All Chapters of Goodbye The Wrong Ex, Hello My Fated Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
141 Chapters
Chapter 101 Soul
I whirled around as the evil laughter echoed around us. The atmosphere turned evil in a second and the sinister voice kept coming closer to us.In an instant, everyone shifted into defense mode, the hellhounds barking incessantly as their instincts sensed the impending threat. The forest, once quiet, now crackled with an ominous energy.“Got you, traitor,” a voice echoed and laughed. I knew whose voice it was.Lizzie.But where was she? I couldn’t see her.Oh, Selene, Lizzie was dead.In a swirl of black smoke, Lizzie's spirit materialized, her evil presence twisting the very air around her. But she wasn’t the Lizzie I was accustomed to. She was something else entirely, her face was completely changed. The scars on her face and arms took on an eerie shape, a bizarre testament to the darkness that had consumed her, that had ruled her.Dad stepped forward, his magic swirling around him.“Leave or be ready to die here,” Dad snarled at her.“Dad, we can’t…” I tried to say but he raised hi
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Chapter 102 Test Of Will
“I am sorry Dad, I won’t,” I whispered as I lowered my head.I couldn’t do that, I couldn’t absorb the dark magic more than my soul could handle, this was a suicide. This was what I was afraid of from the start.This was what happened when I lost control back then and was going to attack the werewolf warrior. My body felt like a shell, like a hollow puppet, I couldn’t let that feeling overtake me again.“If I could, I would have. But look at them, do you think their wolves could handle the dark magic, the best thing that could happen to them if you didn’t help now, would be their death because you can’t even imagine what might happen to them. Their wolves will lose all their humanity and will become the slaves of the black magic, and curing them would be next to impossible. They would know no loyalty and no faith, they would turn against each other, hungry for the next high. You can’t let that happen. Grace trusted you and made you her Beta. You have to protect them, out of your respo
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Chapter 103 Memories
I was shrouded in darkness, my breaths became heavy as a series of actions took place in my head, everything was happening so fast I couldn’t see. I couldn’t catch up, but there were whispers, and radiance, so much warmth and love, that my whole body lit with happiness, but then it came. The darkness veiled in grief and it enveloped the whole scene, the waves of laughter turned into sorrowful silence, and my heart ached from it.I struggled to open my eyes against the heaviness that clung to them, and as my vision cleared, I found Dad's concerned gaze fixed upon me. The air felt heavy with residual magic, and I gingerly sat up, taking in my surroundings.I glanced around, trying to piece together the fragments of my memory, a puzzle with missing pieces. Confusion lingered as I sought to understand what had happened in my unconscious state. I saw scenes but what? I was missing something.Suddenly, like a floodgate opening, memories surged back with an overwhelming force. The image of t
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Chapter 104 The Rage
Then the scene shifted again and now I was in the dark abyss, all alone. The darkness was haunting and devoid of any emotion I used to feel in the outside world.I could hear a faint voice of crying and sniffles, the voice was echoing in my ears, but there was no one, no single soul was there in the darkness.“I know you are here, show yourself,” I said in a determined voice.I knew it was a gamble, but I needed to take that risk. The voice stopped for a moment, but then I heard the wails of screaming in agony, they were heart-wrenching, and my knees wanted to give out but I couldn’t do this right now. I needed to be strong,Strong for everyone.“Show yourself,” I ordered.And then I saw her sitting in the corner, hiding her face and crying. She was the same girl, whose soul I saved.Her figure flickered in the dark, I took tentative steps toward her. Slowly I sat by her side trying to understand her pain. I took her hand in mine, but something happened at that moment.Her hands turne
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Chapter 105 Spirit Realm
The scene blurred and then I found myself on cold ground. I could hear whispers and hushed talking but I couldn’t understand that. Then slowly words fell on my ear and I could comprehend them.“She did that, oh goddess.” someone said, the voice was worried.“I told you, she is more powerful than you can even imagine.” the other replied and then my senses were engulfed in a deep buzz. I could hear nothing, feel nothing, the feeling of numbness took over my body.I opened my eyes, my whole body was aching and my emotions were everywhere as the memories of the girl’s life were fresh on her mind. Her emotions lingered in the back of my mind and then I noticed a warm hand in my hand, the hand was clutching mine desperately.“Grace…” I whispered and blinked furiously, trying to see her figure.Her figure came into view, she was there kneeling by my side, and her face was laced with concern.“Daisy,” she cried in relief.“What happened? Wha…why are you here?” I asked her in concern, I tried
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Chapter 106 Back Home
“I think you should come with me,” Grace said to me after a moment.“What?” I asked with a frown.“You need to rest Daisy and it would be best if you would come with me and rest at the pack house instead of this makeshift camp,” she explained, concern etched on her face.“I can’t leave them behind. Without my power, they won’t be able to handle the souls. We were lucky that we only encountered the soul of a little girl who was easy to manipulate. What if we encountered a soul who would be so corrupted that nobody might be able to handle it? I can’t take that risk nor can you afford it.” I said.My voice was filled with determination. I knew that Grace was worried about my health and this going back home talk was coming from her heart, not from her mind.“I understand your concern, Daisy and I know whatever you are saying is indeed correct but what good could you do if you are not in your best health? You will only be a liability here not a strength. Just think about this,” Grace said.
