All Chapters of Goodbye The Wrong Ex, Hello My Fated Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
141 Chapters
Chapter 81 Despotic Regime
Grace’s POVBeing with Xander was the best feeling ever and his hunger was never satisfied. He always wanted me and this thing was making me fall in love with him even more.I was falling deeper into his love and it was hard to get out of bed, but let’s get practical. I was sore, my body was aching, and was full of his love bite. Last night me and Xander returned to my Blood Moon Pack’s house. We had certain requirements to fill out as well as I wanted my things out of this house. Most certainly my mother’s. Daniel moved out long before my coronation ceremony.My stomach was growling, so reluctantly I sent Xander off to work and went straight to the Pack dining hall for some food.I was hoping people would treat me like their Luna, because the last time I was here Lizzie made fun of me, telling me how clumsy I was. I could only wish, but this time I was sure that the person who would try to attack me, would not survive.The scent of the freshly baked bread and roasted chicken wafted o
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Chapter 82 Justice
After hearing what the Omegas were suffering, I was furious and that was only a word, not comparable to what I was really feeling.If I could drown those elders, I would have done that and if that water were of their own blood and tears, then it would have been much better.But this was all in mind, in reality, I knew I would never do this, at least not to my pack. They needed to learn the lesson, a lesson they would never forget.When I slammed the pack house’s door, Xander was startled, earlier he was lounging peacefully on the couch but seeing my distressed appearance. He looked around me for any sign of danger, and when he found none, he didn’t relax but frowned.Zach was trailing behind me, his eyes serious, he heard everything that Omegas told me and I was glad he didn’t like it either. Because if he had thought otherwise, I would have sent him running for his life."What’s wrong Gracie?" Xander inquired, concern etched into his features.My anger was still bubbling hot and I le
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Chapter 83 Kai
“I must say, Miss Hawthorne, I am amazed at the judgment that you have presented. I never knew any Alpha could take action against the Elders of the pack. I have always thought that they were invincible and their power was formidable. I had heard that Alpha can only inform the Elders about their mistake. But it all depends on them if they want to acknowledge that or not. And I am impressed with how you handled the situation,” A man with a burly physique spoke, his voice was warm and welcoming.But he wasn’t alone, by his side there was a beautiful woman, she was a sight to behold.“Welcome Alpha Kai, Luna Alice. I apologize that you have to witness this chaotic scene but some decisions are supposed to be made in haste.” I welcomed them with a smile on my face.Kai was the Alpha of the Sunset Guardian pack, and I invited him to discuss the ongoing rogue attacks on our borders. But I didn’t know that he would arrive at this crucial time and would hear me issuing the order against the El
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Chapter 84 Sinfully s*xy
To say that I was furious was nothing new. I am always furious and angry.Oh goddess, how could things be so out of control?I was pacing in my room, because apart from that I was not able to think of anything else.Daniel fu*ked up really bad. But I wasn’t mad because of it, I was angry because his recklessness has led to a bigger problem in our life. Many innocent lives were at stake and many were already lost.I couldn’t even imagine what Kai must have seen in those ghost towns, these rogues were using children to threaten us and it was infuriating.“Stop pacing, Gracie. This won’t solve anything.” Xander said.“I know. I…I don’t know actually. I am just so tired of everything. Everything in general. I really thought that once I became the Alpha of my pack, everything would turn to normal. But no, things are just getting worse and worse.” I whined.He came toward me with a soft expression and hugged me from behind.“Gracie, my little mate. Life is not a fairytale, it doesn’t end on
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Chapter 85 Internal Strife
The atmosphere in the meeting hall was tense. The tension was so high that it could be cut down by the knife. I eyed the elders who were present in the hall, some of them openly downcast their eyes.But the infuriating thing was that some of the elders were not even present in the meeting.“Why the delay?” I asked the enforcer, who was standing by my side.His rugged profile was enough to instill fear in the people. My mother took his mother in the pack when his whole pack died during a rogue attack. He had been loyal to Daniel, but before the coronation, he told me his loyalty lay with the pack and not with the person.Because it was the pack who saved his mother.And now that I am the Alpha of the Pack, his loyalty lies with me.Before Michael could answer me, two elders lazily entered the meeting hall. Their lousy steps felt direct attack to me like they were mocking me, they were mocking my authority as an Alpha.I signaled Michael and Zach and they understood what I meant.With s
