All Chapters of Goodbye The Wrong Ex, Hello My Fated Mate: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
141 Chapters
Chapter 121 Now You Want To Talk
There was nothing left of the demons except the ashes. The white mist enveloping their body slowly disappeared without leaving any trace. The witches' bodies were also almost gone because of Dad’s power.“We did this Dad,” I exclaimed and launched myself in his arms.He chuckled and patted my back.“You did this,” he said proudly, beaming at me.“Sorry to break it to you. But this isn’t over. We need to relocate before anyone else arrives.” Michael said to me.I nodded in affirmation and we started moving.As we were moving, I didn’t feel any magic near me, so I *ssumed it was a danger-free zone. The tunnel was expanding as we were moving ahead.Sensing that the place currently posed no danger to us and seeing the tired faces of the werewolf warriors we decided to make a makeshift camp on that place.Instead of using his power as a protection shield, Dad started etching symbols and chanting incantations to provide protection to our camp.“Daisy, try these symbols. I want to test your
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Chapter 122 Save My Child
I looked at Mason, his expression soft, and his hand grazed mine softly, making me tremble.He leaned down, his breath fanned over my face, I tipped my face in order to receive the kiss he was offering me, but we both were startled by a loud booming voice.“Daisy,” Dad shouted my name.“Yes, Dad coming,” I answered, pushed him aside, and headed toward Dad.A heavy groan followed me and I grinned.I found Dad in the middle of a group discussing something.“What happened, Dad?” I asked as I noticed the serious expressions on the werewolf’s face.He gestured to me to come toward him and explained the situation to me.“These werewolves have internal magic in them, I think you should put a protective symbol on them and that would give them immunity against demonic attacks. By this, they can also fight along with us and also could protect others,” he said.I nodded understanding the situation.It would be good if we could focus on attacking instead of protecting, we can leave the protecting
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Chapter 123 A Banshee
Mason's presence at my side felt like a sudden intrusion, breaking the intensity of the moment. His touch, normally a source of comfort, now served as a reminder of the internal struggle I faced. I could feel the weight of his gaze on me, pleading for reason amidst the storm of my anger."Daisy, let her go," he urged, his voice calm yet firm. "This isn't the way. Her child is innocent, and we can't let our emotions cloud our judgment."I shot him a scorching glare, my anger undiminished. "Innocent? After what she did to Grace? Mason, you can't seriously expect me to let her walk away."He sighed, a heavy exhale that hinted at the frustration he felt dealing with my unyielding rage. "I'm not saying she's innocent, Daisy. But the child…"I cut him off, my words sharp and laced with bitterness. "Don't talk to me about innocence. She's skilled at deception, just like Lizzie. You think I'm going to trust her to provide valuable information? She's probably spinning some web of lies right no
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Chapter 124 Spell Is Broken
As we looked at Emily, suddenly a horrid stench reached our nostrils.“Oh, goddess,” A string of curses echoed around our makeshift camp.I covered my nose as the stench became stronger and I looked around what was happening.Everyone was feeling the same, their nose was covered and some even tried to vomit.“The spell is broken,” Emma said, her voice still timid and not like the conniving girl I knew in the past.Her condition was not better, she was looking thinner and there were bags under her eyes, making her look the shadow of her past self.“What do you mean the spell is broken?” Mason asked her and she bit her lip.“It’s…the behemoth, that awful creature was stored here, to the right side and therefore it is smelling so bad. Your protective spells broke that magic that was keeping that smell out. It was your protective spells that I was able to ask for help.” she said.The behemoth that we got after Lizzie and Emma disappeared and this was how we realized how dangerous Morax wa
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Chapter 125 It Was Your Mistake
The next day after resting we all were getting ready to move forward.Emma came into view, her complexion was much better than previously, and she looked refreshed as if she had rested after a long time.She noticed me looking at her, she hesitated for a moment but then moved toward me.“Good morning,” she whispered, her voice tinged with reluctance. As if she was afraid that I would attack her or I might just kill her at any moment.She might be correct for that.“How do you know it’s morning and not the other way around? There is no sun practically, so it’s hard to tell,” I smirked at her.“Yeah…” she muttered.“Whatever, Morning,” I grumbled under my breath.I sat down and started eating the food that the werewolf warriors had prepared for us, even though the stored food was basically tasteless, but it will keep us alive for the rest of the day.I looked at Emma and she was salivating, looking at the food.“If you want to eat, come and sit. There is no need to eye me like a hungry
