All Chapters of Goodbye The Wrong Ex, Hello My Fated Mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
141 Chapters
Chapter 111 Morax's Lair
“Leave it, Ryan, she learned her lesson, she won’t tease you anymore.” Dad sighed as if he was back in father mode and trying to justify my mistakes.I whirled around and saw that he was the same werewolf warrior whom I almost fought when my power overtook my senses.His eyes gleamed, his wolf on the surface. It was clear that he heard me and was now here to make me realize that I had underestimated him, and maybe I did.“Yes, I don’t mean any harm. You can rest and chill.” I said lazily, aware of his anger toward me.“You make rash statements and that one day will give you trouble,” he replied, looking at me haughtily.“Indeed,” I smiled at him sweetly, clearly aware of the fact this would only make him more angry.“Kids these days think more from their hearts than minds. This anger is only useful in battle, not against your own people. Daisy, Ryan, break it off. We need to clear more areas, now that you are back. There is no more waiting. First thing in the morning we are moving. Ry
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Chapter 112 I Need To See Her
The low hum of voices filled the dimly lit meeting hall as I sat at the head of the long, oak table, flanked by Xander and the elders of the Pack. The air was thick with tension, the weight of impending danger looming over us like a storm cloud. We were in the midst of a crucial meeting about the surging rogue activity on our borders.My head was pounding from all the thoughts and amidst this chaos my satellite phone rang, alerting me, Xander caught my eye and I excused myself from the table and stepped into the shadows, my fingers tightening around the phone as I pressed it to my ear.“Grace,” Rober said from the other side, his voice tight with tension."Robert, what's going on?" I demanded, my tone edged with concern."Grace," his voice crackled through the line, urgency evident, "we've located Morax's lair. We need your help to find the entrance and attack them."My jaw clenched at the news. Morax, Lizzie’s master, whom we had been hunting for months, was finally within reach. I g
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Chapter 113 You Have Made A Mess Alpha
I see the retreating figures of the warriors and something about this departure tugs at my heart. On one hand, I do believe that we all will be able to defeat Morax and on the other I feel that he would triumph over us, snatching our victory from my hands.The dilemma was nerve-racking and my pregnancy hormones were doing me little good. They were making me cranky.The weight of the responsibility was weighing heavily on my shoulders and Morax's cruelty was just another boulder on my shoulders. I heaved a defeated sigh but Xander was there by my side.“Everything’s going to be alright,” he whispered, as his eyes lingered on the departing figures. I knew he was also worried about his friend.“I am sorry, I didn’t want to send Mason but he insisted,” I explained.He took my hand in his and squeezed to give a reaffirmation that everything was okay.“He is a soldier, Gracie, he can take care of himself. And even if you had tried to stop him from leaving he would have not listened to you.
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Chapter 114 It's All Me
The night went restless, we knew where Morax was staying but had no way to attack him. We were waiting for the reinforcements but in my mind, the time was slipping away like grains of sand through our fingers.In the meantime, we thought of laying low, as we didn't want to alert Morax or any of his advisors. So we decided to explore the surrounding areas to gather intelligence and perhaps find an alternate entrance to Morax's lair. We stumbled upon an abandoned building, a building that seemed to have weathered the p*ssage of time. It was an opportune spot for us to rest and regroup.As the werewolf warriors sought refuge within the empty building, we hastily set up our makeshift camp. Tents were erected, weapons sharpened, and a flickering fire cast dancing shadows on the cold, stone walls. Despite our weariness, the air was charged with tension, and sleep remained elusive.Everyone settled down and slept but I found myself on edge, pacing around the desolate building in the eerie si
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Chapter 115 A Shocking Truth
Mason drew me closer to him and started kissing me fiercely and m*ssaging my breasts, making me moan.I pushed him hard and said with a smirk. “Strip off, we don’t have the whole day to ourselves.”He chuckled and started undressing and I followed suit.I peeled my dress off my shoulders, and then my bra and my breasts sprang free, Mason’s pupils dilated seeing me n*ked.I let everything go except my boots, I let them stay.I dropped down to my knees and took out his cock, m*ssaging it softly.“Do you want to suck me?” he asked.“Indeed,” I said seductively and I played with his cock in my hand.I opened my mouth wide and took his cock in and sucked it profusely. I slurped it up and down, making him groan in pleasure.“Daisy,” he moaned in pleasure.And this worked as encouragement and I started sucking him more, my knees would be sore the next day due to the rough surface but it was fine, I liked it.He entangled his hand in my hair and jerked me roughly and I increased my pressure o
