All Chapters of Captivated By My Wolfless Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
93 Chapters
Chapter 41 Finally Mine
PENELOPE ~ ~" You look so beautiful." Giovanni softly said, his eyes only on me. My cheeks heated up and I wanted to fan myself with my hands. " I don't like how these men were staring at you, you're only mine to admire." He grumbled and I giggled, shaking my head. Giovanni grinned, outstretching his hand for me to take.I could feel the warmth of his hand as it intertwined with mine. A tingle of electricity shot through my body, traveling from our fingertips to my heart. Our eyes locked, and I could see the reflection of my own smile mirrored in his gaze. In that moment, I felt a connection unlike anything I'd ever experienced. With anyone. It was as if we were two puzzle pieces that had finally found their perfect match. The world around us seemed to fade away, all we could see and feel was each other."Ahhem!" Someone cleared the throat, which broke the spell. Our gaze turned to the elderly man who stood beside us with a wide smile on his face, which was the same with everyone aro
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Chapter 42 Mark this as mine!
GIOVANNI ~Fuck!My cock throbbed painfully, a groan escaping me. She held up the black panties, twirling with her fingers, giving a wild seductive grin. Fuck! I could already feel precum leaking from my dick into my pants.Penelope smirked at me, unzipping her gown while she made her way to the bed. I watched her round ass jiggles as she made her way to the bed and I watched her.Many wild thoughts ran in my head. I imagined her tied or cuffed to my bed, her supple body trembling, her head turning back and forth on my pillow, thatlong glossy hair of hers spread in a fiery mane against my white sheets while I fuck her.Shit!Striding toward the bed, I scrutinized her, my gaze like a searchlight, sweeping over her every feature. "Spread your legs, baby. Wider."I salivated at the sight of her hot, pinkswollen pussy dripping with her desire. I had no idea how many times I gulped.“So eager, my darling," I growled, dropping over her, “So fucking wet and eager for me to taste this perfe
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Chapter 43 Looks good on you
PENELOPE ~ ~“I want you to fuck my mouth… Come all over my face.” His voice was thick and desperate.I hesitated a moment and he gripped the crease at the top of my thighs,yanking me down hard, forcing my pussy down on his face. Realizing my weight was resting on him, I tried to get up. He growled into me, his grip tightening, tugging me down harder. I cried out when his teeth nipped my clit, sending a painful shock through me. Then his hot tongue soothed the pain away with long licks. My blood pounded through my ears as a hungry noise rumbled from his chest into my aching flesh.His nose nudged my clit. A jolt of pleasure shot through meand my thighs widened, settling my needy cunt on his face.“Giovanni,” I moaned, my hips started rocking as my hands fell to themattress. I watched him, his eyes focused on me as he growled, pushing his face into me, thrusting his hot tongue into me as far as he could. My handsunk into his hair, twisting. The feel of him under me, his hot wet mou
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Chapter 44 Red head
LEON ~ ~I walked right outside the hall just after Giovanni and his Luna had disappeared, greeted a few of the guests, minding my own business, when two women approached me. I could feel their eyes on me, appraising me in a way that made me feel uneasy. They smiled, their eyelashes batting slowly, as if they were trying to seduce me. But all I felt was a sense of disgust."You're Leon right? Oh my goodness, you look more handsome in person, I've heard about how cute Giovanni's Beta is and I'm glad to confirm that." The blonde one stated, giggling to herself, and I have no absolute idea of what was amusing her.The other black haired girl nodded, still sizing me up, biting her lips seductively. "Nice to meet you, Beta Leon. Do you mind coming over for Lunch? Maybe when—-""I'm so sorry to reject you beautiful ladies but I'm actually in a hurry, you see? How about next time?" I said as I began to stride away, giving them my most charming smile and then hurried to my waiting car.Return
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Chapter 45 Insane Wolf
LEON~ ~"The fuck! Why did you do that?" I yelled, jumping away as though I had been scathed but the vixen seemed unaffected, giving me a wry grin."You've been gone for so long, and I've been bored. Had nothing to play or talk with. So how did the ceremony go?" She quickly shifted away from the conversation which made me feel awkward.Sighing, I slowly moved to lean on the wall, focusing my gaze on her. "It was all good, you slept well?"Chloe yawned, nodding. "Of course. So now you're here, where the hell am I going to be sleeping?" I gave her a confused look, and she quickly corrected herself. "I mean my room."My brow shot up. "You just have to live in here, I mean—"Chloe quickly cut me off while she quickly wore the shirt, buttoning it up before drawing the sheets to cover her bare thighs. "There's no way I'm going to stay in this room with you! At least not yet." She frowned.I rolled my eyes. "Don't be ridiculous, I'm not gonna do anything to you if that's why you're being rel
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Chapter 46 Marked Her!
