All Chapters of Captivated By My Wolfless Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
93 Chapters
Chapter 71 Penelope, We'll see again
PENELOPE'S POV~"It's because of this bitch that I have lost my life, my soul, my joy, my hard work, and the love. of. my. life!" She yelled, walking toward us. "This bitch here..." She pointed furiously at me. "... Stole my man! Stole everything I had worked for years! She ruined every single thing! Right now, I could have been living my best life!"My lips pursed."And you..." She pointed at Giovanni. "... You let this bitch come between us! You chose her slutty self instead of me. If you hadn't chosen her over me, we could have been the best couple ever! The best ruling Alpha and Luna!"Her expression turned crazed before she grinned manically. Her face fell, her expression contorting to one of hurt as she sulked. "But Giovanni, I loved you. I really did love you so much, and you know it! You knew I could do anything to make you happy!"Giovanni gave her a look that clearly said she was stupid. He scoffed. "How foolish you are. You think you could do anything for me? You think you
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Chapter 72 My Woman
GIOVANNI'S POV~"Fuck! This man is a devil," I cursed, taking a step back to ready my fight stance. My wolf struggled to leap forward and attack, but I did my best to rein him in. For now.Snarls and growls filled the air as we glared at the man who introduced himself as Alistair. He stood calmly, a soft smile on his face as if we were merely entertaining him."Put your hands up in the air before we begin to talk," I growled.He shrugged with a soft chuckle, irritating me before raising his hands in the air."Leon," I rumbled. Leon nodded in understanding, bringing out a special handcuff. It was no ordinary handcuff; it could be used to restrain any creature.Leon gave him a wary look before signaling him to put out his hands. When he slowly complied, Leon clicked the cuffs around his wrists and took a step back."Do something stupid and breathe your last," I warned him before straightening up. My eyes narrowed when his gaze kept darting back to Penelope. I wanted nothing more than to
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Chapter 73 Do a better Job
GIOVANNI'S POV~I moved closer to her, my hands traveling down her throat and saw her tilt her head to the side with a frown. “I did tell you, I want a mind blowing orgasm, Giovanni. Do a better job."Her eyes narrowed and for some seconds I was stunned into silence. She didn't know what she had just did but she had provoked me to take her hard and rough.So I grinned at her, my fangs elongating. " You make me fucking hard when you challenge me. Let me show you what predators do to the body of their prey.”“Good, hurry up and eat me… Daddy.”My eyes instantly darkened. The next second I pounced on me, bringing her beneath me and tearing the fucking shirt off her body, she gasped.I felt her hands move, unzipping my pants and then took my rock-hard cock out of my pants and fucking palmed it. Just a few strokes, I growled loudly before grabbing her hair again.“Fuck!" I grunted. " Take it out, baby, and spit on it. Fuck! Do it now.”My girl did as she was told, leaning down with her ass
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Chapter 74 Alistair
GIOVANNI'S POV~"Good morning, sleepyhead," I said, leaning down to place a kiss on Penelope's lips. She was still asleep.She mumbled something under her breath, which was amusing. I signaled the maid to come in, watching her carefully place Penelope's breakfast beside the bed before she slowly left."Hey... baby," I murmured, stroking her cheek. "No need to go downstairs. I brought you breakfast. Freshen up once you're done; I have work to do." With that, I stood, kissing her on the lips again before leaving the room."Good morning, Alpha," one of my men greeted, opening the car door as I slipped in."Where to?""To the dungeon," I replied in a clipped tone.He shut the door and then signaled for my men to get into the other cars, and we started moving.I arrived at the dungeon, where Leon and Chloe were engrossed in their usual banter. I rolled my eyes in irritation before making my way toward them and watched as they instantly fell silent, offering their greetings to me."Any vital
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Chapter 75 Stay away
GIOVANNI'S POV~"You better start speaking, or I swear I'm going to make you regret ever showing up," I growled. Still, he refused to budge.I stormed toward him, my eyes fiery and filled with every fiber of anger. Without hesitation, I grabbed him by his collar and snarled, "ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTION!" My eyes kept flashing from my wolf's hue, ready to transform, but Alistair's mouth curled into a mocking smile.I watched as he slowly began to peel my hands away from his collar, his smile never faltering, before he pushed away from me, brushing off the area I had held as though I were a filthy animal. I bared my teeth and snarled louder."Easy, big dog." He sneered. “I have nothing to say to you. All I want is to speak to Penelope and no one else."I felt my insides instantly chill at his words. My eyes slightly widened, and my body tensed in alarm.He... he... fucking knew my mate's name?Adrenaline kicked in next, protectiveness washing over me the next, and before I knew what I w
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Chapter 76 Protect you at all cost
PENELOPE'S POV~"One... Two... Three!" I shouted, my fists slamming into the punching bag with a ferocity that mirrored the torrent of emotions raging within me.Sweat poured down my face, and my muscles burned with exertion, but I continued to channel my inner turmoil into each powerful strike.The leather bag swayed violently with each impact, the force of my punches sending shockwaves through the air.The rapid rhythm of my fists pounding against the bag echoed through the room, a testament to my unwavering determination.I yearned to become stronger, smarter, and more flexible, to build my perseverance level and push my limits beyond what I thought was possible.My body trembled as I slumped to the ground, exhaustion washing over me. Heaving for breath, I felt the sweat dripping from my face, I reached for the towel in my backpack, wiping away the beads of perspiration before grasping my bottle of water and gulping down the cool liquid.I took a deep breath, steeling myself for th
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Chapter 77 Mine forever!
