All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE OBSESSED WITH A MARRIED WOMAN: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
90 Chapters
Damon nodded before walking out of the room. When he reached the door, he glanced back. Arabella was subtly flushed, not with shame, but with a certain flush from the effort she had made. Her brown locks were charmingly disheveled. The man had to use all his self-control not to go back, something he never thought of doing before."See you later.""Do not make promises you can't keep, Banks," Arabella raised an eyebrow."That's the only kind of promise I know," he said.The sexual tension still lingered. It was the natural reaction of bodies that could still reproduce contact. Not even distance was able to dissipate the mist of excitement in the air."Think of me when considering the project," Arabella murmured."I am here just because I think of you."**At that night...Banks gently laid her down on the crisp white sheets, covering her body with his own. His eyes swam with emotion as his jaw tightened. They gazed at each other, feeling the need that drove every subsequent action an
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"As you are well aware, we're not confined to any one sector. Our reach spans agriculture, communication, industry," he swept his gaze around the table, "And our ambition knows no bounds. We sought a project that could revolutionize across the board. Hence, we initiated a campaign, inviting smaller, forward-thinking companies to propose ventures for collaboration with Valiant East," he pressed on. "From the multitude of submissions, each meticulously scrutinized, selecting just one wasn't an easy task. Our board labored tirelessly amidst a deluge of proposals," his eyes now fixed on Arabella, "Yet we unearthed the gem. The long-distance communication device from Phantom Group."Applause rippled through the room, directed at Mason, the presumed architect of the project. Unbeknownst to them, it was Arabella's genius at work. Mason rose. "Mr. Banks, I extend my gratitude for the consideration," he continued, his words filled with self-importance. Arabella's attention waned, her focus
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"No," Arabella whimpered, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.With a violent shove, Mason hurled her forcefully to the ground, the impact knocking the breath from her lungs as she crumpled into a helpless heap on the cold floor. "I won't end you now because we're in the hospital," he snarled, his eyes ablaze with unbridled rage.Cowering in the corner of the room, Arabella trembled as she braced herself for what would come next. "But know this, Arabella," Mason's voice dripped with malice. "You were on the verge of earning my trust and kindness. Almost. Now, you will endure a hell unlike anything you've ever known in this marriage."Mason loomed over Arabella, his figure cast in ominous shadows as he prowled around the room like a predator circling its prey. With each step, his presence seemed to suffocate the air."You thought you could deceive me, did not you?" Mason's voice was laced with disdain, his eyes ablaze with a twisted combination of fury and satisfaction. "You
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Arabella even looked for signs of sarcasm, which was Damon's trademark, but found none. He was serious. And in that moment, she forgot about her marriage, about Mason, and about her mother-in-law. The impact of the moment spoke louder."Life hasn't been easy for me. I made bad choices because I did not have options. I took care of people who did not deserve it, and God knows how I was stabbed..." Arabella confided."A toast to broken hearts," Damon raised his glass symbolically."You do not even have a heart," she joked, trying to make the moment less personal."Oh... I do, and you just hurt it."Whether the woman liked it or not, the relationship with Damon could never be intimate. Involving their bodies would be appropriate, perhaps even inevitable. But their hearts had to be preserved. There was no safe way for them to relate."Tell me about you. I swear I won't publish an article about your cat's ancestors," Arabella requested.Damon smiled before replying, and the beautiful woman
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"Damon Banks invited me to dinner," she said nervously, "But nothing happened between us.""I believe you," Mason said. "You would not be foolish enough to betray me... again."Arabella's heart skipped a beat as Mason's towering figure loomed closer, casting a shadow over her. She felt a tremor run down her spine as his gaze locked onto hers. Every muscle in her body tensed as he extended his hand towards her, her breath catching in her throat. She braced herself for impact, expecting his touch to be harsh and unforgiving.But then, against all her fears, Mason's hand landed gently on her cheek, his touch surprisingly tender. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over her - relief and confusion. "You are so beautiful and intelligent. Why do you insist on fighting against me? Against my family?" he murmured."I am not against you," Arabella protested."Oh, Arabella... such a liar," Mason chuckled as he returned to his seat. "I am leaving tonight. My mother is being transferred to a h
