All Chapters of Captivated By My Wolfless Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
93 Chapters
Chapter 61 She's my sister
PENELOPE'S POVVioletta wore a beautiful black gown, adorned with pearls, that fit her perfectly.The gown was simply breathtaking. Her hair, usually long and black, was now trimmed short, giving her a fresh look.Her face, typically proud, hostile, and cold, had transformed. She now appeared gentle, soft, and welcoming, making her even more approachable, which was more than weird.Violetta's face displayed a look of utter astonishment. Her mouth dropped open in shock before quickly closing. She swallowed slowly, her gaze shifting between me, Giovanni, and Jerry, who appeared perplexed by the sudden tension in the air."Do you guys know each other?" Jerry asked, his eyes darting back and forth between Violetta and me.Giovanni's hand gently grasped mine, offering silent reassurance. His eyes, however, darkened as they settled on Violetta."She's--she's my sister," Violetta managed to say, her throat bobbing up and down as she stared at us.I found myself blinking profusely, gazing at
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Chapter 62 There's something to tell...
PENELOPE'S POV ~"What?!" I shrieked, my body tensing. "What are you talking about?!" I was in complete disbelief.A tear rolled down Violetta's cheek, and she hastily brushed it away, nodding. "Please believe me. Every time we grew closer, Mom and Dad kept me away from you. I knew how they belittle you, how they beat and hurt you... I'm so sorry... I always felt terrible seeing them make you bleed, but I couldn't do anything to help..." Her lips quivered. "And I've never hated you... not ever... not once… Please believe me."I wasn't sure how to react.All I could do was blink and breathe. I felt numb, uncertain of how to feel or react to Violetta's shocking revelation.Should I give her a smug grin, mutter that she deserved it, or simply sit still with a shocked expression? Or should I maintain a stoic facade? I was well aware of the hell I had been through.I knew the pain of being used and then discarded. Logan had toyed with my emotions, manipulated me, and made me feel inadequat
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Chapter 63 A figure
PENELOPE'S POV ~“Where were you going? Haven't I told you that bad girls end up being punished?” He quizzed, his dark eyes leveled on me.I tipped my chin challengingly. “And what if I wanted you to punish me?”His hand slowly traced upwards, over my neck, sending shivers through my body. His thumb running firmly over my lips, Giovanni leaned in close and hissed into my ear, “Indeed you're such a bad girl, is that sweet pussy getting hot? Do you even know what I've been thinking while you're immersed in speaking with Violetta? Even when you first stepped into the hall with this dress? I thought of how more pretty you would look when I rip it off your body, fuck you hard, deep throat you while you go out there smelling like sex, dripping with me but still desperate for more. Unsatisfied…”More shivers ran down my spine as I listened to him.“I want to lick your pussy until it’s creamy and your juices drip onto my tongue. I want to spread your legs wide, I want you to watch as I fuck y
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Chapter 64 That Orphan!
PENELOPE'S POV ~"Don't you know how to use the fucking door?! Fucking knock!" Giovanni snarled, shielding me behind him.I peeked from the side of Giovanni's arm to see a young waiter, likely in his early twenties, frozen at the door, holding a platter, his face pale with shock."I'm—I'm sorry—""Get out!" Giovanni snapped, and the young waiter quickly ran off, slamming the door shut.I sighed, placing a hand on my chest to steady my breaths."Let's get out of here, baby," Giovanni said. He leaned in to steal a kiss from me, my face flushed, before pulling away to check if I was properly dressed."Perfect. Your panties smell good. I think I'll add it to my perfume recommendations," he added with a roguish grin, making my heart flutter. I shook my head while he chuckled, intertwining our hands and leading us out. “Don’t pee, don't clean. Baby, I need to taste what's in your pussy… be a good girl and do what I say.” He didn't stop to check on my expression and I was relieved he didn't.
