All Chapters of Goodbye The Wrong Ex, Hello My Fated Mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
141 Chapters
Chapter 91 The Happy News
“I am so tired,” I grumbled under my breath as I was sitting in my office, overseeing the reports of the latest attacks on my territory. I was looking for clues and I desperately needed something to figure out the way to get out of this problem.Xander was out in the field working against the rogues, helping the troops and I was here worrying about him. I should have just left after him.I took a deep breath to relax but with a loud bang, my door was wrenched open. I was startled by the noise, surprise flickered on my face.“Daisy,” I cried out in relief. I was afraid of what was about to happen to me. Lately, my life has been nothing short of a rollercoaster. And I wasn’t enjoying it."Grace, don't forget about your appointment with the obstetrician today. It's important to ensure everything is going well with the baby." She sing songed as she helped me up to take me out to the pack doctor.“But what was the need for this sudden intrusion? I was moments away from a heart attack. Do y
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Chapter 92 Monster Lurking In The Shadows
Daisy’s POVThe room was filled with the smell of disinfectant, the heavy smell was preventing me from falling asleep. The constant sound of the beeping of the machine connected to Grace provided me a little comfort.Grace’s face was pale and for the past week, she has been lying unconscious on the hospital bed. I was so worried about her, my heart turned cold when I heard her desperate voice in my head and when I saw her lying on the floor, something broke inside me.I had never been scared like this before.These past few days had been agonizing, filled with uncertainty and despair. I couldn't bear to leave her side, and so I stayed, watching over Grace as if my presence alone could bring her back to consciousness.She was the only constant in my life and I loved her so much. She was my family and I was hers.The doctor informed me that if it wasn’t for her Alpha bloodline, she would have been dead, and for the first time I was thankful that Daniel was her father.I recounted the ev
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Chapter 93 My Heart
Xander’s PovI was helping the troops against the rogue attack when Daisy called me to tell me about what happened to Grace. All my blood turned cold. A torrent of grief and anger surged through me, my vision turned red thinking about the consequences and I couldn’t let my mind drift toward that point when I knew Grace needed me.I wanted to tear down the whole Blood Moon pack, rage coursed through my veins and all I could hear was the deafening sound of my own growl. I knew going to Blood Moon Pack was a bad idea from the start.My wolf howled in rage, despair, and pain and I wasn’t in good condition. I needed to see her, wanted to feel her. She was my heart and I wasn't letting a mere poison take her away from me.“Hold on, Gracie, I am coming,” I growled and shifted to run toward the hospital. I wasn’t going to wait for a car to come and take me.If it wasn’t a war earlier, it was d*mn well now. Now it was personal. Lizzie just count your day and I will shred you into pieces along
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Chapter 94 A Threat
Grace’s POVXander and Daisy entered the room and when his eyes landed on me, he rushed toward and took me in his warm embrace and apologized.I was startled by the sheer intensity of his voice, his voice was trembling, and I had never seen him like this.‘Xan,” I whispered and urged him to look at me.“You were hurt because I wasn’t there.” he said, guilt danced in his eyes and that broke my heart. My emotions choked my voice but before I could say anything Daisy interrupted.“It’s not your fault Xander, it’s mine. She entrusted me with the pack so it was my duty to look after everything. Protect the Alpha of the pack, but I failed. I failed the person who gave me the job because of my skills, I failed you, Grace.” Daisy said.Her every word was like a hammer to my heart. These two people were thinking that this was their fault. I couldn’t imagine if something would have happened to me, what they would have done.They would have driven themselves to death.Oh, goddess.“You guys are
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Chapter 95 Invisible Force
I shared an amused smile with Xander. I knew he would break but I didn’t know that Reynolds would break like soggy bread.“Fine, if that’s what you want I won’t stop you, but remember this one lie and I will snap your neck right now and will make sure that you won’t die here among the Alphas. That’s your greatest fear, right, dealing with other wolves who you think are not of your status. So one misstep and I promise you I will send you to the place where you will pray for death every single second.” I snarled at him."Reynolds," I said sharply, my eyes locked onto his, "How about you start with Morax."His eyes widened in shock at the mention of the name, a flicker of recognition crossing his face.“Ho…how do… you know him?” he stammered, his eyes wide with surprise or fear, I wasn’t sure but I was hoping that fear should have been because of me.“If this would have been a tea time conversation, I would have indulged Grace to answer your question, but as you know this isn’t. This is
