie. ‘Look.’Callie followed Wendy’s line of sight and saw Angelia in the distance, surrounded by a group of soldiers.Her presence commanded
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Chapter 68 Dance with Another Man
Amidst the flickering glow of the bonfire, Callie and Wendy found themselves engaged in animated chitchat with the soldiers.Wendy’s eyes lit up with excitement as she whispered to Callie about another young, cute sergeant who had caught her eye.Her cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment as she shared her thoughts.Callie couldn’t help but tease her friend. ‘Oh, Wendy, looks like you’ve got a secret admirer,’ she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. ‘Go for it, girl! Who knows what sparks might fly tonight.’Encouraged by Callie’s playful nudging, Wendy considered taking a chance on romance amidst the vibrant atmosphere of the party.Callie, on the other hand, was starting to feel a sense of belonging at Valour Ridge Military Academy, despite having been there for only two days.The environment was indeed challenging, with sandstorms threatening and the dry air taking some getting used to.The campus was nestled deep in the mountains, miles away from the nearest town, making i
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Chapter 69 Flames of Jealousy
The atmosphere was charged with excitement and revelry, but Elias felt a knot of jealousy tightening in his chest.Lemuel couldn’t help but join in the fun, whistling and hooting along with the others.He couldn’t deny that Callie looked stunning, her movements graceful and fluid.‘D*mn, that chick in the white dress looks good!’ he mused out loud. ‘She’s so supple, with a waist that could bend easily. Maybe she was a gymnast before she became a doctor.’Elias’s face darkened at Lemuel’s words.Memories of the time he and Callie had danced at Simon’s wedding flooded his mind.He had always known that she had a talent for dancing, but he never expected her to be this good.What irked him even more was the fact that she seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself, dancing with another man.Lemuel, oblivious to Elias’s internal turmoil, couldn’t help but voice his thoughts. ‘Hey, sir, do you think I have a chance with the girl in the white dress? I mean, I’m a captain, and that guy she’s da
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Chapter 70 Angelia’s Drama
Eventually, the bonfire had dimmed, and the air was filled with the soft crackling of dying embers as the party gradually came to an end.Callie and Wendy were chatting with a group of soldiers near the edge of the field, exchanging laughter and stories.They seemed to have effortlessly blended in with the camaraderie, forming bonds with the cadets.On the other side of the bonfire, Elias was making his way towards the jeep.Lemuel followed closely behind him, his steps light with the anticipation of the upcoming rest.Angelia, however, had a different agenda in mind.Seizing the opportunity, she quickly navigated her way through the dissipating crowd, her high heels clicking against the rocky ground.As she closed in on Elias, she put on her best act, pretending to trip over something on the ground.‘Ouch! Oh, I think I twisted my ankle,’ she cried out, pitching sideways in a carefully calculated move.Elias instinctively turned his head at the sound of her yelp, just in time to see
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