All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE OBSESSED WITH A MARRIED WOMAN: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
90 Chapters
He knelt between her legs, and in that moment, Arabella felt like the most powerful woman in the world, for Banks was on his knees before her. And he was, in every possible way.Damon's fingers traced the delicate fabric of Arabella's lace panties and pulled them down her legs. It did not take long for her to be naked.Having Arabella the way he wanted, the way he had dreamed for several days, the way he fantasized in the shower and during lonely nights, Damon leaned in. His face was positioned between the woman's legs, and Arabella placed them over the man's broad shoulders."You have no idea how much I've longed to taste you again, Principessa."The instant his tongue found the woman's moisture, pure moans were heard. That sound was like gasoline for the man's hunger, which was summed up in flames.He could not believe that someone could be so beautiful. But she could, even more so without her clothes. Every detail of Arabella was important, memorable, praiseworthy. The well-defined
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But it did not happen. Arabella could not bring herself to feel bad for what she had done.She knew she was taking more risks than she should, and that if Mason found out, he would make her suffer even more. But that wasn't enough to make her regret having another night with Banks.The beautiful woman lazily opened her eyes, looking around to find something familiar. It did not take long for her to spot Damon Banks in the bathroom. The glass walls allowed her to see him in full, every part of his body sculpted by gods. He was facing her, his eyes closed as he used both hands to rinse the shampoo from his hair.Arabella admired that enviable sight. Indeed, it would be a good painting if there were an artist in front of him. It was also a fact that moments before, Damon had been beside her in bed, admiring her details and thinking about how beautiful she was. It wasn't about feelings, just physical attraction. Arabella Collins was a sculptural woman, not admiring her would be astonis
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Ana nodded solemnly. "It seems like he returned earlier."Arabella could not shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. But before she could utter another word, the door swung open once more, announcing Mason's entrance."Leave," he ordered Ana with a curt nod."Excuse me," Anastasia hastily exited the room, her departure almost frantic.Arabella rose from her seat, a mix of apprehension and anticipation swirling within her. She half-expected Mason to stride over to her, to confront her with his demanding presence. But he chose another path, one that led him away from her, towards the liquor cabinet. Despite the early hour, he poured himself a drink with practiced ease, the clinking of ice against glass echoing in the tense silence of the room."I am back, wife. Aren't you going to come to me and suck my fucking cock?" he chuckled morbidly. Arabella remained silent. "My mother is being buried today, thanks for asking," he continued."Do you want me to go to
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As husband and wife stepped through The Cosmopolitan's doors, they became the center of attention. It was a dinner in support of a charity auction, with a master of ceremonies guiding the event on stage, but that did not stop people from diverting their gaze to Miss Collins as she passed by.The place exuded wealth, a lot of wealth. Everyone there seemed gilded, each one more powerful than the other. The glasses in graceful hands, the million-dollar heels, the tailor-made suits, the displayed jewels; how fortune seemed so commonplace."This way," Mason said, leading his wife to the table near the stage. He loved the way everyone looked at him with envy.On the table were napkins embroidered with the guests' names. Arabella sat beside Mason, as the seating arrangement suggested. The master of ceremonies was presenting a Renaissance painting before the guests could start bidding. The tables had their respective plaques for guests to place their bids."What is the cause of this event?
