All Chapters of Captivated By My Wolfless Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
93 Chapters
Chapter 51 Just a date
CHLOE'S POV~ ~In front of the mirror, I slipped on some jeans shorts that hugged my curves just right. Pairing it with a black shirt, I checked myself out, planting a kiss on the mirror with a grin.Leon was in the middle of a call when I stepped out, his posture stiff as he chatted about stuff I didn't understand.As he sensed me, he looked my way, mumbled a goodbye on the phone, then hung up. I bit my lip nervously as he scanned me up and down. Approaching me, he loomed over, his manly scent making me almost purr. Tucking a few strands behind my ear, he gazed into my face."You look gorgeous," he said with a smile before taking my hands in his.He led me to the garage where two SUVs sat. Opening the door for me, he started the engine, and we drove out through the automatic gate that closed behind us."Why are we meeting Penelope?" I asked, peering out the window at the passing scenery."Why the nerves about seeing Penelope? Worried the pack might not accept you 'cause you're a Devi
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Chapter 52 Kill your mate
CHLOE'S POV~ ~"We saw nothing, man! You're a horny asshole, you couldn't even scent us." Leon couldn't help but chuckle, a small smile forming on my lips.Giovanni's anger flared, the sound of zippers and clothing adjustments cutting through the tension in the air. I shifted from foot to foot, waiting for the couple to compose themselves."Okay, you can come out now," Giovanni grumbled, and we turned to face him.Leon and I turned in unison, only to be met by a steely gaze from Giovanni, his jaw clenched in frustration. Penelope, blushing furiously, avoided making eye contact with us. It was hard not to find the situation adorable."I'll go talk to Giovanni. Why don't you keep Penelope company?" Leon suggested, wrapping an arm around my waist and leading us towards Giovanni, who shot me a disdainful look."That's close enough. No need to get in my mate's personal space," Giovanni growled, making my shoulders slump. I shot him a pointed glare, but before I could retort, Leon was alrea
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Chapter 53 All mine
PENELOPE'S POV~ ~Giovanni hissed at Leon, "Shut your eyes!"I thought he was going to attack Chloe next, but then he started stripping off his clothes. Shirt first, then pants. He covered me quickly, with his clothes, gently cradled me, and placed me back down. Although I appeared unconscious, I could take in the what was happening around me.My heart raced as Giovanni's claws snapped out, heading towards Chloe in anger. But before he could strike, Leon stepped in, shielding Chloe from the danger."What are you doing, Giovanni?" Leon yelled, his voice was filled with shock."Get out of my way or you'll end up like her!" Giovanni's reply was sharp, making Leon's bones crack as if he was ready to transform."I'll stand by her. You can't hurt my mate and expect me to stay back. Let's hear her out," Leon retorted, with Chloe behind him.But Giovanni growled, "You and your mates are all worthless piece of shits!"I lay on the ground feeling beaten, my head pounding. I tried to call out to
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Chapter 54 Death of me
GIOVANNI'S POVI pulled her curvy frame against me, listening as she pants. Fuck! She was made for me.Fitting into my every nook. “You ignited this fire baby, do you think I'm going to let you off?” I growl into her ear, causing a tremble to shoot through her.“Giovanni” The soft murmur of my name on her lips makes my cock throb against her little pussy. It hardens painfully, wanting to slide inside her— to claim her, again.My Hands grip her ass cheeks, pussy her against me.“I’m going to do lots of filthy things to your body right here. I want to hear you scream all over me. I yearned for so long, I want to scream.”When her heart skips, my wolf growls, snarls, her arousal hitting our nostrils and making us more hornier.“On all fours baby, I want inside you,” I bite out through clenched teeth.Her hands move swiftly, obeying my order like a good girl should. Rolling my hips, I inch into her tight heat, savoring each and every whimper she allows to escape. Her head drops back and h
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Chapter 55 Giovanni's office
PENELOPE'S POV:A gasp tumbled from my lips even before my eyes opened. I moaned, twisting in the sheets of the huge bed. Strong hands held my thighs apart, pushing them wide as a tongue dragged slowly across my pussy.The morning light peeked through the curtains, the gentle hum of engines greeted my ears. Outside, the melodious chirping of birds, their joyful songs blended with the revving of the engines. I opened my eyes and looked down, moaning as I watched my gorgeous mate drag his tongue right across my clit.“Delicious breakfast, baby. Thanks for serving in bed. Good morning.” He growled, grinning at me before he lowered his mouth again and let his tongue swirl over my clit. I cried out, throwing my head back, and whimpering as he covered me with his mouth and started to drive me wild and bucking on bed.My hands slid down my body, teasing my nipples as Vlad licked my pussy and made my head spin. I pushed them lower, running them into his hair and feeling him growl into me in r