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Chapter 65 These Two
PENELOPE'S POVSo it was indeed true... What Giovanni had said about me not being Angus's biological daughter was true. Was that why he had treated me so terribly, like a slave?I couldn't breathe anymore. My chest was tightening so painfully that I wasn't sure I would leave here without losing consciousness. It was even worse than the pain I felt when Dad scarred me. My body began to tremble.I didn't know whether to feel relieved that these weren't my biological parents or to feel sad that I had been an orphan, picked up from who knows where."You shouldn't have picked up that stupid bitch from the forest! You should have let her cry to her death," Avery sobbed, sending a chill down my spine with her cruelty.Dad didn't bother to comfort her. His eyes were dark with rage, and his jaw ticked.So the reason I had been through hell and back was that I was an orphan child found in the forest?So the reason I had been scarred, traumatized, neglected, and beaten into unconsciousness for y
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Chapter 66 Shameless People
PENELOPE'S POV~The sound of approaching footsteps reached my ears, but I didn't turn. I kept my burning gaze on my parents and watched as their eyes widened in shock before their faces paled."A-Alpha Giovanni?" Angus stuttered, while Avery took a few steps away from me.I turned to see Giovanni approaching with a murderous look in his eyes, followed by Alpha Jerry, Alpha Travis, and other guests who were hurrying to the scene with curious expressions. My eyes caught Violetta, who was squeezed in the middle of a couple, before I looked away, turning my gaze back to Angus.I didn't wait for anyone to speak up before I did. I was no longer scared to stand up for myself.I was now Penelope Callahan, Luna to one of the most ruthless and dreaded Alphas across the scattered neighboring packs."We'll take our leave now," Avery suddenly said, her expression reflecting her discomfort. She circled her hands around Angus's arms and began to pull him away.But not so soon... I wasn't done with t
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Chapter 67 Blood-curdling scream
PENELOPE'S POV~I saw rage building in Angus, it was like watching a volcano about to erupt. His eyes turned from a warm brown to a dark, steely gray, and I could see the tendons in his neck tensing with the effort of controlling his anger. His teeth clenched together, grinding against each other with a terrifying intensity. He took a step forward, as if he were about to pounce, and the snarl that escaped his lips sent a chill down my spine."You ungrateful wretch!" he shouted, his eyes blazing with fury. "Is this how you repay me for saving your worthless life from the forest, where you would have been devoured by wild beasts?! You should be thanking me for finding you in such a pathetic state – naked, vulnerable, and crying like the pretentious witch you are! But now, the only mistake I regret is rescuing you – you should have been dead!" Spittle flew from his mouth as he trembled with pent-up rage.I felt his words like a sharp knife, sending a chill down my spine and freezing me i
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Chapter 68 You killed my son!
PENELOPE'S POV ~Giovanni quickly stood, positioning me protectively behind him. He and Leon exchanged silent glances before Leon left. My heart raced as I listened to the commotion right outside the door.Everyone inside the bar refused to move; everyone was frozen in place."Relax... Damn, baby. I can't think straight with your heart racing like that." Giovanni turned to look at me, and I gulped. My throat suddenly felt dry.I was overwhelmed with anxiety. What had happened out there? Clearly, the scream indicated that nothing good was happening outside.Taking a deep breath, I moved toward Giovanni, placing my head on his chest and shutting my eyes."What are you doing?" Giovanni whispered, sounding confused."Shh!" I closed my eyes tighter, focusing on inhaling and exhaling. "Do you feel it? I need you to feel! This is going to prove something very important out there." I rubbed his chest in a reassuring gesture.I could imagine Giovanni's brows furrowing, but he remained silent.
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Chapter 69 Special wolves are untamed!
PENELOPE'S POV ~"What the fuck?!! Ted, are you out of your fucking mind?" Giovanni's voice boomed, causing me to flinch."You're a monster! You're a damn monster!" Alpha Ted roared, his voice filled with venom. "She's a monster, that's the truth."My head spun with a whirlwind of thoughts. My emotions were indescribable as I stood there, my breathing slowing with each passing second."Ted... That's... Enough." Jerry stepped forward, trying to diffuse the tension in the air."Step out of my way, Jerry! Step away before I lose my damn temper!" Ted snarled, his fists clenching.Fear gripped me, making my heart pound in my chest."You better make sure you rearrange your goddamn mouth, or else I swear on my life I'm going to make sure you lose the ability to ever speak again!" Giovanni stepped forward, positioning himself between us. I gripped his shirt tightly, trying to draw any sort of strength."Why don't you ask your mate to step aside and let me sniff her one more time..." Ted gritt
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Chapter 70 It's all your fault
PENELOPE'S POV~The entire place fell silent as I cautiously placed my hands on the head of the lifeless boy. Within moments, a vivid scene began to unfold before everyone's eyes like a play on a stage, unveiling the events that had transpired prior to the boy's untimely demise.A faint image of a girl started to take shape, becoming clearer by the second. The scene revealed her stealthy movements as she navigated through the shadowy dungeon. Upon reaching the gate, she produced a mysterious liquid from her cloak, carefully pouring it onto the iron bars.To the astonishment of all, the bars started melting away in a hissing cloud of smoke, as if they were made of nothing more than soft wax.The suspense heightened as one of the guards happened upon the scene during his late-night patrol. The unsuspecting guard was swiftly overpowered by the girl. A flash of cold steel in the torchlight was followed by a sickening thud as the guard fell to the ground, lifeless.The eerie silence was pu
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