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Chapter 126 h*ll Brother
After what I told her, Emma ate in silence. She didn’t try to defend herself, nor did she try to apologize. It was important for both of us to understand that there were some things that we couldn’t forget.Maybe I could but not Grace, the one whom Emma wronged the most was Grace. She even tried to sleep with Xander, even though it was not the real Xander but she slept with that demon thinking that he was the real man and not the demon. All her sins were hers alone.After finishing the food I started leaving, but then something struck me when I saw Mason, Michael, and Dad, deep in argument.“Come along with me,” I said to Emma and didn’t wait for her reply because I knew she was going to follow me.I moved toward the trio and they looked a little tensed up.“What’s up Dad, trouble in your little demon abode?” I smirked at him.He shook his head and chuckled, understanding that I was his daughter.“We need to move. Just ask Emma what she knows about and let’s make a move.” Dad said, an
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Chapter 127 Just A Fluke
“If you are only going to talk in the shadows, then I believe you are a coward.” Dad's voice echoed in the tunnel.“You believe, Dad. He has been hiding all along, making his minions do all his dirty work. Targeting the weak people. I think at this point we do know that he is a coward.” I pipped in, trying to infuriate him, but we were greeted by his maniac laugh.“Oh, dear niece. Your tongue is poison and I like that. You will be good in my army.” he said, the mirth in his voice sent chills down my spine.“You are delusional if you think I will be anywhere near your team, except when I want to kill your people.” I snorted at him.“Your daughter speaks a lot, Robert. Don’t you think she should be tamed down?” he said, I could feel the frustration in his voice and I knew that we were moments away from successfully making him furious.“No, I don’t. But she has something that can tame you,” Dad said.A wave of energy swirled inside the tunnel, making Emma flinch by the onslaught of the d
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Chapter 128 Foolish Demon Queen
I looked at Emma’s closed eyes and her breaths were becoming ragged.“P..please. My child,” she begged her hands tightening on my hands, and something fiery twisted my gut.Her face was becoming pale, and in no time she would die, there was no second chance and it was true I would not be able to save her but she wanted her child to be saved, and I would be doing just that.Whatever she had done in this life was not the child’s fault. The child deserves to live and I would make sure the child does and if I failed in this, I will never be able to forgive myself.Even in her dying, she was desperate to protect her child, and to fulfill her dying wish was in my hands now.“I..I will do my best,” I hurried to *ssure her that I would help her.She shakingly nodded and uttered the words, “I..Tr..ust you,”I squeezed my eyes roughly and spoke, “Keep quiet now, I want you to have some power, if it’s possible I might be able to save you too.” Is said softly.And she smiled sadly as if she knew
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Chapter 129 This Isn't Over
My eyes went wide as I looked at Lizzie’s resurrected form. But then I realized what Emma had said about Lizzie.Her soul was bound with Morax and she couldn’t die if Morax was alive. All along I was directing my power in the wrong direction, but maybe I was fueled by anger and then I completely forgot about what Emma told me.“It looks like your little dead friend didn’t tell you. Nobody can kill me, My soul is immortal and killing is no mere mortal work, it will require divine intervention. What god do you pray to? Oh, yes, yes, Selene. Now pray to her and she might save you but she can’t. Do you want to know why?” Lizzie told me, her eyes wide and grin wide on her face.All her expressions were ruthless, cruel none matched the human persona. I couldn't believe that she once was a human but maybe when she was alive, her soul was never human.“Why?” I asked, deciding to entertain her, that would give me some time to align my thoughts and then attack her again. I might not be able to
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Chapter 130 You Will Live
Morax just disappeared and I looked at the empty space as if he would just pop back up in the space.My vision swirled in front of me, I couldn’t concentrate.“Dad…” I stammered, I swayed on my legs.But he was looking no good, sweat was dripping down from his forehead.A low painful groan left his mouth as he took up the scene that Morax had evacuated. His clenched fists were a sign of his frustration and more than he was angry. I could feel his emotions burning in his eyes.I was so busy looking at Dad and he was distracted looking at the empty place. We were shocked and that was an understatement. We were horrified not because we lost but because we knew that Morax would come back more stronger than this.“Dad,” I repeated, trying to bring his attention toward me. We both were so focused on Morax that we forgot that the battle was still ongoing.Unconscious Lizzie was back in her form, although a little weak she was still powerful. I was taken by surprise when she launched her atta
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