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Chapter 96 The Powerful Hybrid
Xander growled once again as he grappled with the unknown force, he somehow was able to get free from the invisible restraints and he whirled as his furious eyes scanned the empty cell.Xander's furious roar echoed through the cell as his wolf surged forward, reacting to the unseen force that had attacked him. Lucas growled in anger and his eyes turned chilled gray as he fought the invisible force.The room had already turned frosty and the air around me was giving me chills, goosebumps erupted on my skin.The scene that I was witnessing was chaotic in every sense. Xander was fighting something that was not visible to us at all. But his heavy breathing and powerful punches were evident that something sinister was present in the cell.The cracking of bones echoed in the cell as Xander's relentless *ssault began to break through the invisible enemy’s resistance.With determination, Xander charged ahead, his intent clear, to confront and, if necessary, kill the enemy who was attacking us
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Chapter 97 Key
Robert rushed inside the cell, his eyes were wide with panic and his breaths were heavy. He looked around and his eyes landed on Daisy, who was still lying still in Mason’s arms.Mason was not aware of Robert’s presence but when he saw him, he backed away understanding what a crucial situation it was.He placed a gentle hand on her forehead, his experienced touch *ssessing her condition. After a thorough examination, he spoke, his eyes were not wrinkled like before, as his worry left his body.This was a good sign."That’s a development,” he mused and when he looked at our confused face he added “She seems stable. Her inner powers aren't in conflict, and she's in no danger of losing control," Robert *ssured, his eyes focused on Daisy's unconscious form. The immediate threat to her well-being seemed to have p*ssed.As Robert tended to Daisy, his eyes landed on the charred remnants of the intruder and he smirked as he touched the ashes. His expression shifted from concern to a sense of
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Chapter 98 Soul Stone
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked Daisy, as she packed her bags.“Yes, I am d*mn sure,” she answered.“You just woke up, the incident with the Reynolds happened just two days ago, you need to rest to renew your power.” I tried to explain my worry.It was true I was worried about Daisy. I didn’t want her to over exert herself, for the sake of my responsibility. But as far as I knew Daisy, she would just do that on her own. She always wanted to prove herself, and now that she knew what her powers could do, I was sure that she wasn’t going to stop until she had Morax in her hands.“Ha ha, like you have something to say for that. You yourself, went directly to meet Reynolds after waking up. So don’t tutor me.” Daisy retorted.“I was resting for a whole week, don’t say that when you didn’t even rest for twenty four hours,” I exclaimed.“You were unconscious, not sleeping, there is a difference. So please, Grace,” Daisy squinted her eyes at me and mock glared at me.“Are you tryin
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Chapter 99 Ritual Pit
Daisy’s POVI left Grace and others at the packhouse and moved along with Dad and other warriors to find out more about Morax’s lair and his magic. He was a dangerous demon and I was sure Dad wasn’t telling us everything about him, other than that he was dangerous.But also, I couldn’t imagine that he was my father’s brother. They might have some history between them and I couldn’t even imagine how he felt as I don't even have any siblings.I was drawn out of my thoughts when our car stumbled on a gravely path, we were on our way to the borders. Action was needed and this was the need of an hour.The environment of the car was filled with anticipation, and I could feel some nervous energy from Dad, too. I swiftly squeezed his hand and his eyes snapped at me, they were bloodshot red, a sign of him being a pure demon and not a hybrid like me.He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when the car abruptly stopped.“Let’s move, we can’t move further in this car.” the warri
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Chapter 100 Rival Powers
As we moved deeper into the forest we came across different stone structures, all of which followed the same pattern. Dad was right when he mentioned that Morax was a powerful being as we could feel the dark magic hovering over us, but not many knew how my body hummed whenever I came near even the smallest hint of magic. The hunger to devour that magic was blinding. But I had to keep this urge to devour the magic in control.We came to a stop in front of a haphazard pile of rocks, an anomaly amid the various stone circles that we witnessed earlier. It was clear that this site was relatively new, as there were no obvious signs of lichen or moss on the stones. The air around us seemed charged with an unsettling energy, and I could sense a darkness that lingered in the shadows. But not like the dead weight we were experiencing earlier, no this dark magic was charging, my feet rose up slightly, making goosebumps erupt on my whole body. I controlled my magic and I came back to the floor.I
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15 Protection Status