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"Yeah?""Let's dance, babe. Your gloominess is bringing me down," he said, already getting up before she could decline.Of course, Arabella wasn't having her best days. It seemed like every aspect of her life was crumbling. But she allowed herself to be happy for one night. For one night, Mason was far away and could not punish her.Arabella did not refuse; she loved to dance. In fact, that was one of her qualities. Years ago, in her childhood, the beautiful woman had been a dancer. She would have loved to continue, maybe even made it her profession. However, as always, past disputes always haunted her, and she had to marry to save the family.Leaving their drinks on the table, Will and his friend made their way to the dance floor, joining the sweaty, energetic bodies. It did not take long for them to get into the groove too, moving as if they were choreographing a dance. It was a beautiful sight. Will and Arabella had synchronization, rhythm, connection, passion. She was pure sensu
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Damon grabbed Arabella's hand and pulled her body close to his. The impact was entirely emotional, like a meeting of souls. Then, he held the woman's slim waist and placed her on one of the cars parked in the narrow alley. All with admirable effortlessness.She had a moment of surprise, but it was quickly replaced by the sensation of Damon's lips pressing against hers. Arabella did not recoil, nor did she consider it. She simply parted her legs, creating the perfect space for Damon to be between them. And that's what he did.The man's hands were everywhere but stayed nowhere. Damon tightened his grip on Arabella's waist, traced her legs, caressed her skin, lifted her dress.In turn, Arabella ran her fingers through his hair effortlessly. It wasn't like they were in a dark street when they deepened the kiss. Their tongues intertwined, flavors mingled, desires unfolded, and senses mirrored each other.Arabella might think she was just another woman passing through Damon's life, but she
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The day began in Damon's office as soon as the first ray of sunlight painted the sky. The man sat behind his desk, working diligently, but his mind was elsewhere. He recalled the events of the previous night, how he had seen Arabella on the dance floor, looking stunning, how he had felt anger at the man touching her, how he had felt desire kissing her...And then, he felt a chill run down his spine as he remembered her words, declaring that their one-night affair had come to an end. Damon had never been rejected before. All women seemed to willingly succumb to his charm.So why not Arabella? Was it because of Mason Donovan?Banks was still behind his desk, working as diligently as he could on a typical day, when he received a call from his secretary."Mr. Banks, Spencer Davis is here to see you," the woman informed him.Spencer Davis was a detective who had been tailing Damon for years. Davis was well-known in the city for investigating large fortunes. This wasn't Spencer's first vi
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The meeting continued with the director presenting more about the production project, Arabella silently staring at Damon, and Damon annoyed with everything and everyone."And the engineers will meet tomorrow to finalize the production project. Arabella Collins will also be present at the meeting," the director said. "We will present the final version in 3 days at the latest," he concluded."You have 2 days," Damon's words came out with his deep, gravelly voice."Of course, sir," the director nodded like a obedient puppy. "Now, I need to talk about..." the director continued prattling on.Damon felt his phone buzz in his pocket, retrieved the device, and saw a message from a friend inviting him to dinner. After the disappointment with Arabella, he really needed a distraction.As Damon's gaze lifted, it collided with the captivating depth of Arabella's large, dark eyes, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through him. For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as their eyes lo
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The man's tranquil face showed that he was in a moment of relaxation, far from all the power that surrounded him at other times."Hi," Arabella felt she should say something. In fact, she could barely take her eyes off his face. "Hi, Arabella," his husky voice thundered, as if they were in the midst of a storm. Arabella grew weak in the same second, and her legs needed a lot of effort not to fail her.Damon leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms. He had enough experience with women to know that his body was a charm difficult to quench. The man observed the woman at his door. A woman of medium stature and stratospheric beauty."I would like to apologize for earlier. I shouldn't have thrown myself at you," she regained her posture, just not to seem completely shaken while he was perfectly fine, in the center of his own universe.Damon stepped away from the doorframe, making room for the pretty to enter his dimly lit apartment. She walked into the space, the living room, an
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