All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE OBSESSED WITH A MARRIED WOMAN: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
90 Chapters
Both were stripped of the masks they usually wore."I wish I could be the person you want. But I did wrong things, princess, and all the consequences knock on my door, day after day. I can't put you in my world, because it doesn't shine"Upon hearing those words, Arabella thought about all the things that surrounded her relationship, or non-relationship, with Banks. It was practically impossible for them to ever be together."Do I need to be careful?""Just do not ask me to be a part of me. Distance is my best way to protect you.""And you are here""Because I am too weak to stay away"Looks did not tend to lie. The looks were sincere, they expressed what the soul felt. And in that hotel room, the blue ones were honest. The desire became something more, something they would not yet be able to define.But, along with the feeling, hesitation also arose.Damon knew Arabella would be a danger, because the more he wanted her, the more power he would give her."Do not stay away" Arabella cl
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The benefit cocktail would be served at the luxurious Bellagio hotel, located on the Strip, opposite the exquisite Paris Las Vegas. It was another one of those fancy parties that Arabella was supposed to attend, smile and shake some hands.The limousine parked in front of the building that looked like a palace, and Arabella got out when the driver opened her door.She was alone, without her husband, and that certainly created buzz.To say that everyone directed their eyes towards Arabella when she entered would be an understatement. The emerald green dress outlined each of her curves, as if she hugged her body with elegance. The straps of the dress were thin and silver, and they attracted attention in themselves.And as Arabella walked through the hotel lounge, she noticed the number of eyes turned towards her. Maybe they were in awe of the million-dollar purse in her hands, or the designer dress, or simply how beautiful the beautiful woman was.The Bellagio's decor was always more lu
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But beyond that, he was intelligent, and knew exactly what to say, when to say it. He was a cunning man. Nothing Arabella said would convince him, only the truth."I…" she stuttered.She could tell the whole truth, that Mason forced her to get close to and get pregnant with Damon; that Mason was blackmailing her with threats about Eleonor's death; that Damon was an asshole who only wanted her for sex.But she said none of that."I fell in love!"Hearing those words was like a slap, followed by a punch.Damon feared his legs would give out at that moment.He looked at Arabella, at the most beautiful eyes that had ever crossed her path. Banks was afraid to ask any more questions, as he knew everything would depend on the end of this conversation. He did not want to be an asshole, but he knew he needed to be."I fell in love with Mason. We live together, we are married and we share a life. It would be ridiculous not to assume that would happen" Arabella tried to add. “And your request fo
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"What difference does?" she grumbled, already getting up and walking to the other side of the room. At that moment, proximity would not do him any good. “I am still married.”"Between being with me and thinking about myself, and being with me thinking about another, there is an abyss""Do not you do the same thing?" Arabella crossed her arms over her breasts, indignant at the man's positioning."What?""She was with me, but she was in a hurry to be in New York. Did the model have a good trip, by the way?"At that moment, it became clear that Arabella knew about the dinner with Sabrina. And worse, she was convinced that it wasn't a dinner between friends.Damon ran his hands through the black strands of her hair. The man was exasperated!"It was a random dinner. It wasn't a date, much less romantic""Was the kiss random too?" the tone of voice the beautiful woman used sounded sarcastic."There was no kiss, princess. It's just an angle. If you'd spent a few years outside the bubble, you
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Damon could not hide a smile, and he did not even try. He unbuttoned his pants and opened the zipper, before Arabella could realize what was happening. Damon used a little more force to press the woman against the glass because he felt the closeness was still not enough."I want to feel you, princess. I do not want to have to use a condom today" Damon said, looking straight into Arabella's eyes.At that moment, Arabella realized that they were not talking about contraceptives, or the ability to have children. It was as if they were strangers. But still, she was unable to ignore the voice in her head asking her to agree to the idea without thinking about it."I am clean, and I know you are too. I need to feel you, I really do," he continued."Okay," she agreed.It did not take a second longer for his hips to force her legs further apart. She felt a sudden heat wash over her as Damon forced his way into her body.Arabella could not deny that the feeling the man's body gave her was divin
