All Chapters of Goodbye The Wrong Ex, Hello My Fated Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
141 Chapters
Chapter 71 Bewitching
We were going back home. The ride back home was filled with a mixture of emotions. We were happy but also a little worried after the incident."I can't believe they're not executing them immediately," Daisy grumbled, her voice laced with frustration. "This isn't over. I'm worried that their confinement might give them a chance to plan something. Lizzie is a hell of a dangerous woman."I understood Daisy's worry, and her words resonated with the fears that many shared. "Daisy, you have to trust in the council’s judgment," I said, trying to re*ssure her. "Their detention location is extremely remote and heavily guarded by soldiers. It's the most secure place in our world. They won't be able to escape. Hopefully" I added, because nothing was sure.But Daisy remained skeptical, her brow furrowed. "I get it, but Lizzie is someone who is the master of manipulation. If she could make Daniel’s wolf disappear, who knows what she's capable of, even in that prison?"I sighed, realizing the gravi
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Chapter 72 Making You Mine
“What are you doing little mate,” Xander whispered, as his expression darkened a little bit.“What do you think I am doing,” I asked him in return.I reached out for his tie and rolled it in my fingers, I let the tie drop and ran my hands over his chest.I was straddling Xander, and by this, my dress was hitched up on my *ss.I rubbed my panty-clad pussy on his crotch.He groaned.“Are you not afraid that somebody might see us,” he whispered, in his husky voice.“There is no one here,” I *ssured him.“There is. Mason and Daisy, they both are here,” he said as he squeezed my *ss in his hand.“You are damping the mood, Xander.” I scolded him.He chuckled, then my eyes widened with shock and fear, as we heard the footsteps and a grumbling voice.I shrieked, and slid down under the table, between his legs.Xander snapped at Mason, “What happened?”“Why are you grumbling, I came here to eat dinner.” he snorted.I took advantage of his distraction and decided to tease Xander, he always had
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Chapter 73 Bucket List
The next morning I woke up fully satiated from last night's activity. I was a little sore, but a happy kind of sore. I patted my hand on the other side of the bed and felt a little disheartened when instead of Xander’s warmth I was greeted with the mattress's soft coldness.I rolled out of bed, wrapped myself in the warmth of a fluffy robe, and padded down to the kitchen. The scent of sizzling bacon and freshly brewed coffee greeted me as I entered. I couldn't help but smile.The scene was mind-boggling, out of the movie.Xander stood at the stove, his back to me, his strong arms deftly flipping pancakes in the skillet. His disheveled hair added to the morning charm, and I couldn't deny how lucky I was to have him. My heart swelled with affection as I approached.“I never knew I was in for a surprise,” I took a step toward him.“And, yet you were able to spoil it for me, I wanted to surprise you with breakfast on the bed,” he said, turning to flash me a smug grin that made my heart sk
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Chapter 74 He Is My North
The next morning, after carefully putting on my gown and applying delicate makeup, Xander and I arrived at the ceremony venue. It was a grand, magnificent place, filled with werewolves from various packs who had gathered to witness my inauguration as the new leader of the Blood Moon Pack. The air was charged with anticipation and excitement as we made our way through the ornate halls.“I am so nervous,” I whispered, under my breath.Xander squeezed my hand, and now I looked at him, I was so nervous before that I didn't notice how great he was looking today. His muscles rippled under his designer suit. We stopped in front of a towering golden door that marked the entrance to the ceremony hall.“Have I told you that you are looking good enough to eat tonight,” I purred, low enough that only Xander could hear me.“Not, right now little mate, I don’t want to show up with a boner.” He scolded me, his eyes as cold as always.“Your age is catching up on you,” I teased him.“Don’t tempt me, l
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Chapter 75 Savior
Third Person’s POVThe iron cage rattled along the rocky road, its wheels groaning in protest. The guards, stoic and watchful, scanned their surroundings with hawk-like eyes. They were in the heart of a desolate wilderness, miles away from civilization, and they knew that their precious cargo was no ordinary one.Lizzie and Emma, along with other inmates, were shackled and locked up in the cage. The cramped space was making Lizzie angry and furious. If luck had been on her side, she would have burned the whole cage alongside the whole Werewolf race. But because of her d*mned daughter, she was here, suffering.The day had come when they were to be transported to the remote facility in the unforgiving north, where death awaited them with open arms. As long as the guards could safely p*ss through the treacherous outpost at the canyon entrance, their mission would be considered complete.But death would have been an easy escape because Lizzie knew being a witch under werewolf prison would