GIOVANNI ~ ~The gentle morning light filtered through the window, illuminating the room in a soft glow. I blinked my eyes, adjusting to the light, and turned my head to see Penelope sleeping peacefully next to me. Her features were relaxed in slumber, her hair tousled from sleep, and a small smile played on her lips. I watched her for a moment, mesmerized.When my eyes caught the sight of her bare nipples, my cock hardened. I licked my lips snuggling closer to her.Her breasts are large and I could see how her buds are hard and dusty pink, waiting to be sucked. I'm barely breathing as I leaned over her. I lean and blow lightly across her nipples first, and saw her Move slightly but she is very much asleep. So I lower my mouth until I'm sucking her right nipple into my mouth.They're soft and hard and perfect as I suckle it, making me draw her nipple deeper into my mouth. Penelope shifts, moaning and then there's silence. So I continued to suck and bite until her eyelashes fluttered.
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Chapter 47 A Devil?
GIOVANNI~ ~Penelope giggled, giving me a playful swat on the chest, and I kissed the corner of her lips and then dipped my head to her nipples to lick and she moaned.“Giovanni." She moaned. “Remember you need to meet with Leon who just returned with a stranger. We're going to be late." I don't give a damn fuck! I want my mate and I'm having her. They all can wait or go to hell!” I growl.My thick cock plunges easily inside her with how fucking slick we both are, and she moans.I grind deep, and Penelope cries out, her nails raking down my arms as I lean in to nip her earlobe with my teeth. “You wanted the animal?” I growl.She moans, panting.“You want the beast, baby. You want me?”“Oh fuck!” she gasps.I grinned, liking the way she must have learnt to swear like me, “You’re going to get the beast then,” I purr.I slide out and then plunge right back in to the hilt, giving her every goddamn inch in one powerful thrust. Penelope fucking screams in pleasure, clinging to me, her body
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Chapter 48 High ranked Devil
"Aww, she's so sweet and beautiful, fiery like the fire," Iris cooed, breaking the silence as she approached Chloe, who turned her angry gaze towards her. "You look beautiful, dear. I'm Iris, the big bad wolf's younger sister," she introduced herself with a grin, which I returned with a dirty glare. "You're welcome here. Everyone's surprised that Leon would find a mate. He's such a lonely man—"I cut my sister off, giving Chloe a mocking look. "Don't deceive the girl, Iris. Everyone's disgusted that you're a devil! They can't believe the beta would be fated to have a devil as a mate!" Leon shot me a look of disbelief as Iris narrowed her eyes, silently telling me to be quiet.Chloe looked furious, as if she was ready to attack me, and the feeling was mutual. I couldn't wait to teach her a lesson as even a devil had no right to speak to an Alpha like that."You—" Chloe started, taking a step forward, and I raised a brow.“Hey! Hey!! Chloe do not mind my brother. Look as long you both w
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Chapter 49 Sweet Home
GIOVANNI~ ~"What do you mean?" I asked, obviously uncomfortable at where the discussion was headed to."Penelope is a special wolf and that's why I think Memphis wants her."My eyes instantly narrowed as I snarled, standing and pointing at Leon, who tensed. "You had the nerve to tell this woman that Penelope is a special wolf? Aren't you supposed to shut your big mouth?" I snapped at him, my chest heaving."What are you talking about?" Leon frowned and Nate tried to signal me to calm down, but I totally ignored him.If Chloe had known that Penelope bore a special ability by being a special wolf, how certain am I that she wasn't going to tell anyone outside of this room?"Why are you yelling at him?" Chloe stood, glaring at me, and came to stand in front of Leon to shield him. "I'm a devil and with a glance, I already know people with special abilities. You're blind, and that's why you don't even know that I can see without being told. I felt her energy instantly when she touched me,
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Chapter 50 You need somthing?
QCHLOE'S POV~ ~The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. I slowly opened my eyes, expecting to see Leon lying by my side as usual. But the space next to me was empty, the sheets neatly untouched. Disappointment crept in, heavy in my chest, as the realization sunk in that he had left without a word.My heart squeezed painfully, aching with the absence of his presence. I could feel the sting of tears threatening to spill over, but I blinked them back, refusing to let them fall. The room suddenly felt colder, emptier, as I reached out a hand to touch the cold sheets where he should have been.Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that I was strong enough to face this moment of solitude. With a heavy heart, I got out of bed, determined to start the day despite the ache within me.Why should I care though? It wasn't as though I was in love with him.Taking my favorite wash gel, I made my way to the bathroom only to hear the sounds of water rushing
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