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Chapter 116 I Will Not Wait Forever
“Mason you have to understand, this is the way of fates, not me.” I tried to explain. My heart was pounding as I looked into his intense gaze.Mason's jaw clenched, his frustration evident."But Daisy, we're destined mates. You know this and I know it too, then how could you have two of them,” he exclaimed.“My dad told me that I have two souls and each soul would have its own mate. I didn’t choose this.” I said, my emotions running high.“This is fu*king ridiculous. Are you fu*king with me because if you are then you are the stupidest person.” he spat at me.My temper flared at him.“You think I did this deliberately, you idiot, why would I do this? You are my mate, I should be celebrating with you, not fighting with you.” I retorted in anger.He sighed in frustration.“What are we supposed to do now?” he asked me, his voice was laced with anger.“You won’t accept my other mate?” I asked nervously.He shot me a vicious look, the look made me flinch.“Accept the other mate. Are you cr
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Chapter 117 Heartbreaker
“Now you won’t even look at me,” I asked softly, my eyes begging him to look at me, look how furious I was in this situation but at the same time how helpless I was in front of fate.“Don’t,” he warned me and I gritted my teeth in frustration.“Don’t what? Is this how it’s going to be, you ignoring my whole presence, as if I don’t even matter,” I gritted out, my teeth clenched due to anger.“Don’t put words in my mouth, Daisy. We both know how things changed between us, last night. So yes, I am not sure what to say to you or what to do.” he sighed.I shot him a vicious look, and waited a beat of the moment, when he said nothing, I straightened back.This soft girl look was not working in my favor anyway. Let’s go and be a bad*ss.I snorted at him and this made his back tense.I flicked the invisible dust from my shirt and took a deep breath.“Whatever Mason, I am tired of this conversation already,” I said and decided to move toward my dad where he was encouraging the soldiers.As I w
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Chapter 118 We Will Be Victors
Our group moved toward the Morax’s lair. The air was tense as we moved in unison, holding our breaths. Completely aware that our one single mistake could make things worse for us as a group and also would let Morax get away or worse, he would attack us and defeat us.I shook my head, dispelling the negative thoughts. I only need to focus on the good and not the bad part. I was the future demon queen, I should not think about these small things.Demons like Morax come in a dozen when you are a powerful demon and when it comes to me, I am also a powerful part witch. The ancient bloodline following in my veins was a stark reminder of who I was and how lethal this power was.Michael was standing by my side and his eyes were focused on the perimeter.Suddenly we came to a halt in front of the same building in which we found Morax’s trail, some tried to move, but Dad raised his hand to stop them and they stopped looking at him questioning.“Aren’t we supposed to go in?” the werewolf warrior
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Chapter 119 Buckle Up
“You are giving me a chance to change my alliance? Am I right?” Dad asked, making my eyes widen.“Dad,” I yell at him, my frustration evident in my voice.He shot me a scathing look and then he smiled softly at the witch.That witch smiled smugly at Dad, then her eyes lingered at me for a moment then back to him.“Of course, you are a demon lord, brother to our master. We would definitely want you by our side. Your powers are exceptional, we have heard a lot about you and your experience in wars.” she said, her voice was like a melodic lullaby to our ears and this made my body tremble.This was something very wrong, I could feel it in the air.“What is going on with your Dad?’ Mason whispered in my ear, his breath lingered on my ears, making goosebumps erupt all over my body.“I am as surprised as you are. I don’t know what is going on here.” I replied honestly.This was the truth, I wasn’t aware of what Dad was doing and why he was even wasting his time negotiating with these witches
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Chapter 120 Bull Headed Monsters
I waited anxiously as the sound of thumping footsteps echoed in the tunnel. All the witches present there were already dead and some were convulsing and then I noticed Dad’s dark wisp doing the dirty work.Dad’s smoke tendrils were soaking up witches' powers and making them lose their age.Dad saw me looking at him and he smiled.“This is a long battle, Daisy, I need my powers and they have a lot to spare. I need to be in my best form to fight Morax, but as you know fighting him would be hard. Because he is my brother he knows things that make me vulnerable as well as things that make me strong. I can’t take the risk. Trust me I am not the bad guy here.” Dad hurried and explained it to me.“I was not doubting you but I was just confused, you don’t have to explain,” I *ssured him.“But you were giving me that look,” Dad said and I frowned.“What look? What are you talking about?” I asked in confusion.“The resting b*tch face,” Mason piped in.“I don’t…” I started to say but Michael int
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