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Banks's eyes were lit by the many lights of the casino. The greenish streaks were so captivating that Arabella had to make an effort to look away.And along with the attraction that man exuded, Arabella also felt guilt. She felt guilty for, earlier, agreeing to work with Mason to incriminate Damon. She felt like a fraud in front of Damon.But what other option did she have?"Thank you. But I am sure you let me win," she said."I am a gentleman," Damon said, shrugging with indifference."A gentleman would not make me lose a million dollars," she retorted, raising an eyebrow slightly."Point for you," the man murmured, and smiled soon after. A subtle sideways smile that made Arabella's nervous system fail."I know. Now, if you will excuse me," Arabella said, dodging to continue her way to the restroom.Arabella was surprised that Damon was still talking to her. She thought that after he "Won the game" and managed to sleep with her again, he would start ignoring her, completely discardin
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"Then we're more than friends, because we fuck a lot, all the time. Understand, Sabrina, nothing will change between you and me. Whether Arabella is with me or not. Whether Arabella is married or not. I do not want you.""It will change when your reputation is at stake," she threatened.When Damon decided to break up with Sabrina, he did not think she would become a problem. The model used to be a woman always balanced and mature for the kind of relationship they had. However, at that moment, the man realized he was dealing with the devil."For you to be threatening me, you have no idea the level of fuck we have," he said, just to provoke her."You would not tarnish your image over a fuck," Sabrina insisted."Since my sex life is so interesting, let me correct you. It was more than one.""You can't be serious...""I think we're done here, right?" he interrupted her.And then it was Sabrina's turn to be surprised. She had known Damon for many years, and had never seen him defend a rel
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"Incident?""A man approached Miss Collins."Damon's blood boiled the instant those words reached his ears. He felt an almost physical pain at the thought of anyone hurting Arabella. The only thing his brain could assimilate after the concern was anger.The man did not think twice before grabbing the woman's arm and pulling her closer to him. The brief contact was electrifying for both; perhaps more for one than the other. Damon took a few seconds to savor Arabella's sweet scent before he could speak. "I need you to stay safe."Arabella looked at Damon's hand on her arm, and then at his face. The tourmaline eyes were beautiful, just as she remembered. It was as if that image would never be erased from her mind. A chill ran through her body with the realization that that man did not belong to her.Arabella felt bad for not being able to throw everything into chaos and be with Damon. It hurt her heart that Mason would not allow her happiness.She took a deep breath, which only served
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"No, Angel. You have no idea who Mason is. You think that by being as wicked as he is, you can win him over. But you can't. And I will be sorry when you finally realize that the only person Mason loves is himself." The words hung heavily in the air. Arabella's heart ached with a mix of sorrow and frustration, knowing that Angel was on a dangerous path, one that could only lead to heartbreak and devastation. But despite her best efforts, she could not force Angel to see the truth until she was ready to accept it herself."You are just jealous, Arabella," Angel said, but her tone lacked confidence. "Because Mason is different with me.""You do not even believe that yourself," Arabella said before leaving the kitchen.**After witnessing the horrifying scene at her house, Arabella decided to go to church. She did not want to stress herself out further by going to the office to work, and she also did not want to stay at home, risking witnessing another scene between Mason and her sister
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She remembered the feeling perfectly. She knew she was wrong, "Sinning," but she did not care. She had spent her adolescence being the perfect daughter, then a perfect wife, and she was desperate for a chance to be bad. To be herself.She turned slowly to face him. When their eyes met, Banks knew the answer. This is what they do when they're together, isn't it? They break these little, insignificant rules.Banks walked down the side aisle. His steps were calm, yet determined, as he made his way toward the corridor leading to the confessional booth.Perhaps it was fear, but Arabella felt her heart pound in her throat just at the thought of being caught. She could barely imagine how she would be talked about by the entire condominium; how Mason would react; the consequences she would face.Arabella took a deep breath. The consequences would come in the future, so she would deal with them then. There was a rosary hanging around her neck, and she tucked it inside her dress. As the prie
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"Proceed," he urged."I cheated on my husband," she confessed. He smiled against her neck.She wanted more. She wanted him to touch her in forbidden places. She wanted to feel guilty when she left and remembered what she had done. She wanted to commit the greatest sin she could.One of his hands traced up her belly. Even though the dress prevented him from feeling her skin, Arabella shivered. She tilted her head back, granting him more access to her neck. Arabella moved her hips, first in circles, just to test the sensation. She pressed down, because nothing seemed enough to fill the void inside her. Arabella felt him grow rigid beneath her, and she continued moving, seeking more.Their breaths mingled in the air, hot and heavy with desire. Arabella's heart raced with anticipation. With each movement, she felt herself losing control, surrendering to the forbidden pleasure.Banks's hand trailed higher, skimming over the curve of her waist, sending waves of electricity through her
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