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Chapter 76 The New Ruler
Grace’s POVThe sound of laughter and clinking gl*sses filled the air. To say the party was a success was an understatement because it was not only a success but carried a tremendous blast with it.I always had my doubts regarding Daniel’s position, not in the pack, as he ruled the pack with an iron fist but his relationship with the adjoining packs strained after the death of my mother mostly because he was under the influence of Lizzie’s dark magic and also because the other pack Alphas didn’t consider him as trustworthy as he should have been. A wolf who could cheat on his mate was not reliable.But the warm reception I received was another indication of how strained Daniel’s relationship was with the council as well as the neighboring packs.I could feel the gazes on me, not everyone was delighted, they were sizing me up, because I was just another competition for them.Xander stood beside me, like a pillar of support, his subtle touches grounding me in this overwhelming situation
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Chapter 77 Necromancy
The four days that followed the awful news that Lizzie had disappeared, was filled with anticipation. The whole pack was filled with dread, the Werewolf Council was on red alert, they were anticipating another full blown attack, but Xander was sure that nothing like that was going to happen.“How can you be so sure?” I huffed at Xander.“Because my dear, little mate. Everything blew up. Lizzie hadn’t anticipated that she would fall, that means nor did her partners. Them showing up in a secluded area to save Lizzie and not in the Werewolf holding center, where she was before the hearing says a lot about their planning. I believe they lack the resources or this isn’t the correct time. Lizzie is not the one power in there, she is just a pawn.” He explained it to me.“I am so jealous of you,” I mumbled under my breath.He chuckled.“You don’t have to be. I can share my knowledge with you. I just need the right type of motivation,” he purred as he held me by my waist, he locked his hands b
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Chapter 78 I Need You
I went back to my room, the discovery of the beasts and Lizzie’s power felt heavy on my shoulders. Earlier, I had thought that Lizzie wanted to achieve power in the pack, and wanted to live a life of luxury, but after the trials things changed drastically, what we all thought was a personal move turned out to be just a mere part of a broader plan, meant to harm the werewolves.And after seeing the beast and Daisy’s explanation, I felt that Lizzie wasn’t bragging. She had every means to destroy us, while we were solely dependent on our brute force.My heart raced, knowing that the dark arts of necromancy had been brought into the equation. I wasn't well-versed in such forbidden magic, but the thought that Lizzie might have used it to attack my Pack and our fellow wolves filled me with anger.I paced the room, the uncertainty making my heart restless. Necromancy was a dark and dangerous path, and it was hard to believe that someone had turned to it. I tried to search for possible clues,
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Chapter 79 Axel
Emma’s POVUnder Axel’s lead, me and Lizzie were trekking for days. Axel was my mother’s brother. Like calls the other, so as anyone could have noticed, they both were ruthless and cruel. The air around us seemed thick and it was hard to keep walking, considering I had nothing to eat.My pregnancy only burdened me further, because I couldn’t keep up with the long strides of Lizzie and Axel and they kept on cursing me and shouting at me. As if I had brought this upon us.And, maybe I did. But Lizzie wasn’t innocent in all of this.When walking became even harder, I took a pause to breathe heavily.Lizzie, with a wicked glint in her eyes, glanced back at me. "You know, Emma, you're really slowing us down," she hissed, her voice dripping with contempt. "If you keep moving like a snail, those wild beasts might just catch up to us. And I don't think they'll be particularly discerning about their prey."I squinted my eyes at her.“And you know what I would do, I will run, and not before I w
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Chapter 80 Consequences
Emma’s POVAxel’s voice was different than before, earlier it was quite friendly, or at least it was friendly toward Lizzie. But now when he said that it’s time to face the judgment. Something changed.The words sent down a chill, making me tremble with nerves. Until now I didn’t realize how dangerous the situation was.I always believed that my mother, Lizzie, wanted to rule the pack and maybe somewhere in the deep part of her dark heart, she wanted me to be the ruler. Her cruelty was never hidden, she was outright mean and obsessed with power that it was hard to understand her.And I tried everything that I was capable of to give her what she wanted. Things that I wasn’t even proud of. But nothing was enough and now I was here, in this weird magical cave, and its eerie silence was making me go mad, but I needed to be on my toes because I needed to run, for me, for my child.Lizzie hesitated before moving forward, “I don’t understand. It’s her fu*king fault. I don’t have anything to
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