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Chapter 86 Dilemma
“Have you met him before?” Xander asked as he eyed the front porch, waiting for the car to make an entrance.“Yes, I met him last when I was five years old. I always envied the way Robert used to fawn over Daisy. The funny thing is that Robert is a big demon lord, and the supernatural community trembles at his mere name, but for Daisy, his daughter, he becomes a completely different person. He would light up like a Christmas tree whenever she entered the room, showering her with hugs and kisses. It was almost as if his intimidating presence melted away in her presence, revealing a tender and devoted side that only she could bring out. Despite his intimidating reputation, Daisy was the light of his life, and he would move heaven and earth to make her smile. And quite literally, considering he is a demon lord.” I replied to Xander as I remembered Robert.Xander nodded at my explanation. His eyes fixed on the entrance. Zach and Michael were standing side by side, their bodies on full ale
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Chapter 87 Creator
I was still deep in thought when I was startled when Xander entered the room. I looked at his concerned face and couldn’t bear the thought that somebody else would give him the news of his life before me.I needed to do that on my own.He deserved that.Actually, Xander deserved a lot of things, but I could try to give him things that were under my control and he deserved to know that his mate was pregnant."I'm pregnant," I blurted out with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.His expression brightened the moment I blurted out the news.His eyes widened in joy, and he pulled me into a tight embrace. "That's wonderful news, Gracie, I'm so happy. You make me the happiest man in this world. Oh, I have said that before, I should try something different this time. But maybe another time, because right now I am way too happy."I smiled and then, after a moment, my expression shifted to one of concern. "But, Xan, with everything going on, I'm not sure if now is a good time to be pregnant. T
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Chapter 88 New Beta
“A pun,” Daisy snickered and added, “That’s what you have become Reynolds ‘A Pun’.” Daisy taunted him while I signaled the guards to leave us alone.“Things would have been easy for you Grace, if you would have stayed within your limits. You only had one job and that was to satisfy male wolves' desires, it shouldn’t have mattered how many there were, you should have been able to satisfy them. As a Luna, you should have kept our elders' bed warm, but no you had to pursue power. You had to ruin everything.” Reynolds sneered as he struggled in his binds, desperate to get out of the confines.My nose flared with anger, how could he say this to me, I am the Alpha of this pack, not a pushover. I let out a heavy growl that shook the whole cell. His eyes widened with panic, and my golden eyes gleamed in the darkness of the cell. He tried to put forward a strong hold on his body, but his hands were trembling.But Daisy’s laughter echoed in the room, stopping me from teaching him a lesson.“The
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Chapter 89 Attack
“I hope I haven’t scared you. I should have asked you first before announcing that you are my Beta. I really am sorry, but you and Xander are the only people I truly trust.” I apologized to Daisy, who was walking by my side, clearly indifferent to my plea.“You don’t have to apologize for anything, G. This could be the next thing I am interested in, I could hone my skills on traitors like Reynolds and it’s not like I have something else to do. I am flying solo you know,” Daisy chuckled.I smiled at her, I loved her take on situations. She was never afraid of the situations, she had this confidence that speaks volumes. Despite being mocked by the world, she didn’t lose her light and fought every day to prove her worth.Leaving the dungeon and Daisy behind, I headed back to my office, Alpha Kai and Xander were waiting for me. The grim expressions on their faces told me that something serious had happened. I took a deep breath and tried to prepare myself for whatever news they were about
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Chapter 90 The Verdict
The news that Reynolds's trial was happening today was not shocking. This was what I intended to do but I didn’t know that all the elders would be there.And now when Xander just left makes me think that the timing is not coincidental. There was more to the story, the one I am eager to know.Daisy nodded at me and flashed a smile at Michael. She winked at him and his face reddened. I chuckled under my breath, leaving it at Daisy for making things fun.Daisy and I entered the council hall followed by Michael, and as soon as the elders laid their eyes on Daisy, a collective protest erupted.“A half Witch,”“A Demon spawn,”“A hybrid,”“Shameless,”“How could you,”Their voices rose in vehement opposition, their arguments echoing through the hall.“Never, never like this ever happened in centuries. No lower wolf or other species are allowed to enter the elder’s meeting hall. This has never happened before. You are challenging the authority over here,” A loud voice boomed in the meeting h
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15 Protection Status