PENELOPE'S POV ~So we're good right now, right?" I asked, searching Giovanni's eyes for confirmation.He grumbled out a reluctant "Yes," which only served to widen my smile."You know this meeting is important," I continued, my voice growing serious. "News is circulating about me being a special wolf, and everyone is suddenly wary of me." A sharp pain lanced through my chest, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to maintain my composure. "I have no idea why everyone dislikes special wolves and dreads them."Giovanni's hand reached up to smooth the frown lines on my face, and he placed a tender kiss at the corner of my lips, watching and listening intently as I spoke."I just need to clear my name," I explained, the pain in my chest ebbing slightly. "I feel awful with this burden. I need to find answers to the questions that weigh heavy on my mind. Perhaps Alistair knows something. We just have to try."Giovanni nodded, his hand sliding away from my face. "You're right," he breath
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Chapter 78 Another heat?
PENELOPE'S POV ~Before I could throw up at the window, I tried to rein in the nausea that was building up. Giovanni slowly came behind me, but before his hands could make contact with my body, I was already fleeing to the toilet.My hands clutched the toilet seat for support as I retched and heaved. Hot, acidic bile rose in my throat, and I felt a wave of nausea sweep over me. I tried to breathe deeply, but the smell of vomit made my stomach churn even more. My whole body trembled as I heaved again, and I closed my eyes, fighting the urge to faint. When it was over, I slumped against the wall, weak and exhausted.Giovanni entered the room, his eyes immediately taking in my state before he approached with tender caution. He gently pulled me into his strong arms as though I were a delicate, fragile object that needed his protection."Are you feeling sick, baby?" he asked, his voice laced with worry as he cradled my head against his chest. His hand softly stroked my hair while the other
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Chapter 79 Lust and Love
PENELOPE'S POV ~I slowly stood, grabbed his hand and cupped it around one of my breasts. “Giovanni, touch me.” I said. I was aching with need at this point. I couldn’t wait any longer. He kept his eyes on my breasts, didn’t look at me, but began to fondle me, squeezing my breast and rubbing his thumb against the nipple, which pointed, hard and sharp, against his skin.“Fuck!" He swore.My pussy was throbbing. I stretched my arms up around his shoulders and stood up on my toes and kissed him. He paused for a moment. I pressed my lips against his, and my bare chest against his clothed one, and then he pulled me closer and kissed me back, sliding his tongue into my mouth and giving himself over to the moment.My breath started coming quickly at the feel of his body and his mouthon mine. My skin felt as though it had been lit on flames. I was so horny at that moment.With a grunt, he grabbed me by the waist with both hands and lifted meoff the floor. I wrapped my legs around him and ke
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Chapter 80 Why the favour?
GIOVANNI'S POV~I shut my eyes and let go of her, feeling horny again.“Where are you going?" She asked me in her squeaky voice and I almost cummed from that.“Wanna get cleaned up and then meet the others.” I told her.“I'm coming with you then." She scowled, and I nodded, takingher outstretched hand and helping her to get off the bed.Penelope was still naked, her nipples all perky and pink, ready to be sucked on. Bending down, I devoured her mouth and tasted her all over again. Deep and slow. Her breasts pressed into my chest.I set the pace of the kiss and shifted, making her tilt her head back. When Iparted my lips, she followed suit. The feel of her tongue against mine sent a hot, sharp spark of electricity coursing through my veins. The kiss was hot and intense, yet wet and warm and all things nice. Her tongue tangled with mine in a dance.Dipping my hand into her lush hair, I savored her. She fit perfectlyagainst my body, petite and curvy and soft. I bit on her lower lip an
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