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Chapter 107 Take One Step
“Daisy,” Mason looked at me with a stupefied expression.“Carry on, don’t want to disturb you from…whatever it is.” I looked at him and then the embarr*ssed Omega.She looked meekly around as if I had seen her stealing something.I huffed in frustration.Michael came into view as he came from the other side. I had seen him in the pack earlier too. He was a great soldier and very good-looking too. My eyes gleamed with ideas and a small smirk graced my face.“Don’t,” Grace warned me and I gave her an indifferent look.“I am not doing anything,” I said and sauntered toward Michael, his brow raised at my face. He knew what I was up to.“You are back,” He said.“Why, did you miss me,” I smiled at him and he chuckled as his eyes wandered at something behind me.He shook his head at me and lowered his head to whisper something in my ear.“I am not falling for the trick,” he said softly and a heavy growl came from behind.Without another look, I headed back to my room. I came here for a rest
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Chapter 108 You Are Selfish
“You don’t have to leave right now,” Mason mumbled as I ate my food and prepared to leave.“That’s the problem I have to," I replied nonchalantly.“Are you going to miss me?” he asked me, his gazes focused on mine.“I don’t know, are you?” I smirked at him and my mood soured as the same Omega entered the dining hall and served him food with a shy smile.“Last night you were way too brutal with me, I couldn’t sleep at all. My whole body is sore and aching.” I said sweetly and fluttered my eyelashes at him and he choked up on his food.“Wha..what?” he sputtered.“Don’t act like you don’t know anything,” my voice was soft and then I turned toward the omega whose face was flushed and she was looking like she was moments away from combusting from embarr*ssment.“He was a beast last night in bed,” I uttered softly.The Omega’s whole face turned red and there was something else on her face, maybe hurt. My heart clenched uncomfortable thinking about it, but I couldn’t erase the image of her s
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Chapter 109 She Was Your Mate?
“What are you saying Dad, I am not able to understand anything. Lizzie became a ghost and she is tied to Morax? What does this even mean?” I asked him.My emotions were running high and this revelation was no less than a shock to me. Lizzie was a powerful witch and now that she had turned into a ghost, there was no doubt that she would become one vengeful spirit.Her black magic would fuel her rage and this would only prove to go against us. We need to do something about her.“Yes, it seems that somehow when Lizzie and Emma fled the council guards, Morax caught her and killed her. This is the only explanation I can make out after my battle with Lizzie’s soul. She has become very powerful and if we didn’t do anything she would become more powerful.” Dad explained.“But why would Morax want to bind Lizzie’s soul with him? Lizzie was a powerful witch and Morax should have known that turning her into a ghost would make her more powerful and unhinged. It might be possible that she would at
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Chapter 110 Two Mates
“Yes, she was my mate. Why are you so surprised?” Dad asked with a chuckle, his face again had his glow, his red eyes gleamed like ruby and the moonlight was making him look like an ethereal being.“But you both were two different species. How can a witch find a mate in a demon? This is ridiculous.” I frowned at him, thinking that he was just playing with me.“Ahh, your logic. Yes, it’s true that one finds his or her mate in his or her species, but sometimes in one in a million, one can find the mate in a different world too. It’s nothing but a miracle.” he explained.“Duh, you are playing with me, right? You think it’s a joke.” I huffed in frustration.“No, I am not joking or trying to play you. It’s the truth. Your mate is nothing but a part of your soul. And the part of your soul can be born anywhere in the world. It doesn’t have to be the same species.” he said as he patted my head, lovingly.“So, that…means that I can also have a mate outside the witch or demon community,” I whis
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