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Damon rolled his eyes at his friend, who looked more like an alcoholic in withdrawal than a lawyer.Arabella, in turn, smiled. She looked at Damon, still with that smile on her lips, and let her date know that she thought Joseph was funny."I am fine, thank you" Arabella told the blonde."Some juice to mix with the alcohol this inconsequential person asked for" Damon said, making Joseph smile.When the blonde walked away, Joseph gave Arabella a not-so-subtle look. The truth was that he was evaluating the beautiful woman, analyzing every single attribute she had. And how she had. Carter did not need long to realize that this was the most beautiful woman his eyes had ever seen."I do not think I've had the pleasure of introducing myself. I am Joseph Carter" he extended his hand to the beautiful woman."I am Arabella Collins" she accepted the outstretched hand.Arabella wasn't expecting it, but Carter held her hand for a few seconds longer. He was struck by how soft it felt, and imagined
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It shouldn't, it really shouldn't, but Damon hated every letter of that statement. It was a threat.When would someone have the courage to threaten him?Who would be brave enough to intimidate him?The answers were: never and no one."Are you threatening me?"He let go of the woman's wrist, but only to hold her chin between his fingers. The truth was that the softness of that skin was a surprise to the man, and he wished not to confront her anymore, but to try a less decent approach."Believe me, Damon, I am not willing to be a feast for your friends.""I believe it, principessa" he whispered, bringing his face closer.Arabella did not back down. She remained watching the man's gaze descend to his lips. The beautiful woman knew the seduction game he played, and she was very tempted to give in.Banks slid his index finger along her lower lip, which was close enough to feel his refreshing breath."I want you to take me back home" she said, all at once, so as not to lose the remnants of
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“Busy days here” Ana commented."Do not even tell me” Arabella replied.Claire and Anastasia got into a conversation about work. So, the elevator stopped at the ground floor and the small group got out.The beautiful woman was lost in her own thoughts when a car parked in front of the group.It was impossible not to look curiously at the machine.In fact, everyone walking along the sidewalk was forced to look at the Lamborghini. The car was like a black serpent; something beautiful to the eyes, admirable to the wallet and fantastic to the mind.Arabella did not need much effort to identify the car's owner. It matched the machine perfectly.Banks got out of the vehicle with an air of superiority, then walked towards the beautiful woman. It looked nothing less than imposing. The truth was that, in front of that man, people did not even consider themselves worthy of sharing the same air."Hello, princess" he greeted. The presence of any other people at that moment was indifferent."Good
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She stood in front of the elevator, waiting for it, when her phone vibrated. Arabella quickly reached for it, thinking it might be a call from Mason. She certainly did not want to talk to her husband, but she knew that ignoring Mason's calls had disastrous consequences.However, upon looking at the caller ID photo, she saw that the person calling her was Banks.For a moment, she thought about not answering. It would be better for her disturbed mind. Because after hearing his husky voice, the part of her that was attracted to that man would not let her think clearly."Hi," she suddenly found herself answering.She could not not answer!"Are you busy?" the man's voice had exactly the effect Arabella feared.It was as if her senses were trained to identify the sounds that Damon's mouth uttered. Arabella breathed in and out before responding because she knew the chances of stuttering were high."Not anymore.""Then tell me. How about dinner tonight?" he pressed."It would be nice to get o
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Arabella was curious to know more about that family, but contented herself with the information Dora was willing to provide."It was good for Damon too," Dorothy murmured.The matriarch seemed to drift off as she slid her fingers across the glass of the dining table. Those words were more for herself than for Arabella. She was glad to have a listener, as her husband and son were men of few words, and Arabella was polite enough to be interested in all subjects."I am sure he missed you.""He had to deal with a lot of problems," Dora looked at Arabella with a faint smile. However, her eyes could not deny the weight her heart felt."Problems?""Yes. George and I traveled and left a huge mess for him to sort out."The lovely lady did not want to use Dora's moment of vulnerability to interrogate her, but it was impossible to control her curiosity. "You had your reasons.""Nothing justifies it. We did not have the right to run away from our responsibilities.""He handled the mess well. You
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