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Chapter 56 Parents' name
PENELOPE'S POV~ ~And just when I thought Giovanni was going to pounce on me, he leaned away, a cruel smile on his face which made my smile fall.My mouth hung open in shock before my expression twisted into one of anger. I angrily hit his chest but he quickly gripped my fists in one of his hands and kissed the back palms. “Sorry baby, I'll make it up to you soon, I swear to you. Once I begin, I won't be able to stop, I want you to help me with somethings." He kissed the corner of my lips before turning my body in the way, my back was facing his face while he guided me to his table, still trapping me in his laps.“These are the invitation cards baby, and these are the lists of the invited guests…” He pointed to the invitation cards at the table before pointing at a small note on the table.I hummed, taking notes of how beautifully designed the cards wereand I ran my hands across its smooth surface before focusing on a particular one in Giovanni's hand.“I've got a list of important p
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Chapter 57 Pack Chaos
PENELOPE'S POV~ ~"Fuck! Shit!" A string of curses escaped Giovanni's lips as he swiftly knelt to adjust my disheveled dress. Standing in front of me protectively, he cast a watchful glance towards the door at the approaching footsteps. His nostrils flared as he sniffed the air, a fierce growl rumbling in his throat as we braced ourselves.Suddenly, a loud bang echoed through the room, followed by pained yells and distressed cries that sent chills down my spine."Alpha Giovanni?!" A voice called urgently from outside the door. "The pack is under attack by rogues."At the urgent news, Giovanni wasted no time. Gripping my hand, he stormed towards the door. With a forceful push, he flung it open, marching out of the office with determination while a group of ten armed guards surrounded us protectively.As we dashed out of the pack office, we saw chaos in the pack square. Many pack members were hurt, some lying on the ground, groaning in pain. The air was filled with snarls and growls as
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Chapter 58 Couple Fight
GIOVANNI'S POV~ ~I climbed the stairs, quietly, slowly. The maids had all retired to their rooms, leaving the corridors vacant and quiet. Making my way to our room, I noticed that the lights were out, but her familiar scent lingered in the air. I switched the lights on, only to find Penelope, who I had expected to be asleep, wide awake and staring out of the window."Switch off the lights when you're done," her voice cut through the silence, soft but laced with a coldness that made my chest tighten. Following her request, I turned off the lights, and the room plunged into darkness."Penelope—" I began to speak, but she quickly moved away from the window, retreating to the bed to tuck herself in."I'm sleepy," was all she said before I headed to the shower, feeling a sense of unease settling in.The next morning, I woke up to see Penelope already dressed in her workout clothes, her back turned to me. There was no good morning kiss, no warmth in her expression. She gathered her hair in
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Chapter 59 Alpha Ball
PENELOPE'S POVSeveral days had passed in the blink of an eye, and I couldn't believe that tomorrow was going to be the Alphas' ball. I was so nervous—very, very nervous—just at the thought of going over to another pack and having my parents there. I hadn't completely healed from the traumas I had gone through; it had been hellish for me, and I had almost died.Sighing for the umpteenth time, I stared at myself in the mirror as I drank down the water, feeling it slide down my throat before throwing the empty bottle into the trash bin. I was waiting for Iris to show up with the seamstress to work on the selected gown, trimming and designing it to my taste."Hey."My eyes snapped to the left where the voice had come from, and instantly, my body hummed like an engine coming alive. A wide smile played on my lips as I saw him approach me.."Hey!" I stood, going over to engulf him in a hug."I saw you in a daze. Are you alright!?" Giovanni asked, kissing my cheeks, and the smile on my face
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Chapter 60 Alpha Ball 2
PENELOPE'S POV ~As the engines cut out, I looked out the window to see a sprawling five-star hotel with sleek, luxurious cars lining up outside."Luna, Alpha Giovanni wants you to come in now. He's waiting for you," my driver informed me, breaking the silence.I sighed heavily and nodded, stepping out of the car when my assigned bodyguard opened the door for me.Giovanni had called to tell me that he was leaving without me, as his presence was urgently needed at the event. I felt a pang of disappointment, but understood that his responsibilities as Alpha came first.I followed the bodyguard through the hotel lobby, which was bustling with activity. As I passed through the security checkpoint, the guards carefully scrutinized my invitation before allowing me to enter. The lobby was bustling with well-dressed people, and the air was thick with the smell of perfume and cologne. I made my way towards the elevators, my heart racing with anticipation. I was about to meet Alpha Giovanni's p
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